oh S Sort tod ma ftS AotUoo WoHjWorcben stout tot d Uld T it of IMH0IMW I lbeir rt UN flt will tot lofriw fio m jf who Jtj ii ttrihgt Iq losdtj J ijpifiUp l7 dlg of i3tafloDR A Iwnuttfat cdlKiiso of dorof4 little cot of Tt of oJucll Mr Mr- tt look ctiirgo of WiiB A If 11 it il4 that fcLl a A of tbfl in lit of but you our Uvj rrJ aide Thru All Out The Mi Co Ho f Jyt tan re How ltr Town the tod It trill The Mid the firm the A None of like to ere the no Jul ftio id be to fill Mferel to bit fool la him op mr We two or hip Webber fire wtU toOG bit by to A be It to end friend trill relbUdeptrlmre that pomp t tbo verieockloff ud lb through tbt ott with to lbs to tbe of glue ud other To the Chief took on of tad ibeco it tbo they pat tcgethtr The of uc- lloaplpe cb do grftfel tit too to admit of lie llttl cocao tbo mart got of member Vfetori Bradford lut lUtcemtntot io on lie atklog good time grow ft off If tttkmtt by up on ud tooompoUla Koowlet to tut reptdg be field The no od ft few eiieeretiltyeio oat Mi tit tfuiey the fint to get ft ticttoi charge i two iowiereUlrjg their rifle Md la ppow4 to faftTft of tt mora- Whole of the Wt It would not bare If bat lof more the It the A Fatal Tnie ft very er- foaJ throe Wo child three end foQ of gti tripped ft of fa upon tut which biaMd him to go Into fit From the bright ftud pretty Utile fel low Into ft spell of rich aw followed by bit right ride becoming from held to foot ud of by ibrw he from fij to to eoybody ooly lime when ftmlly of Ibooommooltj their ftt eat iheToit Dertmeat will fofiod full report of the tun oil meeting It matt be to both ud to ftee ft tbit the oil coeU of mm intkiog for ft trlflo 10 per upon the The bird on log luiJiuLluDi OnUHo ftbHtoeddf26O00totfrat ftaonot end food to provide Tbe el tbto ho outlook more OwlogtolborailgotllooofMrHeoryPolUge School lowllty ft meoifog tilled fill the Mr Alfred to od Mr wo mode Qeo Albert but poll to decide fo- mtoeodeeciUry to do doty till fire oclock lo the EoUrtel rote the eoctloo recorded when poll I The ire oTer victory lime Snow Up tie of correction The pllftriog of oot of themeueit Id Some boy tod with ftlrof JHpecItbilUy hire to who epead labor Id eopply them they that no way or to ileal ft handful of If they can be reached oyer the fenoe cant eo made the or two while owner church We might add a word atop tho If up they will not get off to who eat the at the Worth JEudgrooery People do not make gardeurn bare the plant aroaod trampled to pieces by There do doyiog fact that the Cor poration Well It the elixir of life to tbla if put to proper for purer cooler or more water It it to God Bow aba tot for all ordinary At ft of Ibe Council Monday the milter of Water the follow log from the report preaentei by the of the Special of direct from at ttie Water Pomp 900 Id if the toinermewith of on that will to be tying of and much of town One ffirU 1 were J or oqd- to taki8ji Tap 2nd Tap Dwelling udOIBcu Hotel ted Hotel Yard Livery isno A I Stow 1000 sqanckei d by far other All met 1Mb of iiaauj April ud October di00Dt of cent If the first it tbo uooth liieBtIV tupped tt to other lit bell to her hind bleb they iapt Jrtggiog bleb o Net adopted tariff the Fire tod Wttcr It W l0d in a her mother did J If J ouch to bar tUt next fch little Jd It tej to get op welliog sod it on I J pUy ipoHed for tbe or will oclock Ibe wired et the Sis u n fe 4 Hi it u 8tl tofomo tl rf Wpi ttUtUHoagot forth Com with power to dd to their Dumber eppoioted to the of the to the Bomber of of from the veil will the end bat to be the chtep- Iq mtQBgemeDt Id diner cue will be better well la tod fully superior to suy fil tered or If there Is response to the offered no the will bo pat In aeit mast their with following that fact The Ontario eUtotee Victoris cbti ale A m follows fthell be the doty of the owner of every to pro vide for the of wholesome drioWog wster end the or of the bo not with the wholesome- cess or sufficiency of each he or they epply to the Board of Health to deter mine at to the same add eopply be and then the expenses incident to shall bo paid by said or and If fsifiisli not they shall be paid by the owner U said shall ready year J 0Tid In the ttolcipai Bbioasb to meat at the at to form for Parade Drill on the It Is axpactad that tna be ready for breaking off On Mr lha Theodore brick block Main Stmt at lha a of where be had to as to greater On for Fire Brigade from New York yesterday morning and art They the and best made Firemens Helmet la use to and will sole present ft ftnywhare of the has and emblem with different for the officer oach of the latter helmets being lette After ftover si to and cuing thorough- fti to Its with for Mr son of Toronto late to to this Town for the on his Ifldtutry In Wool Mat and Fancy Dyeing llnta lb employe from to en bands according to the and two car loads of on- that the old on Is to bo tofitted for bis Lite made before against ft lid for condocb On re boy by pot In an appearance and lodged he throw some dirt which blew the ayes of but Ihit it dr raffielent doubt la the minds of the last the difficulty might bare ftToIded end the ad- handing ore ft trifle for the treasury done with ft promise of good to future Visit to Inspector Ontario Act to Factory day week end liter nuking a thorough all also theeailie premises the only caose of com be conld rnske wu fact that boys who wen working years of sgr and these firm were obliged to The boys and also their parents It they bare been in the habit miking Utile pocket money daring lbs holidays which tbe Act wlthont Irtu goto ft great deil of In pre to periodically to the The Idea In the Act evidently Is to boys at school bey reach ege of often when they en ter a fsctory and make useful become employed tothedet Mala which brooght a o Iht front abort order driving wagon to Will Mm Mr- KH boy hotel bono waa oq walk oaoof bold In lb gavt way tamo IU bat lima loapoed To add to Inftableoeat of aioaod that thtfowu no help to let the to alter tlod along tad kept little boy from out Finally tbo turn front of Hotel whin 4oTartho wagon him detached from tig a few it calling whoa that naturally a quiet Tbo boy held wall bat when the ahaLi ran the he alld Tory the froot of the wagoo the on thegroQud Ho wm picked op tad carried hot fright hit wont lojarya Mr Pock cot on the forehead where ha upon the and well a op Many who the held fox the fellow wopld be the reached foot of Ml return- 1 from Camp night by train looking pretty well brown ed op The inny it big town Salorday night an ftThe Saturday and were a finite and tho country gcaerti The fiocday School In Old Testament again neat SQDdty Ixra and Park that cot upon the and rate property bo laid low before Do not let go away with tbeioipreweo the fruitful at to aidewalkj are liraly week about lint The newt on atoning and with durability make what want Holland Pool Ball Glob badges The for Do mi Son Day told by auction brought til Mr Cite cabbage and o la ftforable will to on market Meeting to bo by Her Geo Webber The JUerehua fine patch of tbla year largely of the Sharp let variety of the la large of the meuurfng fire in The Uniform Decree Camp are drilling In the old rink lo an at the Monday They bare etome fine and will look grand in heir new rain and wind played la lut day of aenioe for Court to The Army were in Town tu did make a The at Chicago week too of Indiana the party candidate for P orton of New for At by the Democrat both paxtle will now enter npon campaign with t determination to win a of the tarifl while la a CTtreland may get Treaty raUfied with It will i- r I i ENTS SEE Suitings and be careful be it Tea or to have it good for bad Counsel 6r3 do lota of harm but good Tea or good is a lasting benefit to all it To be quite certain your Tea you should get it from it two AT ft Sutherland Bros long and practical experience an EXPERT in j purchasing which will make it to the advantage of all consumeri delightful beverage to purchase from him whether Young Hyson Blended mixed or Jap In Japan Tea he is now offering a specialty Fno Straight Leaf new si 25C PER LB OR LBS Which excels in Strength Parity and Flavor any Lea by pedlars at Samples went by mail on application SunJ post sample J ete ftflberilsehieg BRIMSONS CARRIAGE WORKS LOT I I I i THE NORTH END wo to thank our we hare and iheaawtjujaflnlljtca furore wo tabled to iYiyooln Style Quality General Appearance and Price oar alro the will con SPRING OPEN AND COVERED BUGGIES STORE Is now filled tip with Wfnrniin taurt meat rablio Hut am lhaoreaani WereOtrlwoiiQaaJotbtmrouwwiib locrtMilnp Ibatln can be art efficient la all tie JOHN BRIMS ON 1888 SUMMER THE ONLY IN TOWN WHERE Pure can be obtained at City Prices Wines WMikftyt Rum Ales wad Porter in Wood and Bottle Wines in firstClftsa Old Tom per gallon GROCERY STORE received weekly Bacon Hams and tard in Teas a a fine Indian at folly worth extra good Tea in Japan or Black I Ml Sizes of Glass Just Opened Main Street Norlb Telephone 34 Hon of waagixttM aalorda Hit wmrniwln la dated to take of July nomina tion to be 1 Sriat ffisenit Sale llMUmCIPAUTVOF NEWMARKET that onto market JDio am fob PATB Leading Furniture HOUSE TRY Specialty ana of JOABSETB Wriaa at AU yrompUneaU7 A or up aJterlac dlrcrtioi and Mlilog Wartbouao rfirwtV in Town of Will Ihertb lor l6exof alibarperrtocaMf by if seated itmwlvia Dated day or Way or TO DAVID LLOYD for taking Itl or Mir for Yin uiQ ftr n Tore Toronto itt rail do do a ijr par too aatli s 1 it i Oh I Wre Cry for do txdlit pax CO t it 1M a n CO to CO Toronto Steam M A town woiMpil atlaadM to and If laotnicioaa door to goods Just to suit the times in Dress Prints Ginghams Shirtings Towels and Towellings Cottons Scotch Englisli Tweeds gs Boots Shoes Hats Caps and FIRSTCLASS GROCERIES Glass and A CALL IS SOLICITED To and prices J A DALES CALIFORNIA NAVAL JU8T ARRIVED THE best brought to Newmarket and alio all kinds of C And a fall lino Fresh Family Groceries Hams Rolls Bacon at Lowest Cash Prices Has a well assorted stock of Dress in all shades Moire Antique Silks and Satins NEW PRIM A Large Assortment of tho Choicest Palter and Dark Seer Suckers Plain and Fancy A Larger and Better assortment GLOVES HOSIERY LACE play REFORM PER CENT DISCOUNT Of AT BEST ROLLER FLOUR Delivered to all of the Town at MILL EXCELSIOR- BAKERY A TTTT SEEDS SEEDS BOGARITOWH DAM sit lof P Work- Pitcher Has received their new stock of F and vftriety not in stock will bo procured on short notice SUPERIOR GROUND OIL CAKE ROBERT For days of Cutlery Plated Goods Axes Skates Tea Trays J Shovels Spades Etc Robertsons Old Stand 1Mb a f Ml IS Dispensing Department only with drug nJ given to compounding of PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY RECEIPTS OPEN FOR DISPENSING 10 11AM 9PM J AS TAILOj CORNER OF MAIN ST PA Newmarket is now prepared to furnish Q fioish to any nous in the trade Having experience a 1 FirstClass Fit Guaranteed I Cloths to