Newmarket Era , June 24, 1887, p. 4

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7 v NEWMARKETERA rorthn Train 5a I Sutton Items- bubo Northern an nil iJou MMbfUH lJ Jul I Kill ion ALL i h ATKINSON fcTrfTfvrfrrrrTTTfyfTrrTtfTft fiif AMI WITH NE Us Hub WHAT own Thomas of slnul Toronto of Bradford to address Meting of School in Lloyd- town Prill on Wednesday July till at 2 oclock p on very school Mr nnd auroral sneak- cm will part in nftonioon will lecture In the consider for- luiialt in services of such men J I Is usual to conduct gathering on pic nic plan each school fro- visions In any way desired loot Ml watch our homo team and on won visitor goal A of ho of and foul match and 2nd Tenth to suited In a draw time hcing called heforo hall had been put Negotiation arc for the erection of a Hall hero fiuiiiimr having purchased building lot from Mr and Awarded tho contract to Mr to begin at Two widow changed recently Mre Mr and Mrs Snider into Spring Hill contractor Is placing material ground for addition to tim alcthodibt Church in ll to is about completed is building fence enclosing J Irwin ha contract for a brick vault A ciito of pinto glass foil on of the station nt work In and ho Is homo nursing dislocated hip J J McDowell has returned to ilin Ironsides of played a football iiiiitch with of on Siturdny tint J lint half was very ironsides won itfj mill only game time scored a gann return match is to bo Spiinghill on Saturday the factory- by com puny composed of in neigh of brought to factory much in excess of of last work of turnpiking and gray- tho roads around It to Win Mr ha moved his family into lately Mr A and A new picket It being in front of now Would it not bo well to inafao A movn in around acliool What senior foot ball team of doing this year If you wont to seo greatest foot ball tournament of the Beaton to held I lay Jf you any in pitching quoits put In at Jf you ore of limb and carry away aomo of money f you with lo treat your daughter to or any of the delicacies of the season bring to as all heart ad- to a will bo provided Veiloro celebration having cease J may expect grand rally A It in the courio of nrection A committee An train from intervening sta tions passed Button this rooming to o barked In bo for flay lo day Wo to a Park and Hotel in the near which will satisfy roost particular will bo to a largo as today Romeo Church hold their Picnic today loth in tier Grove dancing enjoyed to hearts content The button Cornet Band on ground nd unlivonodthoproocodfnrt with considering of of the player as Practice and there no reason why you should not bo In if you follow tho rule The views of London hurt were very pleasing as well as instructive and those who not hero a good treat there any on hand in Sutton for first of July A largo number of tho most prom inent of business from To ronto ere expected to visit Button and Jacksons Point en Saturday to view to the Sum mer 1 to bo erected hero am of that aftor pltco and surroundings thoy will subscribe liberally to enterprise which undoubtedly bo a paying investment taking share No man who ha visited place and Is skllle4 in of that sort would or could say that wo its in Canada This being without ft Is bound to sacoocd and only wants active work on part of dent end Directors to bring it to a complete and successful issuo will first trip today for a tow of logs She lias been carefully refitted and is now a belter boat than aho over Tho the at Sutton has been a County bridge which Is duo to untiring of our worthy Anderson Never bear any talk ed of tho boys Well never mind boy a as long an yo let correspondent you can sco editor of tho and ho will bo suro to tell who tho party It arid you can with sold If wlh Tworo a pity to novo such a string of trotters and not let sur rounding country know it Cricket appears lo bo gone what la tbo matter boys You your former Mr to you Into activity rango Ac Keep op your can plsya rattling good gsmoyot returned this in aomo oases but apparently enjoyed their trfp lo our beautiful Point and Wo to many of them through hero this season Sutton boys Juniors played a team of Indian of about their ego on Saturday which resulted In the Sutton Club winning by Tndall operator tho bonny mosquit oes thick about point Of course speak from having been to steam Saw Mill at Lake run by will bo shut do days for repairs Point ilia JnuMp Ircatraent of A si lira a la a remark MvMibacuivsOubb was tbst I tor stout iwe bat a Unl tried a bsppr to was ears a two bottle Win VAtareMnkiauoMlaUUn Jffiuro4 owe remedy or morbus of a aaiurs to ins sumoi season la Wild A dm with a cold iba bead train ill Into IticlbioMttilnluiba bead or any or lbs ympioms fortiunatn at a Mill cure truly lot AVtur jives or We u no batter parfvct j- reel ll out for lila surTcrercau will item are ixtceui lino of fa of Jltaili fnrcadoiesnf will it bottles I cis Irjlt A ProretWlooiilOpIuloup J luv yoor p illflu on my Lucy Mini p fOmoi a Very eo her up lto never bom ho was pnr out milliner Jitrtk with bit vUU laaUitltt Mir ft fitr llittfth Ms J ho dont ho the if Tint nay by fowler or Will AHfotmserbowal sad or djiUia to stuck of can be by lia fa ciUdor iuuiis sua tint fro ism AMfJoyHlrarre was vouiSDotvllbWbcrbitid a miracle and beariy fOtoTjo A March HlisPtrsasblpaoaoa riltUft Jo tbo Mold Iru if jajri of wprnskwi rrtwdlPj lb villa young boys- who atoul Polar but to the Booth shore of take The train which composed of fivo JL and a drawlogroom car Old Charlie Mit chell too wellknown conductor had party In and bo took Rood care of them Thoro wor a of of Board of Trade and several ob ject of tbo excursion was to citizens of Toronto what a they within of hears run of and possibly also to Induce wealthier of tbcm to takp stock in the summer hotel it pro posed to erect at Jacksons Point Jacksons Point is beautifully situ ated on South shore of coo on a spur of the Midland of It about a mile and a half north of tbo village of Tho run on Saturday wo an one for oily In any direction choose to take and a trip over Midland Is of most interesting Imagin able After classic Don fa croes- and as for out as you find yourself running through a of country- Near city market and your to north while to the south stretches away lake ft waters Juno sun Many resident of city country seat overlooking and the of the of nearly all hereaway show that tho owners are in comfort able north tho homos are of a most attractive and tor among their broad acres of growing spring crops andirnnienostrctcijesofi lands they betoken Independence result of hard farmora In this part of York Boom to a great In stock raising and on many of tho farms very fino cattlo and horses At Jacksons cscuraion- mot by tho provisional di rectors of hotel company who had provided a very dinner laid out on long tables in a beautiful grove to which was done town folks of Button did all in power to visit ors comfortable the ladies transform ing themselves into waitresses for tho occasion and charming and ones they made afterwards carried a number of out on lake make on board by Aid end other gentleman and the erection of proposed hotel- would bo a boon to residents of Toronto giv ing them a delightful summer reiort to city and calling on who wished to enter their names in stock a prominent ion of Sutton treated the representa tives of the various city pnporston drive round the village which seems to bo a thriving Near proposed hotel is a where ft vast number of am yearly turned Into lumber It Is run by steam power The family a handsome memorial church In of Jacksons Point which cost It is stone and prosenla an imposing appearance any number of cosy little country churches on way from Toronto to flutton all have sheds In rear farmers up their horses during tho The residence of Dr to Point is the finest In the country He is having erected now closo to his offices a brick house for his peacocks of which he has number A farmer told mo that what was wanted most in Sutton was a where country folk could dispose of their dairy and other products year at Sutton there grain from two different To ronto house price obtained by the fanners owing to this compe tition were good Among tho mora prominent resi dents of Sutton John It- Boucher Bowman J I A P and Stevenson In dian Agent Mr Boucher la postmaster post office being con ducted in store Farmer of of gave mo a lift from Sutton to the Point I had been rofuied admission to ft rig chartered by seme of the excursionist The Hall was well represent ed at excursion The delegation was hooded by the Assistant Treasurer It The School Board was present In the parsons of Trustee Frank while Board of Aldermen sent as delegates John Baxter John Irwin and Duncan prominent fire insurance man was In the party Vice President Matthews of Board of Trade and of he Board of License A Sunday School was In progress near Jacksons Point on There were several hundred of well children present who seemed to enjoy themselves immense ly on the shorn of the lake TO ere betel has been since J boy going to school said a grizzledlooking individual to roe and I hope you wealthy people from the city will fthand now and help us to build ft do boy said I as the wish swelled opla lot of money In Toronto ipg for In hotel outside the Corporation limit The reached the no accident of any Mod rar plea lure of at on the im m mi jrtt to wan an ostrich boy while I AT- NEWMARKET OH DAY- Friday 1 87 iDdwt fjttj by IfBlQ from MQgKg to ftrrtvjl of morn t a pROGESSIOHj WIN wJrctUo Ibo Town reiufolof it EJf Town lull it li4 by Wfcy IMIaepgrtfilU Will imtoeOtitiety if bleu on 2nd A l On Oclock ior otf on in ft ivJol rtcijbyMtoMsiyor A- during of choice Jf nil bo formed fill bo to fflllslvo lull will dun Hatch by nil direct Cup of lo a lu or At AltBand for a of la ihrco Aftil Not III otl prim only only A MMahnl4 at Old At fora to 4tjfjcfnn of utile At Matt for a jilK of bod lt Wo will WtaWcv Hi M tod tut fci J J will lime penult Jl fcr Bill mo for lite on VpeuvU JevHtryiUofMoBl KtvcDirlct- Food by 10 lab or ONI nil too pa A Con John J Graham TJ John McLean Edward John Jss WmKcmp Coo Patrick Koran fames James Cane- Foster Laogo of Lav do do do do do do do do do a till thllltpf Win John Hen Coo W Cox Con WlJIUta A Con SellloS led d- llrerlog Vr a log Toll- lSgDlgf Tbruleolox Life do do do do Peddling wYlbontUMu- I do do SO I April 9 9 do A Outs do do do do Job a do it PAlda i a II Paid Hot Paid Paid Not Paid Paid Ilia Pild Ft id old do do do to J to keep a to to Treif do do Booed it John Wen r Walter Free John Lynch Joseph KnowI Hunter BmlUl John John Lynch Cox C Con Wright Qufun Win Kemp Win Cos I Fred Turner Win Hickman lKmhr Pew ProdPtU James Vclix IMIcIimI Frank KiiuJigcr Anton Abbott John do do Aoctloolc Liu to P do Jo do do of I Dm of Lfcjoor It do do do do i 3 DUonJcrly dO I r j do do r Clerk do do Wat CoaSlt Clerk do do Clerk do I AIm Smith ii ii ft John Ceuipbell Alfred flflinucl Greenfield Ik John Con Wright iSmith John it Taylor do Kelly do Hall do do do do do do do Thomas Johnstone do do do do do do do do iTrriMU 4 do do do iUrcb a PaidcinV i a II l ll i Hodge Monro TltomavHickf John Public 8towArt do do do AsDaWiliraaw Hodge if do do do Charles J H Huilsou John James Monro John Hill ii II If ft ll It do do do do Henry White fight as Sonday- Illegal Hodge Foot William Theodore Taylor Matt Jolin CamubcU Charles Wilson Horace Wallevcn Daniel Window John John Troy do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do I i a ft George Hardy Public Robert Douglas Thomas Dixon James Hammond fTrtit4iV Ufa and License do do do DOtptWwhDOt Comity Seat Gaol days bird I Uotindtoktcptho Clerk j to County days bard Ctetk I days hard lido n i for sen days bird days hard lib Bound to keep r in the 110 Paid Cooaty day hard I i 3 months I j 1 I days Wm do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Wm It sod Miller do I do sod hi do do IV J Mitchell P Yale sod 200 GO I 1 CO i I Paid to do do AccordlDjr loSUtai a do do l do do I do do Time Riven 10 daya A rut mux rnontbt Paldjlofortniot Ai6utQUDirU do do do do do do do do do do do do do given A f i it l I 0 J P Yates A sod A by Not Pa Id I I PaidiAiSlitotebirfcU Not Paid J PadCcootTTrtaiartr I Trcii CoaotyTruiorer do fan BMW I f a raid Director do do Bound Peace BULL Clerk BREAD ROLLS ETC Delivered to all parts of the town daily I Alllf Twenty Cases of California and Valencia SIMPSONS MAIN STREET ALSO I PINEAPPLES BANANAS ETC I A Stock of French Chocolates and all kinds of Choico Confectionary FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Canned Goodie at BOOK cud Cream I AND DRINKS A ROBERTSON NEWMARKET LIQUOI AIFIKB ALES AND PORT i In Wood and Bottle received week Wines Brandy Rem In Vood and Bottle for medicinal a and fiteut JOROBERTSON HARDWARE CUTLERY PAINTS OILS Glass and I- Ticket Agenlfortlie Trunk Railway ALLAN AND ANCHOR LINES OF STEAMSHIPS to sod Korop MAIN STRAYED -l- l E4Xlv Vcs Wast s spa lArrxMtMCa t aiiA iii 4 Fancy Goods China and Glass Vases Toilet Seta Mag Autograph Albums Partes Hair Brushes Combs Fruit Knives GARDEN TOOLS and Varied Assortment Of TOO NUMEROUS To mention Is solicited Stamps For I a Fell Stork of Family art els 2CiasoPa3 r SCWM Apples P K- Soap eta Main rf5 I J i THE SPRING OF 1 Is at hand with ail a- THE a End RELIABLE AKIV LEADING HOUSE FOB OVER THIRTY Largest Best Stock or lawsTa With Good Prints and wing Pelt and d and J A aBaMs

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