Tnla Tint 888 as J 3 a ATKH ao3 lo till too iti dtp ihroojb to few a Wiwmftfktl Northern JC principal 10 and ltd ibair R PICKETS ALU it lit mi ATKINSON I OP OUT GROWS WITH FRIDAY MAR Iti Sir TO ABOUT in thai Hi- ft On when ha In doubtful irti- i nod nth by win lupporUu veto mure Act lUlfooi itoftH4 to It Jo I fcrtlon lln A to Iho I ffwbo1ltriidh4a4thft4vrtj of bllberto lo of wy of to fir not be to or Iho lyfthlifttloDMdftDOtheecliUiO thill bo toy re- or iurQio will raioy V ftttnii to from tffr and lo to which omlblt a ore of icrci acid ftrc ft gret coo to the public lowilliog to ft of ibtfr la ical of flotQce to a Jo body olio from otbiog build up ftod jj ft hut from abroad tbey lo ho dont fttuouut to fctty- ftud a fat ft would If jeoiIr could to lifs U lit ton Mr lyllg t lb of for fir Our ibtj Itidfrmblpft of of Mr who leeo 111 with laogi fill ftt Mr Mr rcJttdofftoic of ft Mr flatten fillic for Mr- Altort our ft lug A froai Mr od ft homo lo luai by King City- tiro of our town lecgcd ftoy two Club to fthool ftxaptod will giot ftttordty A Holt Ifuttf mm III Or ftoU ftumtuontd fibt gin being lo fttnk tb were unsbto to ftp five ftt toy ftfi to all of It could only lire few bourn were iLh Her ftlitor In ft febort took a for the ruuoiuK ftbout tho It ftitrftnxu cm tod bo ir4t ft to Hay WertlDK lut tilled to Wo to ftgrcU work dunog Ij Hay fto ftft we hit la room for J or I wo I rtad J I no bgLUa tiet rot or J tick wa ba m x ate How to wd ueAiBajUXQaUJOtltla mux io for and JJroooblU It Ala- aa luod tti on a fttfbt bo ft ISLQTIC audortlgnwi W public that ho bAlooco of Stock of TCwn to a I wo will bo during the Da OLD RELIABLE LEADING HOUSE OVER LUMBE LATH SHINGLES Baking Powders tub An A J ftca Tint of ftMJi public ami ft aid tijoo in iIin fraud h J ftnd i I uiliirtiofnralofthe ij clan of kqoIp ft ax ftb1 from alum fiocb a Ivy oot it fttjcaniof taiUrad lbm to public JrholflOUPj bad to to be in winy brands a for ftir and purity tbit bit beat it of curat of rcoglb ruMuuoi to onltcr In of or matter were lovud Mount Albert Mr Brook baa cop lot on and fttroU and be very and are glid to Irarn that building lot be of color of a good rt will add to the It bound to proaptr Mr from Mark to bli old oQ townltoe of Albert Arflotd lea reipect by ibla neighborhood and are glad to welcome Mm back A givo Pride evening when en joytblo time was In early hour in ate a wonderful both and tbrlr in Zephyr bey out their eprlog The Temperance log vat grand I occupiel tfce acd cur reodered of choice sic bit ho have bad be linftg to a long lime Maggie Dell Tblrtk gave ex- elUnl ritallorm Mr K a reading bfibly by all by Mill Porter And Mr J more local endeavoring to work way into this tut the reliable old Era the track neighborhood note other home need ever expect to of a Mount Albert Dame miller not a from her is out en bU him faking ft life doubt import ant will toao go tbe mill in a more mood Toolset Sunday in Mr Ibit are lliti Who it mow if hippy life to if iuquu ttr jKopIr rtill trouble to drop n lino io 1 Cherry Mount can furuithtd Ml 0 tbe od of in bin loouaiftfhe Wholl to A Doctor baa cloaod a contract with tbo French Govern muni for 150000 Of tor the fcrmy n of for on which tin Act contoit will World or ro- A train jumped track Friday tJioroiog near ton two Wing thrown down a and Ituraod Thirty injured four fatally fltyncr of all who and over In arrears foci proud to bo in CftUaory It is ft good recommenda tion to from bank Two hones belong ing to of Lloyd near died of week a largo number of throughout lh- Township of Whit church with One of the curiosities of and heat is fact that raya of tlirough a of without dip ting That of heat actually ice by fact that a lens of ioay ho for witting firctoinilarn- A representative of tho Co of Hamilton largest clothing manu factory fa Dominion Jtpau for tho of up a with that country and Introducing This led way in Provinces at of confederation and inter fa Australia Hamilton Spectator In to Clear Out as as possible of stock now on hand before receiving consignment of Spring Goods now on was bought at a LOW RATE on and will bo cleared accordingly J T Largest Best Stock of LOW win lo lag to porcliAM to mo a Nero FARMERS- ATTENTION WANTED WW cultivator GOOD DHVM HORSE WE ABE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOM WITH FLOORING SIDING MOULDING SASH AND BLINDS FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE OK THE WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OK SAME WE AIM TURN OUT GOOD AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Dot work LESS DRAUGHT for Mil iu found tod Strong Cau bo to prove of Business Notices if AlCQtaabllldofJlaraooU tt6 it fteofdioj may Cannot llaUura o for cot- lt of Ho uji lb It iowJjr lfliari jfl fOriAtCllfauinl lit Ui Tho f tie dirtily thy the It ftt fa of WUI tfUtJipg- fugoJ but tinier or 1q two or to if bkb Of lie of all 4c be Mr of A on track new Klein- fiundty A tire at over him cutting off leg and bod A great to iff Yellow Karanifb of Utafravlllt It for burn Dud Camera Of JltsyardaylloirOI cured after had failed Viiliow on by all A I0ttO villa llordock JMtttri a Mill- VUloa It alda worn out ho wax a of lot ibabUckduld to world or vr One auoaptlvai avarwlfra paid bourt at ataobtldtvlllvUli your You tbaokUsadropollktbal loou arb ebnlo do bow bad or or how ayoo tot abort for a ibx not euro td t If boy in ho country who im own to moke would ait down with fact long enough to it nothing hut hard work will bring anything worth having in this world would bo fewer won looking for kind of work where thoy could hands clean and in doing could Ho bed till eight oclock in morning bo looking for and who to work at trades whom to greater Ameri can Machinist From a raid on a on Seventh Street Port Huron last Friday night and arrested and and Veto Greenwood and wife of Ont who were vielting Officers found acid and a outfit cigar box full of Canadian cent piece secured a memorandum book Allowing transactions between and and Much who wore arrested montlit ago for counterfeiting UxoaiDOR March 15 of tho most storms known for tho past fifteen years lutJfon- day afternoon lusting for two and blockading public highways and railway line each way All pas- singer and Freight trains have been since Tuesday morning Blight hopes for ting one through by this evening postmaster hero a convey as far as afternoon for but they have arrived yet It took a gang of with engines and afternoon to go to Goodwood a distance of savin Did you ever go torching for longest word in tho English laogusgot Sot your friends to work at this aud lot them hrfng to you ruf has in answer to this question that longest word in language is smile tlifn Is a mild between the first and Hit This is witty hut not just to purpose- who made the search ays tho very longest word ho over been able to is dsprojortionAbleness This con tains letters Another thing of this kind If to largest word will a complete transposition into another word For instance the letters comprising the word peri identical of if precipitate the letter of are readily into mountaineer Can you find any similar eleven letter words Seed Drill AmiYlolorairtfOsibaDdloittiUllXtpokaQ by all lhm far in cbDctix to tightness Draught ADd lb c r THE WILKINSON and Market Aidooj grated LIGHT STEEL BINDER FRONT CUT Our laid Invited to lUiprtaeat bo In as Adapted to our line of business Bay Brown or Black Preferred About 15 and not more than or years old He be GENTLE SOUND AND SPIRITED COBKESPOSUEKCE SOLICITED fi CO- TEMPLE OP MUSIC No King St West Toronto THE CANE SONS MFG TO LET TO Man on rot m ill family R10KCLAD HOUSE- Ata HI- Sow is the Til STOVI AT- WRIGHT STOVE BAILEYS BAKERY TO Jitltflrl of A fL MOTS araijiQkcn FRESH- GROCERIES Also and Conned Roller Flour delivered to all of the Town at Mill prices op Chinch For Hoi lur vxi Co- iitaiii Furnace Work A OR AT A r STOVE For Sen JEW Pat Willi lied STORE OYSTER PARLOR OPEN Cigars and Tobaccos F ARM TO LEASE 1 In terra of For a- vbrn New Enamel For Cook ftfivea i or JP Hipal Jti fUUilI Special Line in Cutlery Large Assortment of Small Wares si I Best the ftlarket for Spring use Farmers Spring Tools coioiog in Get our prices or Binding CHOPPING HI J IE J bogs to say that he has put in A FIRSTCLASS PLANT 4 lif or tint an til the to If fillip a rroPt Mum jH AlUfArr fit for fcW Wood or Stave WANTED IjUIimi timber hi OK J- IS PREPARED TO DO I SPRING 1888 CHOPPING EVERY DAY GUARANTEEING FIRSTCLASS WORK FEED FOR SALE Si mem Con IS 9i li I In W of mi abna JACK Do dull diEjCUM ft eipcrki i or SALE v vt ntc teller or singular oil ihc ifcc or l U jalri rv oUifjiiio allir i iu or of lit Stocked with Uouors in Scotch ft Irish Wines Co Porters 1- Dublin Stout V 0 Brandies for Medicinal Purposes Pino Old fooi per gallon f r Grocery Department Always with a of Fresh in Sugara Tobaccos Canned Goods of all kinds Brushed Raisins and Currants Pick lea in bulk per quirt OYSTERS AND PISH IN SEASON of which are sold at Prices that defy competition P J Main Street North ill HI I TICKETS LINK DOMINION LINK STATE LIKE Batches Cl J Ophthalmoscopic Test Lenses Hi r in lcoKcrCiafdirl All r Iv si I VM A iliVK of of iMtaut or rnjtjf No Wr Pierced will If a for a DUNN BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBESTFRIEKD Telephone YEAST Tit Durham lit Co Mr iKat It YOVKfi in thenar Dominion Hook IsAeSIUftBtEs FARM PRICE FIVE CENTS West i i J RAIL WAY la CANADA A PACIFIC COAST A Call I ATKINSON jftiraleraGd Ticket Children for POWDER Absolutely Pure Mora Mod iBitiJKKf giaiajmpuuou viil lob mat- PltdWrOaetorlat to BOARD Will fl raodiro DM UBS m- Choice of of SHORTHORNS lUo ftlrijni rfH lit Dominion AlJyojri JfAvctf and Juinslon Notice to Creditors Deceased W llfio I WiLL OR DIZZINESS in I irtRuihft J of lfitUf i n Tvi A I of by prucup una eh SALTRJIEUH HEARTBURN DROPSY OF THE ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH DRYNESS OF THE SKIM And of BOWELS OR 1l I 1 1 IT in I 16 only la hll iiil be llabl I ic have l on or a Hello f4 ilia full pifirru ittrjioi an urllt sUttiUui4 Ira od-f- or ms or a jaol J tiia arc wilt of a ratal powerfully upon li- bo of all cause tut aP apwiuJnS anJ lxb and ralJC0f lo tertraad Dumb A a ar Hi CURES ALL Wm aenrnmoo nioltrbp or or fclh WORM POWDER ArorrUuttilrr I a iJ J IfrV fc J Gnat fUtlpg in White Aim lor AlUirV 16 Coldcn I Willy hi Sua or ApstHct power over MX HtUV4riv loibcnutJtriJrfftVW of camp i4 U aWoOoiioj hit a Hi HntBCAUSt lit fcr jtnpMivr IJIJUr TMUr mo lrlr I n AND vary friar ma Joi anil or to a a lor of W Liver Blood ai For Weak Oh i OTl la J book lift