Newmarket Era , December 16, 1887, p. 4

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J I Time S3 is sages filtU 1 Northern and to J gu iiolr llinxiib lo til f J J AkU Toronto pICKETS ALL CANADA V I PACIFIC ATKIN80N DPI aKI T iVai it Co t pawor A lck Of ttoW W that affect will relief Try II If In ill but Ibo welfare- Halt of blood ro by mood FRIDAY WHAT TO County Council of favor of of rtUtrurd county It of t 11 fKol for I will effect piling of Iht by Did A MM to the of Court of d de cided the carried op on from thi Circuit of Hi wed twoytAtitafor l Is Mid to talced to to iwoTf by If W tofrntfclp tfiboild by I htTB Couoctl tiny bo to tod do matte nth a bo- IU to It will bo meat tod tod jut Coo 10 1 Mi Notices wtcri ltd km a CbUdjh9 cried or Caloric udCUIdxtn Cutort Tut Wai lliit Mr to JrijKlUJcaiilvWt to a prirml reirgjiilHo of Cab- imt on Air to It fittd IttdlitK city It bright IdtcoDagv It iIjq of dy bins Writ to for Tito The of the of Sir A for took iflau la vcclr to member Jn been an pure itid of Ktogtton Jubilant tbc of tit wwk a cut lMjirclor ArrcoVhovou llio 1Mb lift to bold on vf llto -hi- pud tltir a vl- Oil Piriform ro troubloU and ftio to cured by bolt and tuns and llioMtaol bo nd cure A yUow Oil boon told iljIub to give cot boLuchofJ rflTnJy ftuJ jalufQI AuollpbyalclfiireUrdfjompr6ctio- bftd in by Mil India a or the and euro of AhtbDiA oil tbroat and ourofok Nervosa bavin curat lutlioyiftndaofcMtKuifollttljU duly to It fellow Ac lblaraotlvouodolwlrotorcUiivo I Of iMAlIwhodcalroKi In yrcncUor foil for by tttotnp com paper J Ml That blood la life tholodyond ffblcb blood nil Impurllloa Villi I boat blOOi Letter from British Columbia- Era Wo arrltcd Id tba health Ittookalcooatairoek to baling loft Now- at coo oclock atrlflog hero the following at but loil a of ta of Journey- Wo foil oil IboC very aod did all for tbo comfort of Nothing much tat occurred Ibo Jtocklca all way to wry in even Manitoba la agtcot of until we ar fit but from all to beyond kept pi the tooof all Kay night would throw mantle over yccoe we would very toon fill a ultcp tins out by tbo of ho day I cannot be gin of over changing towering roouoUlm and deep over wbkli we and down Into tho depths below coald not turning our At wo were a account and had finally to to boat aud down the yrwer liver to Kew by to Wc find great change tlnco wo here inonlbf fgo that at tltiio covert 1 black ttu arc now lined brick block two and three high It toonycitVt ami Mill tlis gcK in nil direction yetlbc demand bo high- I have lutt a my Sri Ml I cottar would hardly bring 3 which 1 hive to y and at that good that I of Into baking cm got a up weather Lai very our fioit fiiht of the muff and litb very Judging from of VttihU ut bnuhiid to about jibii Tint morning I w Mr ljiditiiitt dona itop Nov for The Firm of WALKER SONS London being about to dissolve partnership by rotiring of some of the and they require about Fifty Thousand Dollars to settle up With the ones they now decide to stock of READYMADE CLOTHING a HOUSEFURNISHING PETS DRY GOODS ERY AND MANTLES AMOUNTING TO ABOUT ollfirs At a Reduction of Ton Per off their tegular Prices for As tho firm import their direct from the Manufacturers of Europe and sell regularly at usual prices- this Reduction ehiures to the Public goods at such Prices as no house in Canada can to Bell at iu the regular way of trade only this extraordinary circumstance causes to this offer for the next two months Dont neglect the opportunity Nearly worth of DryGoods Clothing Millinery Mantles Carpets and Curtains all at I Wholesale Prices and a Present made of 1 out of Every 10 You spend Come early and secure choice of the stock R WALKER SONS THE GOLDEN HON- 35 King St St Toronto St London WDMUTCH Merchant tailor A magnificent assortment of Imported Tweeds And ftUo an TROUSERINGS To from A targe variety of Canadian Tweed Suiting s At prices to salt timed ill GOODS on he premise at Closest Cash Prices Only For and Workmanship are determined not to be excelled SOLICITED MUTCH TAILOR ex I door to Jewellery Store up WIGHTS STOVEDEPOT MAIN STREET 1 I COMPLETE STOCK OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARD KRT All Kinds and Sizes W C Came upon lot 6 lUo 3rd lltuliurinomo j TWO AND OKU o Koto UowDf beat TICKETS your and your flilod WHO projrfy Ophthalmoscopic Test tic etc Will Ms rinriui Una tie I itit Ihit liif jfo filled inwirMU of of wni ftdlv bit Kit will mtrt rttBiytreibchceliifindimgvtUngfilnirlc mi unc lOj Jcnovr ftlyfaco wet all TdcaoJ called mo If wliat took I MM to It ana 0i iJCAltll always Su by ibo Vhltfallott of jinynrii OH in I for Vhlp If bietl Wound ftnJ as be fiayi This It bLil uill to uy to lio Of It much a itlulii for an ifenu out I in but tin- petition iii fcjs I of en to iij iiuiiy of coupling lIuJ of to ftoiktv thv iVirj- A 41 Jptit called iijj iUntOjjtrfwjfLrouKliUiito ix of cullrftt rtJrrc aud is 41 lut Id diVflifj b It ic itii-r- 1 l ttillalijiio of villi AtCgiuuiiiib to tioiutiteu the ffilU lie tlieOM lb fcpiotiJ Ilia Aefclio Mr K IJ Joint a ilr of Trill da belt to bat not Ltubr of the wlidoo rer out our lbfdocoot the with for i mat- wart jutted York Roads Ma Sci 1 bc ur- when u account Riven plhof Ibo report of lh mod end in of Wuucil i0ied l haw their to iu tri0Mttuijp of us to firt of Ihc At Ibc built trow in jitii of iu ilm the country to Toronto 1m centra of trade Moid bad In not only out side and on Koid causing limch wear ItKpiujj ffiy could have the if ijinttfl Klf- of reira lrmp wile proJtLco the acotW- of was unit the daily by Jour corving from lb of of this w au now lite keen il- 1 buy luilJtA luilti of the cud for SMS war I 1jMrd in wliethror of the- Vol k Mli mora the people York ibt- Uulr fcwh I they lis in iheniL- ta a Jwo jitH of hit Iho lutate Ihey the Hut K9 Experiment show that no economy in turning down a notwithstanding ho popular theory and practice Is to contrary When lamp light ed there tit firnt a wJon tho flaoio will not burn high without smoking j but after the lamp flit J lira Jicatad find the full supply of oil fa established through the capillaries of the a flame can bo obtained If with supply established turn dowu the wick supply of oil con tinues in ratio but owing to tin decrease of burning surface part of it is not consumed in tho but is votatilied into gas which goes to vitiate air of tho room Miss Cross who live in city of had lurc ago to swallow brass pin two end a half inches long with a largo round liross Shu is in the habit of holding phis in mouth and had this largo pin there for the moment unthinkingly when a remark by a caus ed her to laugh and befotc she recover tho pin down her throat point first- considerable pain in her where tho pin to bo cannot eat much and is troubled with She cannot move free ly and unless the pin is passed soon it is expected that ait operation will to bo performed to reach to her LINK DOMINION LINE J V lino of ftlOTvatcboCloc1re Jewelry ftAILWAYiTCKETS I loui la CANADA MANITOBA COf STATES COAST A Call I ATKINSON anil ANTA GLAUS HEADQUARTERS In Nov in drrtwn favor of thpVjodersKDWl wlipnd Jgi of 111 J payment fciopowl will bo WAUTKti -AT- for and called neuralgia which is often another Rno for it cool the when fresh tut of course la cot only cooling but pro duces especially if the stock eaten Apwgus purifies blood and especially the kidney a broad beans and haricots are positive strengthening and contain for human system specified when they say I kit peas harden IfuaTij pud that oats may a out bring homo again- should not le eaten who to got too and vho from of liver altogether For Cooking and Heating In the Dominion Agent for Window Blinds and JAMES ft LUMBE CooilostHlovtifor lor Coal or Wood With Coal Wood The for Heating nd Cook ail Jtoublo Improved fins iHnrtuiwd far Premier nd Furnace WorK A Speciality AM STOVE J Mads on the cr New Enamel Pots For Cook and Wamonl Htov LATH SHINGLES WE ARE NOW TO SUlPLY OUK WITH FOR TUB LIBERAL PATRON AG Of WE SOLICIT A CONflNUANCE OF SAMB TURN OUT GOOD THECOOKS BEST FRIEND largest assorted ever to over two tons are in a j position to ANI SOCIALS AT Id ft a i- free tin of to of fccvjgop im me the litii iiucf If not worn fun they Jteejio it it the TounIji jj fc iL will to bo by 111 by lb County for their 111 much if oUifHfso by to t by call the Co of to trouble I Ma no good why rod bo kept up WHOLESALE PRICES I And in Wlno lines even toosffolouhfcthegootlsaway down Hook Prices Figs x in Calces Roil frrth morning now ftaisiiif ami Guslis i Prices Also pieces of fino glassware to he given liofore with tlio Kcw Era Baking Powder AROBERTSON THAT wlll r i0 of ucxlHctlnu Act to Cot- line It Horn in In the fbjr In for ihtrcwitHr for Oct- Ififf Saill NEW SALE ROOMS la Jiowdcn articles flco and will Public Auction on Imvlns for are vital 10 of Terms on Coal of JobWDyprorapilyaUecdclo p WRIUUT Skis Etc Delivered to any part of Town free of charge mi tfeitrcnr of WHEAT a o a- TUKSOAY AND SATURDAY The Ladies Friend Griddle for the felSi Absolutely never A of the tilodi tia fccJ n I with Hit powder U onto in Wn lbtrvct I v i in In will d Dor frtiJ freight upon lurtc WASTED MANUFACTURED FOR ears sempls op THE OP J TUB A E -AKU- LEADING- HOUSE have obtained Awards of Honor Uiiivewal of 1870 Sidney 1877 Paris etc etc etc Jo Dominion Piano I OVER YEARS rapidly as f RUSES TEMPLE OF MUSIC or lBgioparhxntoivtaelC BOMB LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIG THE WM CANE SOWS CURE Oft DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION JAUNDICE SALTRHEUH HEARTBURN HEADACHE DIZZINESS DROPS FLUTTERING OF VIZ HEART THE STOMACH DRYNESS OF THE SKIN every of wlilng from BOWELS OR CO V I ins Best Moulding Materials tnx rriltfn ill to On the Shortest Notice- flirecton to Ae La liopt ia jo In 111 iMFuaititsor A i far Hlflilj no placer lK3ll COUGH LUNG KUli bolt I TORONTO WHY IS THE BUY niNKiNr 1UH9fNHlf social and wab to he It iu lb needle nDot i FOR OR TO LET SALE About ftcrw In Will- of tbe 1 1 or J 2J JfOK SALE OR TO LET A lintLoo well i- Jr LrdJ Wood or fiia s MX PLACE FOR SALE acre of lUriitHitf ElurDVf goodgArdeo aitache uv J Apply the f FARM TO RENT MZtFABB OF 111 am LITTLE or up a rtic lull Con of ilM Survey JyxjtnKimoairtrloi6 Con Of fall OT30 full jlJf the o OH loo Term of Apply to HEADACHE OR SALE S3 a toft lo i J ftcbbrtiltiowcHtve prompt by over nay is i a In of on Hi ton jXCK K3 A JACK Beautiful Home for Sale I part of Con Tir4uiIpo ball or lli Northern am ejv ptosis or Is off llmititc ntitk it ton illicit jdur OtlAQttiy AcuimEuoiQlrwfam a mirk fc north BROWN SALE nut ID North fith f fitU All tow tar muni will to act ftorprlcaaodparttcorariapjy to wl and clar ifdtcr J I RUll J tttuii tf or of In No dtrJ I yari apt I Thorobred Slock hi l of from la Three Yearling Bulls Of Bow cd it lofcf sin SEVERAL BULL CALVES iVWBIJf Dr Ssi i I of JtfalAiJtt I ft my Thomas J Ki from for I r ana tor bo not thought be d iwm I tonjlr and I am now V It lo auro ti

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