Newmarket Era, 29 Jun 1888, p. 2

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a i Now Sale Juia Mcdor It J- Carriage John Brim ion P J Decoration Day 0 P Mortgage Sale J For Sale Mr LJvAAAJlJiA LIT OP I AW 100 FRIDAY JUNE Our Toronto Despatch by Adam the from weekend colored thia city held a Jablleooicr the reaolt Eta of city Inber loom acquitted of criminal by exhibit of ME VIIVBud Centra outline July fib root t It about Wood local Of tail week the at loot of III brad a rock bittern aod ai that J wit Halt ay nirliliiAployM Out on Dior It olio limited aiaona the are IMiK on the trot A Victoria of city Dr Moo lane cecals an J It ft tor Ohio Juitkortir him Gall will novum J abttmo lr John A Jim Initio Jfcfore fio or now Court can upon Jyfy for mora will Ihluk will bo and lb council to wow nil of anolbor Hit Victoria of will Villi Day u vtjby making loToronln will VItjluof ln Mm Grand at Nowraarket JooVinK forward grout to tho 2nd of July in Newmarket ilieio is every pro- wise days will among the over bold of tiio far exceeding in in terest any ration over bold in title Town and tliorougbly Ufit- attainment of Confederations majority work of Fountain on tho Fair Ground favorably Through kindness and enterprise of Win Mfg Co a quantity of iron tubing baa boon loaned to connect with a hydrant on Prospect and the artistic ornamental display will bo worth going to ceo received from tho following localities nil sig nifying their intention of taking part Uniformed Team with parade reel Ihrco Teams one i Ladder Team Team Tug of War Team Jtad from Aurora i- and from j Hose A and com- me with from Bred- ford Tvatn and is expected to send l Ladder Teem and IVrade to bo formed at Depot at oclock will prob ably ho longest most attrac tive hat ever passed through the Wo would people from couutry to good time aquatic aporu will fallow immediately after jKtnd liremenii etc will tako in Agricultural Park ijUMuenciug at p ju and exciting and truly interesting ot in tho matter of lire will un doubtedly place The Judges ore Alex A Toronto and Jackeou and tlm A fair titid Thy ha in securing wrvitea of Mr who una bad this direction and to the atb- lctic in with closing of tbo of of Newmarket WaterWork in an attraction for throwing eight high at and same time is a that very of Jaigcat can yiiico all uudw aro free to the grounds no family within 10 of Newmarket mi opportunity a day of thorough the evening a Concert will in Town of whicb will bo vards in paying outlay of Uniform mounting will probably be tomorrow and ii to Office and News from lndIcaU cer tain cbaugca In Pott Office De partment at an day Deputy aster- Griffin said to bo servant In Do minion bo at of after fiftysoven Rumor ha It In conooctioo that White 8ocrotary of bo promoted to vacancy thus created Mr of tbo Saving Branch wilt likely Mr With tbo promotion of two latter gentlemen wo no objec tions to odor older employee aro laid aside It la right and pro per for thoeo in rank on civil acrvico list to look for advance ment familiar with tho na ture of duties to to discharged too in ordinary working of tho ia likely to follow Una of action than would probably bo case person appointed not oltogothor ac quainted Hut while ap proving of of wo entirely object to superannu ation For fifty tuven Mr has boon in the employ of tho and for more than half of period has boon In receipt of a salnry sufficient to enable him to compe tency for remainder of Ida life an greater than of the business men of Canada have had during aamo and without risk experienced or employment of largo capital of pensioning civil scr- la wrong from beginning to end Why should deputy bead government or any employee in service look for a retiring any than a chief or Uokkcopcr in ft position no forced upon him and if ho does not attached to position ho is at liberty to slop down and out country ha no right to pay for tboy a sort of upon body poli tic Besides this pension system ifl wrong in principle inasmuch it holds out Inducements to prodigality not to a term Look ing forward to this retiring allowance not as prudent would otherwise- bo They livo up to their and think of providing for old age expecting to livo at tbo countrys expense when they quit employment Parlia ment should sweep wbolo thing out is no party question it is a much needed reform a reform pcoplo of all shades of politics the pensioners tbom- selveswill heartily cant to bo yearly to its public debt for of paying bonuses to of who rcccivo adequate com- for nil the work do while in service This for nothing is too much of a to bo for tbocountrya prosperity or welfare Ink Drops- In Si ftuoJay lu hit have tome loyally 16 ibo at lomgnow wind oil A rain lif re are movies in It cat ib lo ill tor did not rfiow Igu of of lo in Church in lb The a of Thot Jin J I a portion of cold ratuofi bar ftbeut tiro of oar highly rttpccttd bo We the lhol4hteil hit feelldg they Mr J A of Weld a too of P low Jail for of Id of Col- Mori Philosophy end Clrll Mr tod bit York welcome ho Mi to bolt fx week hi ot for out tbrc3 tad tor a by via Detroit Per to of it to In Paul a Owing to Ullor of the failed to at Bit rip for of point tot bid of tod of tho Sheriff who by my lotcrtlen Geo of If popular end of employer and of The a Mr of loNcirmttkDt from hi trip autpicbat re- tokeo of toil Ihd of hit and coo- duel by If To and to couple hit hih hit light ting in life Point bare of tut tk trt veil A of of ranitroka and A few hot htod on to Ttt Ferry Qiuca of It not any by way of c Ctpt jui to bo tlttad- of wpflirliioa of A a took Wp to llutt It op ft Jot of on at of fanun bars commenced art It la poor if It col toon ihr- crop will to Tirf Oar Mr Jloot tad Par- lib to ihtir A Bedford tho UuPrcoAaOorUtrkha la Mr John Oar 8 tooojoy it Sunday at Mr puj tint oar JibT bo aboodutty of aod apmd of fair land of oiiraUfrtiioia o d drib of wo offer of lotrloaio and accept acd liopoalbat your Ufa may aer bleated health fifgnal behalf of of Albert aOd It with of ihii gift banda and If which I to bar lo any way I be doubly I that daring ray with I hare leuood fort yoo It bat bun a for rat to with you open mo I to your and to the glory of lata to with me token of eatceo and my prayer a rlcheal mty upon all is Around lis Huh Holt Circle laoiirlut a it should Ikou Foot Hill iuatwl of official Mr returned on Qaturday from Detroit be roontht Phillip from the Volun teer Camp on Saturday- Mr and to Deputy Trivial the troy of The flatt ing at Mr for a few Mount Albert factory had a carrow escape from week A pcDJa party left here od for Point A large crowd at fealUal fala brother beu militating fur tbopaat W A left here on for Point by wye our bit ball pity 21 ark ham at Lemon on the two week liter tbaa v from it viiltlng wlthMliaUik The and Workmen log for in to about of July will mo frotu the only Temperanco tfaatiogoa Monday a good program rendered Very hot dry Item Ontario Bank The of the of held at on the were Wood P A- Jot Ketertor K J K aid Hoe J Mac- Alexander Aud motion duly Sir P took Mr general manager to act and K aid J were wiLUAlf aubtulllcd the or In prraeotlog to the their aunual pleased to to that the of the to to their attlafac- net prod accrued and making for bed and Profit and lota from ta wck bo for it tftt the on fioodty fccahrntil In geaertl the vay plcnta and the week one would think people veto up to of our the and are the Mr finlnhtd on tho Lewis and wife Si tut tew week Jacksons Point or Ad rtCUtUn train Wednesday morning for Point a double alt action was held out to In the of fortnl connection the new county and the a ik The lata reinforced along and on Sutton met by been at nor nt paid lit per Ju WACO tiff A account WWW lor Mr home from Toron to in this Mr ore at ftliatei Ctrl Lloyd ia home from Brant- ford for Alfred of waa Town last Friday Mr Stephen Howard wife ere Hill and wile of li h iu the coup of of Toronto it a a two or Mr is leaking a ou at Km Caldwell wo of Mr Alex returned fttm wk a Saturday and Mr Wednwlay from Low ell of Mr P J arc rul ing this Mr it fijKnding few bib at Point Air of Victoria bit Mr tu or lhri Ilm been at Mr wtcki IvH Mr and children but to a levf cr 1Ut J iter Mr to on lau J dry of Granite home by who making blended Alr If Wright of fit Ma formerly ore a for ten lour aui lor on Monday Jld to well bit adopted the Com jjitleo of Shortly by the Comet Hand inarmed to the ew bridge where the riniDy m by Mr McnryTrelcar J P redfcgafid an addrcaa of welcome to the Warden and Council of Ibe of York Warden wade a reply and then breaking bottle of bridge declared to the playing of the band and the The be Auderaon bridge niter of iDtnedKloadlcurnment to park by indies of St Georgiuii of th in jightttting n taking a trip on Like far as jd new 11 u Jaciwud Pouif juttOgu the of tbo vii wirb a It ujuibdutcyKitiUy tv Pox lUiid a and bare about jacjuI and in giviog a ai4bfpuui and faulty purct Whirl Were paruta riJ And a very of at mostly and and alfunU every fatality lor log anu purjxwc elm and to- tinted fur pic and With all vcuLucca tor it aida to all who goodftunetoobuinaaeiinip age and which for abooi ten The drive re with and adapted for tit a allotted at one contain by Gov two daugbiera jt bat a fur and in a ttxmi by a belonging to Dr a thou of rare the hardwood aw now In and an aocmy and of Jin Point and It fit Dp for d lnd A public meeting held In Monday for the of wo wIn who were their entering the Khool ace which la to be competed of lota Mr whlb could not been filltd by a better ruao The chairman on briefly Hi the called upon Mr Clark to Clerk In pteulng manner laid I before them the adfeDtegta of a of the Jtrirrd call men to country and them all to their Draper ihtn called aald ho did not praying for what our own we thould bare a told hit trouble in for and although ho bad no children loaend bit children bad and he hoped Ibey would not hare the trouble one lo apeak the chair reivl Ho of the which are to compose the new Section and on On Mr being called ho to let til bis ftin- the rectlon at he would derive benefit thereby although ha would allow to enter The to object Mr but bo could not giro a gbottol aitasou He is one of former who not a and dots tot Vint Lis to ead one either He prefer to ttnd tit children they go to a miles before be will Jet his lot come a will a at bid door Hut balance the ratepayers willing to enter the ntw I dont Mr objection will weight the Arbitrators before whom the mutt of Ibe meeting goea hi a final decision next of carried forward JiOl W of the different of the Hank bate been made dor leg the at Toil been dueled and new been 1 at Kinga ton and Aurora which already give of befog to the influence The the Dank to dla charge duties to aatbftttion of the All of which reapectfully aahtnitttyJ W- President June CapluiatotfkpaldopllAOWOJ Labors and Frolics of We in the Camp IuaBivlbapreraration ranch anzlct and worry no lb IslsI net all duty tbeao of in nd To depart or Set la aborlngGtton bid work it it raorplof and that not Jb never had aucb an socially to popular being an man course not In Mono ibo wearer of scarlet button and can lax of drilling In tho Juno days or this week and wonder is lbs Entn Let and prsy more season of drill will bo volantetra and afternoon drill of days bo changed oclock In lbeoooJof and novelty of a trip to the Falls by who thought were out or Camp woro of a anare Iq And beat under a not werolaer bear and able feast to or W and perhaps could not wall tendency Id la to a bolter data of or ratbor to under a lot of money and full tor whether forcborobn3arcbout or otbcrwito no part must after providing lilenaelr with a now other tblogs found that without a bat could attond church parade Dont know how pious It did nor prevent IcaOIOsTarroUo an ibo by light of moon on ova of breaking up Temptation to Innocent la llrneioaally the has a charm liquid la at Senator If Ibo day ho wmic was The of properly and atfcaataor fmUct nod it Ian poor soul that rejoice on a bright balmy with covering sleeping spread 12th drill lago proportion of am military school men from the Colonel down men behaved admirably Wo are informed there Aro fonr offlMra over twenty years In tho Bait Way flog Major Lloyd who by the way returned without typhoid fever notwithstanding surface Ifivlicg abode good iaymauo cjoio W tbew comet the xpular and gallant Knox No Company of Co- Maple andlJeuta Holmes a good ImprelonAS they area decided of the oily graced by IhfjaoJdlcrlypKserco of what dating Cftmp and genial gentle manly nod venerable Colonel if THE J J j- SPECIAL SALE OP ia IS Worth Now J WALL PAPER REDUCED TO ROLL a J ANOTHER BIG LOT OF BLACK Worth 100 I A LISLE GLOVES NOW IOC BLACK AND COLORED Silk Gloves Worth 50c now A Heat of ear forward Dividend pay- at3o for due on bills ry The DOMESTIC TAKES THE LEAD Newmarket circulation not ixarlog Interest firfUfn Canada Total public deroanil nous Kotos and or either from banks lo duo Hanks In the Govern tie In A FULL COLLECTION TUB SSMUSIC fclxcV to are addiugaspnoilthcd ItiVlUxl 1 f Successor FOB On Mr Apply to Total car- adVdOCiSOii call fU24 Overdue not tied eO for Ileal on real citato rld the Hank Id furniture afes tic Other not Jo- eluded tinder head HOLLAND COflYKLIi Congregational Ghurch Jay Lai m nni mnduciid jev- Ma ton ar- a Harmon be preached China mo F Mr Knight tbengsTf a rocgb cost school a few end Sharon of lawn of Mrs their baskets of the Hunt A abort inlrclucod program render of which Bar oallod for a speech and to bis officers of the Council around bio end with a Emblematic Fin aod address On behalf of tbe end of Sharon No we desire to Kith writing and pin as a slight of tbe admirable and pianaer in which yon bate appertaining to your as Councilor Your high cbstacter sad real in cause of religion and won tbe and of frfceda and of ft to ns to meet in week to week with yon as bead and with ft a de- to gather yiUla and oar work recreation there bare illam by yuur patient and now when yon are loafs to another let as that von will be sadly from oar ao4 from of oof will often of who was eye willing and able to oil troubled But wEut la a loss to toothers weanoonfideiit that your may be cut in the fotor Till on sblo of troth as sosilou waking and to few while the ibedilfercnl item the report by which duly earned were la ii5c4 and of the their attention to interest of the thejear aOjonrnii for the elec tion of directors be being the the gentlemen elect eel j Sir A if Smith Hon ThoncvBoim cut sacna when ft P Howliad elected presi dent and by To Avltf Bra of by which would at fiutioni was guilty of pronlty la my has subject tbli the time Wen charged with profanity of wort in vf your must hare to of jour ho anchlao- la to ma is one other I wish to make and mat I never would my client Mf rterenco to tbo wltnea thorafereooe thataooordlng too lor attempting to do away This is firt time f good many to any Jod tbo part of which I am well known not allow to go by without correcting Indicated Trusting you IblscxUoa- la your auto yours truly sloUtf Jons jih the Church on ffltlii by Itcv ft Walker Mr cd to done A- Mime dftObtcr or to Charles Toronto COTTtR At Trinity Church by lie v Alex John Church Toronto by Her- of or to tides daughter or Collar County Crown Attorney of KExrInBtourrTHle Mr JoHq Kent Ur J 5 1 months Sharon tho lJaalwidowoflholaloMarklkla eooojed monlhaaOdii In St- Vlocenl Township near InjUor Ann Wovedof Mr moot ha and days rcsMeotaof fill well remember this here deeply Mr McKay In Sirs fchort NohairilliaiDarys beloved wire of In year her g- of ibis brief memoir was bom Id Edward fihe wis daughter or John od sry Corn til Pi owcr- man W well gnown the older to this ftlihhernowaorrowtnibaibaDd and family in Many of her family gone her aba will now Join to reap the reward v ins- J DAY TUESDAY JULY ii A truer Invitation Is day A metat Boom a ac- Com Just Opened Out of White and SALE Or LOT East GwHIimbury rotbe s which will t will by BQgvh HEWITTS HOTEL Newmarket Slat day of quarter number in the Coo- or tho or York lor Wide fcll forty from the end of lot- per at of sale mouth thereafter m J Jw23 Vendor Solicitor Sun Shad I Which will at Nearly Cost As MILLIN WILL BE SOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED Also olTcriog Velvety Silk and Jet Mat trimmings to match in nnd from nl and upwards I for ladfvs and children which we will of Door to Mrs ANTED- A lid 1004 per flour ud dealer and his will io dollar Our Flour Ji CO Kail a USO Jo W do a OT a OU do- oij a- do Ma a byU do Boiler roll poaDd a do ypkpert trjl lm Oil SALE band for aata or Apply at copied order with JONES At At Alio OH fibs iir f a Li a Children Cry for Caatorla BOOTHS SHOES Wo boat lha meat awl LIABLE GOODS WOUTH Wo ro them all pat Montgomery J TICKETS ALLEN LINE DOMINION LINK Watch It J fl A

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