Newmarket Era , May 6, 1887, p. 3

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Local km aoixo ox I Ad Fob Firemen to a jut Central p J Lb Hit Tofo The Jet addition On Thursday of hit el0 Allen triiPX wile our- y Into luck of chair ml itct f Lit Fop Tut And best go lo A How i In order W protect infective tilt cd Cell Increased l follow mil lo tieV fctreenly of to A Smith No no meet- fog of Tueodij night not no Id id to make a to l IdUcmI Board tbli Is or of it ml jrcar of Mr Wo in bo ibe other oat Id a boat a aall and were bo boUtio tha to too boil Burn A of Iho took on bat tha only of a arcaola Mode Mr- a Church Ward to are a Ob ga of floiton far- grading church air tailor a at I An poraon who baa pt All J really a of lit of Ma 3roetroa to aitoUttwtt f health it ia to bo hoped that will bile to report In the Council eviiD the Mayor hta called next eitoloK to of the Utter lf ilea t action may bo jMmtd ad fiioao who f dxtl our Ith the would all who are of iliy I the da on will be by the Educa te li4rlnieot Mkh Noxt In Church moo the Tailor loglreao ibitiuclive tia alio to be In with town ay Cain bad hand full on Friday ili of armllox folio for iij if i quite the jonouncd 3 and The coptfiueotlx him the till fior A It has boon quite down town iv Oil hlonday id jilhl alreet faept for i coup it by Johnnon rtoehliui lo the aoof a of life tiler can cum very that Utah heir ta lie an beat for tallfog too Monthly for May honor roll Kelwio Junior Vtij w ftur Ill j Ill Maty Addle Kill Doyle Katie Ham I Clau Win I Mary That Partner noli tike Jxldo their and ii is wJgcia For of vicinity of Town lite fine atop at lU and three at the North at the former place are lrro of Pride rfiidalf Dainty Clan Hamilton Those at the latter ere Koto Chief For the- of our bush- of toes of bran of floor rKiaplroo 1 through car of wooden I at of hair SCO of l3htad of lire and Narlga open on the the to tare took departure ia iwraiDK According to fltalule Monday wit the day to for placing the Holla into tba of the reapeetlfe Clerks and fourteen are aliened for Von the to era tola the and compare the light of facta People who hold teal at rxottltant ihould proportionate rale taxation ThU la only fair lo all for ten chance to one If vaciat tola wen not held too high they would tie taxable Income through building operatio A Bo If tha wu to gat a peep it Mr J hud he probably be to aay that hi bump of and no wander when the along In mora a pair of No which had the weight of a let go the to which thex and tit the head belter git the right or he expe a for Fatally A vory accident fau drop aoirow the home of Mr Ktngtownihlp Jut week hut only child a and Intotealinfi girl of two fell both Into a pall of hot water that upontho floor when hack wee turned for a teomeot Although only fa the water for ftxroplo of the injury wee that dted with In lo only- four The yoijatby of the entire extended to distracted parents Iu their meet The body laid to the School Following the of who obtained of marks during tbo raootb of April Bennett Frank Millard Millard Arthur Annie Annls Millard Heller Annie Jo or Sod Walter Gertie Wright Elliott Helots Prior Aiia CWind Waller Edgar Viofet Bolton David and Era Osborne The number on roll fa CO with on The thelowevengo In proportion Ho on Fob a Of o go to It A Hell the doors on Tuesday ereafug to the under the auspices of the i Smith occupied the chair re acceptably and the consulted of elocutionary by by rnuitu The displayed by the lady elocutionist mora thin filled bill and the audience delighted beyond Her clear aa a bell and the faintest whisper wu heard Ihronghout lie Hall la the afon She to catcb the loapira lion of the bar and at much through the action Imputa the to her In one piece Good Night Papa probably the touching or her excellent selection many in audience weio to teen It aaaan of and the rote of thauka ao rooted by lie Smith end by Bet Geo Web ber we well If Miss fo lorited to there will be no trouble In the Town Hell or or hare had of fog ibla aplcodid A who witneascd it for an hoar night telle that it pecallar It to emit to of the lispplog of a wings which leas iuii dim the la reputed The May Quarterly lut were largely of God being manifested a de gree 1 moral og were added to lha Church upwards of J60 partook of the At Lore IhaennlngoTerSO to taring power of the Gospel Taken It the crowing dax of the year on lut la the Methodist Iter Webber lo the After the of and regular were all lor the current term of six months The topic for wu ry entered npoo A iter lew and of the of the of lut which wu freely discussed and on The brethren pronounced It a good The next will bo the Monday in Hay wee headed who wrote el towns in It a It It mora a card elating the engaged in It not only pays the bat It lets people it a distance know that the town you Jlvfl In a prosper- on s mm unity of Aa Ibe attd fo the Never poll dona your white you expect to do for it often that fo poor and you ate lea log your grip commercially speaking The Judicious edrettteer will receive ten for every one invested Ibe col of a live newspaper iHDUMauie Board of AuIll mil cooaata la til to In for month of April jar to mootli the hot ttido to tie Home tod for tret ia front tod to of to bit dotio He build toy it A Homo from beljgtyouog girt 1 1 tooth from tbo of llilltiitru for by Mr J- P Or him to with the ttlow for from of iwclm ration for tit tlottoa Aftrtgc for j t p iQwt In on fell on different llmodtr the Doting month hour from ih South Bird firitKo Iho tod Grit fluid tb f J J AT THE New Prints New Satins New Dress Goods New Cretonnes New Ginghams New Embroideries j l 8 AT Sutherland Bros Li J Mr T baa North Hod from Mr Alex and Is on the road again with his bread ran The will In charge of and by telephone with hit main for neat week- It fiomoioontheogo the I of whet known la took legal to lest the matter to hate decided whether there was really the The Hon to probe the tnitter to the bottom after tearing ibe report the jirospeciirehein Lave decided io their There la A A A A A a A OPENS THE WITH THE FINEST DISPLAY DRESS GOODS he ever shown with Buttons and to match GIoves Parasols Embroideries mid Luces The now all sizes the moat comfortable and moat durable made Carpets in Tapestry Wool Union and Hemp Beautiful patterns and verVl Newest in Wall Papers and parcel trimmed freeoi Stylish ReadyMade Clothing perfect fitting Newest and Nobbiest Felt and traw Haw Boots and hoes Fashionable and Fine English Worsteds Tweeds and Fancy This Ordered Clothing Department has assumed large proportioriB- Groceries received in Freeh and easonable supply every week I never before was able to offer such good value am Inspection and comparison invited by J Town lfiulormetlns Wa Aurora flre Tho two Are CftOO Co wood Market oreo reptlrt to JtUfDCbart lighting lamp A Aaron Me arid la to ff be In the Law vu Instructed to a By for next oil mud Water iho A Camp bell to tUo rUlQ to iho nothing in it and after eroding of the drop looking after the which ere to be theirs having two to work for a lltloglike the real of who to a fortune that belonged to other people pleas ure of the Council toad Com loadvcrtleofortcniieniror lumber for this year- On motion of a composed JtCcaoriind Eves wo to lake an J report at neat of Council Tdo In luppbfilog hi fcxiEitntifit The local event of ufog tek will be the open- lie flub and Hall St bleb fitted their t The My form one of the clubs in Town and are per tbeirerioiu to permanent club already utured The take place un Town Band WftHiiiiiMiMj If to Open Air Concert from the if w heartily ipprectatd collected on the la Wbortocdl eipreaili the the Band cre4ltabl to ToioeodccgratuUtftry the Bind Concert il day wrath P lo are credited W till tba great of ho retire at fSa carried trick to t rtM A In TtJ thrown into Union J darkey who nearly As usual of the Institute Jut Monday lite id theTreaioieri Report condition of the fioaoces occupied the The Secretary Mr read the Report of the Directors which shows a alight increase of prerlou year the of Art Clate Work by the Colonial Exhibition the forming inotber Cl4i next Fall effort the coming year in furnishing me rary entertain- for tba thereby general Interest in the The Report tie toil receipt the year and eipeadilarea leafiog a bat on and all paid iccordlnp to the Report there baa bean a great Wlfng off In the of will be eeen laboJar report a v Vale n JUbtiry M next Anooil in place logon Wednesday oclock to be one of more than The meetings which ire open to tbo will be to ctel work Percy will preach Temperance aermon by on Friday Ifce usual dncUd by the Preeidcut Sabbath School Heeling the evening aeulooa of Conference Paper will bttreadon following The of of Effort among the by Church by Eld W Percy how beat to promote by Eider The work and of a Pastor by Elder J The duty of Churches to the by Eld Prayer by Elder Clarke ChrUtiaaCaiaraeter by Elder Fowler Toe work of the Holy Spirit by Elder The of Religion by Elder T Sabbath Schools by MooniiSoiioot During the month of April there were the roll io the on Prpect average atleodaoce of In Mi there with ao el Mr had with on avenge Mia had St evewgiDg 2udMisalwblhWiyMtasuiUr require nlmoel the constant i viA 1 attention her of of with the J It that by two or three the In the IVDiriieutlrely dalle he tliouifUt man to for the and a employed to acbool bougie inevitable WfMw on bad mote module here term hot Vlli and the Mayor the woflld a The that lot J I the who epeet leu than people to- clean up their MRS BOND HASAS USUAL OPENED OUT STRAW AND LACE MILLINERY IN THE NEWEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE Styles of Importations to Newmarket and we are satisfied from past- experience that we are right JUST RECEIVED Some handsome Jet for Ladies dresses also a nice assortment of Childrens Muslins and Lace Bonnets A lot of New Underclothing which will be sold very cheap Mourning Millinery always on hand Agent for New York Domestic Patterns MRS BOND Cr3 Apprentice to the Millinery wanted 18 spring aU try OilBHao Tcmoeranc by Elder A fcUtd hysterica the room 1 S company to meet sport aod talk all kinds jr not over IS who JWUio their oclock would call that would they would mike their name the Poetry Religion Work fldetttda- Vela WW 1M7 i in 99 fi3 en of new book alleption of the Director the coming year The from the li brary lo The reports were all accepted the meeting proceeded to the election of for the year which E 1st VlcePredeotT J 2nd J Atkiown Robertaoo A a W J A and Ralcliff A of thank wu mored by Mr Row to the Board when Mr Toole on the rear of the 3rd Whitchurch lost a Til a brood mare week Tba ate all rnabingwith work Neil Wed l of tbo of Batoclio CouncUior lotrodaced a motion Monday night that brought oat idea It would be well for tothlok See report Council The time lo somber of Newmarket Odd Fellow are to on to take part In the Church The hoBld act s good example to the by tome the Squire Doe Mow fbU week through Bob Hewitt bad an to hi it op for the boy ff klod of qetnadea aod fan be drawn from biding place for John ha old lb much talked tby acre near the Cautery to for of The fro It- tree igeot do a In Mr Joseph worth of tree The attention of the Road and Bridge Committee directed to the hole on Prospect Art made in It I filled with water and frog end residents In the vicinity bare good rea son to complain Trade ao good at the North End that In order to be on time with finda It w to take order by ibe aid of a wu on for Wednesday tfosiaber work but fireman were law tituteea ted the the pupil who fc at bow be taught under the The Teacher would like to tee a Truant Officer appointed a attendance impede the of entire and the Factory Act also need looking after There Dialog Ihe Bod to the corporation and If betoken In our oowhere would be taken from the and Primary to form good Kin dergarten without the Introduction of new ecboiara at all and leave a io both place a the two teacher could work to advantage Tbtre be greater interest maoifeated citiien by the The standing for lha month of April the as follow I Geo- Montgomery Fred Lloyd Fred Miller Junior Waller and Walter equal Fred nuocan Monroe Berths Albeit licit aggregate attend Junior Manning marks out of Millard out of of Bell out of Roger Hubert or sOO Die Junior III- Martha Dew SWmflwpljeo Geo Geo Fred Jones Jennie Allan Ethel Perkins Senior Geo Ada Lehman Gertie Eddie Jolly el Lily 9 Eddie Willie Osborne J Hooter J Baker a For It Low 279 Helmu Ego A McDonald Junior I Hooter Martin 2594 Blenoow M Howard a Johnston J Tomer 174 A K Howard W ctrtalo Major Cite motion- lit uld bcre no I the UI kloU of Koloaiy ibM bat lot of to whole ftod bd be sot ttxlog for of very not to bom op it would to W or not look feiAlblo t mo In tbo public the It Jew a lot for tbat it would tourer of a dal Of WIblbecoiiiaQiolbUKCobdcr Mr ud leateO Fine line of also Watcher Clock Jewelry tic etc TO ADA MANITOBA BRITISH COU UKITED STATES A Call Solicited ATK1KSOK Ticket p Newmarket A1VC A large of menare en gaged upon the building la which the of The of to be exhibited at Niagara Daring between two colored named Moore and in Dresden village Moore Monday night as Mr Allan hie way home ten oclock he wan on two end robbed of A Hopeless Investment To ike Editor Bros J iffoinrbn fttpreKQtoer tbo propcwavtd of pi fail to howtbtttockbolfl era can irtr expect to italics lntrrediloQ capital for J 9m told by mattery rooat fioowmer Reurtt do pot pay Ibeo of court If profit anicuTt tor our doll Slock Compaoy tor employ a bo a men of all JfUioprcpptrineQ pearl localitr Tabfcrtbo lodoitrr would bo ISSt a- School in Class Prayer ijxtfhitti residence WANTED Forailray inc idforvl lot Hi Town lost arrived PATTERNS AND DRESS GOODS i in- COTTONS AND SHIRT Good Discbunt on nil in quantities to GROCERIES ALWAYS FRESH TLA Or Yeloocx3Tiorfflr6poiu in oi Jlotberv of Onr Toronto feC to Canada of her in the lata Colonial tiltidn which aom wages and in freight Lest Monday Gee who la Hill about oclock Tyndnll alio got up to prepare break fast for her before he went to hi work Ah hail done be fore her five months old peacefully sleeping In bed to look at her infant at oclock the mother waa to find her baby deed She had left it the pillow hot thing bff worked down under found lying on The Pxbridge old resident who signed the pledge about fifty times broke fenrea his reason that after ho has walked for half an hour is bound not to touch another drop a good drink him nil Sals I a Leading liuture I stock of 0ABKBT8 0BE8 iUWJJaalhctJpnaee- ItXABL A nt ar- attended to IT IS MISS WALKER inUB Worm Domestic Patterns at Cost UNDERCLOTHING la JJ Good Dress Mantle Making A CAUL Hepaiket Richmond Hill Cert ifleataaat the Toronto School III lQ JO to to writ I VALUABLE MILL IN TOWNSHIP OK CO OF 8ALB- It rfieKDeR8iuurtfd Kill do eitl do do do do mi Kite SI DAY Or MAY the mill- from WtwTTOfittlooita ri Ibo J iter baud lor a of too If a Notice to Creditors do Timothy do bsrftl l ircl iV ihtlni wi pair- J B or CALDWELL MONK TO DAVID AUo A ooJWi tttktlaa4 died on JJjgS Hid tfAy of J aoClki of Sail inia And tot nut to eor of KanlllooiriaveLiUnllce ax inepetaJ CONOLCaVai POB A saw Wjooable no alaotr Or iQ0 WJLBI wj on an4 alter sue Hist time sod EfRESI -I- reope A El Ontario Veto He

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