Newmarket Era , December 16, 1887, p. 3

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Wi f j Local talk ja ok a the MorehtiiUwUi Cad by ibclf with ffn rt i fcrliU and freer pt ill meeting Hill Hit alien by Mr by fte but SonIt Smith Inciter forgot fiitil I in of railiu cur tu J lcln lb Chfip- A- A Tito of Society ir 1 1 lo wind up the for and ittjire for another it ittuniul which w tit Ik right good it- fact Ion by quality tod durability of their unltt a good no his holiday ad Ad ft of fiuL School to occupy body of morn- Kg Mid ioiijp on the Webber 10 the to which all Invited JSnir The pa pith all laid for constructing Iba JUurnfcttd Ship that 9 to at In Shw nit Al a time jj juvJuiml oil hive alnifi to to and of iverk and 40 will Button at tbo which prevcuU the from Cantata Km llMdfoid ahouhl in in hill on Ilia of the iiM i the School tlrt jot no doubt vjli On Friday of bit Mm- Mr Iter met a On Coining down iirf a a fevr fitopiof and to fall- fttellw other lourI alio It now I- following of- lsIivl on Iltrx J Chip Hi A J Wia A At of M IrcjUd lo IK retiring Public School this If you to Hil On toe Four at Tea a HI fallout lhadirfby In other toll cot nelthar do acd Ill bet my boots that til not no dUiut lh aiwrtlao I IngrctttvArJoty from 1 up alto great la and dolU at Jobnatona on 6 cent labia It Out who fall their money at If do not fcifclt tho All op Jamaiy that ataterreot can bo at ration about yet from north York Dont tiibBuip If you there The for fluoday far complete aa haw fed from lrytOD and fctder who la to hero on Sunday will be conduct that the program on Tuesday lag can all the that can on board at p Only On of Monday the of January the Ray Chain Howl of will a lecture In the on Land their Uawcraand Mr Howl has not blind and therefore able to with great racy and many familiar to fitudente native which to bo a In the tliflo of our BO- lathi cheep arid rich poor waited upon the tamo civility la Ad CONVBNTIONS At ok of tlw of tho York tail afternoon It wn decided to hold In cowing winter At Kvttleby on and January at Albert en the and of February at of ma for the firat two drafted and for third but lie or re legate J to Newmarket member for want to the A muting of AbhcL- held parlor of tho dial Monday after neon There good eltendmce and good time Iter J A lo their for conformity to of llui VJM chapter of A very profitable naVheld teaching and of the chapter The old theory of lorn ego not eeen la Iho chapter todajv but a plain aud holy God through ead lo of tho Bio Lot Of at J A many cut bought lMa the Jon but call at IIouk A table Ad At Sonooh arc According lo the the nominations to Gil trill late ptc in the Coondl on to one oclock more are then are to fill the aim will ho held on following from o to iu the and Council CUmber The tiio have proved efficient olQcera the do belter than them for term by If you for your yMcuhny lhiru the A Roads This all iiIh which art the and particularly pic to I to rinally deal the matte I worthy iC4t frciutioy North York lo with a heavy tardea for all Jo other columns of today very throw f light en the ftoruJi ex of ynd Mr an old resident It iagrfctifiDg to to that view adrocaud by the is lipoid by gentlemen and of the Hid uithcut fully and llicn Ihc and thatthty pledge to Ibfficlieme of to origin ally bow who a or W their icy or mow c1ct should he Upon ate apt to nod an ankle or Kioe of heir tones and by the latter fa a alurp an out or other injury to thepcrasn wocicm that hoya pHywiU certainly not do in lo llie bruit it Us the duly of to it tint plsaa by eliding and elderly people to fell In a fustible by a H Ho toboggan on the ahoU he itotto during A his rapid well the United ttd iu Ontario are now la it United ohjrct appear to be the care protection of I Ji hy proridiog for ihetrj In bard i which it worth a of jriiLy iu wife and children without of Jdgc ra have InUnlloo of the alrent year night a lively to the the to fill the of he lodge the entu- lhteptioD of one ranb la l In the placa at the meet fa the by amenta tho in bound to Wi ahould the weather prof a Of the trill a to Albert per forltattoa from lodge in to liit to ft d tot For a crowded commend ha to School Again on night Ihe Toko Hall wot crowded lo cew eager everybody to get that at the time announced for the to open not f he to at oclock whto having In charge taw that tie hall vaiai full it hold not being aland fifths ile right back to the it iru el to Wionftj the ahead of fo Red White inthaioctef by about children and attractive Walter out the by the snialUat division in Model School pretty There wmuih noise Ittlon by 4 1 of Mi At lniXiLibd to of lho of the Indian Club Swinging by of equal to the men indeed it ia to in by the amall pttpilL The by the Primary Cites rrcro well ret Witt Wallace Tinitiance title ge Mr of a reading The ladiea clue tbe Wand ftith hut the Anvil Choiua on idumb belle by a of wemed to the favorite of The olden time Pole wit by four rilti aaui of duett a very pjya on J ingle Bella A by a clan of ptrU Did wirhout o- inuiuientj wll lho Mr lht the of Toroato Tho did the crcUe InlcrutioK not on tbe prewnUtton of to Sang ale who about from town from and in Some idea of 1hJlell may to bad from fixuita over school children fie WO tlcSccts the crowd to at door who vera Ihera before tight preferred to return home to eroird lie groat re- end after paying for vwxir Ac which hare of each and IS Intend it- to the of periodical Ac aoHbla for a reading room end llhcarylorehUdreninooDtloawth the oa at Into dttjaglie both ecglnw- The on badly rot expected to lite None of the display of Holiday Good to hand Mew He and and Wot eta New Fur At drc a car of ftcodenwaroat on week the to Wen Cane Co lock at a piece blowing around their nut lied made a line for factory Fortunately yard gate porta but track on the wagon the box and to kindling and eloptd of acoxd la neigh borhood of the factory the for tlielr Methodist file J a the cal culate that the neit day nlgbt Out will ell pre In addition recita tion- end there will bo Kindergarten and Chan Drill by the Infant aod Broom will bo Utter decorated Illuminated hie appeared many ho la get ting to time he baa to ride Into the Hall and old and the program lengthy the performance will at open at oclock end a tut will hare gocirly the llcketi only to nil pert hall children 10 Hall Too to a week but our fine and fa crockery take had It A fimilh Public Tcacbtre an exceedingly 1 1 count lime at of Mr of the Model School night but probably the moat gratifying plenum the eurjtriee which received- Wo all through tho the Major out of abundant loyalty goodWill baa imparted military Instruction to the Tea without trait remuneration or oxpcelaacy and lug invited to wirh the of hovrinn their of ylilckitt by pKotiOg a fill hanging lamp decorated abide and pendant a congratulatory of the term Major completely aorpritod appreciation of a nod beautiful to urvlcee axe appreciated Tree In matter of on Tree to A- the Department Agri culture Toronto for award of offered by the the the following letter Saturday in de ciding upon their owing to the not been of coo thu It prizes were offered for piper on the best method of culti vation of them J favor lho by Mr for firat but if Ifcty were for treatrnentof subject the Gut go to Mr Assuming elated in the offer of prise I to to Mr- Ha- II ogham and the to Mr Thomas There much informetfon on the in and if by hand are well of StouffWJle reason to feel of their Choir abd Orchestra tinder the able of p The concert laat Friday ntgbt in Hell market gave general to e go- audience Orcbeatra waa tho beat that this a long day ffhile the rvoloa end Noah cornet were highly appreciated the former an throw much all her The trio end were rendered by choir In a moat Mm Weary out as ft acprano vail log any professional on platform while leader an excellent tenor and at homo whether comic or aenlftteoleh The atectiona from Oratorio much practice pro fieleucy hat we consider that the beat toted the ffaathbanthtm Hear The era a thoroughly family The oc cupied the and the that we might hear the friend from nil The Metho dist Choir of under pkeathetoticertwashtld entertained the their stay and formed their actual detaining lilt They erprtfiaed them- pleaded their and the Choir will net 30 put- near I And we are Ready for it ID FRUIT A Cheap Lot of Goods Sutherland Bros AAA aa M CM of England UWKT ALL SITTINGS ALWAYS FREE Sunday a flnd pm lords Day Sunday p and Evening Prayer- Friday Ladies Aid Thursdays- Mrs Colos residence out for A word of Kb 5 till to on lie roertliiola of that city the put vsttk Vry mb iLmo fraoda will Hod their off oo the coin oily Is at hand and J A Dales bos got GOODS to SUIT the SEASON IN I Dry Goods Boots Shoos Felt Hate and First at Sunday win another day of the iuq It will bo a dry at QUog it elections Ittioa fotiilie3 of CbriitmM in Big it ocj it Wright bills their ixibi Wn Mr P d Mr Of were boy got i cold dip the Ml filled invjyinisLhn a Town thin JatjiHor or Dfuticl if fit llw was re a few folcefortbo Fire arrived Wei will a hw riTonbti for loHdio t Walter 5lefhQi fall to tio for a Living elbow OTl of liiitogoo frlsSciobe bid at lor too for strictly a God it by and Wr Grgouois fiic to hive itog4Qdwt a Mr Miller on I UK cud i bare rtturoed wbtrctlicy It Alvtmii tut Geo hue j old at Valley- i Mr of fan recovered MstMftft bad Mi on j Jrrtimitip- J has jiiic Mr Jan IHogbato for Holland Landing op around Land talk property to told and wmc bail- ftUtlcd It be a graod for Sir a mill for chopping Mr J bis the Oooofoorboyi vu a it If it occur again law will rety be pat a revolt it a io the Mr ill the list tiro ii for ChfMttBtaTreooo Dec lo folks ding Sharon Oar ace Chapet An eirlicr ffota hive printed tome digits KtJer occupy pal pit of Children of IVico at 11 s to nxt Mr JohriToto a on ai designed by Mr SAW of Gftoigo bis woaldbe flirinx He of US fnl the to fctt the little of an CliirJid from lo He grcit in building a cow of Mr Selby of and in this up itode la car List week gave lbaa a sad welcome home is to compare prices at THE NORTH END ACCOMMODATION STORE J A DALES C 1887 1888 -AT- BAILEYS BAKERY CABS AKD Kcttleby The of School a big time 2Scd te anirtriiry come off the for which tuauc by the lions by Method it Choir of addwt by by He Mr- Kettleby sod tier- Mr You will be to go early la a as the of no tle be A na4u to lr4s the by Mr- Brown of The sboU of the School are anxiously lor a they are a the Ruth related from Mlw oat of and if ukes will 0 li Walton si Mys we vo V a bot time as It grfog to be a regular grit sad to osttr lftib JiOQiiy Is we sro to bars an the meet there a pcoerel to a locality lb Soadsy GROCERIES Hams and Goods Best Roller Flour delivered to all parts of tho Town t Mill prices OYSTER PARLOR OPEN CD Cigars and Tobaccos TTBAILEY Ik the Federal election last wW the tition Dr tbesUtngmtmttr the Groat Discount Sals Children Cry for -THE- Leading Furniture I Undertaking Specialty i well aetetM stock or Markets Kloof per barel Kali to a Hi 0 a a a OS a COW a If to COW a 13 a a ia per dots a a 06 a a J CO a Co a OCT a a s a J CO a J a 9 CO Our Toronto Ubisd to si fcCG SV A AOO 9BO Pitchers Wc Ml Wneat do Wheat do do do lira do loo roil per poo bsi- MUM rrliSas Woof pUr Dado per pair a otto OS a 9 a a on a a a on a a a oils a SOS a or a a OK OS CO a 1 I W ace oca at ram or ion Every Department full of Goods suitable for HOLIDAY Alterations recently made in increased my facilities for tie and it is full from Basement to Attic which must be turned into money and prices and a good article will accomplish it A large addition to the Stock of Dress Goods and ilantle Cloths Winter Weights at very low prices Small wares embracing every kind of nit able for Christmas Presents A great range of ploveB Hosiery and Underdo Fresh Raisins Curranta Figs Lemons Cranberries Candied Extracts Pure Spices and Coffee Unequalled value in Young Teas Boots and Shoes Class for style wear and comfort including Goods Robes Gents Fur Caps Ladies Fur Caps Muffs and Fur Trimmings than ordinary prices The Greatest Assortment of Mens and Boys perfect coats and Suits that I have ever offered and the Cheapest It J DA SIMPSONS MAIN STREET A of yoor II I WWPUYTf For the Coming Season Lave a We Variety of Goods in Stock and others on way hero that shall be glad to you make a selection Getting Ready f Holidays Plush Goods Toys Autograph Albums Work Boxes Writing Desks c Please give us a call MRS SIMPSON TOWNSHIP PVBUO NOTICE North NOTICE- held HycTembr loicu a of Gcoixln tort bod required to lf TO LOAN At Mi DAVID it iauAcnl of Mar- aeo for of ration Life corner aid FARMERS A WtiUfccr of in fit OK oilAodoTanirtoacd on WewnjcrXtr BLACKSMITH SHOP Tea ralcjil M GREAT ANNUAL HOLM From today until the end of the year selection of Gloves Hosiery Silk Handkerchiefs Si- Fruits and Groceries for NEW Guaranteed as good as the Best A present every package REFORM 1887XMAS NEW YEAR I 4 ANTED Q op to DEC- 60 CORDS OF oor focllB Fifties leader tor 30 Ibo Heme or to NEWMARKET LIQUOR Filled with of WI LIQUORS FOR THE H Whiskey and Porter W Grocery Departii la complete foil Block of Freah Goods for in Teas Sugars Syrups Tobaccos Figs Oranges Lemons Peels Oysters 5 ANTED A mo on to fa or MRS still ft lot of CHILDRENS AND MISSES LADIES MANTLES Hi AND BALDWIN Aaolobfrf of to Clothe I OX tW0f

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