I bd bsoiiH IK a i of tot from Dick and I Wool La W gooda go detachment tad u id Indaco- lr ircjih forty Do Of fax or In order to lie of too Band lb Won lo luwMyi to lb The annua RIO f Cooucli eon- alio Tow oil Tuesday for yhtf lwii will be fallowing or account of Miss Rett lb literal fttp- ill MWog I tlf la to lm ell tho election of On op train com- o4 It hit It rigbf Noma A bottom plica a lb loracrrow lbs principal lira tea preparation of to good to ba aoeotnfca aaonU deal s Amnion firrt- goods at lover pries than for Inferior good Ad On account of catalog otw la bar Win to SO all Goods will TrjtoIogIalo atora ad too lata to P all In 0 to Ilia of Judo rtil for data To Winnipeg and piroftf fit lower thin be Mr la the to Mr Bead la carting frocn of can that ha jrtU prompt to all and net ar pale to See cud Social ooogro- to giro a Farting d charge will be and Hill bo to aoe all paid lo No 3 It iv on the be of barlog Tent fiCtla of united bCoadaooJ Ii to be ij a ifKiil fiairlco In t for u by a he lady for a Id 21ilbodlat Dolt Wo hero no doubt BUrer at Ilia door It Smith beau tha at a vegaUbla teat the Tory a llod ibe realdaace an apeak from It lo our to be at loa For a down lbs rider at held an In- Monday morn- and Into the Town tituitj more about It JJook Stork Mr- Johnston to of Living low Mglre to ill At- Sell rrftbo for r A donation of to Iho of la is era all engaged bo got for or kliuott be of rnaaona AH crowded to at Cent Factory coal aud Id orders LI fir a Invited to A flbelburno recently Hi folloiIag J to pi I want It will want to do It Am lo preecber but if tender bur I will corn loo Here fe a later for soma youog men tba fftuore of bard tlmea A ago last Ufa AtmltaR of Niagara entering faouta at back In a burry her on tha pap handle and caaud to trip Id falling for a time It vaa feared that the Joint aFerytbfog aeeoa to be week for a St not able to leaye her bed yet Tho firet ixeurtlon of tba le to lake place Town baring to at of Bicycle Newmarket at and Brock Sertoli at Tickets the uDtttu year of the city tie will piohaldy induce a largo of our to IbVo in tbe trip Board of met on to tender A Uradtey for kalwolniog w ofted being of The jwlty tbe water uaed in Home not will hate aciutbiog to ley to County on Ibeioilter Tba only other the ordinary of aged and people la ona His Honor and docket pretty cleaned op when adjourned There and the legal was well elPhf raon of Toronto and Taylor of Aurora anting local uerewaa one la which the would be defernd for wtWotj Tb a on real mala of th point of The District Church held hero week reports the will for the- an of w mtnlatere and orphan WWld gin We cannot amount contribated IbU Jwts and W rt Brad UaKliddUWct Bereral changes and vT for Utter also a to be EPS of SUP Hirer lbs mote than of 11 John Millard 8 Aaols Millard Frank lard Wright g Bertie Less Maine Walter Hughe Edgar Bare Tub But Mr out town Bread that has yet our It era built at Carriage Works of Mr John he frame Indians white wood to warping from stun of hot bread and whole on a pretty gear The that Mr The rig credit to town Sabbath even- log Bar J Smith bids farewell to ths of the whom he ha for two has both pulpit and outride will be no easy leak to perform Hi thoroughly liberal sod bars for lbs admiration of Whole Town while tat frlecda bare always been result of Ho will leave New frith Its beat for In labors of wherever lot may he the School went to trouble In for their Arbor but of tfae wrroaDdlngo amply repaid fox their labor boxes of Aoweri betide and and if alb a down ladles wart In attend- ante and was Inter ling As lbs day Was warm Iced- trttm at the close a treat which many gueata by A Li talked of for the of mo tier of imoog ihfl bit WI igo iff Jolm itijtn Bo rft wo- fallowed Ud two lift for tomldg He beta toacutb ft No plow m teuuttlj of propKtto to oatpot by tbo of more the North York Jut- A good On Dew Sen of 4 Special tad Expository with coach ability by of Aurora to the ud way of bo d Id of etch A of high of Roy J of fa bb futon prosperity next of the win Aurora tat Monday lo Jon- Marhuoes Lynch a to of anDcuDcloj annuJ will od It cod aim dcliiertnco on mixed will plea an that to for mixed of baa thai a aha to comply with ttwallJ on neb wo do warrant inch In may apply to Roma woodawfoDy bDpnmd tor wvoithoj on Wo that to pot la now flooriLft that can bo wliboQt dapatmaat ad and a at than ball Em that bo a groat dilnoiod of the two or l of man a world who abont what lhay talk than wcaltcr prophaU wa Ilka Mmabody to trot than out The bat la for of May that wrald tba wbtilay water dowubll waa to of ahowara followed by day to rain other day of tha Birthday waa to Ua and hot month In a Aa a of fact tha month koora for many abowar did aol ihoUrdi rain on IGalUraaU daya had We all hid hoped that crank would bo right altbongb folly expect ing It to bo ho Dm On areiilDg bat of tod firod lhafnntdooroflfr on ball entered nearly an Inch and- off apHabm Had a penon boon at tba tfcaelho ball wa propelled with force from of wo are bad the dbebarged lot on Mr If my la that aelghborhcod anyone with firtaimJe they will bo doing a good tarn by the it happened the night In that alone of Wo Mayor will atop 1h5i IqiIo of ficearmi the corporation fob Tito report of a eaoepada In Cookitowo of baa reached and the Joke waa carried good that wo cannot refrain frontaltag oar enjoy a good bagb old who reached you with a fair of that be by a few yonng people who are over for a little and who to matt Itall right beanlifal bloode It of the groom on a dude in who had dellcatoly in the It did not on part of now In the of an who play the role of paiaoo and the knot lied a malic atylerlMilj alio the young the old thought ho too being in and the groom to The bevlog partaken of a next thing wu to tbe old man to to tba chamber being the company and them the newmade bride now fitd by of baring won together with a Utile blueribbon beer and being with fitlgne fell of ilorpbena of awaking to fold the bride In protecting anna ho at once that hie bad Qowa Ho at the dawn of day a which be and to the ho wu bride probably be be beat landlord with for betterhalf in disregarding her obllgalloa For- Innately the aware of the joke or there It might hare ended the entire Tillage aoon learned of the and the the joke of the fan the are making at the New Prints New Satins New Cretonnes New Ginghams New Embroideries RING TIEE By fur Largest Moat Complete and varied in every Department that we shown in any previous Season A decidedly Stock of Sutherland Bros of J8 J 6g the thus of tie ESS at of eefaUooJtekeQ at for of it th lecapera- tore shore the sarss month Last year which la torn the Dor- for year preceding It for month Highest thermometer wu at p to threat i let Total pro- for J CO Incite or of o inch thao month- of wind blew from aa Booth on the 8rd Hh IheSrd wu ridbJe Loom Halo Solar Parhelia and Solar loth sad The so warmer at this than at the Toronto no to ti do pro f Council Tender for laying tbb meeting The and Although it of Jane ha proclaimed by a a day of rejoicing to celebrate many Town are totaling tbo to the locality Tbb the year a man to bo with anxiety by who hate Six two A went to Sunday to bur A of waa Cborcfa on Monday hue bigger job at the Water Street bridge than wu at firtt Mr- Geo i feet In length off a 3rd patch of a very blgh wind pre- week o damage ported The front Roe property and Federal Bank Imprnredlbbwek by mowing the The poabo fa Aurora bat amounted lolJJWC and la for the period f31M87 farther to the High School the SSrd of May a kept at- for of pnplb to aell at the North The and Com were locking after It next for Into effect on the A woddlog party In Central on corporation baa a job band opening the drain Ontario lUnntoa of North for tbb bane At tiff meeting of No Do- further ware taken at the natM went to Aurora Von if J J a Juuilke at eg a Grand In or about the Jane and it will no doubt prove a day of recitation appointed Chairman Mr- Mr Secretary Mr A peeeed ferortag a and the following were appointed J Woodcock and for Ward and Andrew A and A- If collet ton to report at ati adjourned meeting bit There berery of a grand gala day here and ate giro program next for It It will bo worth to ODiTOAny The Montgomery of the Aaylutn for the la anaonnead lie by apoplexy of lut died on Monday 20ih ull be coming connected Hie at Hum- the At Klogitoo to that period lie practiced in North of Hiding alio in South well and highly and eitctroed In all He a of the late John fignred ao during the of By the Dr at lcfa an whoae place It will be difficult to On more the inetitutioD with bin have on each left with the doeSLifaat the wfectiag kindly deinor and large heart enabled to a controlling the Intnaiw of the admired by all With tbe relative of wo deeply Whitchurch Council fiallantrat Maya Council qetaa and for After to the appoint ed reported MIcbttctODrleD JlObeH A Bona over W2 acres of 1 and land having been of timber wore by reducing and Hone After which the lColl finally and Court d- The Council then for general with chair from Ho Council that twenty gravel had placed Dlvtaloa fi and Council to ouaJ amount on The following for railing on ftlb Con opposite South to pay Jlrlda Una between 9 and A Wrtgbt and aloha Woodcock for lumber were ordering to pay the Councillor to Side andt Con and order upon lor Deputy to Woo Coo- portion not to exceed Deputy W two on- Side Uno between ram not toozool ho expend in claying Side between Lota aid Appointing aDepoly to twenty yard of gravel on Road Council adjoDned to meet at Council Chamber 1Mb Jan aawa44 Dress Goods 10c and And Gloves and Hosiery very choice cheap a Great drives in Lace and Carpets Newest Style and Best Value in Tweeds and Suitings Clothing for and Boys wear Perfect fitting OOTID TOY LOT OF I STRAW CASH AND CLOSEST CASHPRIC fclBRHT KrHAVOt KKOTOfl ALL ALWAYS Sunday Services 11 a- aver Lords Day School Claw and Evening Prayer- Friday p ro Ladies Aid Thursday p id at lift Coles residence 18 SPRING JUST A terrible explosion has in the coal pit at a village in eight miles from Glasgow Scotland Two hundred and twenty roinere in the pit arid it is all have The shaft blocked with debris caused by explosion AND INSECT POWDER TURNIP SEED ALL VARIETIES AN STOCK OF PIPES Ml MM STORK A ASP P MAIN ST SOUTH Leading Furniture HOUSE TRY Undertaking Specialty and wall atook of COFFINS allendrxl Co at ford at AH promptly neatly A J A JO lata Read to notify ihipropJo anJ from too by and I now in a or oral public Any to vatlwli and prompt on a 0a JVQ TO I AN DAVID LLOYD for taking uuuAeQCoovQyancer lageUMD5ci gnt lor lew tor A nOoafaraUonbJfaAxAf- Toronto corner or Wain Our troika- Pall do t it a 1 1 to a to a do a Oil Oat do do id 30 a CO 190 W a CO do 1 i WOO a roll joarvl- II a 13 Belter do Oil Kf a OS a IS Hay per ton a aa loco per a do fiH Notice to CEEDITOES Of SAMUEL LlTtoyTHKtOWNaBtP Of Iba 107j credi tor JodJOdoD or day or A- are or Wfora Monday aba Day 10 fil Fags yford of of ibo or Ibo of mid ilADknd foil par their of their and ifttmtaod immfdiiteJy aaM dayof Jnna of the fcld Travis among baring only dad will cot bo Nub Jo to hereof 10 iricjiaU ibe of JfiSriaron PKOO P R E MOV A ALLEN IT AH REMOVED BIS Marble r Granite Works AND QUEEN Mill flrretlJoppwlle iiuieUlcXeciDrcb OF IlUDLiy Court of rcbglreu in J NEW SPRING AND DRESS GOODS Orand Value in- do PO POJ do con C3oxLXXctX Friday 3ra June At hour I frrti aicdgovfrn itmi COTTONS AND SHIM m T Good Discount on oil Winter Goods in quantities to GROCERIES ALWAYS FRESH am qoifta ioudoUc To Clark IT Mich May A careful eatfmat put total Joss by tho forest fires in northern peninsula at including caused by destruction of tho town of Linden lives are known to have been lost Great destitution prevails thu district annual ses sion of Independent Order of Good Templars was morning at Saratoga being from all parts of Toronto Fall do ST a do a do a do a do CO a per buib BO a do IS a do rtaperdaD uiwrJrollippoand a do J I a per tax Co a a OfeaaofHoja OTo i IK Oil a on it OH SIMPSONS VAIN STEEET ft3bertiehenf Good QaWl Ho Hum IB WANTED A Goods Cbina and Glass Toilet Set Sbsviog Mugs Autograph Albums Hair Combs Fruit Knives TOOLS and SUMMER JUST RECEIVED SOME Beautiful Patterns IN- For Glasses and a a Varied Assortment 0 To mention A of SUITINGS of to from Specially Sflfseted Patterns IN AND Call aad for bring with good on at Closest Cash Prices Only YOUR PATRONAGE W Clocks JEWELLERY SPECTACLES roar 1mM4 aod tfpcU- OHM Ophthalmoscopic Test of aJioWatcbOaCiocaaalawclryftc-jtK- CANADA MANITOBA UNITED STATES PACIFIC COAST A RaapscUBlly ATKINSON WOOL WANTED MOUNT ALBERT WOOLLEN MILLS tor for rU Larger Stock of Goods Cloths and Tweeds bo Prices To Suit Tha Times FOR WOOL OR CASH ataawbart Village of Hall flraiaiillooria Court of year Monday lrtlaaara tolled to accord I tfJ If dW to id V3H DECORA mi