M irtfy Now for Water- Dine Voters list David Lloyd Homo for For Salo or to Rent A- Join Lost Mrs Dell- Important Wanted Mis Card of TbanksTboe Lara Of I to Awfr DA AUGUST Our Toronto xclirtntnt KLunly tony to defeat by iwo ImiIh ilaollrVI TuroaV Civic sod Jug iijh will Mb Willi ItlftPjmP were injured to for iuo of Hi Mil pi inter of It Mr- lb A uu Mm hi WptitUJ Id cm Mr It bo CO bit- Jolitt Itwly win on a it pcoD ft of or out Ho will no Provincial Subsidies S to of Provincial MinUtors from lM ftrvimtl of Montreal liuiely ftrtick- on of Provincial ilm of vfcniiwijudniiiK from spirit llnrir in Che of ftppenr to I influenced to tome fwling Federal under A to t but taken into that amount tliiy Ontario from tbo idea of luting to is simply Urn conviction of hostility iowi its federal authorities or a to In wlitcli people- have voted fo far s Is concerned this JVoviiico is our present system of and mora no is for Ontario to hop din end desired by lied in interests J by very Province of all others atfiidj- rrcoivinununduo proportion trewory in to amount contributed In were of Onta rio in with authorities instead of being opposed the Quebec Premier as veil as the of Government in Maritituo Provinces would no Attempt to to such mfemia At OnUrio to revenue for wry tioverutnont to spend of propped fittftll other viikcs out than it not likely they will con to any to Ontarios or lesion the to bo received apart row this view fit the there no but our policy is a source weakness instead of strength to the confederacy and ftsd the power it in the hands of the Dominion a whole province lemovbd or wry greatly lessened will eventually lead to if to duruptloiL owing to feocial and which prevail in tho several it impossible to wifce equitable one Arguing from tilts standpoint Witney correctly the of lor up Mdi IrtjlMio mill while ibe oo for itV fetp but lie mad ly i Jo ixainc vry gfi Aot wilt Nov I uid 1 of lsi It tfOftt by fttt tbL of tict of tod gtlo lit to to offUQwbMSDMWttnia rtlora for IwtM W of tub m lUTrrtcdriJ of to thli loeqalUblo fndojT rouii bo op If ltd not op ooarodwUloo Ifi to th KtUIdj u duiker minatr Its of remedy Tie remedy ii atrsplo It to pit their ova by direct ouil at Ho put cad to of rabddy put to cad of of Jt In lb by good doty for lis lor WHAT Kit TO Or nut tor lint Leu of for by fit route in of Juoelut Tim la unpriced at Hooky loads IU la la flsttlaaiiat ytar fatty to lb of a at Bay junction of Extenilon vltb a P It Mr I pioprlotor be a At lbs lata of Ibo Dominion ItN agiiwltoial aoclatln bare bun by ibo of at to to yotefadoUtlDg of Ma w lrloiapottt4thtt Vallty It rapid pro In order proirblnjt the entire Mae graded tad for Ibe metal The Preface fa Hot at a work it with Hon Mr Willi the creation of of a Daring of resolution the Op Hon Mr dlated No plcldrti end thrill cotoftd from the rumor a eboit bat for of flitrita Ei rcclvfj from the A tiier tun flove approved of by the arc Mill luimarcv that tba Dominion would taken by Canada by Sir Jmhig wjIu of It in tba on of Columbia that Trunk Hallway Co will apply to tho for a to build railway through to Inlet with VaUy under A with I It from to TU of Liberal Premier of QuhlvcV w the Province lu iieeiiat avoided ualloa of a plank lo progftimmf lathe country lu by that tba to thin plauk order to the Commoner lofts Ilka amy for it Opposition Iraderi Hod Mr tnaldpg a principle like predecaori very taportent ring to a policy might be a- kin M tbt He nod would bold op bath hand la favor of an Imperial will meet of Ontario pally which filiform Ulm at Lake Chi of Toronto with Q of Toronto pending Slight baa been op grandma the put few Prior of and are a week the collator llii of la in on to her pereota of Toronto few days at P of Toronto Id Town the of lira- Dudley Mr and of Buffalo are Id town The of are at weak Us Aire flmlih of Toronto were at Mr J Sunday Mr of Toronto and City Civic wltb par tote Kits Elena of Toronto la with Mm tbla week fonnJ of this filog to Mr sod To- So will for Maple of week Mrs Kavsoigh sod KIIy of Toronto fa town with J of ospasw of Mr Jit Kdmss Is fa towairJtb ooviloi week MIm Jlsttls of Toronto q at tho for tbo put few Mr Will was from tbte a Wednesday to Mr Owl rotary corn left at lbs Saturday ilti Alex daughter are a fair la town GUI town for a couple of o4 with la Mia J A returned Ifale from a two and around Mr and W Hay ler New Saturday to a ftw of Toronto baa beta Wilting tbla town for put week will call la Aurora and before returning home Her Webber holiday at Polls and to return by Sunday Rtv Hit pulpit -Ilia- of Ml Albtitj who ba on a two week with at In town evening roskloga aboil fffth Mr of Ibe School and of Mr A of lu over iundeyflndtavo at CbrUtlau Gray contradict that be bit taken a frr life Ho he little tw fieib- would Mm to be wort to where be information In future Mr baa beta ii4 ftf Toronto with Dr IJ in en will remain here lb owning on the Cib of October J and alio of Toronto in over Sunday to the of Mr They returned borne on eotog little Mabel trbonUt in Ibe city for a couple of A Budge Secretary of the and children arrived at old home last Saturday On Sunday afternoon be met few old filled and biol it Method dUt School from everyday wbtcb inucb Hen preach In IheCbrtiHaoCbnTcb Sunday end brother dvarUaod loathe and ttvoln la torn eooDi1M f to mm for ih4 of la road third time noHyJjtw tbau a of the in tar of road a Oral time and on motion went the thereon when third me and Mr Mr Etc be to Fired payment of labor at Canted Op motion then Point Party ID aptendld of Point on Saturday J Mr John Kay of Toronto ain Newmarket la aid or Par Fund of The very Oct and two and more and moota provided A tout with a eerie- and family in tl from tbo eiiraolod Then ware tbo sower two fine level oourla all well patronised Upward were mallei entirely paid A Successor to on FOR BARGAINS fl Mount Albert Another game of fiaao Call the married married men came again Win Urodlo the lob of repairing the wind mill Quite a cumber or farmer ore will hare to In an appearance Mr Rowland flora in clock Report wedding to near togetallttio for banging over garden gate genu left on Mon day evening in charge of our to attend the Newmarket Point from Pronto Mr A Porter bae bad a paralytic Mr has tort for UelroiL Mr hero from few day with Mr la at Mr of Toronto la vial ling at rather Rev James fiuumervlllo paying Mr Brown aoombolavlaHlog at Port Mr medical loreaumohlaaLudlittiUfrorreit Sutton Items England hero Aug on way to Dig Bay Point compoial It targe of jKoplo boarded train but lied to through to and the pleuuro party would bid a long If local bad been on lima lbs train bad to atop at Haven they enacted to get back with the local Dont on A cricket match and played yea in badly beaten JDdaBafrttUr and wife I u town and vlalt- Mr Hugh McDonald la trip to Arthur vicinity and town wo Wo wets tboeoiillog Pry formerly of Colo late through town a to file lralnrititrtiogpeatthe jumped to the luckily killed and thought they would like Ohavoafcwor Deputy of appleecoone bag and proceeded to tho orchard- air Pegs appear by but lo breaking away ordered Page Ijo would dido pi com ply life flrod at taking In kg wouudlDg ibe Ho la on ball trial will Wo the wounded man favorably the found Dont go applea boyera like may happen you a Dumber or from titonffrlllo Button a play Bradford Mr Crocker baa returned from bale and hearty Mr It McDonald Mr F CABLE In every Department Bound to clear Must make roo for Mammoth Fall Stock now on the way and coming to hand every day JULIUS R MADE tfeto W cent all wool Tweeds reduced 60 cent all wool Tweeds reduce cent all wool Tweeds reduced all wool Tweeds reduced all wool Scotch Tweeds no Hosiery reduced Gloves reduced reduced- Coll reduced Silks reduced Dress Goods reduced Prints reduced duced Cotton Goods Quilts c reduced White Cottons al Our MR B is now in EUROPE purchasing our Pall and Winter Stock Goods Mantles Millinery Cv which in a very short time will come rolling in Our object the next two weeks is to reduce our stock to the Lowest Point Possible hence the Reductions noted above J E B GROMPTON GO THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES Sale Register It refilled in of the by lie ilia fittu of tbe at ilicdcl to Ibelr of ill 10 ftxiih defeaUog Sir reform eleclioa villi now trt entered Mr to all luilleadonetbeir tinlbeit of was 1 the and fpdcvndent Ink Drops- Coil up Ami 19 in to About lickeU bete A my kit Ititea but produce mallei viththe Vbto wilt oo the ipeodtDg their lo dolog to father KM a real nan hfeoda of of from in flimtuatloo lie put week will bo to able to the pri Tate a vlnt to the Lata next week bate a poetpoOeuieiiL Town lit of of the Jiiui will for lot In Die Coo or Km tut- arm of Hale on the at tf oclock A girl lo Salisburys Setback The Tottering Ifaaeew for tbe Not elooofCbtabtre of Commons today for tbe time Ho retired an oration tbe Tie to election after ita a A or of Ibe llieCfh Con of Oil tho wife of the rctldtncoofMr ao by of Mr- J of to CtiRKBaiCsToK At the Put Mr George If Clark to Mary A all of EutawHllmOury At Of Mr on tUe at At 4DHoba Mr formerly tToronWiOn6aD dayitib vey oderTnomp60Qace4nycri rtotboUlbimt of Ur atoot i weeks At the of eoolo law Mr Ayguil alter of Mr- John Voters L UlTilClPAUTV Town of Newmarket COUSTVP UtU holiday Oiix Wti Iowa -Mr- of Mr Toronto i borne Mr Mllllcao Geo Abvanh ware to tj Council met to call of Pi Mayor ad and ap proved tho School Board for a Icavy of from School for Navy Ctcrk follow Home the of vote On motion and attOunle Mr IboUalr and reporW folio Itobertaon hanlwara nd I J at atliUIlylAW do W do fee paid for moot rtopaapoU- A- ealarae etc bo deferred until amy mo report or year The report and Their too ibl week itoeebr adopted we A Water Co 1 1 Leo rtpo taken lis atd a draft for eald MXora by Mr Robert In all eppcrl wmbiy end at Hie reroaiu there lor Oil men J3ledtbleeinu SO CI pemcUoot y I pud la Water Muter Artiir are I ft with alwfcydmaaodpowigdowiiaame the party fobblta of House of bat to Mr bae gone to very ill are over victory io the completely the political I hare to a of the of meet at year cinget well A few leatherbeaded hick and job- ben of inKv with flu It tot the of hero not leaped Kricdta Aurtftpaoi letter to Mr ike tie Premier Paw into nil to a character hat alio jopte of to people of Ireland by to a alike of to be the of the hare been a tear can rod way Hot la import t more FURNITURE AND J ROflDHOUSE ST NORTH i Bedroom Sets AT AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS FIRSTCLASS HEARSE require or deliver by the lau to loo to the or other to corrected FOR BOYS YOUTHS AND MISSES SCHOOL BOOTS I -GOTO- MONTGOMERYS EVERY PAIR WARRANTED WE Jo LedleaaodUenA Knowo to the trade Call and aeo MONTGOMERY W JKWLLLI SPBOTAi HAVE your iicdi prorlj Ophthalmoscopic of ao RAILWAY CANADA UNITED STATES A Cull I- J will and prompt It Kan do W a Wheat do a Jijrleypcr do aw a no a fto a too a hi lva a f is tea a a oil a a a a a W a a IT Alfltke do a pltohere on on U21 Stu Holland Lauding Mies Lack is visiting friends in Toronto also Katio ran than is visiting at at W001 is improved so far S to bo around tow again this week Mr Quinn is visiting her daugh ter in Toronto who is very ill Master Reggie Tate met with an accident day last week While bis knife he had the mis- of very nearly putting a hole through his below the thumb He Is around although it very painful for a few of Toronto is visit at Mrs Lloyds this week fitr Jos and wife are at Wot Stephensons this week Mr has sorted the Tan and Dye Works and is rushing business having received a good many orders which will keep him busy for some time Mr Geo accompanied the Newmarket to on Tuesday last Mr is at Roachs Point for a couple of weeks on account of ill health are glad to say who taken suddenly ill on Sun day last able to be around again Ed Koto items were- in- Cot 1ast week too late i i Large Laundry Bars for Bars Electric We Sell a Better Tea for Cents tharij other House in town can sell for GREEN Mr Phillip Smith foreman en- by the contrictors who aroboild- the wharf and hotel at was drowned Friday morning Jfe wasstandtogonaspile eagagt4 the dock when washed oh by a wave la failing his head struck a- plank rendering him he sank immediately remains taken to Buffalo bo evening train- deceased was about tbM7fivo7eartoagea4 ware a wife Try a Sample and be Convinced Readymade Maditoij BRUNTOM BROi MAIN ST I iStf ir