s NEWMARKET ERA SEPT TRUNK RAILWAY I P IT a p ALL CANADA pod PACIFIC CO ART For I a and call or writ l atkinson newmarket Methodist HIM KM At PM HUNK AY AT and vliliori alwayi at tor UP I AMU WITH FRIDAY SEPT 1888 International Si Lessons and of Moooa Golden Text The Alb of lh lb mora and won the Kiftct Maws Mroltttfl see though tot to ft lot to here id the A life of loQodsod devoid 1 crowned Messing aloof so fact do ill servants die bo carry ou Ills lb lusTealy did It alive K woman who recently out ft number of Aurora local- at Landing where left a lill unpaid Thinking too warm to secret a gold taken from Querns and which wo uh5xquontIy K Mr John Taylor of bank an active and iittolligoit young man while emitting at a Ihrrfiliing just east of was killed He over threshing machine when ho slipped and of legs caught by cylinder and He lingered until when man who pulled Mr Taylor out of cylinder haw gone out of hi mind through the over the and on Monday takeit A And ituniij We Cite April n i p be a gin 1 would her look only Jiihoorcry a iwvji ra It the ftQTQ moke It mr bo It purifier win won Double LlaMlllr A low to purify the iod remove lilt Mil ami by lout the retire tlver Oil mid very ji1itinblod teller ji ittu WSujaI pTfcrlUOScoUfcmul Liter OH Wo year it more fcnd lu aoy iiJbtiLL3 ever irlfd up Pall Show List ii iiiimiti r IT 1 00 oo GO 26 Fall two Wheat two given McLelUn A otfaor Idsd two Iraibcb 2 Barley two given Co Toronto kind two by two two Black OiU two pare Beans half VEGETABLES Hebron or half Any other kind half by Onloni pock Yellow or Field eight Garden abort Carrol a intermediate twclvu its Blood six Turnioa any kind four Tomato alt four filangel two Table two by fihoppard 3 valuo four heads Water Melons two two Music Melons two Black six While six FRUITS Winter Apple Fall Apples Winter Apples not leas than six named alx of each given by Fall Apples six varieties not leu six of each 2 00 Snow 00 Golden Grab Apples half pock I Winter Pours half dozen Vail Pears half down Outdoor Grapes two pounds DAIRY PRODUCE Tub Butter not less than by J 00 Boll Butter not lees than 00 Drawer Bread loaf J Loaf of Broad given by Way i Co of a half barrel Flour bread from their flour Baker Broad loaf by J WSJ 9 a 1 60 60 60 26 26 60 26 26 CO 60 1 oo bo Jelly Cakes flpongo Cakes Preserves four varieties by A- Millard Canned Fruits In glass jars not to bo opened four varieties by A Millard Jollies four varieties Collection Pickles Tub or Crock of nob than lbs Empress Machine valued at winner to pay Roll lbs by David Rode Butter to property of doner Roll Butter lbs by MANUFACTURES Flannel ton yards and wove Flannel factory made ten yard a Full Cloth ten yards hand spun and Factory Full Cloth ten yards Pair Blankets band spun 26 26 Pair Blankets factory made 1 1 Pair Blankets hand Pair Blankets factory Stocking Yarn homomado lb Yarn factory Yarn homomade lb Yarn factory made 1 Woven Counterpane ill Rag Carpet 1 LADIES WORK Raised Berlin Wool Work OP DO It flj IIIITtMl lit ft I Iff i a Berlin Wool Cross Slippers Wool Work Slippers Sofa Cushion not Wool PillowShams Plain Wool Skirt it Socks coarso i Mitts no pi coarso Knitting Fancy Tidy Wool ii Cotton Lace Wool Cotton Crochet Tidy Wool Mil Iaco Cotton Embroidery in 8Mb MMti on t r on Flannel Specimen in Bilk- Worsted I it is Quilt Knitted t Its 4ttUIftittMMMMtWMtt Mill Patch Work a kind Bowing Plain LadicV Under Clothings ii made Shirt and Linen hand made t4tSt k I Flannel sal A j- ltrnoil JlurOAclc gilt by d4 up a rtibt I for ib above iicariy aw I slui1 be my iby me A YoniCa till US s ss I our vry lbs did Dr Wild WFiWtrtrrs t dm flv it WljvoikO turlor it dang n 1 1 sSjii sisssstss- Babys Dress Button on any material Table Drape Mantle Drape A I La Darned Twlnn Work Table Mats any kind Baby 6 Hood Tea Fancy Pin Outline Work Millinery Hat and Bonnet Shawl any bind v Darned or Stock inga Flowers Work Straw Plait or Hat Crayon Drawing Painting on any Material Pointed in stsssstss In Color Floral Wreath Farmer Wreath Folding Screens Shirt Collection by Batsman Collection Cat Hand Bouquet a tt DO BO 00 00 L I 70 la E4 to paw not A iil It root ad loo ifaMloioebli fl icftU twi Prix 4 CHILDRENS WORK Plain Needlework Hem Pinafore Out Work Knitted Bocks or Mitts Dolt Knitting Work Homo made Breed loaf Pencil Drawing Boys or Wood plain WORK Pais Plain 26o Trimmed Socks or Blockings Fancy Panoj Work by and Girls IMPLEMENTS AND MANUFACTURES Wsgon it I i Buggy scaled Opcu Top Two Pleasure Plough Iron Harrows Fanning Mill Grain Drill OnoUorao Turnip Drill Rake Straw Chum Pump Z Harness 00 Bet Carriage Harness Sot I lam res Saddle and Bridle 00 SPECIAL PRIZES For lha boat not less than lbs 2nd For second best do person first tarred a Kneading Pan value 1st For best not lbs in weight 2kd For noxt do person taking firat barred Book of value bread and be made with the Yeast Baking Powder To party making the largest number of Entries and exhibiting them a by Mr of a Plush Dressing Case valued at NORTH END AOCOIIHOPATlO I STORE 1 Is now filled up with NEW SUMMER GOODS Just to suit times lu Dress Goods Prints Ginghams Shirtings Towels and Towellings Cottons Canadian Scotch English Tweeds Shoot Eat Cape FIRST GROCERIES Glass and elf ware A CALL IS SOLICITED To inspect goods and prices J A SALES UMBE LATH SHINGLES WE ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CI WITH SIDING A SASH BLI FOR OF SOLICIT CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE TURN OUT GOOD AT LOWEST POSSIBLE THE WM CANE SONS NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT 25 OO 25 25 25 25 25 26 25 25 26 SCHOOL BOOKS AND- STARR Central Telephone Office OR rfrf HARDWARE OR SALE- J The Danger Before Us Newest Fashions worn than ever Fur will bo III ie season favorite for a general utility of cotton velvets are We the imports bcubfpcrf more amotion d1dj shjrfiL a to which we too often it it which ute4 for children jisui to felt will be much worn bed of tell during the early fall months for- Ribbon will bo worn iidivtf fall and beautiful ftcd iyic1 in cup over wty iherati per- Lennox blouse with wide tut in ibt d tailor collar Japels of is learcDiog employed of SEASON SPECIALTIES At New next door to Main BUILDERS HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS Ho for who ttlom ud lime the public with tho Ibey are pure ffholeiooia of the troth of bio Itrget iwi of food and ibis the a of their By by coma tflla of in tbe low of a InKeiJog of the the with q apjareot- of organs kid are with The health or the child chrobtclOTalid Tbcwsro of modem cheap toat of lime aodelaui or Ibtt acids In tie of facta tarcly oil faoose- J coffin the cro know now by aouie the of si of powder She dote do the result or herself from the for the he lift thereby eo need of the the at tide which be to her The report of chemists who are no- bird sod the aedttrtegth of all the laklog Knden tbe The bskiLg powder which is hind ia reported free jbopbitio acid or toy iovfs It is further by the solhoriutj food hygiene fool listened with it is more whole IbiQ wheo by soy method ft therefore to be It is to be thit baking powder wheo there are many io the market some of which will their it frto from all ss jm that except tic Royal coquIq either lime or who regards the ha lofcd one not only the Royal but make be vore that other wot her la its Jte funoU The plaut to thn Mark the editor to the Empire Heal brown and ruby red will be tho fashionable color for street CO- for foil wear A and fiery red called iu to bo worn in fall in millinery find trimming Very popular ia coat It is in to a coat cot in front end has two lengthy reaching to bottom of behind- They heavy or bro cade in contracting to rest of costucnes And Supplies kept in GARDENING AND FARM TOOLS SALE OR RENT seres of lot No la toe Newmarket FOR SALE tc- ARM TO RENT l0 Acre- hair lot Of All cleared Apply to St GROCERY BUSINESS the properly of tale fioose or Apply corner bta Of all kinds always on hand Full line of Cutlery and Oils Glees and Putty An SALE A BARGAIN comfortable at Ontario tin trior applf MRS Main Hi iVCiV A Lit f A1lfeloostcdy I cm went pec eco It BOOT J DR FO EX HOUSE LOT TO LET iwoscfeatf loletattorrot ENTIRELY NEW STOCK J A ALLAN CO On Sunday evening a young lad narrow from being locked up over night in Bradford Methodist Church He bad fallen asleep on the teat in gallery and when caretaker was locking up ho accidentally across him IS THE BEST for Infanta ihalnrolid tt to THE BABY FOOD THE BEST INVALID FOOD THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD THE M08T ECONOMICAL FOOD ICO toe en Infant for A lis Toronto Laundry Toronto Ootollown to and re lurod per SHARPS Next door to Pslmtr to CAUSE AND EFFECT A NY votq and Tery i t1 25 POWDER Absolutely Pure A of Wore the sod i raoi low or Mdo tfoW i liter I rosnjocrsjosthef follow a doll brTy sod rHtci blood Mixture St QTjrrros Cry for l Caatorla EXPERIENCE Jj IS EVERYTHIN IAS WERCHANT TAILOR CORNER OF MAIN ST PARK AVE jiuwinarkol is row prepared to furnish auiU equal in style v finifib to any house in the trade- Having had years experience a FirstClass Fit or no Pay Stock of on baud to elect from Apply to a or A- WILLI Near pre FOR SALE TDK Half Of coDUolDsbcot rM7Wt or loo it late or HOI YSEI AMD FLUXES OFT IS SAFE CHILDREN OR AD W C II Executor fc4tate PER CENT DISCOUNT SALE OF AT -ROBERTSONS- For consisting of Cutlery Plated Goods Xcut Saws Axes Skates Tea Trays Forks Shovels Spades Etc Robertsons Old Stand Newmarket Formerly Ruses Q P AND DOMINION ORGANS or WAN Half or Coo loan acres all is mq ja corarojurjia Tftls lot lira two or toe moeofnKOcburC acd food I WXjKW Victoria Co IS fil Holland tor to of jimur Ibi JAlKW4JAC Valuable Farm Land FOR LEASH Uli A Wet 97 ac in Coo- SWfs ioiitJ frrcs lei repair J dowr bout sad trr dairy oca to dial of vcxs TERMS apply to FOB SALE THE BRICK Of New- IN PERFECT ORDER 1mroT4mror uol Vry term My me Of nlotbsr IboroUfWy Pierces or I roc sol case it fort i core all lm as a As It to Co For WlUtst4 roi menL J JsJ AS a yiedsnd Is FOE SALE or TO LET Half Of LOIS Con- ACHES seres partly rtpodil Hook Ver Parr Apply W y or to otter P or aep rttteras d OCT faro la st con touted by an Moat in given to Spring losuit buyen Discounted in Bank to City cordially welcomed given and a hour io our Music Parlors J CO No King SALE w s 1 iMp A iiSi- auir rf wow It ejects la aoy cao55 very lire euro for Of II aod flxracatloa uid l As si Jrwa lo a or if a aod medietas for losil or two printed tor Ijjsa WdUJ 1 I-