Newmarket Era, 14 Sep 1888, p. 1

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Friday Morning j A J v J I -UT- JACKSON ll4Bl J NORTH YOKE INTELLIGENCEE AND Vol 34 Copies Cents Each J Newmarket Ont Friday Sept Terms Cash in Advance within or at end of year I A Interest Allow DRAFTS ATI AT rami He 1ST -W- BL T INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY Mono to Loan FOLLOWING nfnidn WWlUflloDnd China Hal A nailed of Policies and w Mutual or doing Call en or write for to Estate Main St South ETC Toronto J Q yrcMiDHtt good do 8 Kail ffifanty do J do federal lUolr fjAHIlMTKK Ele LOAN- A rjARlWIrHHH0W0iTOtW48 Toronto and and tmxiii jriiirTOH J ADAHTEDO and WAN AT London Of ODlMi Cor Main tf OTEITODONTO fa of Market Term ICO bod AocomroJitfon or W J Prop A GRADUATE or Voltlow Toronto now io All York atuaiit J LADIES AND GENTLEMEN- You con buy Dinner Tea Sol Sola and Fancy Plain chcapoi at Hall than any other in Town- In order to convince of fact Do not fall to thorn a call buying a lino of Dinner Seta which offering at TREMENDOUS LOW PRICES w This stock of Family Groceries takes the lead being finest and cheapest in town In fact their pricoa and their good knock then all clean out Popular verdict SOLICITED Orders by Telephone promptly attended to A SMITH Halo Vewuinrkci A W3 P to AlllOLLINUNUEAl removed lo TifrW A SPECIALTY and Ailordem will receive prompt attention bo Ion at my far and Victoria AND- SUPERIOR GROUND OIL CAKE Bay- LAKE hen jour led joor com ioily of Ibo Are HI Hi witer of I ii to dip of th Or to of bill frigraou you tltt it Aoi in bill you of of Weil lo Iilixd it Jell Jtalfim Kciwiclt ihu great Wick fifiie Which dwelt be Hollaed Aod la live Ami abroad terror of od ad Till ft came lo KfotbbM pftudtd duntt fcUre I lurulu titri lu red if ir cur craft to 0 a rfUco tha white or your will A black your tint He fury- tit Hoe Till Ml him icarfly A afttr our bavy by light of the A round up our beat At call Like a cry dhtrit the iraUr The night oh I from hill And flute conn the of ffhipKofwilL The aim fried In fln on Itiy CHAM A Oxide oil MARRIAGE SIMPSONS ftr baud Jinidwaro wljororay to TUB ACCIDENT Jo America Moflolog voJy for Aurora at gi Notary Aurora CMDALIFE ASSURANCE CO CAPITAL AND -ovEn- DOLLARS Annual J- K MAIN STREET to tbUk you to Solicit a Continuance DRUGS Dispensing Department only with purest drug and great is given bo compounding of PHYSICIANS AND RECEIPTS OPEN SUNDAYS FOR DISPENSING A- SacrJdce liVIUNDALLW UAVtE Gordon lazily filrctchcd upon a fcofn in his sisters luxurious and tho two dis hy Mrs P r BAILEYS BAKERY CAKES EMITS -AND- FRESH- GROCERIES Also Haras Canned Goods Beat Roller to all of the Town At Mill prices ICE CREAM PARLORS OPEN FOR THE SEASON Leading Photographer I CORKKn MAIN LOP T LIFE AHpeciAUiy All are ASD FANCY of FirstOloas SPONGES taiSa Almond REQUISITES Please Come Again MRS SIMPSON Cigars and Tobaccos BAILEY RELIABLE -ANIJ- LEADING HOUSE for over Timor I Largest Hoist Stock of VERT LOW TICKETS m ALLEN LINE DOMINION LINE STATE LINE W Clocks SPECTACLES your lyoor properly Aiud Ophthalmoscopic Test Lenses Fine line of ttleo dry etc etc RAILWAY TICKETS To CANADA MANITOBA BRITISH COL ATKINSON ircitJiN over Years iTliADY Write AUTHORS G0X of ruo Koto Anally JW Jri AliiO for Infants fwrar flu DA 1 If SkVr ii It Wotrh r- cubing parly given tho previous Frank said trying to failing most I face J fully ex pect to last evening Ruth Mm Halo in of surprise Ruth at a I forgot you been away fornix years Why Frank ho must have been a child Sixteen the girl I ever We plway good hough wo did not correspond and carried her and voice in my heart many a weary hour I am lorry Why I You speak as if something dread ful had occurred to her is not nor have heard of her What it then that makes you cry eut with at geition of her at your par ty you went away uncle was still alive Certainly Ho died in that You Ruth Then you remember that was not drily pretty modest and refined hut of the moat gonerousof girls Sbohad a allowance from her uncle and she sptnt it freo dreeing exquisitely and in or friendly gifts frequently uncle died and left her house ho had in for and a income of one thousand- Well since she rich in her right Ruth has couio of money a thorough roierr It is true Ibe thing rfm did was to let furniture and all to tho Whitings- She to that little old Mercer Jived to long and there one servant en old who was with her mother from her girlhood they say You know if Wei I ford was very reticent about Ruth and is little known of her life she here a child of fivo old lives with Martha the old servant in that tiny fur from the old with poorest of the wears the cheapest She seldom goes but walks living the fare JJut why lilt What explanation of such a change What can it to but Since fiho live like a her old have ceased to call upon her or to in vito her she will ho a wnu day for a fortune hunter if to II I jou would prefer less You are Utile Ruth grasping I perhaps of six years bo reality of such a but It bo bit- Did you so much as all that Frank Bo much that I naked ancle to let to win her Ho told mo was such a child ho did not wish her mind thon but that If I loved her my return bo would not oppose my She did love me though fiho scarcely knew what meant Well he sighed heavily I bad better have stayed away I kept my secret thinking would bo here last night to give me a welcome home- Frank rose and left the room nerved himself w sec a slattern ly woman in a squalid home and by the he reached cottage to which Lily directed him been surprised if he bad mot Ruth in rag- But tho little before which ho paused at last though a sufficient ly strong contrast to where ho had last seen Ruth looked cosy homelike The garden was neatly kept and filled with flowers An old woman answered his knock end ushered him into a parlor whore plain inex- ornaments in order and wherealitUacott stood in corner ho had waited a moment a figure in a print and linen collar with abort glossy curls and a fair sweet came into room- He forgot bis sister the painful everything but fact that Ruth was Ruth ho cried for ward and then drawing back for was no welcome in bo loved only a look of suppressed pain- Ruth you not glad too he cried murmured and then her forced calmness broke down and tears rained down her checks Glad rite cried again Oh Frank I have lost every friend and you will too when you hear all I have fiend ho began You have heard of my miserly habits yes I you have yet you here Because I sure you some good reason for your conduct Tell mo you are not changed Ruth 1 I scarcely know When parted ho said you knew the in my heart Tell mo now if the lovo you promised isniioe It is all yours Frank but and she drew back bo would have given You may throw it away when you hear my secret I have hidden it from everyone but you but today I am freed from a bondage of six yean and you have a right to hear what I shall coo tide to no one else You will not betray my sorrowful secret Frank Whatever trust you put in roe shall be sacred ho answered gravely awed by a solemnity upon face and ifi her voice Thero was silence in the parlor for gome moments before low sweet was heard again Then steadily without faltering Ruth told her story When you left less happy child tho shadow of what I must tell you now had not fallen across my life I know that I was ah Orphan and that my mother died away from her home and I was still a mere babe when Uncle came for no and took home They called me Roth and I never thought of my right name until uncle died Upon hi deathbed he told story of my mothers life She was married against the wishes of her family to a man whose poly crime then was poverty father refused to own her and brother many years her sen ior was stern and hitter in bis resent ment They proud of their their position and their wealth and they never forgave this only daughter sister that left them for a man of parentage and without means to support her as they had dona My father at that time was a clerk with a small salary I would not wrong my mother but my uncle said she peevish and soured by the contact with ty and fretted for luxuries aim had voluntarily My father worshipped her It might have been his loving to gratify or a sudden for wealth I cannot tell but he forged his employers for thousand dollars if mother was too acquaint ed with business to question sud den influx of The was detected father arrested convicted and sent to prison for ten years He died there in hot my poor mother had already pre- to the gave Her fait wish her last appeal was to my grandfather and ancle them to pay and clear my fathers name Ihey refused I After she died they took me bona and I never knew a want They repudiated my father thou lib my undo believed he died a penitent man- In my uncles after ho died I pipers relating to forgery and my passion to pay bo wrongfully Sho all upon herself repenting when too lit her and and tor extra vacant the stolen money wm lo to her yew and pay at ops lie nwnt of the forged JTtlU In tie firm who my My undo probably knew what I would desire for ho willed hU money to me that I con never touch principal Frank with my mothers letters before me I vowed never peony than tho merest necessaries of life required until the debt was paid that haunted her death bed For six years I have saved all my income adding to it a portion of rent of the uncle left me I have fared poorly plain ly and added littlo by to hoard by closest economy and care Poor child- What a lifer I was unhappy ilariba knew all and was far more friend than servant and friends gavo mo I thought of mother and was com But you say you free Ruth A am I sent money to the firm last week and today I received destroyed tho cheque last proof of my fatbera crime gentleman wrote me such a letter Frank that will always respect my secret Oh if I had only been here Rutb to give you home and protection to make your life happy with my love while you saved your own means for your holy purpose It could not have been Frank I would have never burdened your lifo with my duty to tbe dead But now Ruth You free now and you will bo to cherish and protect to guard from all and all sorrow in tho future Frank Frank you forget Ruth cried her deadly pale her large dark eyes pain I am not the happy child left I called miter an avaricious hard woman whoso sordid soul looks for nothing beyond money I thrust out of society and my old pass me by A good reason for one to hold you I am not even Ruth Wellford Frank but Roth May burn the child of detected forger who died in prison For answer he took into his arms folded her dote and looking into her earnest with very loving tender ones You aro Ruth be said truly not the child I left but a woman to honored for the noble sacrifice of six lon year You are the Ruth whom I love wlioto I hold to be the crowning blessing of my Take all other names out of your poor bruited heart love and let me print one there in their place calling you wife There was no explanation given to Lily of the sacrifice of Ruths young life but before long a wedding and in the place old friends once more gather round bride Never could ahc entirely forget long years of sorrow but in her husband she finds her compen sation for her sacrifice One Cent almost impossible to attach any importance to one cent but at time it is a very important coin at times It will take a circular to California and it will make you madder a hatter and a March hare combined when you go to pay your fare on a and find that you havo but four cents and a Then will wanting cent seem colossal Especially when you MO the conduc tor fold your bill and stow it carefully in his vestpocket and then begin to deal you out a lot of change that as though it has been in circulation the Revolutionary War One cent is very when you present it to an organ grinders monkey but when it is added to the rate of interact you receive on stock it a stern magnificent grandeur that carries you away like a strain of music penny it was made to put on church plates and although a man may it amounts to will strike matches and lift mats and crow about in the straw en a to find one he drops It is so siflall a coin that you have to take your glove lo get hold of it in your pocket and yet it is to largo that when baby swallows it the chances of living are times not worth a cent When a man speaks of will call it a little bit of a thing site of a cent and ho will of a girls freckles sar castically as being big freckles the site of a cent Although one cent ii than en cents yet cent a great larger a dime Many a has thirsty all day with four cents in pocket For want of that one cent the four as useless as the eleven on held out against by one This is all we know about Phila delphia Qjintiauce for the rake If is usually a go- looking fellow who well talks glibly and knows bow make himself agreeable Any woman better off an old maid than Ilia wife of one of but gener- immi mike good husbands and dont forget it gut At dt meeting Council of Mayor if ho any steps to enforce the preservation of the alleging that n stant broils and acts of rowdyism and drunkenness were continually ring Mayor re- pliJ that he ascertain if acts wero it they two to would have WfilUnfor fitt On its 3rd of after aid Tide ibo Ryer of its well iiloaud lo Duty place Idru of do lbs west women or as Jo and lbs cod or cbaoss cat at its a rtTertbsUMoD aad depot a buttoned aod Dot only looki you to an OnslisbAyrfom car ticket your to ibo proper by taring grip- and loco do si backmeo the world a ordinance as- by a for par- Bat woo beilds luck less Ho prey city bat so rapidly fa wo to are of go- ahead rt or Ait disposed to to too ltd a will ibef whole are ward are ftl to It bid Mr begreatealolty weil of tbe well paved cedar Otoe or UikotA car rails for every principal a cabfe- to aresroQtoorsbces nod wo of wearing would come into as a role new bsok of Toronto Montreal filyne very that ally of sfelsrcJyArlc ibstmsy prove tobofafeoccoa A DlfttsbTo restore hero Is Tbut we have and SjMj Third divldloj lice street these rooBicg and river tad La to simcr a Every tbocgb a pomter you may figure a at toMIoo Of It For In- number IWi to on soy west are J be Mi of Or a tbe tut tbo property faoMsrbvesucb faith the citys that bey boll paat a from arc In their expectations or Urines made population wmc jo thai a sets jjoptiflc Is a per Neat week tbe annual Fair for feeing tboogbof smaller scale tbso those tor of To Ontario Blega f opened to aoandleoce of sycdltstabascotteo this KprHeoUllOQbereatao dollars the promises to Fair and to bete are go to bare mi big bow caravan so sn fcOux of looked for with aod but latter be tart folly tooled an City has tbo Air fdltor may hear from ou de sire- RtTWAU WON AT OUR Eg Col A man ca without giving seen KL Japan expedition to A w an Northwestern India IS The I 0 bad a festival KT The dam frost in Maine A toba Nino forty iojurcd in Two were biirtot Young Christian As- eleventh of be Mens ion of all August 19th Convention held in Stockholm at special of It who bad previoiuly met Mr Continental Secretary bis own hearty cooperation and a cordial welcome in the name of the country and the cburcb Brief of pott four years work of progress given by delegate from Germany Holland Great Britain and America The most marked growth was in America where the value of has from about to over number of secretaries and from 350 to and the number of Associations from to about On evening of Monday August a banquet was given the delegate their friends the King and Queen at Jie Royal Palace of rip made by boat an hour spent in the Palace and grounds At dinner was aerced King presid ing who in a brief welcomed the delegates and expressed the hope that the would new impetus to Association work the Kingdom The whole Royal Family have much interest jo of the Convention Certainly great good will result In Sweden and Norway and upon he continent from convention held at year Every Sunday evening a Rang of tough gather around the Salvation barracks in Aurora and raise or lea A few ago one of our merchants purchased a tub of butter from a farmer only it at ihe top- Tie two lop was first- butter but balance the loUwaapnly fit for deserves to public and the fartcer question may thank the merchant for no gating name into print he declined to give as the name of the but ter We can vouch for the troth of this statement as we purchased the butter and bad to return byte vent A flouring the a ably high tax rate mills Charles Quint was hit on the head and died a couple of inhabitants of property and is world is the Imperial J It a length oil H In ville Hint good with the ex wheat 3 The two ince- and James of to Penitentiary 1 son Jatt on ears were wrecked ale killed and injured- Perth county with on quarter of a of at the present It is rumored proposo rehoilding Hotel on ft larger tensive scale thn pi MethoJUt to it pay its dl The at thu latter ou garden a stalks all creamy A at which a son Ji his life Ho was cat in a and fell A car took firo fo at Acton communicate roof of mined but a fev the roof A meeting of Mr Read vas held at Hi day It iflfJxpectfd sign to the aroaloutSSdO- John at with bigamy man in last standing ho had a children in minister from farmer forged his fathers for and skipped aod child at a hotel county with to in that county aro this year poor dupemo with its to tbo council iir and Mi of Arthur wedding last children were say has faujily either child children The jury on Hi the death of Woods on the railway a verdict to- the death had been caused of the train You cannot people mean by when the barrel that a mi to get op and the man says to assume as Auroras rate on the that the assessment bis Is to IbV on previous u been no rates vet as the water alarm system Is Webster Hart and named division of Hollow suddenly drew attacked his opponent in several place and if not fatal contest sop when the heart

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