Newmarket Era, 14 Sep 1888, p. 4

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1 4 sere OBAHIMFUNK RAILWAY i IF lion fl 3 I I R ALL AfA IJIIIT1H14 WTJ MANITOBA JuiT3 Tickets emit ATKINSON NEWMARKET HEW HILL AT and III 1 10 If pily International Lessons Rook id Irtok of that lUnj aid that 14 iiilrMiii il- try filth anil oHeoco arc alnfnl IMjcr Mb help lime of trouble ire Bra AND JlJliailTKK WITH SEPT 1888 but for of iho world num ber for ltko of pain If wo oil to to would In world for other for It fs wo that wo Invariably in timo of City loft bono and two Id Mr at tiro a ploclo at During abacnoo tho patched fivo rabbit number of fowls and no doubt would Injured Mr but for timely lotorffrreoeo of a- Bailiff took Mi innings on hi and dupatcbed You who card caeca banded down from your grand way get thorn out now tliingMo lino to bo carried ho hand a prom I exactly pattern ing at top and very elaborately and engraved You would not know old from new if you up together to craw forallver of every and Panama canal to In from red On took of travel for vouchers for lubricating which was lying along of for which it was intended and dredgea lay idlo at a coat of 3 a day until could got oil Upon another it took to got fivo worth of vasolino out of the building in it woa on precision to pre rusting Star of lot tit Con a flno throo- gelding by malicious on of Auguat 18th atablcd at in tbo evening and apparently in beat of morning when Mr wont out to tho tho animal lying and dead in tho atoll with bia head toward opening Dr animal and gavo it hit opinion that ho had boon poisoned with anionic Meagre offer a of for information that will convict guilty Any pereon who will poison a poor dumb animal to himself on owner la no bettor than a murderer Deaths of Apostles John shot to death with arrow hi Zealot crucified in Hi Great wan at St was upon in stoned then St atoned to death by at JlartholoiNGW flayed by of a king hanged up a pillar at Jliorophilus a city of St was run through with a lance at in St to a ho upon until he expired St- thrown from a or of the temple and then to death by a club St Matthew is supposed to martyrdom or alain with sword at the city of Ethiopia in Hi John was put into a caldron of oil at Homo and Ho a natural death at in St Paul beheaded at by tyrant Nero Farmer Jones Wise Savings and and tho lowly fc A fair lithie no mid cloth apt to of going round Lawyers and can toon whit to Luck will curry a man across brook if ho is not fuhit- and good will makes labor light iSp oft silence dom with diit of it will stick to you A word in Ins honor A man is not a lord because ho feeds of line You must contrive to bake with the you You may gain by fair word that may full you by angry ones You cannot a cow from a man who has none Ilia are caught by a of than with a of vinegar man a good friend but a iitrighhon Many a cow in the meadow and looks at the common You cannot sail as you would but as wind A cannot carry all kin on You shut your doora a but not a liar Jteware how you got into debt It ia not to easy to get out Firmness of purpose ia one of most necessary ainewa of character you learn teach as you get give as you distribute It is always well to watch the weight when a lira offers more than marketprice for article Pride wear raiment but keeps I lean larder who cows brambles well to bis shoe A lie has no legs and cannot stand but it baa wings and can fly far spy out tho wound bees flow so do good the merits and common men the faults farmers practice top or barnyard manure upon their mowing fields after baying but as will follow applying mau in tho fall jul ground not Brothers halt block and pro- burned lui 3r Fcator MtlmaUsS bis at not A daring robbery was commit ted on Friday afternoon by thrco tramps on farm of Mr two miles from They had damage in tho orchard when Mr Friendship noticed them Ho tried them IT but was driven Into with sticks and stones Ho then out with a shot gun and fired at them but they again atoned him viciously and ho was compelled to run to the house tramps then for barns and killed turkeys and chickens doing this old gentleman kept firing from tho when any of them appeared in Bight Tho apparently took affect on of them ho hurry other two gathered up tho poultry No At noon about years and ft faded op to delivery win dow of the throw down a Jotter Bind said to Is that air stamp all Ycs It to bo all right is address writ tbar kin bo no show of lfs tho trail an all round country It to Its drwsodr Oh I guess mall boys can manage to I don want nogucea work about it for thats a matter and doatb If that go straiffht say so and If it wont just your tonguo and mo Til it ill Cod person to whom It it addressed tho dark who bad deciphered on Thou thats all right but if it dont get tbar on 111 you took op for murder That for my feller back in an ho writ that if I wouldnt marry him killhlMclf and writ back that ho kin on up jest as soon ho will If that letter dott get straight Jemajoit fool enough to a of plion or and mind young man that you to bo pulled any ipfn- for murder if is an anybody that knows toll you that wo aro not to bo fooled with when human lifes at stake And alio shook a warning at clerk and walked out Detroit Fret Prj son of of had of put out on evening by a dart thrown by of Mr Con- boys eons It was accidental A swindler from calling himself of Chicago succeeded In getting a Kingston tailor to endorse a which ho cashed and thoa took his to other side An action for dam ages has been Ami pastor of tho French Protestant Church at Ottawa for breach of While and bridesmaids waiting for at tho appointed hour Ami loft for Franco Scott Gos agricultural implement foctory and Mr- J foundry with the larger part of tho machinery and material in tho former and all tho contents of tho latter wcro burned this morning at oclock low estimated at Oranokville Sept Messrs Jones Glovers livery stables burned this morning at oclock rigs and six horses do firo is to bo work of an the Mayor lias been to institute an investigation A few hours after was subdued brick gablo foil crushing almost to death a young lad named Wilson a nephew of Father No entertained for his recovery Talking about strikesif tho and soon left report- farmer would go on a atriko and affair to tho police who arc a crop for a single year after daylight robber Business Notices Prompt Beau title will bowel coioptalat other but all no I Dr Wild MA Ilka a different out NeoiraEiutilfttonofCod It very and much plain oil of JlallftSj Oil WlM jmliM for tho and It more una Up ft am a 1 cured of by the of Dr of fluwberry about botiiciofit tun now courtly itvln be Mm Cored To J is i rt a Inforra your rd- a for lh ijovo humeri Llirot lift mo per- rooocnUycortyJ I bo my of yuur fJerswnoliivcCAutuniptiQ will mo their and addrett A Toronto I I- oof beneficial qualities of of tic by the o a to Unit seoulQeneu at ary When sick rfht At tot Cstoris tic Mix At to CM tons I be 1 tod ml may ibroib diet Hi a pure and by meant of llurdcck for yara liver complaint could not leave bed for and bad Utile nope of ever years fayjuov all are afflicted to try a raUarrltU TbathaabMopopuUj for Wild of or It seldom Mi Mat If your borne Home one Take are a all abas la kovlt ton mar U ml icamwiriMe IU in Lhal rt iry it ftrfca ay ibrio ft la iij by ll11slreMljfcV0fi la nfueded Head Harvest Goods Lawn Mowers Lawn Hoke Barbed Smooth Fence Wire Builders Hardware Dry Building Paper Tarred Felt Pitch Rubber Paint in all Shades in all Tints Wilkinson Plows kept in stock 10 Tons Binding to be Sold Cheap JAMES O0WHR JUST THE BEST stock Ever to alao all kinds of And ft full linoof Rolls t Bacon at Cash Prices BEST ROLLER FLOUR Dolivorcd to all Parts of tho Town at PRICE US EXCELSIOR- BAKERY A it would undoubtedly produce a more than would result from uoivciul of oil tbo other labor organizations combined In fact ho would paralyze whole world many people who know how much our prosperity depend on farmer than it does on the with and waxed mustache Sept Tiiis forenoon a young lad named James about sixteen years of age received six lashes in Barrio goal for having committed on indecent assault upon a little girl On Friday he was sen tenced to receive lashes six to bo given today and six a week When everything was in readiness ho cried and as ho received lash ho moaned pitcouely is first flogging in gaol and will no doubt servo a warning to others Big Ed who was the other day sent to the Michigan State Prison for years and brought up on the farm in East Oxford now occupied by Sir father also carried on a grocery on of present Imperial Woodstock He was a notorious bad boy and grewup a worst character winter ho was in Woodstock and ft was that- ho horse stealing expeditions he after carried into effect St Thomas Sept filr James farmer in town ship bad In bis employ ayouog named Brock who to this country about a year ago and endeavoring to earn enough money to bring out widowed mother By industry and economy he bad nearly and lh old lady to join her ton this fall Young Brock had been sent to bush to cut some timbers and while thus engaged with another man a tree fell on him killing him instantly California has a female balloon jumper- Her name is Mrs Van la young handsome and blonde and weighs pounds She made her first jump Los other day The Ohief of Police sent detective to prevent her into her husbands balloon from which had advertised to jump j but escaped from them made tho ascent and when was a city dropped wasnt fright ened a bit and alighted with no more shock than if she had jumped from a chair It required a twentyeight inch parachute to land her safely Loots a workman for Brothers Chicago crawled into an iron cylinder used for the piston of a hydraulic elevator to clean Ho took with him a lighted candle and built a fireof benzine In time iht cylinder was with in- niftble gas An explosion followed and man was enveloped In flames which the entire cylinder The men attracted to the spot by his but it was to get at him enough water could not be at procured to quench com pelled to stand helpless and to he burning mans cries until they death NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT SCHOOL BOOKS AND- STARR Central Telephone Office ESP Wo tramps and a variety of but no class appears so serving of pity as the old man who is working hard to support a fashionable family and paying life insurance that they may bo rich when bo is dead A farmer to keep up with be times must keep eyes In no other there more im provements being than in farm operations- successful farm- fir of to day will not be tho successful farmer of ten years from now unlets he changes with times The Jost span in the great bridge across tbo Iltidfaon at finished at six oclock last Thursday the event being celebrated by the of can non from top of bridge Whistles were blown along river and thero were other The following order has been issued by the Brio railroad company and evidently means business This has been subjected to much litigation by employees assigning their and by service of- writs and their wages Hereafter any employee assigning his wages or neglecting his obligation to such an extent as to compel hie creditors to attach money duo him from the company will be from the service FOR OLD PEOPLE In ibe to Vcced ad be of the medical Wrcttrs of of c ftfied The pains or which of ted which thtir torsfort oca cn it the medicine for old a Old people with fiiiulacy ntatJU f Children Cry for we CccyoaDd is a in these Sbordm ud by te the liter ud re- old OH to of cd j Richardson Co Toronto Steam Absolutely Pure re- P Wel JJj lO a CAUSE AND EFFECT worn sodwcuyrtJjjibitopwt Ihem of or a In lbiomicb are rvApfrforlof ibolr fnjof will follow a dull ym Of lMClOxx3tcrU MILBSIAK IDS j THE NOilTH END la DOW filled up with NEW to tilt Drew Prints Gioghams Shirtings and Canadian Scotch English TweBds Coots Hats Caps and FIRST CLASS GROCERIES Glass and ware A CALL IS SOLICITED To ioBpectgoodi and prices A DALES I STORE MB WMllEflBF LATH SHINGLES fl I WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO FLOORING SIDING SASH BL THANKFUL THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME TURN OUT GOOD 1 LOWEST POSSIBLE 4 THE SONS J SEASON SPECIALTIES At New next door to Newmarket- BUILDERS HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS And fllscksmitbe Supplies kept in stock GARDENING AND FARM TOOLS Of all kinds of Cutlery Paints and Oils and Putty An ENTIRELY NEW STOCK J A ALLAN CO FOR SALE OR TO SALE- lfOOtJ OR SALE OR RENT or No la ith Cod or of New market Kd BUSINESS- a lh of late to JI or Apply and raw or to 11 yrnto HOUSE LOT TO LET itfoPCff of COn3K4cUwllimtrUry Apply to A- WILLIAM FARM FOR SALE Lot the of ICO Held etc of afo W Apply j Wfcn for allot Id I A tbd ffiaelto1cntei m4i DC wo d for id Of wdTOtOCc trial It will cere RENT J IS IAS of tot27 fill King CUT a toot lo nod or boci Till Kciiffrbon read cd PO VlciorUCo AMD ALL SUMMER FLUXES OF XT IS SAFE ANDRE CHILDREN OR OR SALE S3 Lot Coo 18 I 91 w lit fi 23 rtvcml foil id for Iodine victloa of toe j Wood or Staj CORNER OF MAIN ST PARK AVE Newmarket now prepared to furnish suits equal in and finish to any house in he trade Having had years experience FirstClass Fit or no Pay Choice Stock of Cloths on band to select PER CENT DISCOUNT SALE OF AT ROBERTSONS FOR SALE or TO LET bury ACRES c veit- Term Co Apply to it 10 t attbeFAttoryoraittiytti THCWHCA1ES0HSMA1 ALE fflHEfotlowloff ibeStb Con bclo ftioibeStbCoOi M 9 Il ICO Mb I0O 5lb For day consisting of Cutlery Plated Goods Saws Axes Skates Tea Trays Forks Shovels Spades Etc Robertsons Old Stand Newmarket MARCH 1Mb Formerly Ruses DISK P AND DOMINION ORGANS na road Tow Wff ask wo LITTLE OrxxuMtioo a a Tuition SICK lion 1 1 loaf Attack and Ji if are use over to Is uxiiTtfuLra wunra la a Medical Association to MARIE CANAL arid Most Mmio Canada to Term- to No fa Bank Visitors wmin to City ftivfo Cocao aod a our J S CO No King St Toronto wl Ihaoo- Hie ilia I i hi wilt to two f mill ido ito lot kfdC of ifrCfMocfjway aD3iKCificAUrco n bojota lo can bo fa to war ttiieodfra will not b0COOUitrcl wide ilrtctli Id 04 a ibv cib4TcArvruU7ci4iiilofJ lb ilJro Hi I flrta iter ibo cofilao and tin a iQd leMer lor it C4caJ now for at UI not bo to ti diet lulu awthvrk id oo tb itimt Iq tbj vtacttq no lUtJi lo acoeK l or L of OF fr he J fctoOrfrriblci Woody and w Hit and in amn a afuitoiji to ic IbXlfHU Of half Ihi ami or Dr rttJitrh and Catarrhal M by Afonf Prof of W wrttrt I auffvnd My famil 1 a tor IcojoU above a my pa and tbo euro bat J l3 fro for and for Ibo to try and I to auro to awe ALaayai j If

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