Newmarket Era , June 24, 1887, p. 2

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1 feO I ivn i J i Now Off for England A A Smith Wat of Convictions If Bull Judicial Sato Noil Votara Anps Ego lo Root J Industrial Homo Jacket for Ira UP I WITH FRIDAY JUNE 24 Our Toronto Despatch Mr Hannah an In ibqtiftftltQf flro Willi of koruttnt I bo ml to acitip on Mio floor on of Colored truck tamiic about a Jealousy and wound TurontoitdnotcialiraLo MM lit lit or by the York ihnuinbrorVJKCUf0 County or iwiiy Jn tha bat Boon oclock on morn lug of Juno William lay dead in Windsor and iho of Canterbury and Iho hurriedly kit Windsor for Konaington Victoria In of Kent nicoion- tjorx Kcnafiigtdn fivo In raomingi but found everybody ringing and knocking for a tbo guard and goto was wafting yard and then in 1 until all was ox1iau4tcol rang again and demanded Princess Victoria who and reminded thou that wax fn much a sound alccp that did not vonturo to disturb then Wo on of to and oven aloep way a few mo ment Princess into thy room in her nightgown and but calm and dignified at once reminded bar of death of King and of accession- to the and fell on and did obeisance to Quota With fa her aye alio Arch to pray for then all three knelt down together and reln of Queen Victoria commenced with prayer A grand beginning to a Jlfo and a long ana proa porous reign At cloven oclock that day took uual oaths Administered by the and received hi return oaths of allegiance of Cabinet Ministers and tho Councillor Xhefirat Impression produced by Queen on her Council was in Iho one and her behavior manner began the reign of Queen Victoria Queen Victoria may be as first truly constitutional in grandfather and uncle and William idonareha in more name William the best of them by for yet lie the right to dismiss Ids minister when io and ho his fulhcr on to favorite minister defi ance of House lint with accession of Queen Victoria personal government to an end and during long reign of year Victoria Jib been a consistent constitutional Sovereign re specting wisli of her verdict of dm House of Commons and country his mean so- volutions been prevented cause the nation bos been to bring about gradually and by method alt change dcslrod end required Ho that all the throne of the Popes boon convulsed and of overthrown during the tiiocv Qooen Victoria ho sat securely and England been pursuing the path of advancement and reform And we question if of coun try snd patriotism ever reached to high a as In of is known to bo decid ed lover of more than groat Kuropcan war it is has boon prevented by her personal appeal has been but W with any great power since Queen begin to reign Crimean War of There been a number of war in which England has in different parts of her vast ions serious of which was Indian Mutiny brought about by the of the Kaat India and religious bigotry nop continue her noble exertions In favor peace and restrain any of her who too readily war and set an example to Europe of reduced and fa of of Queen Victoria baa for England and her deponden an era of great material prosper Whoa to first great was bold to Crystal In London It predicted that war would and nations wiser and dream has been disappoint ed but for England it a career of unexampled so that from that day by leap and bounds England baa grown and richer until to day It la rich- est country the sun and richer than any nation baa ever been in history of world and with in- of wealth has come comfort and blessing to common pooplo Improvod tbclr position Immensely pauperism crime steadily diminished wages moro than doubled some cases quadrupled of Ons of toll become millionaires and peer of realm and working- man sit in of Britain peace prosper ity of Is tho and admi ration of tho world During reign of Queen Victoria tho of education has taken riant stride In year tbo Eng lish Government paid for Education thousand pounds last year iho paid for edu cation Qua a half million pounds Thou education was private or national now national in best sense Then hut educated and poor not at all now all arc provided for and with rapid of education tbo cause of religious liberty ha sig nally advanced Then notional Universale wore closed by sectarian bars to all but Episcopalians now thoy to oil Then tlio path of preferment In education state wa often Impeded by ecclesiastical now royal way is open Then pariah yravoyord was a of wrangling and religious now christian minister can bury peace with this moral and spiritual condition of pooplo at largo ha improved of many exist During Victoria of British Territory and Dominion lias wonderfully increased tbo began to reign Indian possession small- and by tho corrupt East India Company now whole of India from Himalayas to tho is under of Victoria as Km pros of India has been added In Brit ish African possessions woro but strip on coast now South Africa fi a solid largo dominion of im mense area and resource Australia wa littlo than a has tolls Canal- Team tofcxigUaJ ytsteicay Vy trick Mr will to boil to to Of Importance blm to most pop ular of say both for com- mac at Vaticaam from ad tad boon lbs piiwge foggy pis- York Cbaej for Sad has of mostly us for York Cfalugo Toronto sod porta for and IsaaofmiJJ Matter naino now an Island Continent of iinmcnso resources and and our own fair wa In of now Is a great Dominion But Victorias Kingdom but not only greatly extended In terri tory and number and but tho Commerce of England as extended beyond all lotion of men So that today half of Merino commerce of world is who in every sea bay and of the world that lias boon opened to navigation and Is simply unprecedented today tho adventures and discoveries of her peoplo still pressing on into now and be yond not only has commerce exploration been thus by Victorias hut tlis and missionary lis gone under protection of tag to do tlio work for man double shelter of Britain and Heaven has been a grand ex- ample of purity and womanhood court was corrupt and corrupting Victorias accession court ha boon pure and retiring own ha been blameless and unspotted her court has been compelled to copy her and through out tier realm and among her leading men this example is a great power If or womanhood has stood out grand ly in her great sorrow and bereavement and in keeping In touch with sorrows other Iniluenco In this respect ha great with own family and with nation While her economy and Industry and careful training of children is a pattern to everywhere Victoria daughters tomorrow could earn their living if need be by their or brush or music hot all mother copy the Queen For a reign m many iff pec la untyrio and blessed wo will not forget to be grate 0U QUEKK WHAT WniTB ABOUT Tub of by vote of about ftfuiad lo with iho Act to aod was Nor tat ibiuc J jjle UtD J it from at oo Ida will be city lodge tie brlbfta to the of about Ink Kha till loo for CO Caata Hoi id a will b la full Hip chsnN sad last ysar Friday Flo crop of hay eipetltd patty at nhiabmooot townlgbL Town Rolog oat lomiros Day for St Day week the trsla la out of of with Curry this eV I of Toronto was at nt over Sunday Mb fibsos Id Toronto put of this Mr If of la log at Mr Fred sad Dell went down Jury on Mrs J P Hooter sod children are with Aurora Mr Msltoy and left yesterday to bis brother Mr Webb sad airs Pollock and children were vUfUag Mrs I P J A- to Bin P left Kith her rait a it Que of Id Ion a list and for tie north s Mr Wolht general of Iho Northern for Mr- Smith lull week bo a of toil Jtrnealh hi Jiugliicr of hv with of llLeooffljlaDitcV On A Holme hit grabble dwcilplloo Jdl In ut a of Id IhU ho eg ite J omo buy foot Mr on fit ond on ho for la J Toronto of Jut Keck of of ftitb the cue by of stltb fiUUo til eijIoi not lo the af con inJIotUoQ o tho of IriebUlfoo in to foy Hon of ibt for strojErtotnent Jrundo will bo In U tbta to the of the of li4 It ioart4 right of mi I Hub I AIL Sutton Items- It80Bo JVo Rrci to up Crlcktt In tbit dorfog of July ood go Into the Mu Keswick A of on oo Short tbtlr homo ttoa Iter Mr who Jog the week proco6doQ of which txUott ot fell Mr dfogooad qalto mi of Sorenrfgu that ho tbo 111 Holland Landing of of lor fcfld the Hot A of most of people Polls Of bo to of to Wo whether or not it f to iho moot polftfoni do olUtopt l being audi to o of money to beta ooau of portion ft if a ud it It hoped ocoreh will oats tho on nbt in honor of Qateo Mr gJo Mr Mi rtpolrod UUicn Tony but Wr on Bib line J to go Into lb Lot IHtU bought tiTtTO At fa be to Proctor pvtotnhlp ULuce of ire her filbert week fltcToi whohu been To- for some lime of tort otg et the Albert Ono of from who bid been looking to it got IoJirt to titer oil ho put In bit ritli ibo Wit our fntd doling Imii hey hftvo up lo from todo their closed Oar lowo with It to iiuUlhriD ill but John Of tho Oik J la ipnt from Price AlUtU I for lit J but bora not oner Act they ubiaicd of A If a Albert Slot by Mr Utk genre Tbe mod Oar It J Shier A took In Scott liter on A gool progriLD for next ere Ooo of our you ok genu with girl eveolog fell down o very sot tally hart Mm of Jt ot her old Dont forget Mr Jno let of July of Church Jmi Bond Jo d faro Point week fn fnlorlor of our fn of the our from on Mr- allowed them hit they highly The jcfame of inbudoad bloom Urclfd great and Itdln Ieied at geroualy A ploik from progre Point look on thv they bid very menttoued In i Iwk a K4turdoy on that to find hat the bid or pro- pry thought that waigwd for lie for ond gracefully We young men who of their tad profanity of fart fftek after decided to torn OFtr n While ire fiy My inch and language by no they no Wr epf portion of Ibtfrotuil wet for from The kept for few home with the parly ond riryWt id mto7 iff K SfcaK- r onOQfl of the ttitTmiJjytvrsjIn opcocbt c ho 1D prcparelj good time be and ruber of at appointment nt party on the ft oiagtogp A aUreilltbf lei kind Proceed about A Mr pre- rioui AiotlfaOg Dr from States Fletcher friends tfrea Rev pre octal on night and ho preiebcd an eioltfot A John WrJWSiTdiuer a ho alio got Monday and acbooL I another valuable worker In the person of Mr left WJiJIoyo cannot help but mourn hit low thai nor la Flora Piovcr of ftlendalo Tbe price bare rtlorotdhomoffcm Toronto wbero very tbitCapt of SjH i Army baa left hot will to fill place of people Tillage appear at tractive adding a frtih to their feocea For further Morton and Hill and an from In rilligo a They the The Mr Jill bo eat Intnentirfotnrft Sli ficbl ibelr to prater of lo Mr- boatUalgrori afternoon whin Great doe to UK fitejtv for the manner in which Lb 0doctoJ by ud effort la for is FOR Previous to j Wish to reduce our 3oooo Stock to 2oooo NORTH STORE ONLY JULIUS Aurora Fred who by of plato glaaff falling on blot la be The the School here held a nfcotlug on cricket club follftwloi ollloera Cop tain of are jubilant the of tbo How Co at in lion by Bind Henry Welti plan la nesrahiogfeo Mi barn Sharon in your hot to that yon way it when you go fiihlng A of earn alcohols parts of oil or better oil of pennyroyal will if rubbed on porta effectually away inaf luDwjfoof a too- on Tuoo of Sir- Arthur or a of XL of a Mr Detroit paid a abort to brother trk- for home on Wo Mr J town fa eon tetDplatlog a trip on tho Northern for benefit of Mi health Mr by an other from hero oaf Saturday looking Temple Mr and John Sharp of Wait on a to tho alaierfilri- I er Mr to a large congregation on Sunday j Holland new tbo old It completed witb exception filling with Mr John of plica The J week to yon a abort held Mr dutance tillage oa of week I will now to thai n a very hi to Ibr at of ability J tbe and for thereiOP of android of both kept Into the by tbitoot than iiOOwera mornings a yon aware ojoedop nud oonae- peopfo Vera not afraid of being by which aoo thlo do la towards tboaicceaof the affair day from ft tuck the acdwerted tlrlr by taking part in tho and had wWlo to their on tie largo erected for of ice FURNITURE ft J ROSDHOUSE Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST PRICES PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS JffCFltfeaTOCK FIRSTCLASS HEARSE W D MUTCH Merchant Tailor A magnificent of Imported Tweeds And Fancy Won ted on GOT IK A WALL- P TROUSERINGS To from A large variety of i Twd At prices to suit Iho time CEILING PAPERS AND I am prepared to make them PRICES TO SUIT Tl And Within the Reach INSPECTION Our Newmarket Market Kail JooaW rbanfl bait per gpdoWbeAt do a a perron joI Jo Mi do PHI do a core a a a a P o S OT a Apples a rTpoQod ALL GOODS Made on tbo premise- at Closest Cash Prices Only For Workmanship wo are determined not to bo excelled YOUR W MUTCH TAILOR it op sod Our Toronto Markets CENTRAL A Ontario Veterinary College nowpHdrti r The Cell ttttKrdan car M pr PpMiirMiiiinBi lire par If Iei do as as pfry II per nioa a do a a do After alt Id amply filW abt f jariy a On dUtaood accost lb road ilcgroi Duo to be taunt ft mil tbrngbarUuJ rabtxr and j lira lad If nk a En Band day did fibooldtbfy Jidda CompftiUcfi ip I it all to faearcf off big end Jtolblbt and IV California on ra on I wora Ibiqiy and of rifU Id for a btadionio gold do at mall of woli poll at fin ven iJlu and lha anWgl TtaftmiiW TO At par VII LLOYD for I0 o a flaroraiiutrtr corner of WritttifsiittKtartt- W V77 a a OS a a a a a a on a 1 a a a naj a a Obi AS EXCURSIONS Ml o froa aoy IS Midland iniOT by rail by ibt nj any rtffor I R lauabta a or a Una iho TOpTlolqc lea ttwiop 1 alALd W j for to si no woe ijapt A MARVELS OF IN DEPARTMENT FOR BOYS YOUTHS MISSES SCHOOL BOOTS -GOTO- MONTGOMERYS EVERY FAIR WARRANTED WH ara To INESHOES J p and went noticed lb of Mr l of Victoria alio froca to a good their naliia It acawly to jr or tow- fcirwg to lira fa awnlog oar noUc I aboald by a TiT fro or to UlArHi Hjl lbl wo aopeibir or la McaodQtbtwcirSaiinra foa3HbJMDcw Wo win yoo piunoiiidd fcftDuJinnjortot r a wlUiXstdtUy a or or We have earned an Enviable Reputation from doing business which consists in Only ROOK BOTTOM PR a We purchase all our Goods Direct from for Cash thereby saving our Customers the profit m An ordinary family doing business with us for an average saving of PER YEA

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