Newmarket Era , May 6, 1887, p. 4

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Northern a HAS wT ill Iff I Northern 1j lt In mid Hi if trough bidtelMiiilOD- I It Newmarket wri- in MA I It with deep rgrot the com munity heard of If and favorably known around here the ion of two of and brother of J- Apple- ton of id too with and of South Mid- Michigan and about two a producing inflammation of to which on April at in it in wo of funny kind him and at ilia homo had ltu re- of f ritmis who now ERA I a tfrlak of a rooovbata a from for yean of two bourn for or A wnm thrill 1urihtUfiJ JklliHvcfiHii4UtorieltJy J Wo AVJJilKM and TtiOrvlHU wji- in wo A W am lurna fia wick Koi kiliitvvrr W R ALL POINTS mil ml Mr lAl Ill For or f Jlu I ATKINSON UTlt0njmiOJITKH Life toil ttiKk Virginia a Fall all off wring from John lias improved an aJJUSon to it fttUmdcd iliii over Urn river at completed JJiRre were two exiling runaways in lown during to inn St On liylriw rAiMl60 to wily l7votr went for I niiiml Tin Hum of diriitg last Ior- i4ii of On farmer f liip of unit for solo four or fivo was out of In audi Lurry lliatiio forgot A which marked inside of the JJm probably On a yio had itoulii new hat but could not a loolcinxfflMR iut on the hat ml down Clin river In could hide thu lake a look at with it on gawd fttliisliapo in and soma Ironic altUudoa when to anil lnliold hat fell into cnctnnd carried away poor dmhs lony could a hard on A to lJxlirl ran toy and fell flown and broke neck was red tatter day for Scott Act hero hotel- were of of lrossor of Zephyr each and costs of hiff It is reported another town is on the grid iron Roachs Point Items of elsewhere a sight on Saturday last strong south winds the icw on the in great Al Hundleys Point a Utile south of Jure it was fully feel and most A uumber of grow along hank there mid the piled about trunks and lodged in their branches forms a no vel sight it did considerable i new wharf at badly knocked up by of ice against jt James now wharf at has two of its cribs badly smashed of timbers Uing broken into splinters was that all large lake vessels were to lie here for what purpose not well understood was even asserted confidently by some that the Great expected hut the people must content themselves with the and such craft for J wharf is also into Its origin al The fault uust surely be in building of works CAMW unmoved ferry had just boon raised before the crash up about six but the on Which injury to the boat Two boats in were Just out in safety Ellis and Ferris when end and aids of the building were shored in by John was com- plKely Several panels of Geo were laid level with Messrs and have their departure for who married week to Miss of Spring hill has removed to and in tends engaging in J A- McOutchcon and Miss lato of as one a few days ago A largo force of workmen en gaged in erecting a now store and dwelling for of place Fourteen pupils of School wrote tho recent Promotion Ex amination and Iwdvo success ful in passing to higher classes III Par mors sre busy seeding is in condition now Pall wheat looks well and promises a largo yield meeting last Friday evening was grand the weather was Very unfavorable A splendid program was prepared readings J White Lloyd J by Perkins family and homo of childtcn an appropriate address by J At of meet ing signed pledge a total membership of Albert Adams who has been late with rheumatism pleu risy and other discaies is now to In a fair way of recovery Tim woolen now In full under of fiutton A school pupils passing oTassos at recent Examination Spring Hill following number of successful candidates who passed the April Koines ap pear to merit Stewart Burrows Anthony Stewart John Joseph Maud fitewntt Porter May Quinism Pinkerton John Emily Korr Koto Butt sharehold era of Co met lost Piiday evening arid ap- as follows president J secretary Winter treasurer- A fill l6nrd of ftp- Tho company Is named King City Cemetery Company TJio will suryoyed ted and a dead house built WJdlo those desiring pints Will opportunity of buy ing filling a locality The giavcyard hi 5onnection with served their day and Iwromcniljoredos of Miss Maria daughter of the late Jfv Gill ham has diphtheria and heart past and at of a certain recovery cannot ho stated family has the sympathy of llth surrounding as they certain had their share of this spring Irons Mil U Jasiwlbtar vit Maftt t tbto on from Item My lis afrrr or for gin to be able intMllfjr rowoJ flitter as la me inn lifer Vlcurl North mil- JliqUlAloa Wild OK for lire now a among tho carpenter of Blood Indiana fired oh of Alouotcd Tho canals of New York fltato will on Saturday and aro ioc carnival tho youth of weather as a country about editors finances Trench of Richmond ill sending rigv to Manitoba and A bill providing for host ing of passenger cars by passed the Now York Assembly Minister of lias decided to do several K to forestry Business Notices J tut curt or Uovo site out- It aod the ipir toning will ecu Into ftOit all brekeo con liii04uitesr4tni A Fur in tiny the of jlfg Wrefuod lbs money nit of mtffcliie vUmKfulloatosrcrotir cite of drpntnftil MuriUla lbo1 aQdhi- tnalcrxtriul lorlsiniuatlnh A iUo seldom oil old ihn4it lorMlfteltio far nub vtt Hi JlvaC4 of Pit KAMI Union for for a Mvcroand lo It clonal secrotioij nod left btf Two been killed county within a week by falling from trees they It will cost to against Montreal City Council- of Messrs booms on tlio at broke on account of floods and 50000 logs drifted away Street and Hill Society will hold annual exhibition on of May thousand con victs in Sing Sing prison and it tabes barrels of flour to for them every day Onehalf of of community from fact that so fow people tho capacity lo keep their mouths shut Treaoys hotel being rebuilt The building is to bo a three story brick and is to cost in neighborhood of During past year placed on trial in the for various offences and of this number were convicted surplus of over expenditure in tho Dominion on April was The some last year there flOO I proposed to erect in as a Jubileo Memorial cither a Prinking Fountain or an Clock at a cost of from to is that old home of Abraham Lincoln will soon pass out of Robert Lincolns hands and become property of state of Illinois A grand military field day and review of all the regiments in the fifth and sixth mili tary districts bo held in Montreal on Juno One man contributed and another to treasury of Rich mond Hill on Monday for dis turbing the Army in heir Barracks on Saturday evening The annual receipts from waterworks in Brampton is almost to pay the principal ftnd interest falling duo each year tho original construc tion Rev ft Phillips of Acton Hit lVcnr la let Its uiift to la curiae AM rorrloo4ULuH I a 1 l cur ii- lo nforoptnU id fWf bonis cold lut was yoar tnjj- at liuUr Sold all ik1 UBla 10 lug- Lad la by an East WlUlgmuy lUsQuulaol a lo40 or aoi of tftrtoos JJllllr afur bavlag iu la of It aw to Lasted ibis adna to I rSso loajj wbo derail Db vlU dlrvotloos SflDi by aujl wIU stamp A Nora preaching from text That if any man would- not work neither should ho eat advised council to make very tramp earn his victuals by breaking stones Win Bel of Bonds Summer Resort is already ting things in shape for the coming season Wo understand steamer Ethel May will be again launched as soon as navigation opens Navigation at the will not lie opened before roost favorable circumstances has been open for two days but the Ice in Mud Lake is still solid heavily teams having crossed two days ago Moses of the Con- met with a pain ful accident Sunday afternoon and ber husband driving up when became frightened at a dog In attempting to hold horse lines broke in Mr hands and the horse ran away Sirs CtendenSngjuropedoutand fell with her arm across a rail and broke It a few Inches below shoulder A citizens Band has been or ganized at in the room of tho has the withdrawal from the Battalion Mr Henderson Master of the old band has been ap pointed to the Mastership of the new one and In cash subscribed for its support A new set of instru ments were purchased last week at a and the organisation starts under favorable auspices At the now going on in Hamilton- Foster a farmer of East sued George Batten of Nelson town ship for damages for of bis daughter Rosa Foster de fendant is years of age and the daughter a modest looking liter bad kept company or throe years the Jury fa it Colonist flmliitei Through Without Transfer or Transhipment To HoaalirtiliiHtoioiDbla and wwombPBi ploiuocal or will Seeds Seeds a Only in Town keeping a Block of Seeds IN BULK AXD PACKAGE Any Now Variety not in stock procured at Shortest Notice EXCELSIOR BAKERY WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF- SNOWFLAKE BREAD BREAKFAST ROLLS SCONS KTC Delivered to all parts of town daily JUST Valencia PINE APPLES BANANAS ETC A Stock of French Chocolates and all kinds of Choice Confectionary FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Moats Lard Canned at BOTTOM As One Society ho had Forgotten John I would like to invito In my friotid fllrsSinnlley this evening Will you bo able to bo in my dear I must attend the meeting of the Ancient Order of For esters tonight Well tomorrow evening I have Ancient Order of Uni ted Workmen and you know- What about Wednesday Oh the Odd Fellows meet that night and on Thursday have a meet ing of Knights of Labor to attend on Friday evening tho Temp lars of Temperance on Saturday theres a special meeting of Ma sonic lodge and I couldnt miss that and then Sunday night let me sec What is on Sunday my The Grand end Ancient Order of Christian fellowship Why I had forgotten Am I a member of that let mo see But you have forgotten another society of which you a member once Whats Your wifes Grip Inland rcvenuo at Montreal have seized barrels of part of 120 barrels brought from Quebec end la bel fed vinegar difference in tho total amount of duty on the two articles is papers chronicle the narmw escape of a boy living in who stopped a revolver bul let with his front teeth His lips were cut and his tongue and two of bis teeth were knocked but otherwise he received no injury K mixed train Saturday morning ran off the track at Millers grade about three mites north of Markham completely wrecking sev eral cars and delaying traffic several boors Cause a broken axle The passenger cars did not leave the track 13 The nie Scott Act will be a year in in on Sunday There have been collected In fines and the city has had to pay enforce the law Financially it has cost the city about j morally it has been a corse SPRING and SUMMER I JUST SOME i Beautiful Patterns On Monday a msn woman and child wero riding in a buggy on road when a young man drove past at a rapid rate and frightened the horse in other rig which shied to the roadside and threw the three Into a large of water a cold ducking they received no injuries i mm The personal property of tho late Sheriff is valued at and tho real estate at After a schedule of bequests are pro vided for amongst which 4000 to College a period five years Is to when the estate will be divided unless the executors should to nuke an earlier division share and share alike among the children Mrs Is left life insurance of and an In come of and the household tore His child are all left nod George Ham- hove ho In SUITINGS Alto of to Speclllay Selected Patterns IN STItlPKS Call for cod your friends with on Closest Cash Prices Only m YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED- MUTCH TAILOR KtxtdwrtoAlMDyByJrwtHes7Sto made op and THE SPRING OF at hand all THE si PC I T At End is the to GET well SUPPLIED With Dress Goods Cottons Wool Tweeds and FirstClaas fair- of nod Felt Hats Boots and Shoes- and Crockery and Finest TEAS COFFEES AND at HOCK BOTTOM PRICES J A DALES LUMB LATH SHINGtJE J ROBERTSON DI5AJEU IN HARDWARE CUTLERY PAINTS OILS Glass Brushes Carpenters and Builders Materials Ticket for the firand Railway ALLAN AND ANCHOR LINES OF STEAMSHIPS Ticket All America nod MAIN STREET DEPOT IK A LARGE STOCK OF WALLPAPER CEILING PAPERS AND BORDERS I am prepared to them a KPEOXALTY for a few weeks TO SUIT THE TIMES I And Within the of All STARR SIMPSONS REMOVAL WEIGHTS GARDEN to irt0iidOppaUeIf0or Iritis by no bo torn of JUST ARRIVED A DRUQSL And Patent Medicines are just being opened out Honpy and Almond Cream superior aillele SILICON polish to til tad and or I bo jet I MRS a gALESMEN WANTED- rj of a to good men lo for lb of roiko a too- ecu or io bullpen POCUJHcbobloibfml and not nets MAY Ball ff RANTED picked jot a 00 a a gf OF BEES- Ww for In to loO Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED tor PINE pWpiUlIirlr- For end the Dominion for Cook Joe Box StovesAll Sizes STOVE FURNITURE New Enamel Pots Coot Stove Coal una ttltodw to to order YELLOWOIL CURES RHEUMATISM POWDERS lot a I ram r4 tfcrtJ CfiOdfroOr JiAEMERS- The Newmarket Era A7 MR p lo reiT6 sobscftpuocs All orders for will raw atlfolloa it WE ARE NOW TO OU1 WITH SASH TURN OUT AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PR THE CANE SONS I NEWMARKET Hardware a MACHINE 01 AMERICAN ALL COLORS- JAMES GO SMi j UojnnViril 1 WILL CURE RELIEVE DIZZINESS DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION JAUNDICE SALTRHEUH HEARTBURN HEADACHE DROPSY OF THE HEART ACIDITY Of stomach DRYNESS Of THE SKIN of from STOMACH OH t A Not Hi a elf If Foil S3 NfDbtify CANADIAN RAIL WAY DIVISION LINE AM Hid deport row Ex pruuit a J a for P Hid tod To- j in -l- am- KX- prcMKISpoip IiclCc ifonlrlna4TofODto J- J ML Toronto At iiSmn Mllt l AND a- p HO Arrive- bo or IjciSc w a vasuoji Vrpt J AOIA W ttCAlXAVAT lft Im Aft- ATKINSON A at- WBllstfU J Parft a J FORI I IOJ All ML tuoxAtjtcriiiorri 22 lhot END Is sow 1- OSSWlTpANasto lb a fine Worth of Jit mlrudLrpn of Aditsl Bast Moulding Materials I ias0J4fwU the Notice WfrWpl9M4

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