Newmarket Era , June 3, 1887, p. 4

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t A Train a lass ens lis I o aid Ok of Id Importut the of Built appointed at Bill M Northern tod lo principal 3d fynLtiDK liek- Ibo btlr banana chocked to Aft Toronto ffewmtrkol R ALL POINTS AIM WIT or anil ATKIN80N Bra UP AKU WITH FRIDAY JUNE of Mr Jobo bell for la Ho of lb bit Cm Id Parliament Ito JcfieJ Mr Vmll genual afccLlod of ibabearita of lor to 11 will to lot of to to to oJ belDgwof Alii loCtoaJa the of to lib of it timely rtw of two who Lick Ho lfatal oat ooditndWk of MjIMiti I In J lo vuiiiph c4ilo In the Its Editor WHAT UK ftBBt TO lilt Jfrxtuclic ult good ibt Irujr ill tod jjojw Jointly for IboiOtumy St from loQctUc frl Ibo tod fftot will of July of will bo Jutt ooii for to their holiday up lake to the of praying for lUtXaloftba Actio that lha groucd ft to object for It pell- will bo at the It Blr A tbe auiomoT and It Her may lo confer furlbrr of Jfef by Council of In- Clerk to roll for 1887 among tboratcpaycra If doit to about one every four or Are far luu at An official of couitltnvuoy by Hon Mr Mill lilting to aid to fur tier an that pat I of coun try obKitfoo Wo fcafooo null Li would bo gUen If HO had a prefer claim for In the to at hand of a or fuhlillfo and for downright fodecency not live Ho can lo in ft coo- a I Accord- log theory add Wot Oolitic tod pot look for aod on we dont other of our of fund to olllctaU which properly Mwg to the peope from Hoc a to tho wife her matter dcltnntaed to whlj on Ifaho bad not rrtftcd to her and alto wWpbcrlf for to whip her anyway villi these fat not matter how the people vote or which AS art to which will bo the world it will no heavy will Atlantic four day length to ftct The will and will bo supplied with SO Sim will be fitted the tho Scott Act a loioi which tlio ore attempted to only the In enacted for of ettuloabj all find but tte have to tee to why not Council of Ottawa to dis credit refold to carry out the till- to the of tbe of in to log the year Mr ative had to give to good the Ottawa paling to the city toub- ba fun J by Council made wal of tbo after wm aujH It appear from a with Kit while in that the to Jutted Ho laid It Would my judgment arvat to nvent arrangement the which wero they alike to both we were with iprocUy bat we do cot conceal from waa tbt to of it wja iotioitely to the people of the by tut it Lira Wo BOW artaotrLtoU made In tho treaty aUUUcoo both aide of lino piore infinitely Jo the United But while and In r4ffreocetOMOoiotecjtt the two to Sir only Hue aeotfoenta of beo pIoro and dctjdy deplore any the tbU country but ftvgi that if tie policy of were It would the of dhtuulf wo Live and that thocomccetce which la up J through Portland bo through Canadian and fit Halifax with IntodibU rapidity when a adopted If wo would hut to heart this uaoful truth Conduct is fat And fioparato which to us from wo cannot control from misfortunes wo created our folly wo would coma to a far of how to and what to do For a lawyer takes bun town council of that hod to conduct for town and other day ho received from clerk a check for being deposit made by too council lo carry through their county town bill On receiving chcok lawyer paid of over to council Hit action will bo investigated by a coin- roittco of tho council Business Notices What atoll I do for uhimi J throat nod pod lough Hat trlodoveryknowaromfdyX could thJuh of ran any until Uloou coo to mllb Aro to used toe cold la and bavlrig fMU and that it will euro trouble wo Mr trial of nod a fait at their lot IU woodOrfol I w t fciiown to their threat and Ik It without elUf any mill to It to car ttylog to try aw UAOdoxen ld report not widely known to ay aofd nil and In United ana Seow AVAlunblo Ton Qui aya ho boa not only round It it euro for the beat iQlcorailnir ho id In op or winter wo Mr other gODipialtiUwlllpr villi Yellow it lie remedy fo external Add A told wilt Jrrlisiloo dry ea bo will ad roller fo editor A Trip Down Boat waei The were filled op with It with diAkblty I feat I found company a man of ccdlofu I wu of who bdrglar to the nets of reage it Klogaton for a two- If train except the bit udalant Ibat a prisoner on eompletely did depicted two lady of the front Ware a with we changed aod quatntaueoofa few Into a fullfledged with great rattled like the ritgtpg boll be accompanied by the end down iho able to door A few run the and we boded a lbs of city and after a lodged fo City Hall wo landed at Hotel at after two oclock In Ten oclock Thursday ffloiatag I wuwatk log up I Street when I waaeccoatrd with the remark that City oil belong tome nd round of of the But gone to prat to Into of of America City of a century In arrears of aod Toronto building are rather Inferior and neatly of atone fouoJ In hero In fact it doubtful if of an avenge of nelre loebtaoer the llmtona TheOUrfeo walheooo to Canada and many of the better claw of aerlout would follow If ho to forcobftcaelf upon a Klugilon audience At In day of Jvlaiund JJeiJ whin tlo to pull down their at dictation and ho refuted to enter the city with tho future King of Bo feared a would again bo attempted and low of Ufa would occur If OBrien attempted to apeak but the editor of eo an oppor tunity of telling what ho knew and of the Limestone City la All can J were bobtall and of but fine be atdea them arc aomo very line a Park and a Court head over for a Court owned by County of York Hating completed ay the city I to araall Hamlet of Kiogslon and ficJiop till and train hid loft I took a run to tho Windsor where about p on and Saturday each week I fell lototha company a man by of a former of State and ho aoggwted lirety I took a too over to cry and and what the would bo for a liorw and ttp boggy to to and rcturaoa Saturday day offer dinner waa the the plica ridkutouly low to what I expected thai paid the money down and aecured the rig at At oclock our and to Sydenham The weather fioo end and at I taking tea at Mr teacher of SbiroaFablio School hut now Sydeofaam High School of which trip I will write anon J Worth waj long time troubled Foiling to rind ulnars wblciiaholounu Ksiy replug It pnve racouioend u J will pay every roue bolder to keep buttle of yellow loo noodforaocWentaoodemcnfoncitet la cait relief ana for jowy td by it often medical Wit Cured AuoMfuyalelaoetifiiJrromprncircetiav tug bad by reined the euro or Aatbmoonilolllbroat aod afM a nod radical core for Mervotu bevlnr baa alt J Ijlj Co Ac- LbU Ire sua to reUvff bucoooaufferifilwHiaeniJ lonii French or loll for tnt by with nam w A Tho No Kitting Clotting THE GOLDEN HON TORONTO Eu Effort to at Lowest Pricey J Jo a Sorgo Suite from Tweed SuIUfrom to to Kino Wonted to to 10 Council at the Shining Hotel the all Mjodtee of meeting and approved inionCourt of the lo the chair The Clerk the of the The Clerk laid the be fore the Court of John charge on real estate end the appeal of McDonald on real to Court for two wee to be to J and Wesley Baker Arnold to be for tot IS Coo application woe made ofobn Taylor to hire Manama placed on After Mr by Mr the change aked for in the at of Hiker be that bo lo the assessment of John nor Margaret McDonald Ceo Arnold bo for half an acre of J lot Id Cor for tbo of John Taylor for put lot of Sutton for the of when tbe aforesaid change are made In Aawwent Roll by the Clerk the roll finally and adopted The then renamed other The were before the Council the Clerk of the of In reference to up for travel the between Brock tJeorgioi from the of North York the report of Licence for year Aprils A petition laid before the Council from and the between and the 3rd Con to tlif- of Coo of Soma account were to the appeared before them lo their loealitUa the alto reported the Sutton the Mr Key by tbeomnuoieation from the of IS or It Council to In the be tweeo aod the of Brack Concilia to appropriate fnoda or that year to bo able to do next Carried Me Park by Mr Kaf be Ego at p0 If Donald McDonald in Coo- for of be to Carried Mr Taylor by thereeilolloo an- the timber to Allan for part of the 3rd Con line be mgtoUw Alio a Largo Stock f Straw nod Pelt Hate at Less than Hair the Hat Store Prices WALKER SONS to Toronto HARDWARE STORE NEWMARKET UQUOH STORE f ai FINE ALES AND PORTERS In Wood and weekly Fore Wines Brandy Rem Whiskey In Wood and Dottle for purpose nod Stout GROCERY NEXT DOOR Where a Foil of Family kept Bin of Soap Dan P SPRING GOODS Building Of All PAINT OILS LB AD PUTTY AND GLASS LAWN MOWERS RAKES AND SANITARY Agent for Window Blinds and Awning Pure Manilla Binding for Future Delivery JAMES IffiBifr SCONS ETC Delivered to all part of ho town daily t rem 4 HIM Twenty Cases of California and Valencia Oranges and ALSO PINE APPLES BANANAS ETC A Stock French Creamy Chocolates all Choice Confectionary FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Meats Good at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES AND SUMMER DRINKS A ROBERTSON compiled with tod timber described bo in liiod of Jacob to loId for fit Of on Mn Mr Abxic4for tbrto to toim I Mr by Iff tbit mw be formed btttrta lot pointed 5tf alio that Cltrk pre- put lha ffilb lotnJC- to ll off Mid HowiQCt Mr ecoedd by Mr tbtt Geo libor for rent for work he performed to the two dtjt tod a by Council lug from by tbrocgb lltf A ttbleb to Gib of tiid North GlHnborf liia of taitl tod tUo to tad tbto to meet Hotel have rtcoiyed that the from the Ventres south of the lino end terioas lire feared LieutGovernor Do with ft detachment of the Mounted Police ha left or to endeavour to Grot Ven tre The coming light Mid to lw A proocta by which it bo produced for ft pound tad of it It tpoodiiy It Into com mon A wire of modrto light of maVfng at pre but more thtt of expensive workt or street The provided with clockwork to feed the ribbon of regularly PROPERTY ton SALE totbOffer of win ilort to or public auction At Hotel by amy of Jane till oclock in of lccordDrOplioi ejJ IMI put tod W of io Wm Mtjiluirr Soap da eta 2 Cast of of Caoa Sardinia eta a LiQMBH LATH SHINGLEJS eutll by prompt to to to of P J OMALLEY Main Street North tflJ lb lleifrccol tbtrttfur In I wo lottrtil 9 per Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED ox at lor I ha Kail vara THE AN FA Bo JOe rr nyvTT Try THE SPUING OF In nil its wants ARE NOW TO 8UPPLY WITH SASH THANKFUL THE WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OP ME TURN OUT GOOD LOWEST POSSIBLE PR fl THE WM CANE SONS Ml T At North End is to BET well SUPPLIED With Goods Prints Ginghams Shirtings Cottons Wool and Kail of Straw Felt and Shoes and Crockery and TEAS COFFEES AND SUGARS at BOCK BOTTOM J A DALES WRIGHTS UK wj H USE TO 12 18 lcmov4 Co mo J HARDWARE CUTLERY PAINTS OILS Glass Builders Materials Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway AXDlitK ALLAN AND ANCHOR LINES OF STEAMSHIPS fo All In America an J MAIN STBEKT For Cooking and Boating Dominion Cockier and Wllboat Box StoveBBll Sizes STOVE Lie Iff WorkmatsibipfOutoFintCUuttrockt New Enamel Pots Cook Moth oa firmer or for am TO HE DEPOT Cent on Lamp and of Apilff flCdUltlcJiof to aNorcaStoTci een rf t order by CANADIAN RAIL WAY ONT DIVISION HAVING GOT IN A STOCK OF WALLPAPER CEILING PAPERS AND BORDERS I am prepared to make them ft SPECIALTY for a few weeks PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES I And Within the Reach of All INSPECTION STARR OFFICE Blood HIE RELIABLE LEADING HOUSE FOR OVER THIRTY VKABS Largest Best Stock LOW tug and depart from UfAtTLPtWoC2 ICO tfrecfiiataSiia a Wlf flmhivjLioKtpftfw tiprtt 1 p from TO a in til from 5ciS OWL OtMO from ftl Arrive t Iijm mi 40 Milt it ra fc5ft ma Uill WO ftroi all M le lhAt V VANUOBNr VfecF J It ifbus on 1 On Apply to 3tol 1 A Farm termite I or fcu HUI 3 up Cos 3 wen feued OR SALE- ALE- J ii is J Ticket II J Of OCX I i of war to ml from I atitochtA wall aiI Hoi KwrofiJUriaifc J iQeTQTraitiipot r CURE OR RELIEVE DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION ERYSIPELAS- SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN HEADACHE DIZZINESS DROPSY LUnERIHG or HEART ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH And latch BOWELS OR A the Celebrated Stallions MILESIAN AND ORIOLE WORM POWDERS la ft trfisn tfraaaJ4iQdVrt7Wa w will doaoatou A CO fort- land A lo raooa attllNilm END W7 NEW MARKET Kw cow lb Best Moulding Materials I u la a 5lDlbl wo Allfbtia keii a ff J lo Oil the Shortest Notice m to bo fa for TbU la oaf mors koaaaIoa da lit Appllo ftlMl Beat ho Elf to feed ribbon UINBPaiNTtKO fLD ftSK

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