Newmarket Era , August 26, 1887, p. 4

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it Si NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST xpi I ton 3 S Is as to it of b nd mow thoroughly op lb Audit of of Propria Ui Jit ChtnUU bit jiurpw by for ok Ho would fitjp of Syrup and bid faifpftfpl d it of ib J amid tod Jcaltalloo of Northern IM IT Atf Mil R ALL POINTS a Fa n or i Ho ATKINSON Aut fcKIM UP AKl IIIUailTXB AUGUST ioLTfaponiaicc SabbathBreftkcrB in your of AiK mm of vlrtlctflri villi MW vmim Rood lo illcjdf U Titb Imi of ItftUtvg in rty mi it u w a rtr of ldfrM- orKJfifmtoo tin club liH of of fiuti day Ah hop a for din hot WUlUt Of fu the from A to Sunday commit iliftonfydiyof week ol dy Hit idlvltttfc of voile en Mora it If ho Mi l Hut Umbo to It Iqud b SaLUlb JawiiKAitD to of It it liisy rowc nttcoiHd and liKrDolIiUjtoffbt wt or Mil to Km to it true all o- Judi iu of ftr Of vim ftMitt rtklnx It fit ttid ojubl bttl try tltfrlflj ftiid a- Wore tin ttr lb Mti fti Mirth jnuipjiii iibw lu by Hi ftltod policed lint ftajutotly here on o J ox Iliyitq bill f j lci of out And tint lb irtlic rtrf wad of over its f I ii dijbtfudutiiioftb StMi J bwull net I J 1 to lr lit iw on the l- i sV it Hut i4 fcfj lit town tufty 9lily of It or4oUttou f4ti4Ulrr om ivjio Dakota for he killing Jo not women to kill a Ya Aug 17 A young livta With night Stone found Mm- Stono io the cellar of hi wan lying lit Ml with cloth J wan found on ha evidently inflicted by omu jiulrumcnb wl of ft trugIo in doors above- has been arretted hut hit hit of the that they tnwaetrfln man in vicinity of tho four oclock lliis morning two freight collided a short of tlto completely and on bound west bound which had to a it en damaged thitt both train orttrrr lo pus hut arrived lint pulled through in of on going through up tho to cngiucor to pay no attention and soon west train had on train mqii jumped And injury ex cept bound who thrown violently thrown to ground hut not hurl fatally July unquestionably in tho world for and population breed of Within a week liavo been forty- five havo en for nine affray oc curred four place seven young girl been four of cruelty to children bavo been niittecn women charged their husbands with abandoning them of people received annoying two beer lt1i two of disiurtetl leenemle2zhd fights occurred one of robbery two of fjaud and oni of highway robbery reported coven gambler arretted In tuited Mvcml 1MB driven arrested four suicide livo litis eleven vagrant brought in viol ation of city viola- law and fifteen girls of eighteen to for minor Notices It ITtirout it known noMyi could think giving mo ooy J jlardock J Henry Mil ee io ibt1 People Demand Protection td hjvLJj ad kty iU ud the ft math uitbf it to tbiraiib toe Ice A i0tBtiffC f of J lilly Ia4rf pfnect lb iLii liiLlft to JiJt by for by who better pi of act of An InjonMcJ I severely nxibtod with of I u In a J t a rdtdftlnu A- AaL Mr K mo at mm alter A VAhmbli if fw Wfiatftii to lnvlfrfttlji lint Without Md KlriivUrry tayt I litbly a or it- no lrdm vtr I iiio to kxk YiiJiumtu of ih- ohtu1 n out rf tlrcyfiJ ad Wd rmkery irony Ln fantiRihnduyDlir wlit no io ado of In itdi pod nuking in Auirt 4MVlllWJl io ibf or a Very It to alt fbut Hi u White AfbfJllOBMdneomiiiwdntoyuur ittb refer of iioituv toed who Crops Report for 1887 folio of of for lbs by of udtr date of fitlb ftdlgutifn by 0 on J yUld of fl Kail of ll Cold f early il to of ripeulog to to the lb the iheub to It locilitki iu otjl it wm by the fly tod midge did tbiwhlojf fan rooi Rearally IS Ei or of to for fill Some km cat tho of rtcJ ram to bitvteilnif wit inx effect tbo berry which ft d to prove ibfto light Jn tU out frotn half to full and the all late Hit by the cad of tbo From all wilt agreed to the of drouth At a rtiolb yield with Ibouaolty lo crop and lavish of The til ma led yield of tbc la per yield of lb it fire yeara was Of ho ore more Ihancfpme A grout b lo up to of tho drouth ud fill flllliwgb from toewy yield la of crop liilit la color tod will likely great for fodder to the A few of by the i of yield ucjily lew The thu potato can fairly bat 111 other root arrived at whro raio told Ully on fioMn and bug aj tj red Id UDUiualty d Injured turotp in dry at tho planting Bay crop of and but tbcQ bo a decided failure drouth reduced bulk of the hay crop Ha effect cot beta w been exiled The weather of the moat character nd except that crop my biro been tlfflo bu prima cot- POWDER Absolutely Pure powder Dover A of lho ttal or phot Anno Co Wall REMOVAL Tumi Beckett Wtie- w corn dUr ll ftrtibD4 jetp- K Mrs Morris of 1 committed suicido by hanging lioreoJf in on A stout cord such as around of binding was licr body was raised not than from llio door When discovered wiis extinct was nob than and nb is assigned for tlio rash act A Aug If Funk WHsoh was hanged yesterday for of and wife line in May 1SSG io was convicted omo ago charged with a par ticipant was respited until Wilson having oircTq a confession on exonerating Johnson did not know ho had kilted until afterward Aug Mr Jonkin postmaster of this village hid his dwelling and outbuildings de stroyed by firo about three oclock this morning The family had a nar row of to death rear part of building being all in Tames when first discovered Most of the furniture in front pact of tlif building was saved Insured for was undoubtedly work of an incendiary Aug At regular fortnightly Hireling of National yesterday Mr Harris P announced that the receipts limiting amounted to l3tiof which ti000 from the Aid of New York tioimliits said were on the of success Tim victory in virtually made Gladstone premier Of lib Homo measure Harris it would he ftn ad vanced one If landlords got of what Mr they ought to bo happy Aug bo first casualty occurred to our since lb55 one of them nighty during severe g4le that started four oclock Me- overtaken by a heavy breaker about on his entering the mouth of the River and thrown forcibly out of his boat along with assistants It is sup plied main boom stunned ho fell an easy victim to breaker boats crew clung to tho boat unlit she floated His body found a few hours after the Mr A u leys sudden has east a gloom over viftage as ho held many positions of public trust Mr James Harrison fait horsean animal that is not ashamed to demonstrate It got the on Mon day morning that people along street were not aware of and In order pot mat all doubt it started off of the calculations of its owner ft ran fast j so fast in fact that the wagon couldnt keep up It and stopped to rest by pile of In front of Mc- rattan now steed sped on at an everincreasing When opposite Pisnk fearing would break the record or some thing else it Children Cry for D MUTCH Merchant Tailor A of Imported Tweeds And Fancy Worsted also an of TROUSERINGS To cliooao from A large variety Canadian Tweed Soilings At prices to times AIL MS Made on premise at Closest Cash Prices Only Stylo and Workmanship determined not to bo excelled MUTCH KtXt Alt intOfiVJt well VGiVowJ3 cloth atlouriifttlyJ For and In Dominion Wood lor Wool VD WItbotil Box StovesAll Sizes STOVE Moot under of block New Enamel Pots For or I from j lOpnnlliQN A Hd by ltotautor or CoOJindCouChftliink llottl a of a Unco wnwttlwitt of cortlaoit Jw tltttloif loo Mil A li Iftf info apply to SIMPSONS LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER I BIG in- Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes AT- THE NORTH END I STORE J A DALES Eliliici BUM MAIN STREET J fancy Goods China end aw Vase Toilet Shaving Mugs Autograph Album Purees Hair Combs i- Fruit Knivc3 TOOLS For Children Hand Fans And n Varied Assortment Of Articles TOO NUMEROUS To mention Acontinuonceofyour P Iseolicited Postage Stamps For Sale- Working Glasses attention all With lb of lhttae or for aw of SO n tSo by VOtlDJCttllfllf Hon inir Vtfrci ad iit ini To not dj NEW NEAT TASTY ART GALLERY Door North of Royal Hotel work Li lUfiGiiL aid of v 4ililMfll1ll6 god MeryoiKiitciobii AND SPECIMENS At ami itnrp VHMor to Town AIM J TO LOAN OKRtallCttatolniunifi of ur DREAD ROLLS ETC Delivered to all of the town daily IMM1 Caeca of California and Valencia J and PINE ETC A Irgo Stock of French and all kinds of Choice Confectionary FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Meals Lord Canned Good ic at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Cream AND DRINKS AY ROBERTSON NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE if ftm ALES B In Wood and t received weekly Pare Wines Brandy Rem Whiskey In Wood Bottle for medicinal purposes also Basss Ale and Stout Wtore Foil Stock of Gtcctiiu are kept- Rates I Apply The Newmarket Era AT MR A for iPiBainrnn win TO AGENTS Tub u4 KIM unp rot Pitchers iCihtofPtu t Salmon 2d cU eta Sitdicf bote tUtaJfJ to Goods to toy of J Main Street No BUY THE BEST On BILIOUSNESS DIZZINESS DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION JAUNDICE EAYSIPEUS- SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN HEADACHE DROPSY TrIE ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH DRYNESS OF THE SKIN And Hitna from KIDNEYS OR BLOOD CO x h reliable -AND- LEADING HOUSE OVER Largest Best Stock of LOW I HARDWARE SPRING GOO Bdildikg Material Op All PAINT OILS WHITE PUTTY LAWN HAKES AST HO SANITARY Agent f Window Blinds and Awning Pure Manilla Binding for JAMES A L U MB LATH SHINGLE I WE ARB NOW TO SUPPLY OUlft MOULDIVK SASH THANKFUL FOR TUB LIBERAL WB SOLICIT OK TURN OUT -AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PR THE CANE SONS l TO LET tftm tr IjtARM FOR SALE flw from or Ibe Jo It or A fine cot the o ythf ibvMMilrA io oust to s AUMKOHSA FOR A of tt acre Vy ilfildHUM Of of itieDAVi of a bflTDoJ jouicuUr eft PO Or injj SALE OR TO LET- tor coin i Will bo bis HwWftfl lb flub of hot Wb of water tfi p It The Diamond AND HEATERS The Stove Mfg Coy Ltd SALE Ij Vortrlill4ifiiitia1l Mo j in Mb lid ISO TbltttHJH6j4CfccttArrOwltLi All art AUoMTinllolilotbTownofNcwcDAi ket tc MAIN ST AppJyto lObQ Mi c will fa i I JjIdc col Or imporuoi ift ftmbltl And o will Mttd of ft i raw lotbUworft Any era will of Wood or Bolts WANTED -m- Timber andland Sale II Ibt of iCf j VII- Ml bUfatlt pflcfor cot from OK PINE P07r W IborUtvt to A r OCKTAIK lot loick hi Una ID block of A Office TeroiofH l bldu lbtllOef ip oUwHblhllwbi of At ibt cUr lb ibaa lc noulrooolrtoi qorpll tbfUuUfUCOaCv loTrtffc hit PorfailprticUipl4 ttUoni EXTRAC I co CHOLERA CANADIAN WAY ON Mil- til Mi flHi for lbttpiWrW to AHMI0 pi- Iks itMil to a

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