Newmarket Era, 29 Jun 1888, p. 1

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Friday Morning i rBAMiRlNTIttOUOK WK rat 0X7S TO NORTH INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol Single Copies Gents Each Newmarket Ont Friday J urie Terms Cash In Advance at end of year A general a Interest Allowed AT sew turn promptly UndM1 1T INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY to Loan roWOWlNO q and f I Allele or Real Inmate Main fit li of our ThoycQcnotboMOollwi or Hoc further to rinrrJi Toronto TJIOttAKJ- yJ tecum Hi fl A Ao r jr or Inner of HAITI nice come Oil do- rtllCllMKOSTAJllOliAWKi fir Jt MOOJlKi risiIinjt TO Hie Dominion A AUA9T J- J Lift OMJty TO LOAN AT MWMkl AWJt IK Mutual JCtmtirjioco Old Main lOHrAI5lj4HKIlS1 nil W Mm anil of Voterlnmty row to Trent All it Jilt A J tfi Member Hirer to A I to 1 rind J inn W China Hall V LADIES AND GENTLEMEN You con buy Dinner Bote Bote Beta and Lamp Goods Fancy and cheaper at China Ha than any Town In order lo you of fact Do not nil to thorn a call before buying elsewhere juct a lioutlfal lino of direct importation which arc at TREMENDOUS LOW PRICES This of Fresh Family Groceries tlio lead flneat and la town In fact their and their goods knock All out Popular verdict A CALL SOLICITED Fresh Seeds Just Orders by Telephony promptly attended to A SMITH Lord Stanley of of Canada My Mills will bo shut down a nil and J A SPECIALTY AlloMerft will proriiit And VlcUrla lli York Grille Manufacturing JJIT ltpalrp for implement will be kepi At uhtTo at any AMKUIUA Two or Three months I a full train of iho Cochrane Hulls which will Ihj second mill America on Chopping every Tuesday Saturday new aa office of of Bams in Chamber of There a glorious of Windsor and other uniform hut ceremony hardly principal and Captain Military Secretary read appointing Lord Stanley GovernorGeneral and the of office to which new Viceroy writing wor by tho Chief Justice of Supreme coon ceremony over Mayor of Ottawa presented a loyal and re plied in a neat little fjord Stanley in of I if medium height a strong a graceful with sonic thing like look and air of of when Heir Ap parent nob as as ho now He is fair with full beard which slightly streaked with gffy ItM a ruddy clearly cut with lino Ho a fine broad fore head upon which the hair is thin a genial winning and frank expression of countenance His Ex cellency a Jubilee medal on hie breast Not only as the representative of Canada hut for his personal worth Lord Stanley done every day V entitled to popular and esteem Ho of a family which has ox in politics an influ ence second to no other family It has not for six hundred ye art locked a man prominent in affairs of country and more than olive its has been the foremost man in the realm family a history of unusual Some of its len prudent none of them havo been infamous More than ha hit on tho scaffold dishonor earldom is one of lh oldest hold in a direct line Of family it can only bo that its origin ia lost in inilai of The i a Kenllcinan of knowledge and views on political sub jects It is to bo hoped that Jjyrd will follow the of mingle with as much as Lord Stanley is experienced irt po litical and diplomatic aflat having parliament at early ago of twentyfour and became connected with the Administration years later In and ho Secretary of State for arid in tho last year be came President of the Board of Trade the time rMod to aa Stanley of Preston Bill f KOJAUOK ho only at oiijauy America ioiliotuhineofioiuraijci COM for Auroro vicinity loan J Notary Aurora CANADA LIFE CO SIMPSONS CAPITAL AND FUNDS- BAILEYS BAKERY BREAD CABS AND- utter tiro force J MAIN STREET iieulr you lo Solicit a DRUGS FRESH- GROCERIES r Hams and Conned Hoods Beat Roller Flour delivered to all parts of the Town at Mill prices ICE CREAM PARLOR Ca FOR Old Barn RkktUy Jickicj rac io y Co j tbick yellow Hinging lha Mow it- a lor my the btratr at fif the dell Ob how I the to wore with a glilttrtDx W I to the rafter J And the at the In of bay kings match it The its When the old guy biro Id ccot Piled in Iho barbs roomy sit of the faigbUnili and Its Fall FANCY GOODS tWi WILE SOAP SPONGES Almond REQUISITES Please Come Again MRS SIMPSON Leading Photographer COKNKtt MAIN LIFE A l ALL L XT Cigars and Tobaccos J BAILEY rfnwiviar I TO LOAN NICEST Suitings TO In am pre- Goods In SUPERIOR MANNER 9 for rt- t rt ALEX ft I N E A K BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT FOR LATEST DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER CANADIAN AND PAPERS BORDERS STARR Central Telephone COMPOUND DYSPEPSIA SKth ill Trice T Reasonable Interest Rates JACKSON The Great Spring Medicine e HO CO for Infante and Children i June A boat ing involved lie drowning of fcix persons five and one gentleman New ark bay on Saturday night A party of auUen ladies and thirty foot yacht and left this cHyatSnVIiKk lost night mouth of thy bay tog with a tow two all riftht but the bearing a grating sound and realizing that ho was on tho jetty fitopprd engine Sev eral of passengers jumped over on jetty and doing o the lurched and slid ofF into deep water The girts then a ruth for the aide of the boat and this caused her to over and a turned bottom up Ihc air was immediately with for help from the persona for their lives initio water When the boats arrived it found that of the had been away and drowned Ont Juno About oclock yesterday morning two looking character were detected by Mr Win lurking hi ahoo shop fore an could effected they were discovered by dog and were when Mr Gray don and J Graydo decided them They have had not the two been provided with firearms father one of and while endeavoring to secure him the other commenced shooting one one inthowriat and other In ankle Two of the extracted but of the doctor to the failed to younger Mr in the Seised the other and to companion find throe ahOta at junior two were too much for rand The Injured raah la at well can lira St Symingtons magnificent flooded with light from the glittering furniture of soft mossy the color of heart of a May roso soft sounds of a fountain splashing in conservatory and delicious perfumes idg from nialca of rare and tropical That was scene that wild night when storm beat without and cold and misery and want stalked a grim triumvirate Little Bertha nestled further down among thoeoftcu6hions of tho easy chair had found wheeled in front of tho cheery open fire bo redly behind pol ished bars A girl blushing and modest with womanly eye of tender that mirrored her thoughts as faithfully as a lakelet does flashing sunlight A quiet lonely creature only sixteen- who bad come from a dear happy homo among the bills to take the of life with bonds though weak and all unused to tbe warfare j with stout heart for all there were time when it overflowed through the sweet frank She had only been St Symington only a week from mother and the plain homo that was insufficient to givu her a living longer Only a and yet to learn luxury of plenty and enough te know was gentle re- of inon florid fiihijnMe of the of St Symington St with her coalblack streaming down over her bright silk dress and her jewels glittering with almost splendor she sailed into the driving room that night followed by portly parent shimmering trail was sweeping over the carpet and ceased its rustle sudden ly she taw Bertha all in the sacred of the pink plush chair Mamma did you ever idea of coming in here Tell r at once what she is to do will you Mr St Symington shrugged her shoulders just a little Really I havent the heart to I cant flee what there is if the child wants JuaniUi shot her mother a glance from her black eyes face of the girl who had arisen hastily from the easy chair Yon comprehend Miss Juanitaa imperious voice partly ar rested the flying footstep and a con fused unintelligible answer a low hurried tone as disap peared Such impudence the next thing I presume cook and mammas wait- will be coming in when tired Dr Redmond you hoard The Milkmaids Marriage Song And while graceful fingers went over piano clear strong voice in witch- chores ballad and Gay Redmond listened gravely little Ber tha was crouching on the floor in her own dull room crying as if her heart would break Ill never stay here never- Ill bo a maid or a kitchen maid before stay hero and bo insulted by St Symington insulted I into tho drawing- room If lam not good to sit in there am I fit to teach his letters Poor innocent ignorant child she had yet te learn that a very world A young lady Redmond looked up a ponderous volume of lore ho was studying If is grave thoughtful fate its strength and the full glare of the light fell on it A young lady Mr Guy Least ways a lady anyhow young or old Shes nil so bundled up you cant scarcely Dr the servant disappeared and went into his con suiting room where a vcicfl him as ho the door You are Dr He and took his customary scat 1 am troubled about throat Dr Redmond and as my living de pends upon ray voice I am more than to know if I am seriouaiy threatened Ho listened as if half familiar with her tone her face then the momen tary personal interest merged into customary You are a singer then Tell me please- Ob no I cannot sing hut I use my voice almost as much as if I I aw a teacher used to be governess in Mrs St Symingtons family and I came te you once I you there A sudden remembrance roshed Over him Now that sad half recognition And this was the pretty startled girl whose blue eyes and sweet drooping mouth had haunted him for months after he had seen and pitied her in her confusion that January night a year ago almost Involuntarily Dr Redman smiled 1 remember Mils Agincourt And now you are teaching She smiled in answer to his cour teous friendly way Teaching and very hoarse ftt against tho cushions of the easy chair pretty fair as five ago when sho had married him Sho smiled as if in indulgence of his proud tenderness and then said somewhat archly I wonder whether children or papa is moat anxious I should go down Confess now Gay you begin to be just a little jealous of this stringers monopoly of time touched the pink palm of a wee baby lying cradled in a lowcan opied at her side and spoke in a low hushed whisper that had grown to be very sweet and melodious to her husbands cars that other pooplo thought a dreadful affliction while they wondered how Mrs Redmond bore it so well Tho doctor leaned over bis boy then the mother do not think even young Guy could make me jealous but I want you down stairs to day Among other reasons it is time you made tho acquaintance of the nurserymaid who came the day baby did I havent seen her and Im sure if it hadnt been for Annies attention Mrs Grayson thats her name have lonesome Annie hi always good and go down if you think it and make the poor woman as comfortable PREVIOUS TO TUB The rate of Catherines this of the tato sidewalks Fourteen the tuning were drowned Six were drowned on Wednesday voted ft nearly Whitby has of for ft of natural gy It ia will bo built A ww of Jifthintng in a John from 2 Unt to have teen her- j ftDd Custom at Doctor Redmond his fijiB shoulders Nonsense if you cant see the harm I tell her to lease Like a hawk alout to pounce on a dovecote sailed aero the room and looked down at pretty bowed head of sat boning on her elbow looking into moss of flame Agincourt you teem to be Of the fact that this apartment not for the aelrvaatt Be so good as to retire to your it you will pass in the good de lighted we are to sea you And Ju7iita turned coldly from girl to greet handsome who had been admitted a before He bowed and took Juan ex- to At ptBent the doctoral hand and looked in tor anticipate no fatal result at times with a continuous aching sec in my throaty and a tendency to cough Her accurate description of symp toms at once torn Fid the current of conversation and when twenty min utes later Bertha left with a tiny package of powders in her it was with a new strange light shining in her How good he is lion- like I always known While Guy Redmonds brown watched tho slight graceful figure pass the window Poor child In six months she will not speak above a whisper for all fature time I wonder what the acquaintance at firt purely profMsionuK rip- A Into friendship into warmer interest until on the day Bertha bcr Or Red monds kind pitiful lips they had grown to bo dear to each speak iin don tll me that forth as she with blanch id cheeks and quivering lip- You know that I have all that lie in human power to do You know bow very much it hurts to ceo you lake it so to heart child and yet for all I am not sorry He was looking eagerly at her Not sorry Not that I am worse than until I can learn another way of earning my bread Oh Doctor I thought thought Ho had both her rebellious little bands in his now and was half smil ing in her tearful You thought what I know you have thought what I have what I am thinking what a darling little wire you going to be for me You will be wont you His wooing quiet but to- tense that its very solemnity startled her His wife I She his Her eyes filled with Oh Or- Never but Guy in the Ki5i me darling and tell in you do not regret giving up your schocj to teach me how to be a better man Tattle I will make you vVry hippy if I may May I her was almost hulled with ecstasy of fcbe had of she had never dan think would be her own a a ft You will go down to dinner then today If you know haw much belter you vere lookiog and how Bertha and clamoring Dr Redmond fondly delicate of bis wife If you knew how Ive been nd how miserably hidden the lady herself you would not think so Then well see you two pretty housemother as usual It was one when Mrs Redmond went down stair tho very idol of a dainty high bred lady in her elegant surrounded on every sidn by nil the luxuries money or taste could poinbly provide And her daogh- almost Hying to meet her as she tin nursery on a visit preparatory to dinner A tall plainly dressed woman to their delight Children dont She stopped stared at the mother and gasped Good Heaven and are you Mrs Redmond And with pale face and look she drew back Kcrtha smiled and bowed I am Mrs- Redmond Mrs Grey- son If you know me you have the advantage although She paused and color flew to cheekg- voice soft and low as she exclaimed It cannot bo that you arc Miss St Juniata St Symington who drove you out of her mothers draw you were nobody but a nursery go Red this almost gasped the words in her painful suspense and bitter remem brance and could go no further Bertha laid her fair white hand on the womans arm A sweet passed over her pale face as looked into tho eyes of ber companion and said Try to forget whatever happened unpleasant Remember that this is truly your home Mrs Greysonwhere you will be received and treated as an equal by myself husband and guest And now are you ready for dinner The bell will ring very soon So like coals of fire was Berthas mercy her sweet tender womanli ness on Juniata St Symingtons head while among the in Mis Graysons is the belief that by her hand she made all tbe happiness of Mrs Redmonds life happiness the had eft hoped for herself but that other thing had been denied her since day when Pate took Fortune in hand and banished her from the home where Bertha tiny to its course Manager Van P that ore given for the at A Alexander Fief a well to draw water 6 purpose of when she lost her foreinj3t into the J drowned judgement nil the Montreal guilty of perjury has by tho fulled to appear for day morningind is tho country Oa a Hoe A a lontf consisting mainly if and spiral column- trace of humor lights up its broad shining face Mill it no you round the waist two places at once A hoe possess no selfacting facilities but its viclioi needs up with It all winter and only crawls forth from its lair the potato bug a wakes and call for victuals Then confiding man pits on hands grabs between the fetlock and chin in bis tubers Its just fun at the start but in after days when the thermometer roosting on the highest perch and the weeds as much attention as a spoony widow hen the hoe and it company Yet after a hard days work the hoe will smile tho old style smile and never move a feature in sympathy with the worker whose anus down like the ears of a hound his back as demoralized Central bank wearing a wilted appearance from heel to hair this pest from our gardens our wivesanddaughtersshoold become ita prey let the hired man toy with it till hes tired I has vhited and snatched a loved on away On Saturday Hit Gertie daughter of Mr Jacob Wal ton complained of being ill the following she much worse and towards evening it via found the seriously ill Medical aid was sent for but bo relief waa ob tained- She grew so much worse during the following Monday and that two other medical man were called in for consultation but all to no purpose grew rapidly worse aid parsed away on Friday She was aged 13 and of a very Ami able funeral took on Sunday attended a large number sympathising Joseph ford returned a day or Australia and ho has living for years He has that Canada is world the best coil The luring company of I issued a writ company of alleged certain machine former firm Damage to are beyond in Ornament trade in Canada extends from Nova e and thousa buildings of lis firms ability tiful and durable win description Tlire is about dogs crease in numbers last years but thwe lady dogs county This authority lie number in this villa two of which ha paid other He is a church lie about bis dog World l of Bo severe accident on retuniingfrom of the carriage gave v to bolt was thrown out am broken and his Mount accident occurred ab from town causing severe Tle men weed lumber when iiliot the boiler nJ hot building Peter JIcH caldrd uud died in Mr though will likely recover K5 The Mil ton On last a employed oii of St in- a tlipd into hoi to put it in and his Lisbid and the in hob lg for two ho was Working to go at Ions after A i J p I fc j A a as in til- wiiH Ik to ft left out of put it vnegr cruel back and cork half mad and ho a and dont talk back arid that iup of it but a few was out an4 bobUrMw mi boou with and lb quick tumd with theft and iod with want to go- back thanked per on lino au for two boy

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