Newmarket Era, 27 Apr 1888, p. 4

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i Tint rid- 3 I I I Northern N tod ION A ticket to til lb and 111 tick 10 II J A IT Aft P I I POINTS pnjli MAfflTOlIA i Hint writ ATKIN80N Tie Sooloty moon I iJUIftFUiUit ii tHiUftytlu I do nib A Hi month tho In 1 ic4irif J J in month irk- 1 tud JrU Jo mount ty tf jitjry Toronto Smprt chief of Grenadier trip from Barrio and feriHu crowding ho out While bo number of In from to of hat now In Tliomu from bo Owen Bound jail on a co vie on of courted Sir on Sunday nor ay got drunk on up in on day into Fio on Thursday and On at earnest roquet of wife no bat llioy might a happy Sunday together AdvafWc Cl- of a and useful Lincoln waa away juat when coun try leoAl could Doling laid down bis for science Ma hud reached man who can of the on a card to ago of Thin right fhoKfl with aoft brown hair who walked oil over poor fluttering heart at charity ball lias firtuhed a quilt containing of and hat linings put with And poor old father op Ida with a long nail of a Hick regularly ordained hut- ton fa vanity remind bo of the Stock In SEASON SPECIALTIES At to W n L M B LATH SHINGLES In order to Out much of now on hand rooclring bit Spring now on order bought at LOW RATE on and A nil bo cleared out accordingly J MALEER fc If Mi is If Editor WHAT Hi TO ABOUT Tut fltraM iia liu a mi JUi at count- nit full I will to lit iLmiiH lHmrJ- rDKiuiuy Hot Mr 1- kirn liu p n irlt9 ljliti He tie over- i week Mat it irliiiji ttmi latrjt f f f Writ- An yt Mr Itowll ia In hl lie to lid ich I to to dm if iill aur frVwi th of flulclilr aodJ6Vui6l don- ill kept fa a and Mow d rfirtaglh lit la Ala aaya a child ha four pound In a mouth Four alio UODblrKfdliwoaDil tfarangMnotit to ICtKUka their to a Wfeta lot CM ho aba to a lit Account Com a Africtu about the charge ia iUj 52560 or It Job account to by a dorucboly buleto bar time dhsqc lie Load of iy but Ibf country baa to fcot the an bo re lit by hue tho Jcopuro worn out JI lu all a nttt doubt Yellow Oil la reined for nil Actrctf Jaxaanefca and It la aud lylornjilly And to ii be Cur tho Cod Lifer Oil and two J liQVolKeo J la especially la with awl Mr John wrijin from Out liavo or family For Throat and autuMog no VOUyclitpOlraUrbrcOht iluil fahfrlcudacBo testify loblabflcgcufM ot JVvpId by to and I The Roumanian Uprising April do- tails of tho rifling of peasant which city titling in moot villages of land and local treated a number of having boon killed J in lllago fired upon troops of ne wore troops to adopt aovoro for aupproMion of boat of- boon killed and wounded or taken cm prison crowded Fu gitives continue lo pour Into Works shipped to Manitoba lout 22 buggies and I cart A for protection of from dUhoneat la for Bradford No for audi protection in whom all for cash saving and endless worry a K closed at on Tuesday night record showed that adults hod cotbo out tha world Tho They go to fit- Thom as next being carried out by Government at Kingston which will lo by will cost 30000 and 10000 and will ycara to com plete A son of Mr A- Button met with a but not fatal accident on Tuesday last by be ing kicked with a In face knocking of out and in juring his jaw bono- Wo ho will soon recover SEEMS SEEDS I juat their new stock of filB and Seeds a Any not in bo procured on notice SUPERIOR GROUND OIL CAKE TOOLS in GARDENING AND FARM TOOLS it I WE ARK NOW TO OUR CUSTOMERS DOOM SASH BLINDS Of all always on hand Foil lino of Outfit and Oils and Putty An TURN OUT -AT- I NEW STOCK J A ALLAN CO LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES i THE CANE SONS MFG CO NEWMARKET OS Dispensing Department only with and if given to compounding of PHYSICIANS AND- FAMILY RECEIPTS OPEN SUNDAYS FOE DISPENSING A PM 8 PM FARMERS- ATTENTION OK OH TO It toe a Mill o Iajaj4 with a tie iU by a vole of jy to A unia bat ltd In 1 1 vill with l that lo On- the ia the for iu a of iu the jTt iit for J of tea rotted in r 1 of rot that of or the Club od Came iA All Id with lV walk ureter muter of the of Qotne Mi in at Utr at lie fVrfflMH Office nUi y where re- ut i the of die a propriety of aiio at Sir icdf iitc ido our ho tut thy fiin a to act in of the Supplier court of CWDiy id i itit 1 If other the Sheriff that It hid aid the jeety of lite W why u bo re to i alHc Kit aa to Mjioi it would be oqully to of aide of politic of ex In doit who largo v all Iho iblonjbJa iLJbHj for Ncckiroaj- cap blir ot Jro by 0dlig only to the 4 Aas will you ten neufy mention of tola Ho lea ibaj jAguwo- lot i c To investigation Forest into disastrous fir w iu lliat town on Monday and two A man recently roleosod from Kingston arrested on of caused loth The negotiations representatives of England and with of upon definite rules governing teal fiatnn about Strait principal point in dispute is fixiug of default ing teller of tliy Union Hank at full confession to a ft of his misdoings as a result of winch bank baa recovered nearly whole amount taken sotoo which Cameron had to two friends for safe keeping of Shanty Bay a weeks ego sold a of lb to Drover VkU was tho heaviest of cattle shipped from during the year an indication kind of cat fly that be grown in this section of Ontario- Advance During family of Mr Alexander living on of terribly Mr his wife children arid the nurse out from Toronto- ton in all been prostrated with diphtheria of a contagious and malignant typo Da was called to attend and pronounced of coses a boy of years of ago of recovery He dux on day after One other child a boy nearly to years old succumbed to force of tlio dfseato after three days All rest hovo passed through waters of and now convalescent No now cases do in this neighborhood and trust tho dreaded has abated Ho dropped in to us ho other day Wherever wo go and at quarter of world wo may chnnco to locate spring and umbrella sure to find bobbed up handin hand this year a The umbrella man our his year was a typical ungain ly running largely to jointP and foot seenicd too tender for much eh But the scintillating rays from moonlit relieved this defect and mournful of his voico affection- atoly tor physical condition of our well nigh us to tears Wo incoherently informed him that a bosom friend had neon fttderately We just wo meant by this the um brella man wasnt quite sure cither Ho growled out about lunatica not knowing what an um brella and roomy shots rapid footprint on the sands of which Ho between this and town of Whitby Pickering K There a scattering minor of men in Wilson as everywhere I HOUSE- Apply to JfiiOWN ftL- roriJ work LESS DRAUGHT Than any alio tool for Ibc HiMcltMaf0UQdnr Strong testimony Quire or OR SALE AT A TO ON or r flpiing Tooth bo lidtcfcc fllgoiicti nod all WEAK CoMrouKP a Hint which Coca ibto It RHEUMATISM Mod ib ixil WitucnitUm to a true for KIDNEY COMPLAINTS CiLHVCoarMiriauicWxruM liver Uncjri to perfect obtei4 with ficrr the for U aAisiffl ilea CONSTIPATION lie lOirtlrf ruled cr RICHARDSON CO Prop P In tho Manitoba Legislature Thursday the whole was taken np with a on the amended J J cation Act which provides for suffrage Nearly all the En favor of Mr and Mr speaking against it bill jwed by to WRIGHTS fire is to end the propound to have twentyfive men per year ten of mm to In ho fircbftll a fiio alarm fiyteni at of a and alio With the city flu rated or Jr lion wblcjj to mz a a It jUld womb aJ voiBOUt rou0oirn vomoo xontrall or- Hick Dr or AntibtUous o dull j that able- bodied to work for board One of at from CiQployer and on night be tjuvi back LOO tii amount a ad thing for a man who has the responsibility of not only own support but support of a family to be out of employment and it is duty of good citizen to do all be ran to give employment to cltu fhcro is jio doubt that the unemployed frequently to but if and does not they not bo treated as Men who have good portion aro to for throwing them up to get what consider belter aro nine out of ten in tho Tiiuro but way that a can mean certain must work so at to want to keep And it no for Jut him n of Then when ho aoof an opportunity for better work and bettor let frankly toll employer of it an opportunity to do well by ho is offered If dono ia at lout a of mar IS Jas in struck lightning during a recent torn down and chitting ripped off roof and scattered in direction From ran down the jjips turned the and tore op a portion of the floor tbo pantry on table were thrown down and prevailed generally VST An exchange this valu able information aide room should it patient nervous find excited literally had life forced out and gone to the grave through uneaainets or fright over Ins notorious There no tic when ft m or woman more lived to natural and people about than when tossing on it flick bad Talking in a room should bo done in a natural tono of voic nd a whisper bo no tiptoeing and no faces or over or that The doctor who rfoea not bring a hroeu of cheer with to room had better quit and go to trade many of whore the i killed not by reojfyjtta but by the indierotion of the doctor and at- lie bright aud cboorfu nod amuse the patten then bo will not brood on his and luontly quicker who succeed in doing nny- beyond controlling all available around grocery utilizing cod tents of crackerbarrels they never offer to pay for fritter away their indo lent lifoturtQ En comment with each other involving the details of their follow- citizens It a offence to creatures when enterpriser succeed in of the prophecies to the contra ry feet as though a personal injury had been to If a man of nerve and public spirit start in now enterprise they croak dismally and wag their most knowingly Let venture live do spite its anticipated failure aud t wo potty squirm and snifllo as though blight of Some great misfortune had withered their sluggish and squalid vanity How they to have a bono of tainted towed to them They squabble over it snatch it from another and make a dirty mess of it all told around the sickly stove Ob for a corporation to grasp a keen municipal blade and cut off this cancerous growth from the civic body Wilson Star in to and for lit ml dories by to a STOVES TINWARE HOUSE FURNISHINGS flpnor and win to b st Prices To Suit The Times Children Cry for OF CREAMER CANS Double Strainer Milk All from to KTAtlC for U at OoriUex Of Wod DSWRIGHT fi POWDER Absolutely Pure otter A tu kinds and with 1 1 i t or iiiodeorio no Co Wall Pitchers INDIGESTION SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN DIZZINESS DROPSY J OF THE KEAffT ACIDITY OF THEST0MAWV OF THE SKIM Seed Drill A rken in for Jo from ding to tightness of Draught And topcilor working the 7V v3cWrrri THE STEEL PLOUGHS Double crapr SMITH Mattel oitlc on Ii ibace3bniicJ LIGHT STEEL BINDER Ami ho FRONT CUT and lnocJlojf to and atyl oHtfi bo la W or twcUl particulars at 3 fsltiHtodrn f ran lii lr or rf ooi NO in ted roue I Reasonable Interest Rat Applj Co E JACKSON ARM TO LET lYt half lot fxl Unci WIN l cofc front of quire bit OR SALE THECQOICSBESTFRIENI YEAS1 Vfj V it ilCrUriKArihAttlan TICKETS ALUSK LINE DOMINION LINE LINK Watches proper Test Lenses line RAIL WAYS I0KET8 Tolrlocijiii CANADA COL A IACSFIC A Call A I y- ten i My iJi ijv I PRICE FIVE CENl MCE FIVE CENT tormina I J l K If Id re for o to cor Lltjii on lull JACKKSA SALE lutTowoaJujOf Wca tbe tjP0tlD 10 Mb 14 Tiilrlni6ib-saCf- fthlp tor ro JotwJIJtrlVir AfciHv4rJifilifUTovnolNwojai IjhC AHUfACIUfllK Wood or Stave rr WK bijcbcf tfolyjtJ pish- ii I ii- I I t Iff SPRING a Stocked with Prime Liquors in Canadian veOinger A fc A- A Stout V 0 Brandies for Purposes Old Tow gallon Grocery Department with a full of in Sugars tooth of nil kinds JtaUJneffHitCurrBn- Pickles in bulk 0c quart All of which it that defy competition P J ifain T VcflrtuWihtl Will jjfotriHi S property B i j 1 1 iJr coin tf so Toji li tbo WHO O I Wi fcptl jI lilr an- Aid of OH iseirtwo of ISIS hi ova Oak aJul4ca CHOPP Undersigned to say that he put in A FIRSTCLASS PLANT AND TO DO CHOPPING DAY FIRSTCLASS WORK FEED KEPT FOR SALE I auiUUj Of to bis ij Jo woman P- of ratcfaU fitl c who it in 1 nrff j to for It is not 3 ft ftlMmulJ a a If to loo for laJl J trc l PI iho lb ml itvfii jo At and fa tod I In cirvou n jwsst villi for ftppJ Election Hi joj of J I by in a THE BRIARS FARM West Choice of Head of SHORTHORNS Co It morning tfekot- or iWhinVKLK iv wHIProVtry for coipycni or ffl In l oeixinir4jwD auj Mtn to3 I tuUrnol too vli ft io wiJj to fiooJ Vi At ft rtiulainr prouw J AritHiin WORM la a acJ a or atoU faithfully lb Or fco a or Fir pai Id V T To

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