IS OS IK School entertain took a to Mi ftt Owing to the slim l UW- it adjoarofd nil ootag to at the Council qU A number ho dm I Butday Si to JtllMitd Well Id Society ok Quarterly rt fii We atw p In AmBilfHl Hotting How il to at Newmarket areact fat ft work week a of cams on to tub is up mote JJoot Shoo yciltidft to Old Hit loonier to reduce tie stock Ic The session of Newmarket next oro of which Jadg- meat aooogh for good A A xatda lo da la of a Dai that will aaai SO It la florlr It m for tin grit on la good with lia It room It On Wodotadir of atrtcta la ptraoa of Mr flflth lo the am year Ho ami from and although not ha to poll political or lfa SI and SO ago ho with kq uorolog the it SO oclock York The mil on Ibo for Toll Galea on Voik The who No No Yooga to 0 No No King to Hugh Gorman No to No Klogiton to William No to No aid No both to Cvtovtuou Ad A not ton ud gva ground a Jtnndod no for three and if tha for May A kill of St Ward no and from the on Prospect on mom- It it Ilia IndlKOAQt tot an of Unit to KxcUMioThoJBI of tha moonlight to lako of one on Toronto Thi to anl a look ton tLc worth of money to moon W alDgloand a double Hunt I hut wll yacht at Point and and It up with view to much on filtncoo cr Aim Out Early lost Saturday ceieg the of Now Water aa order to to jirepared for the I lib a uader Bud of lue flylog cot an ugly right arm which Med called on ad ilur baring tbo wound dreiscd way again Will A prominent for aloklog artrtiw la aod took a of pUnlo aoaie of our Town ptfee though were high on did In cloatoe meeting of Ibo as owning to further ttt the following member jnattt Reavr and Cant A waa appropriating for injav of linking a A to where It bo of boring rear of other that to high that money would away It finally decided till the mean be Mr If Cine Co fiod oat the Mr Cray at Holland for Mifoik Pioneers acttlrra of dhtrict are and although nsaoy hare lUotted be ico Jtanr they ere and fat Saturday Mr ffiUUcfVooge Street tothe tiorityaBd the lirge attended on the held by the bora In and lit lima Amtrican New He winter ataaon the of of oxen to eettling la tiipe on Vosge Stmt It we on wo it bora fa Foot About roekUg with an idte Mr a In the lciti front tendon bat bona waa at on- and a few of be will be able to he again of the Bradford commenced eaealoaj In the New market Wodoesdey monlog ud rtOl in Urn are go to and delegate ere foil and on a flea IntcjUgoDt tody f The I in a good ntitoo and hut total and we compellod to defer fotlt ant lane a la the of It report Newmukot hare opeaed bontce to the member of the THROUGHOUT OUR IMMENSE STOOK AT Tho mi of Qccd qaiUy la Town- Boa uid At j boa rig lo Town WW off to tin trot from ton to oclock it hen 8om log In T fforo ftw left fancrL ShoxU p of Jugo of fMpIo from tbo Sato the jtioi Sfrttt nit tlicta up like It end fcwlt felt not up t ranch room whin took their Anew gear- log bu been end la order be mere tufty white in tlea of eo boor of the took when ell en tbet ell the fit be one no off the of the to the won drew crowd of Board of lliULTif All mom ben wen of week except of lie eUtu iht of ln compiled belter hie beta it time put beta only one eod flod leg on loepectlon tbet It not to be eebliM without deley edjowoed to at the cell of the Nor dot of lo p id petty for they took ihunderihcwer which rode tfaet the ecercely nerlfteto and locogego tela onTyoedej to broke up the end not get e ran end did not become of fine they bed their eye They for whtre they petty well of their moot et both The home Prof Lopez who met flttteriog while In our Town Fell will the Jaoe by Mr end lire both Art the My won la Breton end other both eo end leech- or The Prof wilt bring with him thle v large or Oil Feinting by and from the Old Abo ell of the in end work new end bolting doth work Urge of lowers rait end end They will Newmarket foraihorttlmeooly when the Art will be nude in a fine Due notice will bo on their arrival yho on Monday by the afforded much who evaded the to to The wellmerited follow rendition of on program the large appreciation of and the experienced The opening exe- by and awakened la whet wo to follow Then by the Quartette on the Piano end the three The We bare not room wipoikof uffice It to the kept np end- and of eatlficUon ware heard on hand the Friday wan no far 9Z another warm day but It grew cooler la Tho Only the Water Works Friday night and he credit for of Haider Relation lu night The train go log Booth ran over a Mr Improvement at the Central Hotel Foiling in a new foundation tor elevated The Cor poration commenced an Job on Water St bridge Another new tuber pole In front of Steam again at the Newmarket Pump Store la being up wltb a new of paper and am getting their work In elreedy on rose and Potato huge ere out hod If you dont will be your own oe itenk ban any amount of To reedy for got of Town Hodge at work on now who wont fiahlngoo the2Ub of with roore than The frequent the peat few day here done power of good en denceoffultereapleadld If do not the There were Id Queen Birthday Reunion at Newmarket Depot caught a fellow bad on Main St He wee afraid Major fell he wee occupied for time In holding it town boji Intended the P IL train on the of twit open ed their lima to No paw through Mr taken beck and Mi hat a new one fieroral of Mr tbittbey ugly In animal before the accident Town Band gate their on day evening end were billed lt night for Garden Patty at Who took Welti Room Great kicking among tbe women on the to their and In their while fortrmlnep New Prints New Satins New Dress Goods New Cretonnes New Ginghams New Embroideries NEW SPRING TWEEDS i AT Sutherland Bros T wl By far ibe Largest Most Complete and in every Department that shown in any previous Season A decidedly Fine Stock of Dress Goods and And Parasols Prints Gloves and Hosiery very choice and cheap Great drives in Lace Curtains and Newest Styles and Best Value in and Suitings ReadyMade Clothing for and Boys Summer wear Perfect fitting ANOTHER TONY LOT OF FELT TERMS CASH ANBSST J fc irAwat j j a I Around I WHAT OUR Quoenevillo Aid will hold first Party of season at on Friday evening tho 3rd A number of picnicer went to Point on Tuesday rind of of in Hotel bod a time IT W fllTTIHOS a and pm Holy Communion overy Day Sunday School 3 p in f Class Evening Prayer Friday p Ladies Aid Thursdays at Sire residence HARDWARE 18 SPRING3 Sharon Holland Landing Literary Society have Quite ft number attended J fc M warm is over hero on SPRING GOODS Material Of All Descriptions stand is a movement on foot among thero to hold a picnic tho first Saturday in J June which will of mean an invitation to alt outside that That delightful disease known day when nine persons Bishop assisted by Rev Mr Rev Mr conducted service on rain making park pleasant M the mump is to content Mj at home Mr and Mrs of by a of firecrackers and right things ra her for J w J a short timo at auction on Wed- tt lho to hold a picnic during day tatOiAfto the rain it had to bo dispensed with our went to PAINT OILS WHITE LEAD PUTTY LAWN MOWERS HAKES AND AND GLASS r as rill run mill in operation tost two weeks or Ibe lualiilie of of Mr who tjr on Vooga Stmt where has lirieg life He aifjn jq of Ha died la J Wb of age leaf fag a mbUra the rf kind father A largo VyUea lb Wing cbdr aeao4 ajbe naiofibt choir he in right W be Coloorg JJ aloKareaabortMrtewbitb to with gt totlftt Bead Whit J We V fcoea Chi home VPT A thanks to Mr lseSlIwwiy A 2 that Ibtt ilbati tie bid adleQ At Notwithstanding foot held by last filled by ihoae to of Sabred The King children follow ed by their Her A end the of Toronto We March Wo Kerch to Victory After the children very nicely The Creed a abort prayer followed and the was only by the who la brief manner drew from the the great facia of the Giiao and of Oar dwelling more the feet which the day The The great credit for their and Bar A- sad t el reed the Dibit texts the choir the was hot beys forgot to the down a ihs moat hare worked hard with b who render of prat freighted with and with many look forward to next Fatal treat of been of oar ud reipccted of Mr lt vDtng ibe ibo t fort It bid bought a from Mr of KJog of lut litre la bU Kbit bo a young ntQi On mora bo out for from the it togk fright tod mid a tad feoto broke both off la Mr bitched to rig Jo with couple of took to of tbo jo roped out at Ibo on Water fit to the Mr of tbo and alld oat is but Mr to ud fa Ibo bono ribt In at and tbo be to ditch the by the aqd for a or ao rao- teatt waning bono llucd op Mr to lit it go Afr Ke and the bono landtag fell to ground and of fact came down on bit tip and contact wilt a polo from the rift In the meantime Mr oat Turing that Mr Read not to tbe bowed no eigne of be and ran after tbe The borae near Strut and Mr Heed jumped on beck tiding It to own It not till begot half way from tbe to own that be bow he bad end from that until hie death about later he pain accident bit birthday a member of be intern by that body on eltoraoon sew Urge wesiHog hedge of being In attendant pall from Ho I Ox Thc4 Sandy John end Martin for the who ego all obitdreo In number within a few and la now loft to Mount Albert Landing while May went riding with December- will now be In order While Mi driving long poU bono got rt i piles on throwing Mi fi Watte out turned buggy up down and tho dash nootbtr was done Mr took fright at the cars Mr Shields hap- to be volkiog on of road and shaft of wagon Struck him in tho back ho baa been laid up for about a week Mrs who has boon staying with her son Mr J Qaibell at Holt taken to her daughters at Bradford on Friday last and died Monday with dropsy and was buried Tuesday at Albert Birth sit Albert on wife of Mr Harrison of a daughter Mr Armstrong who boa been tending Medical College at To ronto passed examination and going to tart practice at Keswick he is a young man no doubt ho well wherever locate Mri Long sold his Green- bush to Mr John the saddler Ho intends run it on a temperance principle Mr John Graham of Hart nun bad a narrow escape from being kicked to death by one of hit horses a week or so ago only for his presence of mind injuries were painful but he is getting better Mr Willie For eldest son of Mr P Fox baa rfiturnrd from Manitoba where ho baa been for past three years Mount Albert Woollen Mill fa full blast with of a larger custom trade than Register Kettleby Mr J Walton is improving the appearance of some of his property by patting up acme woven wire fence The grist mill has got settled down to steady work once more Wo hope itwill lie a long before the mill pond is dry again The of Sunday School In No intend having a garden party on the grounds of Mr J Spink on Friday 3rd Juno A debate Resolved city life is preferable to country life is to come off in Division Saturday night A fishing Party consisting of Messrs Brown and Harrison of Toronto Wells of Aurora and and Fox of this place started for the lakes on Wednesday morning We they will have plenty of sport Miss A Aurora out here epending her holidays rather quiet here With a few went on as Messrs had some Hill Sutton Items A mooting of shareholders of the Summer Hotel Jacksons Point was held on Friday night for purpose of selecting delegates to wait on tho at Montreal and ace what com pany could do in tho matter Hill Ramsay and were appointed and will leave here on Wednesday- Wo hope inter view will be as we would the go on in of the cold water Ratepayer tried to on it a few weeks ago Why have Indians a right to net fish will sonic tell Black killed along Sutton shore of by the score Seems to me angling will be poor this have Inspector appointed for the purpose of looking after the mat ter why doesnt he do his duty parties buying fish- from them transgress law and are as guilty as the ones who are netting If there was no market for fish there would not bo many engaged In traffic Wo understand Mr A of lake is about putting up a row of or cottages for sum mer boarders Two of them are just now ready occupation We trust Mr Hosting tons enterprise will be juatly rewarded- A much needed improvement has just been completed on Shore road in of a guard or railing on the lakes edge which will prevent the further encroach ment of the water and also any pos sibility of people driving over the bank j SANITARY Agent for Window Blinds and Awnings Pure Manilla Binding Twine for Future Delivery JAMES SOWER Sixty were burned near St on I White Star Cel tic end Britannic collided on day and four of the tatters were kilted Both steam ere reached New York early morning Newmarket Markets Flour a J Oil Jo OS a a do W Co loa CO CO a J I CO do WOO a IS CO Bolter roll pound Bolter a Wool per fork do Weto Village of Holland Landing flfiifluluf Court of Revision For the of toe fie nil do fcld at rlfU a 0 a JO a a 0 a a a a a a SCO a a on to JO ox Monday of June hoar of Wo p in which all take cot- MONEY TO DAVID YD Rl lor lcwIFlroloiJitDCCompsiDlMCio tied on dc li r omcoy of COOK Ureal Discount Sals -THE- Leading Furniture -xyD- HOUSE TH KM a Specialty end wall selected or all Usee And for ihe apply lo whom be AT THE MOUNT ALBERT WOOLLEN MILLS KINO my for ind J Lctm Larger Stock of Goods to lp la tutted Pine Cloths and Wblcn will offered 1 I I Of tioiUljld rtllbf or tor la Apply pa flAHOlH LUKOy ABVttTfiOXO of fryrtaaiu to id I boon IsTll DECORATION PAY en- Prices To Suit Tfia limes IN FOR WOOL OR CASH Mroreporctulos NEW SPRIN6 FBI AND DRESS GOODS Grand in- COTTONS AND SHIRT Good Discount on all Winter Goods in quantities to GROCERIES ALWAYS FRESH AK V NEWMARKET r HAVING again the the Oven wo to deliver Orders for Bread to all our customers new ones Wo have also control of the jlfjRfeCPft OF aertby lbt Court of Revision y r Friday 3rd of June And both place will be kept toppltcd Fresh Pastry Cpnfeclijj FRUITS AO AUSO I ICE TELEPHONE COMMUNIOAtJ TENDERS I0CKET Ma iaa owner wnjM laayBMI7