Friday JACKSON jai SUBSCRIBERS I S JID ran jiR 1 ONTARIO j YORK INTELLIGENCEH AND ADVERTISER Vol Single C Cents Each Ont Friday May 1887 Casein within or of year NEWMARKET INSURANCE AGENCY A E ROE Successor to LEE first Class Stock Companies only Represented OP SHOP China to ETC Toronto ML Sumo I CO TllOMAN Ac MM Off Newmarket a J IIAHDM Notary Ac Wft IN taormr wlyjatt A Aotopioilellori Puhll gOUOlTOil icuciloarouosrABio dask yr MONEY TO fMNlV Kir MONKY TO LOAN Off Not of Hot I A Ufa to at fl a rHlai Omce LA WHIP Iaiuiu Co J 0 Trmttli bed roonii lor taut iQl parlor A6TNA CO 10 Canadian fojloy a follow 11703 118 EroQi vihri i5opcj or of I A local J ana WOUK trail FOR THE VALUE IN DINNER SETS BREAKFAST SETS TEA SETS TOILET SETS DESERT SETS And Motto Tea4ntliie French China Wo big and Chamber WO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS Wo an Stock of Tinware o At Rock Bottom Price Lively Local km WHAT IS OK IK A ST JJ ij Wo the Freshest end Beat Stock of Family in at lowest cut prices ALLAN A giRSUtTHIffl Ac and BouWKloBIrfet ADA Fine New Seasons Teas a Specialty A Assortment of Tobacco always in Stock SALT BY THE BARREL ASmfcU IfBWJIIAllKBT Ordora by telephone promptly attended to to Loak On Urn fl pet it The pupils in 2nd of thf Model School holding to Arbor Jubilee tbi flflhool Roam t Ibiw A Mr Sbler tho died week tad of toot Ml York intcUnif of ibo Director lVcj the of Jone of to d Jgrlog the WDtcmplttod raloot lfds Wool A prominent iJekr if woold Ibe weald bo uti to A ratio month ill kuVs from llits pocj5 ftlrf soma of flock tod itapM of it J to galo flab roucb at tho on btlf tucks tbio with It The Cry of the Dreamer I am tired of lo crowded men of tod I lop for old rim I y awo Aod tick of obowy octmbg Jiff Of 5 Hoed wild la throng by Prom I would children For J ffomr lira fottrrtr And toller die la I feci bat For tbo rich If lo the Dot poor Ob lltllo too And oboked with Aod I from otretts From iropblrt of mart I fly to the wood tattle u of old by ifct Aod for lbs For And toller din la a Aurora Oddfoltowt brick block hall and above recently burnt block The his a by compelling who ftraaccuatom- to drawing heavy loads in this municipality to widen tie tire their conveyances to not than l- The ahow have loon for the and the town a -llli- will aoythiog In thofoanty a pair of cowhides J- bilttirUo Toronto AIUOUJXOMHKADi to the corner PTAUia PAINTER C411IDK A J Wbiuologand KaUorfJoiof prompt Now Street aod Vlotorta aoy for will be kopt ulomeracaa loft MRS BOND HAS AS USUAL OPENED OUT STRAW AND LACE MILLINERY IN THE- NEWEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE Styles of Importations to Newmarket and are satisfied from past experience that we are fight JUST RECEIVED Some handsome Jet Drapicry for dresses also nice assortment of Childrens Muslins and Luce Bonnets A lot of Now Underclothing which will bo sold very cheap Mourning Millinery alwayson hand Agent for New York Domestic Patterns MRS BOND Apprentice to Millinery wanted CHAM A own at at all timer THE ACCIDENT OF AMEIllOA fire A la Acocoy for vicinity at Joan is the name of an It cot or grown lilt lection hot bo for feed Iok- Mr ltd a at inK-nrc- to tltol it of It ijiowi vary ho that J Aurora I A gVROEON Millinery Ccciuiuuou Miller -BANKER8- WEST ONTARIO DRAFTS ISSUED TORONTO- 1 ones The Stallions LESIAN AND ORIOLE 03 for itflrowp T ikvft now lo Block of Gents Suitings To bo found iBTowqaodam pre pared up I SUPERIOR MANNER lf4a I Mccormick Hi J OHM Br REOPENED Q OF INTEREST ALIO WED OK DEPOSITS AT HIGHEST BATE -DRAJPTS- -ISSUED- STATES AKD ALL POINTS IN FARMErVS NOTES OK A OLD RELIABLE iNO LEADING HOUSE FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS Largest Best Stock or has to ma HEW ART GALLERY Door North of Royal Hotel In koopiarwiintno work LOW will be to lb Inloporcaaje glvoffaacaa MIflHES of to W Cot odrmtc w twoltdy dd ibe and to to tot BEE Gallery on to t A AJLW J the if old retch Main bat opparaiiwof the Irani by yerndab and a of paint ocoed a Billiard Parlor and Mr P tbaapranceof bli by of ud a coil of jatot Dont Farmers who oeldom ahirpera Scarcely a vff bat A rule Tor all to to any matter may wle ftcla of a do not about the tnonry vrhoadnr- fl Fust firecracker Hod agalfliod if cot that general thing delight tee- log bow much other people tod evea la addition to Friday a yootb threw cncVcr at a Hoe of clothes a hole fa a apron- The lad aet fire mile en plica be off with ay a ere a at aod public or Up II people of town to bold The to look topuabory pobltc and bis It go town to lite Id If Si you will fooled A i a of tula of p get old and let It up on to iH flit mike to it If yea biro not local abtoo record- If adytrtue If collect it you mi loTeatmeoti If you yon hive to compete with to Mow their why Mew loader- are very and a A front of front of tie Dew Mock at St fcilfmoitoa and cot of re- for OJinrxdo Wool is Ivgin into the en which to adorn oar Town before poshed ire now and three have roof are to bo brickclad two rooghcut ood a bo expected Factory Friday on iccoaoof It lo of a nun when ho I let out Rood Committee took a trip Town on Bit and down many needed Life Around Fall wheat looks improve and leasplowed up than has been for and there la my truth in old Baying that fall wheat should not to grow till Way then we may expect a heavy harvest of it Mr Miller- been very unfortun ate in sinking Mr Hutchinsons tube well casing split while driving down to they to quit and to a new one Virginia Spring crops are looking well Mrs J Riddel and Henry Comer wives of two prominent gen tlemen well known throughout this section died on Monday the Inst Arbor day was duly observed on school grounds and Improve ments are creditable to teacher and scholars The pupils who passed fate promotion examinations have received their certificates School Inspector paid a visit to the School last Carpenters arc hammering away at Evans now store regular temperance meeting was held in Methodist church last Friday evening A large number were in attendance Read ing wore given Jamie- son White and J- recitation by Oliver and singing by somo of of school The Rev Mr Percy delivered an ap propriate address At the of the meeting fifteen signed the pledge making a total of one honored pud twentyfour Geo recovering from injuries received in falling through the barn loft all he Division hero will loan ally large and lively one A great many disputed cases are already en- among them one jury case The court on May A large number people warn con firmed in Trinity on Wednes day last by the Bishop of Toronto congregation as vtrj large building being filled to tbo door The was of a im pressive nature Richardsons new brick oven which supposed of Toronto at the first trial Our amiable has re- Covered from effects of her broken arm and baa more resumed the reins of business funeral sermon of late Miss Ids of Vivian who died of diphtheria a short time ago to the regret of all who knew her was preached at Hart man Methodist Church last Sunday evening The large congregation showed respect in which sho was held On Wednesday May John Cray and Miss Maggie Stewart of this place married at tha brides home The band turned out in the evening and serenaded them under tho skillful John Presbyterian Church baa been reopened for service Now we may listen to the soul stirring music by the best musician within four lines Simpson pluck to furnish unaided both vocal and instrumental music She is ho number Sam McMillan intends to make his mark in the world Ho has returned to High School of Toronto are organizing a Womans Way start out with membership of Martin has to Bea ton A has the contract for the new hotel which was are getting bettor Thomerchintsofoar town win contemplating more A the do with The ronlt was work as last Saturday Mr m bis newly rented placed when W pledge read turned too short ft the cupboard plus the the road was a damaged lot of dolt lumber this year at I Mr Stmeon Freddies from broke his wrist now ami fh a Alas having fit him Moral boys keep trees afternoon sit station while making train three detached down the track mixed coming in- and fireman jumped damage was done JMosnti Monday that was under- as organist cornets the Boy ftawTO jr I MISS WALKER WlfttH to her W1 bsUullci too other Patterns at Cost underclothing A three lamp chandelier in Church Bradford fell a crash on Sunday evening luckily about half an hour before tie service began Some four seats were spat tered oil and broken pieces of glass and could be occupied No tittle boy said specimen of tbo wittho wan and limp with his nigh leg I u by tramps I did not fall In the cylinder of a thrashing I simply to rid Landing Oh Thursday were held at Christ church Lord Bishop of Toronto being present One of our old settlers has passed away in person of Moore Deceased has leen poorly for a year or more and had a cancer in throat making it difficult to breathe Ilia remains wire interred in the English ground Neil lying dangerously ill but hopes arc entertained for his re covery J Parsons of Toronto was op for a couple of days last week visit- sister who not expected to Mrs DBurke and childof Toron to arc up visiting at of Gray owing to ill ia visiting at his sistera Mrs Moore of Michigan for merly of place is at if Willis W T ifr49 fefffiJT A K v V It that some one does not the parties who are catching and killing black boss for sale The season begins on the fifteenth of June and if is not soon enough for anyone but a pot hunter fishing should be forbidden al together No doubt if some one of the authorities was to drop along shore- night he could make a few arrests and it might be pro ductive of good The parties fishing with nets had better keep them out of the lake or some of days they will be sorry for it The lawn tennis players are getting themselves in shape The Salvation Army had a grand march a week ago last Sunday furnished by the travelling quintette A Davison P Inspector visited the schools in Button and vi cinity last week The train going north on the branch recently knocked colt off the track short distance from hero and broke its leg- Parties pasturing horses and cattle close to the track should soe that their fences are good and strong thereby saving the life of- some vain- able animals Which tan trot in tiie shortest time Baileys Brown Bess or- Grey Eagle- or a race boys and lets see em gov Colo was ItfrOoWoi Monday of last week Tim Methodist Church In this place a few improvements which were badly needed but have added considerable to appearance and attractiveness The have been frosted and the interior friends of the Rev J A Rankin in thia place and at the Town line called Thompsons appointment presented him with a puree of as a token of their sympathy to htm Mr Rankin had had the misfortune to loose horse a valuable animal Our teacher of the public school and her scholars kept Arbor Day after something of jubilee They planted evergreens around the grounds and fixed several flower beds in such style that they deserve credit for their taste and industry No doubt some of young men find it a very trying task waiting side for the Sunday evening prayer meeting to and having people who are in staring at them This accounts for tho conduct ol some of them after meeting has began and they have taken their reserved back Perhaps some of the young men referred to will not know what that means family of Mr Rutherford been increased by the addition of a daughter on May the Miss formerly part bat recently of Toronto was visiting friends week Mr left oh Monday morning of last week for Detroit in search of dusky diamonds Next Saturday evening a conun drum match will take place in the Division and one week from night a debate of which will be Resolved that city life Is preferable to country life Mr No made his appearance upon a bicycle on Monday morning It is hoped that ho will be able to the as it seems to be very light behind and very apt to jump Mr John Maw milter evi dently succeeded in stopping waterwayatfast having msdeaeveral futile attempts It is hoped he will have no farther difficult as he has certainly had his sham They will he grinding again in a few days- There is a tremendous raging in the vicinity of lot in the learned that it has already over about acres of bush together large amount of wood and three or four dwelling houses and others ere endangered by the rapid progress of the The prospects for the new school house are Getting somewhat brighter foundation completed and eer this reaches the press the brick work will bo commenced Kettleby has had an addition to its business the person of Miss Shropshire of Schomberg a practical dressmaker Jesse an old resident has been troubled a great deal lately by rheumatics The Temperance members had a life insurance agent catling upon them lately came forward and en rolled I TemMrartco Society Presidency Mr the dose of the meeting the people were by Sir and provided an excellent Wa will apply fori town next the necessary Mr Millet bed on Wednesday Tail week assigned to aj heart disease funeral Friday and was the has ever left the village took place in Baptist con of Whitchurch Hill preaching a very nbl from chapterof He was buried honors by brethren from ox OUR fl TOUR OUR A football match was played re cently between a team from the pupils of No Whitchurch and one from the teachers and pupils of i and on the ground of the former school Owing to some as to time and uncer tainty as to players arriving sev eral of No team went home How- ever matters were arranged by put ting on each side several members of the Gormley B Club resulting In one goal to 7 Foot Ball Club or ganised and is open to chal lenges The following officers were elected President B cap tain J managing committee Geo Bell John Oscar Lloyd It is claimed that this clob has some of the best material to make it with the necessary practice one of the best clubs in the Province Is not the time ripe for the formation of a provincial association Lovers of lacrosse have met with such success the formation of a provincial as sociation and why should not the same be true of Will not some of our leading sets the The reflections of on Tuesday was seen by a number A suspicious occurrence in connection with it is reported here Tho ous fires which have occurred fully believed to incendiary It the Ere was in progress and commence ment several who were up heard rapid driving along the road Shortly three persona in an old springboard drawn by a white horse went driving furiously by After passes they stopped and one of came back and inquired the load to Wilcoxs lake and Aurora and they went rapidly on Their track was tracked within three mites of the fire afterward seems the middle road was not kept all way the side track being plainly on the grasa in the dew 1 believed those suspicions were before those Interested coiineottng Liberal held a meeting in the Temperance Hall here on Friday evening last Free Trade vs Protection Mr Dales opened a good argument for free trade Mr following exceedingly well young man and with so much ability that at the end of the debate ho chairman Mr Defoe the audience for a decision by a standing vote which gave Mr Card the victory chairman then vacated bis chair and the President Mr The Card took his position and explained the object of club and the advantage tobe derived therefrom in m It was decided that meeting be held next Friday evening to organise and receive names of mem bers A debate will also take place subject Which has done tha most towards civilisation the pen or the Last week Mr Van- derburgVe son was riding one of his horses to water the animal over its head breaking his wrut the bone protruding through the fieah On Friday Mr Tates second son Martin took a gun out to shoot ground hogs and seeing one over the top of a largo stone raised the gun so high inorder to shoot the stone that tbe iron on the bottom of stock struck him by the gun kicking and broke bis collar bone On Mr John Harrison got a heavy fall off one of He was trying to mount without saddleor bridle and the animal being in a hurry to go did pot wait for John to get rightly seated off at a lively pace John bang on as loog as he could but finally came to tbo ground on broad of bis back Tug of war seems to be taking a ran here at present A trial of has taken place on the pail two Saturday nights the Sad and 3rd resulting after a long poll a strong pull and a pull altogether for the 3rd in were tweutynioe cases of smallpox reported New York city last week Quite an extensive fire took place in but Thoadsv morning about oclock Shingle Mill was in a short time of700 Wd the property cause I sVe bet whethr it led to greyer Bradford Cemetery Potatoes were per bushel in Loot fcy are repoj to neighbors Measles are En and mat are suffering from them A At Hamilton a tineJ pounding a horse with a it A double track tween Windsor and Coll is asking the CO this year to Troops are being to various points in vent the strikers from violence Tbe houses of a Belgian workmen who w the strikers have been The fish in the til ear Woodstock are said nearly all killed mite car The men who tool prominent part in tho plot the Czar I on Monday Give the horses y with their grain and handful of wood ashes is in a while they will not with colic Writing a letter people an Irksome task half so irksome as it is lawyer reading your letter years afterward in open Cannon Falls Mini destroyed by fire on ho Only small business pari is A man who ticket at the had not the wherewithal fare and left his silver security A few broke into the station watch Is Mothers for ren make selfsacrifices manifest their tenderness freely the name sweetest in human yet sons youthfat and little of the Iho arid painful solicit their mothers have spent thoughtless waywardness log hearts go down to with those hours of secret told Aa the mother sight or prays in the closet she weigh well will address to her soMi lead him to a manhood of No worthy man ever yet knew and depth Of the great which he I to jraldeWsteaiec CUSCI