NEWRiARKET 1 Now Advertisoments Court of Revision Wool Wonted Heigh Wanted Mansion House Day I- Card Dr Armstrong AND HtHOllTKR ISSUE FRIDAY MAY 27 18B7 Our Toronto to A Way the House thirteen befog to ruleeJay Atlr mi floe loih bav- had good time Major La aortal for hum tho Mayor of rleoaiuo oh the JIwkp the by the Council either lo the city bd licrowa lid tin- SldeTrnoktrig Winnipeg and Rut fa find Company threaten to- sidetrack Winnipeg in of province persists in constructing railway from that city to connect with American lines of rites to re work For of Manitoba thoro will sympathy outsiders Do our readers ask name journal thopooplool- Mani toba elected a support the- very Government which they so often and so ac cused of its power another lo tliia our should enough to tho credit for honest to their political con viction oven hough sacrifice of Provincial interests Globe ought to know by this time that for faults of a secondary character a po litical parly us a whole is not likely to throw its overboard join hands with opposing leaders on weighty charac ter in their estimation or voto to sus tain who advance theories and standpledged to which generally condemn or in whoso colleagues en tertain very largo distrust True a wrong opinion of of that policy may ha been imbibed through prejudice the distrust entertained may bo founded oh but no mat lor so long as it It will influence electorate anU no journaliil is justified majority of electorate of any no Province did not choose to swallow ihetr principles veto for placing their opponents In power because of objection on particular question By not wish lo underttcod as saying word in defence of railway policy of eminent in neither do wo wiah to be uuderitood as defend ing the or threat of ilia P to dotrack Wo simply take with those who ex- poet of a whole Province to ignore their political predilections and veto for men end principles the have over regarded opposed to the best interests of country just on particular question they do not altogether agree with their leaders Thousands of reform ers over this Province of Ontario do not with the Government on ite educational policy hut taken a whole they prefer Mr and his colleagues to those likely to in cose defeat flitd vole accordingly This is fact lo the total political magi talcs of every constituency the Province and the opponents of the might with equal propriety upbraid the supporters of Mr Mowat and hi colleagues for every other claim of that Administration upon confidence support of electorate just because of not in exact accord upon this one question fact it that practical ticions who look for radical changes in the sentiments of tho- electorate matters of second- more often disappoint than their realiwd and who presume to speak for political parties should be of questioning the motives that municipal what was done in case of Barrio can also to dooo by Winnipeg It Is to be hoped satisfactory solu tion may bo reached Without resort ing to legal measures Newmarket Wants Water works council to wit a was a much bettor attend- ante at Public Meeting last Fri day evening than late in getting started of the J A was requested to act Tim Mayor started ball roll ing by observing that the- present question bettor tiro protection was perhaps of moat important as it probably involved ft larger ox than any demanding consideration Ho was satisfied that within two years the scheme of submitted at last meeting would bo self sustaining so far as maintenance is concerned With regard to Mr Allans objection as to salary of engineer ho said it was dono for amount put in tho esti mates in many other and in lo Mr Jacksons question about boring for water in tho rear of Ollice Ida was against it and would any place along ho valley in preference Mr said ho was pro- pared to guarantee flguros pub lished In last issue answered many questions relative to Town re tiro protection and that alto of mains would to meet tin requirements of tor all purposes for thirty year Mr Savage Chief and for years engineer in Owen Bound whore a was in use was called upon and favored water works will to be this year In tank a it present inadequate system should continue A motion was then carried unanimously requesting Town Council to submit a to proper asking them to voto on raising by debentures payable in years for equipping a of waterworks in Newmar ket Editor WHAT HE TO luj In the will bo Caused wnepoo dtaU to effort mult la of Id Toronto It of fjfij per tioVstmcccQt Ibo fifty ceaU to of Ho How I lio I to ft to ToroDlo it la q political la Ixd iIllDd offer of the of the botvcicr to piomolo Lord frill bo to Iv LlwUUoToioor of Milt IoWdm of IHfattllli Hit ha long only from the folic- UlloDt of tbtt It of the Local of by tho who too Mm belt Id hare tlatSfr John will by to of UloUUrf to the to from fata Cat- of to ft rif tho Sir Doctor will office at North York License Fund of tin Board prom Co us with a detailed receipts and expend- for ending of April but it failed to connect been informed on wo have saved him trouble It comet from tamo from which wo published flgurM in a former iesuo Provincial To- and Is u follows etc From 00 of of Couost raua WaiUU tco of of and Statu U 10 SO 10 w CO It iy oltarthit MefMtt no filatti J la to kg tort and a Bill to mpaakttogrtot to I dtfatod will be Moil Hop ficofttor ftootber Bill prorUllog do railway bo allowod tOKaotapiai to member that of bath be to a too oxMoftbacwtual outlay thirdly that ftmetqbcr for a up otJo of mikado to act from homo or two of for May low4 on iofotmatloti by WO now that In fall far It of ft crop tat fall Thar sot Ufa largo plowed op aa Hat tod lotoy of apeak of ImprovemtDt lotba of Though tho long mere winter ward tbo of livoatock tiofayourably outlook for encouraging fiwrpt wbeio bat hare wall obtainable for tight and wJdlo bae been mow than Cattle though for pail frco from bare oat upon the the In good to done well aason Id localities Tig fully up to to of coiUttaOa Throughout tho of wheat will barely auG for Id St many had to boy floor biro held wheat for a price but do la the and teste whila St A number of kept for but supply of atofo cattle la bo fully equal to the of for I as Jut year Mr Joa of War rWt- togalibUlaaSmaaoTairBaadfty A at tfr- Park fa Webber will pal after noon Ulaa Hay a of came op from en Friday for few Mr Way miller ftd family to for a rlift of a couple of Mr at Mr from her titter May of W Boot of To were at Mr ell for a put took a rathtr change la up- dee of family Ilia of and returned on after fa Town fortbebeoeGtof fcetltb lr- of proud of woo at Richmond If 111 Pair Jut TattjJay hit Mal ay Cobb off prize Sir lira of Bloom- togtop were at eight they met Mr formerly of the and tba compioy aptot lima Allen ofOceftolca New nlred Town lut week former la aUll owing to bit Mr Join to that be i week- Mr of Totod to Itfi for the lata train Wed wired bar father Dr Montgomery totanoaaylum down by at early and Wall tea telephoned ahortly Itft that be did not think till la third bo bid a of of Howard vary largely attended- following tho a largo of pall- bearer were Joseph Edgar Begirt and Cane were floral IribntciofaffKiloaaod regard will bo tbo were by tbo lata a which bo did not bare to raftea bat of bit heart thank Thee mine it Thou but died fat ma That filled mo Thy low bade roe yield onto blood I bow fa thank The Muter for Thou baat ma That mo more and To try and bo like The And of rlaa And round my pathway roll I calmly wait amid thr In my uh I Muter or Thy lamp my feet obonoillDg with a Of So that thoy teem to meet My arty want from day to day my richly them feed Ob my aod through It My do thou Ob fill me with holy al And my heart fire yy Bcri Successor Worth at per Yard NORTH STORE ONLY JULIUS R I I This explains balance unac counted for but why Provincial Treasurer publish in Ms re port Hint expenses of Hoard including salary was only 500 with ligures him wo cannot understand Honors attention should certainly drawn to matter report is misleading ho way following ttcjueDt lias re- been pi seed on file for year ending April riC i 1727 tXYUfJiti form ii Id to Wt s r Ink at tomorrow j Cast 1 WUtcfaqrch at GwiiliwburyCooDiliOftM6Bjiy AIM Asm Court t ttlt So rejolcioft 1 gfl with thy light sad sod to my Homo rest la buy to or tolcsccu reel 28 POINTS Mount Pleasant Farmers firushod seeding Spring groin looks was no service in Church hero Sunday on account in will bo a good fruit crop this year if wo have no frosts crowd that gathers around bur corners on Monday night to boo Free dom and Bright Smile enormous Farmers coming for miles around which shows how they appreciate a good horse and where to find one correspondent had better up some Monday night and see two good horses From the Tenth of King 3D 3D of they desire to With the ultimatum threat of the President of the frit to side- track wo express de cided disapproUtion The idea of people of that city sutler and the future of of because of the determined policy of the of IhlVovincef over which municipality is so manifestly unjust that want should if necessary to prevent But we to from in paper that necessity will not arisv An agreement was made with the city by which the can be to compel the Company to to city all the advantages ttnowenjoa At one time our Northern took a notion to dotrack the Town of Barrio but the power of the law was evoked and the Company creed to ac 2 the fads ask ed the Secretory to give- but he in- that he will not give them unless at- regular advertising rate prates about tho Hoard not cost ing fund cent arid at the sanio receives a for holding half a dozen meetings in his office Wo do not work- log for nothing hut we are down on Ibis indemnity What these figures have to do with our setting a good example to our young men about early hours of retirement we fail to see but wo are willing to the the public between even that playing billiards with the kids or bumming around the hotel wee Boars In killed seven and a two year old steer The floods in Transylvania and Eastern Hungary hare Mr of old fa Coil Feet to work too Mr took a trip down fftek ood the Jo the iiethoJUt Church Sunday wero of chancier ond highly Dr Aimitrcegia Albeit boy sod to office with fair of Ellen Low home from all hu at come to the will bars to give op Array worm- Mr Roche wife fiiDily wife od of Toronto wen Toko hirthdy Father who t MUtHog a brother prjtit Flos night of week with Fithrr liergio He be srty as wail Well from Rig Point yesterday look Art to ommir iogly resort e slao two cobs which will do doubt prove quite so sltrtetloe to Mr Voir of Mr E of King stuoded Ibe fuatni of Friday afternoon lh two Islter for lb the jsrpsrid to rote for an entertainment given by the pu pils and their teacher Mr West on Tuesday the was a grand success Tere was a large crowd as sembled they enjoyed themselves to their hearts content The comic songs by Professor Head were excel lent and kept the entire house in laughter In fact all those who took part performed their parts welL Brass band was in at- tendance and the proceed by some select music Every welt pleased Receipts The Tenth Royal practice and ready to play matches Mr James the misfor tune to get his dwelling time ago Host of the contents were saved appeals are against in Aurora IS A fire occurred in the Opera at Pari France Wednesday evening at which peraons were kilted and injured A accident occurred at Oak Ridges vcek it a collision whjch proved fatal to one of the colliding- parties Two Cows ran against one another with such force that horn of one of them penetrated the scull of other end went some distance into tho brain The cow died in a few min utes be SI I la idb wife tie Ho- Jtotu siAMrtd loMlMgajptt or r Cor- ft And lot on StcM fitooBcOa ibe In of J lb triiKu ihlrd of JOsWpo Hat U Kill tfsautkerrr U FURNITURE s Bedroom Sets AT PRICES AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS FIRSTGLASS HEARSE will BR BOOTS SH0 I During the continuance of the Dairy and held in Now York the second week In ofay the lasaed daily paper on the ground every morning at ten oclock of eighteen pages describing the scenes and from day to day and presenting illustration of fjie various cattle and farm imple ments a premiums were awarded them contained from thirty to forty engravings etc etc It was a novelty for the Veteran AmrrYcan now no far from Our ntarkets Toaosto May V pSflsj Jo a a ea do do wpervoo 20 g ego do- do oil a SIS a lOfl on 12 FOR BOYS YOUTHS AND MISSES SCHOOL BOOTS 00 TO MONTGOMERYS EVERY PAIR WARRANTED I now camlet Lbs FINE SHOES KoowolotoaUrda loam 4 It is a recognized fact that Brunton Bros firstclass stock of Boots and Shoes North of To fully equal to any in the city and at prices fully less than Toronto prices a We keep nothing but firstclass stock and every pair we sell We purchase direct from manufacturers an sell goods for what other dealers have to pay We keep all classes of goods in every style half sizes also in widths Take a at our and will see sua Boots and were never before seen outside ay BRUNTON BROS ii MAIN ri