NEWMARKET ERA AUG 1888 Now New Fall Sutherland Tailoring Auction Goal and Wood Ww Donne Tender Wanted If a DreaMakofWantod Wheat of Peace DillOlITRR WITH 18608 FRIDAY AUG Oar Toronto Despatch I0peotafrf JEW- J Toronto An attempt to l to the four oelock but ibe much damage dose codJ to ptcnlwi a It an to other tot t J Ibfl It ff 111 mo neural to tbe loll It tbat for a or Col lege cbaDReJ for larger of Ad a city that ft MW A two atonai and hare already taken plat The here dreldad to talk oakum picking a break fail for vidian of Hon In wrelf Clop of hi ba Financial foregoing u written wo that Qurjlcc Act ftboro referred to to which now in London flaaoCl clot on condition It would not bo enforced final of Act meat Dido following official do- In answer to loaders of Opposition bid to Ion I ftQthoruod to no and to will abandon It cannot bo carried throughout with consent of under of Aug Prowler In tho following that which as far it may bo I and I again that my Government will abandon tho if It cannot bo carried through with of In tbii action of Ministry if placed in a light than If the only intend to on of bondholder no formidable objection ho and Gov- not to of at at lint alleged fidsotiou WHAT TO WniTB death or Mr of of the fltrima Dili btheOoUTlo la aaooucced Ho a prop- til at a of Thoro evidently a adverso feeling in in land the Bill by Mcrctor at last iOMlon of Local turo of An In London Canadian Gazette last that a addroaod to tho Colonial against tbo proposed by Act and requiting intervention of Governor General to voto tho This following up a despatch that n mo- by Iradinjj finn in London In Canadian slock and and is causing a flutter in circle Quebec blocks foil as a and t rrjsnlt in injuring of all kinds fn or Tho memorial to Colonial Secretory ipeciil attention to Five of tho Quo- Art which provides arbitrarily to the rfclertures of the therein to and limn adds Wo would point out that fivo per rent of Province in London expire At various dates from To arbitrarily deter- mini an Act of is in opposition to under which public wore induced to tubscfilo for the amounting in all to Wo beg most emphatically to protest against measure as a breach of faith on part of Gov ernment and calculated to the credit of all Canadian secu rities therefore request you to take such steps will withhold the absent of the Crown from such an act of confiscation It that this protest from leading financial of London will be forwarded to Gov ernor of Canada accompanied by an indication from Colonial Secretary that it would bo to His ceo bis way clear to do to to givo effect to me- by vetoiug the Act inasmuch on it is regarded on Stock exchange of London as an Act of Former Quebec Gov borrowed Provin cial debentures on conditions and at r rates of interest aot forth at the on of said debentures and very properly hold that to now by act of Mm Lvgiblature tbu of who hold is an act for not without lint tut of pro- the tnoUov atictjnttu a uiuitciuy to by the exorcist ot to cry PfOViuciaL pjjJjJy jltCiiuUi popularity party at or tue tbu it is very of io iu Lon don- of leading journal it goug to tar as to declare it to the nutter will i to bo but it that ha awarded the Red JUIIeray tod of mads happy of Kir to be no of vocation On of lent week Mr CbapUaus veil with gold watch flijd roooy In ocktlt was taken from rfi la frills that A open Pro Pair on tbc of i Dor- lug the of public protection iutljDi will to do agrwab to Pair A ii to take place on ibi t M world a Japan a of g1b by but arreted ami aounda fa aim to to art tut to Bond Dr placed of year that J to of which ad Wo Is wist la placing tbt pro- far ahead that to ill ha will bo hero to IU that of will Liberal a pewwow at Tills to part Sir Hector Mr Ilea TbompKO Hod- ocd Mr Clod to bo by but now votes In the proprietor of objected the flaJraltoD collecting a the street of He to protect him bat while that beat to do and crowd by boa from the watt protect bo end mayor It I for col It been for Ilia Iho tbo at lOtbofSop- the of that day the will him a the As will bo the of to of York aUo be for Count to an likewise rial to the so to raediilelf after the to tla Ant lore St the Mr a majority over his will bo a feather In Hon Mr cap Halloa County the firit In which bo aa ad while his receot visit to declares groat conoptloo of as that will be bo Parliament ought to for a leaeb the I a leaaoo Ink Drops Kin Council tomorrow Alio Town Council Monday Tenders to bo opened lor lira- St la with bar daughter atonoela ihaBtatee The Mr of QwUJIffiVary rill to hear of of aou Alex ably of by At a iecatoD of the Ontario School la last Win of Newmarket of AiKKliln for JUT of High Ttcberi la Torooto week J of Co we that J Gallagher sou of of towo Is up a He beta Ibo for aa red- for Dr Medico of plumb log Mr higher thaa which mors ban by the Life Around the Hub TfeoMtw Barrio of aro ll TJllllOI We to bat luaotrUla parlor wu t3ly WJaid one avaclDf q with arm Mt Bom a crop bar I a fair Aoderaooof -rlill- log with her Aodaraoo la vliltlos mil Arnold la with and Mr of on Honda It J flhaw wife and U J In Button oror wblcb fall la to aod aoata amaJl lb totbaEr train nnj from liltbomatiTtacoaj for tte bad aatoa aranlcg jnueaj bate the road airuea uul to- an and other by Ore Parly off at ood on Friday but and aJthoub waa not all that bar Ubed great Tbo Wlu for a and at the iota to tbo Par- About dollara ware added much of A Dank clerk la of plea- deck or IhaAanrfcA bear aerrloo la to bold In at afternoon at lit many will be to hear Hot or to trill no doobt aa the cbotob bean for lime We for a good of and Kenton of fall wheat of barley on be arm of Mr- Lewi of Queen a good deal and typhoid In Hamilton At an party of bound for Point and Barrio had to wait two and twenty for train which the were to embark THE LEADING The DOMESTIC TAKE8 THE LEAD 0R6ANS PIANOS A FULL COLLECTION or Til eari00Ditnk Ha MILLARD TAILORI DEPARTMENT Under the of MR ANGUS ROSS Mount Albert The lut a leading Dill Ad in the Bill Will be true but of will be of of Quebec tlier l iufrcowl legfrf Toronto it iraLkcili to to JJUVu ilAiiDjjhat ho lo oik hiat Jriib to toko the for deed lifeline iuvituiioj to ttd cheek commend lo Ifco SanMf In of their ciric it bou went log to Brooch toother held kit Ike ud up it tti of This a unfile of of he A Rwrrxio tendered Mr SoQDd Kq as in ttelcoroi the to of i9 lrLsn in Addrf45 of liberal At Hod Mr tier to ehott happy which he alluded to ihitjorelficicl reciprocity Is to a io tho of the ioUeccia from the HI iiada week of agrtcolujfe AgricuUuro at Col- Mr of Bell J 3uJ agricultural rftiit 4 tcittt of Mart ft- iltwrf Will U of ag- jo aod fioribWvot a to ho awl tradv J aul 100 iljj of tpiatut bo nub ruueh tort at PARA- rtftApJIEDa apoot Sunday at Bay Mr of Met Mr Arrive J in Town lajt aod of hero on a Mrr a J 1 for or four wtvka Dr of io town on flalorday oa a of Hill bore week Mr John loft for a trip to Sox Master Toronto la Fred and Reg of Dig Point Mr of Pearson Mix daughter of Aurora fHeoda hero week Mr Joseph and family bar been a ffeV at Albert and In Mr art at this of cooplt of Riddel of la lo week for tbo Mrs- part from who lft on the New York Mr Carrie to town after weeks at and of Albert a rooet oojoyabla time at bike day oxocpliooaliy clear calm warm- tboforcnooDf or the Lake from then until aoon mot log lo thatdlrocttooa vJjfplof by Mr who wai mora that thirty reached groucda aod tbo ladle at Not aooouncod and no leu eighty wllliChtNru1coyotoaanc4ao appttltoo moved toward tbo rear Tho earlier Id bat after which about platform to a program aovtral apeochea readier MrJohnIUmadtpIVoroor cbatr and lo very happy mood Hopper when the party to grow hot mAoy to of upon Lake fully before ibo Of merry beard Sharon the in ilia neighborhood JiuUrly in a raj way a JuverJaOtcil avuio the it tbroub tit t of 1L0 latter plv a up w tbtst liuo a railway A tbat tLc iiUit Ma Iftaih ibai limber bo to tbo an i4Wiy till iLaCPK Co o Pary liua to ion from urouv A dca north la w ft wwuwrromui that will a ipora thickly to adjuucul insula of la aJl UaUten ailaira ihioufib a4 timber tlUpropCpe4chAxtg4Qader tho fiul nifty git other We Ate plaice Mr Elijah aDdKnddaobter of are at Mr Lyman Mr KJ Itoadbcuao her alater aid apending at and of ttCdtd Prair week and wept on to for a abort a graduate of Fort of touajc Mr at Pe- NY iadivj ad a couple of in liou Ho and son of York d of Mr I Jioajt were la town or week Mr J hoy on ia a or ten days homing op old Kelt tooling liill will pieacfa on Divine And In raioaortho aiit gooo the trip and lilt fait Montreal and before turning A bright boy eon of died at Point on hating taken a of itua atilan Cody la In Penln with M wlatar Hilt Um to of In of puking homo hat aitr frank baa ia ha fUft tbtt week hroOw waa to tbat the Eogllib Cburcb will next day at oclock Mr Clark of Jobo of Poll Hope a few at her Mr Warner of flarrJo la at Mr daugliUr pur- preparing and a full Dome at Ortllta Mr Amos Mr nod family of Saturday to bear her merry after a vary aarloue lllneaa of Mr people of our Tillage wore ao many and gathering at were going to and fro What la going on a Church Kef Hoot paid a flying vlalt laat Wo W learn that Mr Petard Ian of borate on Monday a cot of inch bad lybo vwed op Ho alio from whtcb Is tuba regretted aa of running a tnacbtoo cow and wllb but removing long lo or Mr and Aire and Mr Malloya and Jeremiah of tfnt lou Waal drove down and relative Public School opened boll and from the quantity of raapberrlea car Tala- dog to John wet lobo waa was ibora would -c- Mr la HI a Deserved Recognition on Royal Tborejrtiof OoveromentanalyaU to In of tho of In land Iteunoey form A great deal of alteotioa to tho of powder and very properly they articles of and of adulterated all to good and the bad A large number of Analywd wllecled from all ol the Domingo found were principally alum Tho alum fa cream of tartar of lim both aod being present from of tartar and reported the Baking Powder to pare from lime alum and And of high A complete would have no lakicg the Itoyabentirely free from tome one ingredi ents for the lack of ItaTeoing fa the other of by cook for the bitter a of by But aiido ftoni of the work dona the and taken into the Their or The naturally ariasi why do cheep baking three a pound of tartar or The reasons for the parity of Royal Biking Powder wero rcolty In York aticwtoethcl for refining or of ItwemsthAt ft only under that cream of tartar can frfd from lime it ant render mi sally pore plant for Mi coat this biking Powder about half a dollar and that octroi of The oGkcaI of portly and raid of Biking Powder by tha will aid already wide This now nied to tho of by the United States tor calliogfor it as of the official chow it to be much higher etrenxth and purer in quality than oy other Congregational Church ttTREBT fl ore Welcome We would call your attention to the LARGEST STOCK CLO Ever Shown by us in Scotch and Irish Tweed Suitings Canadian Tweed in all the Latest Styles both iu Imported and Canadian- Full Winter Overcoatings something Nobby A Great Variety to from A Perfect Fit FirstClass Work A and the Lowest Prices illlllllUN fe the iba Hit tab widow or inward op 9thJnai Of Mr Joshua jera and day a J ton the CluWooaxaVl ldrejira on lb Mr aod or Alex or Tort lull- daughter of Mr Henry l At on J f MAIN ST NORTH will cartful aid prompt at TlRKSS-MAKERlWANlED- A rem to a tbofivjbJy lily ibreo Ml Albert coal Coal Wood at Mm Delivered to any Part of Town V Carter fcju farmers heir grain io viciotty of and than an aver- ago crop Shakespeare Aug The barn of Stewart North was truck by morning burned to tho ground with all crops during on day fad havoc played in and culvorta away and the quantity of water caucd tho mill dam at Gal mil to break away when great body of water washed away bridges and to hay The water raised and flooded first floor of mill and destroyed a quantity of flour cost to repair dam bridges will be considerable Tho of Mr farm blown to piece TENDERS IWANTED Dp to MONDAY for Work and material a IlQICJi AM bo lowest For tender can ice It D H IN Bell Organs or Pianos Newmarket Floor prbtrrel Full per irv a ottered lor ina Mctic4 mo hia fraud 10 ji oood tup ouiy joauobitdibn Will Cart on urn lTuuiMr pm w to top 00 or LMf in plaaaura from l9 fl war JcKja n rain ynTUuraday a ibondar aowo iba ba4 a ftrotw Our AUgtut CO 1 a a a a a 0 CO CO a aw a 0 a a IW a a a a do do Ir1e d do Hay per ton ion do Boiler roll OotUr WWW pcrowiw BMtpercwi TO FARMERS I Fridays Best Roller Flour EXCHANGED FOR WHEAT Huron Street Children of Peace fc IV rrjolif SEPTEMBER FEAST In be Temple ttotock on Friday Aug- p WHEAT I I r bare J vat ed Bushels Drop rail WtUcblwiiiaalUur I I wry viio you BOOTS SHOES I ai TO CTS ANT Uu of tart a pair John Montgomery VERY HARDY fiuItU It u airs ad HiJlM Successor to Rod Prize List of Newmarket Fair 9th and I AUCTION etc Seeds r III J While Winter Wheat two Wheat two 3 Winter Wheat any two Spring Wheat two buihcU tf Scotch Spring Wheat two J 3 Spring Wheat any other variety 2 9 By any other hind two bushels by Co Wtbcsheli J Black Oats two White Oatc two bushels Marrowfat black 14 White Marrowfat two firoall two Blue Peas two given by J- A Slmmera Peas to of donor J by Society bushel Indian Corn twelve Top Com twelve ears White peck Any other kind S3 Clover peck given by Geo Keith Timothy 25 Alsifco 3rd I I a a i 2 n 2 100 ICO CO CO CO CO CO 100 100 Class Potatoes bushel Hebron Potato bushel Potatoes bushel Any other bind Potatoes Early Horn Carrots twelve lied or Orange Carroty A 7 White Field Carroty ix J Winter twelve y ait 11 blood fix Sugar Beets fix Turnips lilt given by Ik J 15 White Turnips Globe Long given by By Society IS KohlBabvaix i i 100 ICO 100 200 100 J CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO JO so CO CO Class Vegetables 1 Nutmeg Citrons two 1 Citrons any other variety- Pumpkins two Yellow two Mammoth two CO Hubbard two Table Squash any other kind wo a a 100 Winter Cabbages to 9 CO CO CO co CO CO JO CO CO j I North Willi or a iouiD4nacenarQ win be of for by At one oclock aotcornberTiTfOlrt ibeKi loooilai comberTweaiyfooria IbirarorTODvijiO veil fff on ifj a mile Jt to a watt are eyiiuAino limber lb era looowutoraau frame aiucbrfno be Terms ai4 I v VcMPftMl at IbK GENTS ILL f EL Red Cabbages ibreo s l0 Red six i Celery thr heads Caoliflowcr 15 Large White Oalona twelve twelve CO Any kind Onion 100 1 Barrel Cooking Apples given by A- Collins appc3 to bo- come property of donor Hall or Parlor Lamp Winter Apples Island 1 3 Winter Apples Northern Spy twelve Winter Applet any other Fall Apples twelve Fall Applet St- Lawrence twelve Fall Apple any other kind Collect ion of ten name AppttJ each ran- a Hat given by at Si Km one given by Crab Apple Winter dozen V Fall Pears dozen valced at Society Collation Pears named varieties leas than each variety ITorJpae year given by McLean By Society Plums dam White Grapes three Dark Grapes three It fivo lbs Cocnb five 1 NOTES DISCO Id deny I 100 300 100 IS ICO CO CO SO CO CO CO CO CO CO TO I IV Jfal iiCT a- fafbjj CUta Wines Etc 1 Wine pint Wine pint a 3 Wine pint JtaspWrry pint 6 Tomato Pea quart acakr one year by JackwQ a By Society Canned Canned Preserved rid Preserved black IS any other kidpml tar Fruit any other Crab Apple Jelly Currant Jelly Jelly Id Jelly auy kind Pickles any kind four ftVrrt y by I pint Wit Home Made aiile loaf four a gitn by AC p valaed at iiurr one a Homo by A vale at tnado Pn Gold Powder by Gold Mi Co aro at a a a i and By in or year Grain Drill V aod drill and Jug Si How OcUalloooi 1 ii 75 75 ISS CO CO SCO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 5 is to St to J W iaj I a aw CO lLo a cd oxuiruciKnof a MS auifr Ac A lbs HOpiaoaatJ apelicatj the Fur nrLonvH iba lUft L I SAW r a of iirf 4CaU i6Ux aei aJwia win not accvpew- ruin mvo t aba mm in win M liMUtgaXMiptthatovi jaiaw and Dip w S