Newmarket Era , August 19, 1887, p. 1

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If every Friday Morning Iris in In- NORTH YOKK AND ADVERTISER Single Cqpfrte Each i Friday August 19 INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY to Loan Etc If ins an MffoU Ml 1 of llfhliiu China Hall I nil Farmer It 0llsltilli our 1 w Can or writs lor lo iiiiiiii In I ROC Real Insurance Agent Main St Booth Hgmnsrlcot So HtntU Toronto tuiisriiiATiAW JftWry Noil door IWtiic DalilUSrKli Ac Notary fO A lllllrtTKIM Ad J K of It A BIO SUMMER SALE For Jubiloo Year ft Japan for or cci Laundry Soap for 256 A tig boom in ccoU lb And everything jut jN At KCc roll on J Lifo AuDTiDte TO WAX AT on a i ihk If HI J LI Am HI I ONTARIO IIAX wrwMARKtr WflC- 4T TO fQA It J tore hlIIITIN ALLAN St Toronto iif n J3AK- LAI0 Civil lcerOo of tie Ontario r ALBION a A llMlodbyalMm room for OH meat 11 J TUP ATNA CO Policy Beam MaUired A few local vnntod A timlncn Etc ado bow locxtcmowlodiri Jo a auperior mid flmd Wo faavo largest of Crockery and lo Town at lowest price not fail to examine our stock and compare our price Self Sealers and Preserve Jars a Specialty 16 Oil Finest Japan Tea Dust No trouble to SALT BY THE It A Orxlors by promptly attended to AVINO again assumed of Oven we ahall bo pleased to deliver Orders for Dread our old alto many Wo also control of now one 11 And both will bo supplied with Fresh Cakes Pastry Confectionery iO ALIO FAMILY GROCERIES PAINTKU nnd lor PEN TAT I removed blBfoomt to of sad Kamiover JtoriiV HOWL VllnlUM Air fir it A I It I A OK far for kepi oubBDajiOosrcrj loiiucflDivlllDpOrderifoniiifiiofiiUboAVa THE ACCIDENT JW8URAIS0BC00FW0RTU ho only company loibf fiainiLacoldenu for vlclolty at nod Aurora ICE TELEPHONE BAILEY ARRIVED- mm ItCit TENCH ljtK to AND INSECT POWDER to BBS OK CANADA Stock iota of NIOBST Suitings To found pro up i a SUPERIOR Call and or Mccormick AN STOCK OF kty 7 PIPES Ml STORK SUNDAYS 10 A P ST SOUTH ALLOWED ON Ftiojmi -w- Best Moulding Materials I ffilt bd to -ISSUED- lr AT J AND IN CANADA FARMERS NOTES Oil iRANCIS ids On Shortcat Notice of jo Hit BAKING J ROBERTSON DRAnRR IN HARDWARE CUTLERY PAINTS OILS Gloss Carpenters and Materials Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Hallway ANPTJI ALLAN AND ANCHOR LINES All PoloU la tuiOpo fit BEST FRIEND WWlSgfgiJ yiXBPBIHTIKO A SKA for infants and Children I Boor rtUoo Outrun Ca8h Advance at The Model Editor A vho wot flbould know ever And up iht torch of Itko a bo profound it boiled A ad hnmblft to bit street Jto honor la Mi upUlo tod colonel op ifDff tod tod moil write M With for- fc1ow all wild I tod oat of tad em t be a Of and And lomoU milk Jle prompt Aod to dodge tbe bill collector The I saw it in Jtitchcn of a haltUy in Oxford jug host saw the caoght You what jug la up or with its knocked out ho aad My wife perhaps can toll yon the jbat she it nd I 111 till it My as you probably farm fno Do to a good old ago worked never squandered raonoy was a cautious trader and a good calculator and as men counted In his day and generation a man I youngest boy and old gentlemen was ready to go and other agreed that slnco I had stayed at homo and taken care of old folks farm should bo mine And to mo it I had been married Well father died mother had gone years before and left farm to mo a mortgage on it for I to my wife look here had this farm in strength of soil with all timber and hoys grow up to to many men to help and ho worked hard worked hard word- late and early and yet look at A mortgage of What can dot And I wont that Jug it had a bottom in it then and took still drink of old rum from I noticed tho curious look on Urn of my wife and asked her what she thought of it for I sup posed she was thinking of what I had been talking about And so she for said I have thought of this a great deal and J nave thought of a way which I believe you can clear this mortgage off before five years arc ended tell me how do it Sbe thought for a while and then said with a funny twinkle her blue eyes you promise me this and mo moat solemnly and sacredly promise me that you will never bring home for the purpose of drinking as a beverage at any time any more yon can bring in that jug your father has used since knew him and which you have used since he has done with it Well I fcneW that father in a while especially in haying time and in winter when we were at work in woods to get an old gal lon jug filled so I that she meant that I should not buy more than two quarto at a time I thought it over and after little while told her I would agree to it mind said she you are never to bring homo any spirits than you con bring in that identical jug And I pro mice And before I went to bed that night I took tho last pull at the jug As I was turning it out for a sort of night cap looked up and says she Charles have you go a drop There was just about a drop left Wed have to get it on morrow- Then she said if had no objections she would drink that last drop with me I afaall cover forget how she said it that last drop However I tipped the old jug bottom op and got a great spoonful and that was enough said She took a tumbler and ft few drop of hot water into ft and a bit of sugar and then she her glass against mine seen us boys do when wed been drinking Heres to the old brown jug Sake alive I I thought to that poor Mollis had been more rum than was good for her and I tl you it kinder cut to tin- heart I forgot oil about how many times shed seen me when my tongue thicker than it ought to be and my legs not so steady as good loi should but I said nothing Thooldbwii jug and let it go Well I went out after that and done my then went to bed and last thing I Slid be fore leaving the kitchen this very room where we no Well have the old brown jog filled row And then I And I have remembered ever since that I went to night had of tiroes before wit 9 J I Newmarket f IT in bead that a man ought not to I Jot think of it then nor had over thought of it before but I bate thooKht of it good aiDco have thought of it and awe Well J got up next morning and did to vrork at And then In but with no Arm it ought and I could not think had to I and wont out and bitched old for to toll plain truth I in need of a of apiriU hadnt a drop in I In hurry to tho villaga I hitched up In for jug I wont for it to old cupboard and took and Did you ever break through thin too On a mopping cold morning and Grid in in rowing that I that The jug but the bottom gone had a and a hammer and with a skill might credit to a ter had clipped bottom clean off the jog and then out oh I had never anything like it fM gage on from it brought homo within that jug two quart at a time And thats clear akin and pretty eye And in that jug my your going Oh let tho stay out it bo it dear heart And remember your promise to And then she throw her arms around ma and bunt into tears She could peak no more And there was no need- My wore opened if by magic In a I oil on farms in our neighborhood and I where the money had gone very last mortgage father had ever to pay a bill held him by the man who had bis jug for year Ye it as it passed mo a fluttering picture of rum debt and in end death And I returned my It my III the proviso fto heaven And I have kept it- In less than firo year a said the mortgage cleared off came back to mo and now weve got a at There tho old jug just as wo hung it on that day and from that limn there hasnt a drop brought into house which that jog wouldnt hold Dear old jug Wo mean to keep it and it down to our children for lesson it can give to them a lessor of life of a happy life peaceful prosperous and Glowed J And ho ceased speaking his wife with arm drawn tenderly around the neck of youngest boy mur mured a fervent out of them they found such a of death as Is rarely can piled on top of two being tele scoped and piled on top of each other It is miraculous how any escaped as coaches and engines do not occupy over two lengths of track and arc all on top of road bed- In coach not person escaped In another only a lady Instantly tho air filled with he cries of the wounded and shrieks of fog which animates basest of tie human race but still men who Will rob dead men who will steal from the dying and will hold by broken of wrecked car wounded whom death by tiro imminent cad do most any thing which base and what thise They into when the was burning underneath and when thf poor who were pinned them For Gods sake Ono roilJion last In a stripped them of and and those about to die groans out and screams united to their watches an sound and above for TOenS ftj wore laid in com children as in some hyenas turned the en over they lay pinned their dead for valuables and that Another Dreadful Hallway Calamity PEOILE KILLED AND FOUR TIMES A3 parents And was another torriblo danger vet to bo met was still burning and the wrecked were laying on and the fiercely burning the wreck were wounded and unhurt men women and children whose livesoould be saved if could bo gotten out hot whoso death and death a most terrible form certain if the twisted wood of the broken cars caught and to fiht re there wbb NOT A DROP OF and only some fifty able bodied men who still had presence of mind and enough to do their duty The only light was the of bridge and with so much of its aid fifty men went to work to fight the lames For four hours fought like fiend and for hours the victory hung in Earth was only weapon with which could be fought end so the attempt was made smother it out- There was not a pick or shovel to dig it up no baskets or to carry it and so desper ate were ihcy that they dog lingers down into the earth which a long drought had as bard as stone and heaped prec ious handful hardly won upon the encroaching Haines and with this earthwork built handful by handful the foe While this was going on oilier bravo crept wrecked cars beneath lire and wooden bars which held as prisoners so many prec ious lives end with prices of board sometimes their hand beat lack the was by an organ- gang is proven by the fact that morning out too sec tion purees all empty were in one heap It was a ghastly plunder ing and had the plunderers been caught this afternoon would sure ly have been lynched a There was incident of the acci dent which stood out more horribly than all of those horrible scenes In second coach was a man his wife and little child His name could not be but it is said ho got on at Peoria When the accident occurred the entire family of three was caught and held down by broken woodwork Finally the man turned to the friend and feebly take out first I afraid the child is dead So they carried out the mother and as the broken seat was taken off breast the blood which from her lips told how badly she was hurt They carried the child a fairhaired Woeeyed girl of and laid her the cornfield alongside of dying mother Then they went back for father and brought him out Both of his legs were broken but he crawled through the coin to the of bis wife and feeling her livid fea tures In darkness pressed some brandy to her lip and asked her how he felt A feeble groan was the only answer and the neat instant she died man felt the of his dead and child and cried out My God here is nothing more for me to live for now and tskfng a pistol out of his pocket pulled trigger The Army well were destroyed day i flames when they up alongside wont surely through his Aug All the rail way horrors country were sur passed three miles last night when an excursion train on Toledo Peoria Western road dropped through a burning arid over people were killed and four times that number were more or less badly injured The train was cemposcd of six sleeping cars six day coaches and chair cars bag gage It was carrying passen ger all excursionists and was bound for Niagara Falls train had been made up all along the lino of the Peoria Western road and excursionists hailed from various points Central Illinois the bulk of however coming from Peoria Some of the passengers from Canton El Paso Washington and in fact all stations along the line some from for west as Burlington and Iowa When train passed this it was boar and a half behind time next elation east of here is six rils off and the run there was seven minutes so terrible mo mentum of those fifteen coaches and two engines through space at rate of a mile minute can be understood train not stop at Chatsworth and sped by he small station at lightning ed Three miles east of is a little slough where railroad a dry run about ten and fif teen feet wide Over this was stretch ed an wooden trestle bridge and as he excursion thun dering down on it what was horror of engineer on front engine when he saw that the bridge was on fire Right leaped the flame and tho be was anion them no chance to slop Had there been warning ft- would Lave tafen half wile to onrushing of wood iron and human lives and the train within yards the riMsengcrof death before they flashed their into lie engineers he in safety the first engine sieplug the As It went over bridge beneath it and it could only lily been spfrdof train which saved the lives of the egilicrr and his firemao But the xod down the deed of death was tor car crashed into car coaches one top of another and the an eye nearly people AX DSATII more were so hart they could riot live As for wounded they were everywhere Only the sleeping who pinned down by a looked on while it if frit 9iu fioloi on were groans of ftnguUh of death mod certain less Til If could be extinguished and the cries of thoso loo badly hurt to care in what manner he was brought about so only it could be quick So they dug up with their bands reckless of the blood streaming- oat from under their finger mils and heaping it up mounds all tho while heart rending For Gods sake let us burn to death But finally the victory won and fire was put out after four hours of endeavor and as the last sparks died away a light came up in the east to take their place and dawn came upon the scene of horror While the fight had been on men had been dying and there not so wounded to take out of be wreck as there had been four hours before but in the meantime he country been routed help bad come from Forest and Piper City and as dead were laid reverently alongside of each in com field there were ready hands to take them into Chatswortb whilo some of the wounded were car ried to Piper City hundred and eighteen was poll of the dead while the wounded numbered four times that many The full tale of lib dead canape however be told yet for days A heavy rain set about hours alter the before the wounded could be taken away It rained for two hours Tho people are doing all they can for the wounded- Dr Karen of Fort Madison Iowa says train was running at miles an hoar when the a and found himself and wife fastened in the teats Ho pulled the lock off of two lforo ho get his wifout was on her body both her Hi shoulder was dislocated and be ha it pulled into get out of the There were persons in his parly and ho cm only hear of so far Ho says he saw Kd Stoddard throw I hoy out to a while he crawled to get his wife who was killed JfABOUCtt sooner the thin scene of bands unsfwakablemistreants were on hand and like the guerilla iho throng a conflict and filch dead money which hey received for their meagre pay slewing even the medals robbing from the children of heroes the other worth less emblems of their fathers bravery so last night did human hyenas plunder tho dead from this terrible accident and off the shoes which covered heir fret wretches are is not known Whether a band of pickpocket aecoinpsided he train or were lurk ing in vicinity cannot be said however ex ists them are who give it credence hat the accident was a de liberately planned case of ins the wm set on fire by who hoped to scire the op and fact that the was so far at time the train came along and the added fact that the train was and a lata la pointed oat as or a that man can bo so lost to all the ordinary W- brain end the three dead of hat family are now lying side by stile in waiting to be identified THR DEAD of disaster was brought by one of the midnight As fast were taken from wreck hoy were lain out on the side of he rack Before daylight he work of recovering lie food and re moving hern was be gun Til residents of the own threw open their houses for he reception of Hit dead and wounded but die form er were lakpn improvised The scenes in the different places where bodies lay were heartrend ing The majority of the bodies were mangled in a most frightful manner many of them having their fAces en tirely torn away leaving their brains posed while their jaws fingers limbs had been torn off HI The railroad officials estimate that about people were killed and io the catastrophe near here New facts tending to strongly confirm the theory of wreck ing by an organized band were dis covered yesterday A local freight on the ranolTtbe track near on Saturday Seven cars were badly damaged Additional advices from Mill- brook struck by a cyclone Thursday say that thepace buildings including hotels school houses churches stores and residences be lag wholly or nearly destroyed The losses foot up 88000 The people are in great distress Thursday and Friday were the warmest known for many years A case of fatal sun stroke occurred on Thursday A yooig man named Albert Weal aged war in the firld on his fathers near ha wig noticed to fall and when his father who was some from him went to see he cause found hat death been rut ant it coos It is the only case hat ha proved fatal although sev eral cases have Urn reported An child of Mr died while In its mothers anna Nothing until ho moment hat death On the of Jive and oclock a very aod destructive rain and hail storm visited this neighborhood For upwards of half on hour rain poured dorn in torrents he wind all the blowing a perfect gala Some slight conception may bo gather ed force of storm it that a largo frame shed on prvprt of Mr Belfry was taken car- from eight to ten feet that fruit trees In Mr Robinsons orchard were snapped asunder like pipe stems several instances were tore up by ho roots Large of trees carried a distance were laid low all directions an I he road for about was with fence rails limbs of trees sbfogles off bams and other Nearly ail glass in aide of- Mr was broken from what this will heaviest loss to bis property from effect of the storm Mr Wat Wood gentlemen and threshed for them in the field ao great was force hail stones which In short probably the most destructive that his visited for Bradford OrilUapays of the engine this Some alarm has in Montreal by the fever in the city Returns clearly the prohibition by A ten year old his father If revenge for a whipping A woman at kidnapping a chll ty Bleeding foraj been successfully New York city hospital s Customs into alleged smuggling the Islands 13 The to helped McOariglo to get S A repetition fires of live years In some parts Of Michigan Threo Canadian been seized by a United Sea tax Chicago papers effects of the drought in western States as disss A fire Tuesday property of the Montreal inn to to tb9 thrown out of employment in sv3u Colin died yesterday of by being thrown out of last Friday The malt will built at lie he armament Nine Jloureof Commons to join the deputation- take the pence memorial Mrs of finrd and costs at police cooit for throwing kind on a dog that was Michael Dominion press Man lias on a charge of stealing a a J The Manitoba are considering a struct a lino of railwai Winnipeg end The subsidy asked is the Brother who recently from the Brotherhood fessed his guilt was to one months The existence made known of en in Quebec whoT practice to attack One of their wl with brutally as little girl at Backward turn time in thy flight just for tonight am weather so hot the sweat would fill a big pet weary away for the A sat blizzard would go very dm on ice mother put mo esq Mechanics in satisfactory condition Government and hi of only sixty bis offered to vlding the town will buy new books to The County of three years of the a strong movement is throw it and return Act license Pet freely circulated and signed prating ho allow an themselves in Swift Calloway county was short He by his supported his family as a His wife became while raving talked of the smoke house was found- often Ihst a supposed so fasppy a delivery Dally Coram CI fire record for July loss in the United Stat to have been in July II in July double he average loss the twelve less for the fint seven was agalr for the correspond lag point In night Rev Mr dMrat garden Mi stolen and Leo roost was of off the paid Masons garden and I A

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