Newmarket Era, 5 Oct 1888, p. 1

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i Friday Morning fivery AT l hunting novas 000 SUBSCRIBERS 6 Medium flUe a NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol 37 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Oct Terms Cash in Advance within or at end of year i capital AotioV- A Alio DRAFTS farmers notes INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY Money to Loan following rw In hum JUDO boiler cape I too and Imoraucc of celled Liberality of and in write MctoxMttu Bool Estate fit South AC four lor op- China Hal do poitioKtilralliunk Arrpr A SSWUARHF fT MUSKY TO TO LOAN Hotel AFXAN A Toronto and Georgetown f3wKiDf Keel and OAMIUA1TII At visit wis on I civil removed to ibtCcroerof for fulfil J AaJlANTKDtf A LOAN AT ft iiy LAWSllKi Ulan Co Of Old fury Cor IM bed roomi AccotiimlaUon oil irulu parlor A I Mornbcr of to All cAd HUrJvroi J V JirUUh Council Office llount J A J SPECIALTY Alio will my of ftud VIcUjMa For York T lteptirifor kepi bund my time removed iQUuMnivllletidrnforMilvftleribtiio will loro THE HlK America CHAN A All VAUHIAOH T JARRIAOE tiraOTJc SIMPSONS for Aurora and J K Aurora GAMMA LIFE CO -OAPITAli- FUNDS- Aooutl worldwide In J street f yoo vtcp4iDvyeofid to Solicit a Continuance DRUGS Leading Photographer MAIN A SIZE SPECIMENS All ADECOliniAMr Too til Work A GOO US tt SOAP SPONGES REQUISITES fleaseOome Again SIMP QJ SHAKERS YEAST of It ice five TUB RELIABLE LEADING HOUSE FOR OVEIl LOW HlbeietijViiMt AUTHORS COX And ifiljrc Ktirk I LADIES AND GENTLEMEN You cad bay Dinner Tea Beta Plain Ohina at China Kail any llouto in Town In order to convince- you of this fact Do not fail to thorn a call buying received ft Jautlful lino Dinner direct at TREMENDOUS LOW PRICES stock of Family tliofiftcetftnd clicpc3t in town In fact thoir priced heir goods knock them oil clean out Popular verdict- A CALL SOLICITED Orders by Tclcphono promptly attended to A SMITH AND- SUPERIOR GROUND OIL CAKE Dispensing Department Furnished only with tho purest etc and trcAt care is to expounding PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY RECEIPTS OPEN SUNDAYS FOR DISPENSING a an P P M BAILEYS BAKERY BREAD CAKES EI1BITS AND FRESH- GROCERIES Also Kama and Canned Goods Best Flour delivered to oil of tho Town at Mill XT Of ICE CREAM PARLOR ta FOR SKA SON Cigars and Tobaccos i BAILEY STEAMSHIP TICKETS LINE DOMINION LINE W C SPECTACLES your and our Ophthalmoscopic Test Lenses To Principal CANADA BRITISH STATFS A PACIFIC COAST Is J ATKINSON for Infants end Children He Wallop Canada Air of itmwj did ygq not bAffiuthtr wit on right In for Ho helped to iff fired fall of it W if do not hold but le mo for flibri A Tied Jing for tie en for LDdrtd la j com ride nd eg lfi Via tbo Me of If lUrrd I cot stop Lira cow Jim mora bo old a J iMent sword I Jj a ff rllkb fulfil ho did Acdiflwerot for mere J tfojlil mo tfe of blood dont tcp ere bo I todiy Dot be Oh I fall will For a of bout chief from with cooc to bio to For well be do ir4i border ted cbinlc of proud tod of oer ill ilh And if bo not checked who go bo Ayr a jo ion bi of ihiiov So or of ud for the I got to boldoor or J Ohio His Way Br A JALDWlIf poor pet you a hard it to a poor and obliged to toil from night to support him and Harry drew bfa young wifes face to own and it Tber dear dont pity toe There then you fellow and iway a little tear that would of coraor of his men can cry when very tck you perfect you perfect not an object of pity at I perfect health and otrength and tbo very I lore beat All the world to talk to when toy work is don raoro need I my work and would rather do Ita all very to talk that way darling wife little hand Of I know you re an an gel and mo aide of everything Dot it ia very hard for mo to to sib here you tolling so You who bad been used to all luituriea of a fimtclaH home JfoiMI tinkled merry I ft ugh You interrupt ing Neil dear tot I could not he it To think of fey living in an atmosphere of constant and content HO one to apeak a word w one end to another and calling that the comfort of a firttclaw bone I Why dear Utile place to atiff uptown reef deuce left for your DarHog and here again to palo forehead ofcource I am grieved for you Iknov bodily and mentally no why you your by abotit me If it were not for yoor bo happy the to long id bo mo with your choprfop You fteem to for thut wo ftro fa for that nd Dont bother poor ftCbbg bead tboco Noil leave them to mo bare a cheerful all will riifbt wo going to puffer op and oat your for me Ive tried and tried to feel that it might bo my dutj but I cant do It am the pattern I am work ing at Sago and that will bring too to that bo able to take my poor to where the atr will hit Sanguine girl fort bow often hare failed Harry a little A Hgb tab ado r flitted Bat ft poised away Immediately not Harry had It toy dear ha tenderly If meat Inn good for nothing but to hero and croak to yon Croak on I said ahp I I need to- pot on brake for mo occasionally lint It to wont know Horry my diamond iianra baa offered me a thousand dollars for and will bo glad to buy it at any time Your exclaimed Harry with a gup Of that would bo our last plank Neil She bad both her arms around bis neck now and her face close to one But darliog the life la more than raiment and though my ring la a tweet talisman to me I should of course regard It nothing compared to your comfort and chance of recov ered health Nora was the daughter of a New York merchant to wbom great richea had proved a corse rather than a blessing inasmuch at they bad in hit tool a of gain that rendered biro blind to the beat of two daughter Nora Car oline bad been early deprived by death of a mother whom Nora much resembled in person aod dispo sition was a tall haughty beauty with flashing block more ready to express scorn than was uni versally declared to be the very of her father Nora fell in with Harry Manners then head clerk in house of Co and when Mr was informed of the fact by tbo lovers ho utterly and unqual ifiedly forbade banns Neither of bis daughters should marry a man who not bring bis half million at least to the pecuniary consequonco of the family So after a hesitation with regard to such a which la natural to all delicate minded people finding that mutual depended upon it concluded to take responsibility entirely upon them selves and be married clandestinely When the news of defiant step joMr ears be was prompt in hit judgment the of fenders He Immediately Man ners from bis clerkship in the firm and added a codicil to his will disin heriting Nora and giving of his fortune to Caroline Soon afterward tbe tatter married a man after her own heart and took her place in an assured in the kingdom of the almighty dollar Harry Mariners being well quali6- for bis position found no difficulty in obtaining remunerative employ ment happy young couple went to housekeeping la own way we content to bo counted out circle of elite ao that they might Jive together like two dovea in one for theirs was a case to speak commercially of the A article of lore which now in of some slight drawbacks to run uncommonly smooth with them One of the was that the young was obliged iu hit new quality of commercial traveller to be away from home greater portion tho But Ibis state of things was not to last long What some would ctU an accident and a providence arranged that be should remain permanently at home though under circumstance that he would himself have been far from choosing It was the old story of a rail loos ened by be to frost and a car thrown from track and toons of valuable lives sacrificed and other acores of healthy sanguine human beings maimed and crippled for life their constitutions ruined by internal injuries and of endeavor in this world des troyed Harry waa brought borne to bit young wife with an injured spine which not only rendered him helpless but severely bis constitution But Nora grieved at she was at tho blow which deprived her husband of his health waa not one to wring her hands En despair at the situation She was of that cheery elastic that nothing appal espec ially nothing that did not deprive affections of their nourishment She went to work like a heroine She sold tbelrsuperfluous furniture rented a part of her house and strove to reduce their expense to the level of her ability to moot them Then having an eye and hand which hid been tolerably well cultivated she undertook branch mo my dear ho smiling of the Nora No I do not sir she replied civilly bat wot come in You advantage of mo In memory she added Well I should think likely for you were a baby in your nuraea arms when I saw luU You are the perfect Image of your mother samo wavy auburn hair and firm smiling mouth Will you please tell me who sro sir Tot rotted my curiosity to a point beyond my dear will tell you that Its just what want to know I am your mothers Peter I Uncle Not Peter For we beard he died of yellow fever at Heard my dear heard wrong I Death found a pretty tough old customer when he grappled with me be did grapple very hard He almost got mo And teeing he could not get me be left me some thing to remember him by a broken constitution Im only seventy year old my child but Im not what I used to bo not what I used to be Nora smiled at the remark And this is your husband Met witb an accident I beard Happy to shake hands with Like face extremely wall look at it you and Nora coald bit it off together nicely I assure yoa we do sir answered Harry quite cheered by old mans manner Hate you break- fatted Ob beg your pardon node said Nora I quite forgot Sit down and let me make you a cup of coffee Thank you my dear I will Tit a long time since such pretty hands have made my coffee for me And while youre making it I want to ttate a case to you You tee Im an old man quite old and I have bad my daya of health and strength but theyre now Ive come home to lay my bones in my native earth Im not destitute you ace have enough to keep mo while I live and bury me when I die I want a home a quiet comfort able borne to spend my last days in When I arrived in the city yes terday I enquired all about you and your sister and I applied to her first I knew that she was richer than much better able to shoulder a burden But Caroline saya shes delicate and nervous and really not to bear the excitement of a constant guest in the boose I shrewdly soapoct that ray seedy hat and coat a good deal to do with the matter Now what I want to know is will you take me in I know it is asking a good deal of you situated as you are but I re ally wouldnt be any additional ex pense to you and I might be some help Uncle dont say anything more please Of course you can come to and welcome i Harry needs to cheer op when I am away and yoo are one to do it obligation will bo wholly on our side if you can pat op with narrow quarters pray come at once So it waa arranged and Uncle Peter took up bit permanent abode witb his nephew and niece Ho made himself quite agreeable and useful atcknorae waiting on Harry in Noras cheering i with lively stories of his own with him of which consist in furnishing to manufacturers of wall pa per door interrupted conversation of the lovers Nora rote to open It and confront ed an old man seedylooking and Infirm and yet witb a pleasant gleam In blue tbat Mr coal bin is small by neither ago nor- poverty bod been able greet tnd lest- io I and so forth Nora found a great ad vantage in Uncle Peters in house in tho greater and freedom from petty that it af forded her was now able to devote her at tention much more to art and in consequence brought out some pat terns were so original and beau tiful as to establish her reputation a designer Orders now came in foster than she could supply them end it was not lont the coaragcous little wife found herself rich enough to cuas old of bus- band to Bermuda- only difficulty mind was that she could scarcely to go herself Ive been thinking how manage it my dear said Peter one morning at breakfast It will do yob both good to go for your own chetks are to look lees than formerly Well Uncle Peter what is the of yoor asked Nora You know that we rely very macb on your advice I think I see your way out said old man with a twinkle in eyas that was by certain of those organs I have written out here a that I wish to submit to you You know- a prosy old fel low and like to pot things in black and while When yoo read that handing Harry a looking document please tell me your opin ion my plan Harry took the paper with a smile Peter certainly getting voir fond of But when be opened the and proceeded to read it his from amusement Why Harry what Is It ao won- You look at thought Uncle bid the philosophers stone He so far as we are concern ed I exclaimed Harry Uncle Peter what en Impostor Nora be hot mods of And he waved the his head like a crazy man Noras arm was around Uncle Peters neck And Uncle Peter wee sobbing on shoulder like a baby I didnt you I rich at first because I thirsting to taste real love for loves own sake You given mo that freely It la only fair that I give you all that I own So there is my my and my love with It and may it bless you bavo me And Unclo Peters pleasant blue eyes sparkled with tears Give the a Chance Friction in the family ia a prolific of boys A boy of good disposition tiret of hearing quar relling disputing and scolding among family and be likely to seek a new home A farmer told his son in the spring that it he- worked good season he should have ft quarter of an acre to plant in potatoes for bis two To be of a good crop boy gave it extra moonlight- nights When the wero told father kept tbe money boy away and a miserable wreck of life Many a fathor gives the children an animal or something arid when sold he has no thought of turning the price over to rigbifal owner A bright lad sorrowfully This colt is mine until told end then father takes the but he wont do so always These and similar transactions are what drive the toys away Boys will continue to leave until the fathers become at to the proper way to manace them Perhaps on it will be rare to of a hoy the farm for a store it is now for a merchants son to leave for Witb pleasant surroundings and kind treatment boys bare no desire to A farmer bod and he made at compan ions of them He them in their studies read and tang together and wet colnt companions in almost all I gave them colts calves fowls and at times they bad new cbthing unexpectedly boys never desire to farm Nothing is lost by giving to children for they always willing to expend it for their own clothing besides it gives them confidence in themselves and teaches them selfre liance and the art of earning a living All children when arrived at proper age have something of their own potseuing a money value Tim seme of ownership begets feelings of importance and independence India to paid last week it poorhouse Potato di havoc Fife Brandon tbo Another case occurred at Mat Ireland greatest breadth f shortly on The Blooming been repairing extent of The anil from all Zanzibar and The Ontario factory at Sunday hot For eighty years at least writers have endeavored to bring home to the outside world a knowledge of the vastness of India but so far as canine perceived have failed The average man what they say learns up their figures frits to understand their descriptions but fails for all his to realise what India a continent large as Europe west of the Vistula and more people fuller of ancient nations of cities of varieties of civilization of armies nobilities priesthoods organ izations of every conceivable purpose from the spreading of great religions down to systematic murder There are twice as many as there are Frenchmen the properly to called outnumber tho whites in the United States the fill Spain the peo ple of the Punjab with are double the population of Turkey and I have named but four of inoro salient divisions Everything is eauio bewild ering scale of India whoso males as big ai Our- and regardless of than ourselves at least equal to emula tion of tbe population empire traind soldiers in native of whom wo bear perhaps one in ten years and at men who think heir proper is arms who would live by arm if could and we in IvgUnd never hear a word If were in India we should without counting reserves or or any fore net in time of peace sol- actually in wild coming up every year a force with which not only but the world may bo TfW are tens of millions of peasants hoard wake of India the grand abeorbant of metals tens of millions of peas ants whoso property or Sicilians or men ro rich millions of artisans ranging men build palaces to nearly naked and almost without tools do tbe humblest work of potter Every occupation wfiich exists in Europe exists alio in India The in dustry of vast continent never for with a population packed beyond European precedent importa nothing whatever She is sufficient to herself for everything save silver Amid varied mass these whoso varied decryptions would fill volumes the tide of life flows as vigorously as In Europe There is as much labor at much contention as much ambition as much crime as much variety of hopes fears and hatreds It It possible to a Indian to become of a dynasty older than history or of a new prince whoso personal fortune In hard is double that of the late Emperor William or abbot of a richer than Glastonbury ever was owner of an estate that covers a county head a firm whoso loot may vie with those of the or One man Jute by ntmo fed and tran sported the army which conquered A costs Ms wife while A miller at Pet the fingers taken gettiug bis hand A brass bandit ladies and sixteen yd been formed at of Prince pe6 cinated Buffalo the Physicians from the sacrii l Two morn went murdered I London on Saturday by the came fiend the previoue crim After a long jury at tryo bill against witb shooting Mrs Hot fall wheat a that yielded He bad over bush and got perl plct from drowning last wee a cittern water but was by Pilj Wp rain New and Ohio bum hone at Ken kHIia wife Active on the Shanties nre being ere line for the of whom two tboS employed in the spring I swoon Brown of Paulding foreman in Messrs new of here this morning by falling circular taw He was When you at an umbrella laugh by then you can expect to tor respect a fellow who in or tbreo years and then get mad paper because he was dux debt CfTATHAB contents belonging to jaitootside totally destroyed by oclock this all this years era for and of unknown j J of Si rat ford rtpuls to wiro all the greenings and They were in shipped went with the fruit to safely delivered Shavings and cul wood Hocks are now heavy papir for typing up wood etc chip- uiakca a and advantage of Strong odor of the origin making it a valuable against moths J A special despatch broke a here Jri and contents destroyed Two and to death It is liev caused a lamp not known no insurant It is well to be practical details of more especially so when Is intricate was recently saved by lands of Toronto specialist in the nets found to bU bod been working item that ho had and which wot supposed of recent discovery All records of have been broken steamboat from Now Ye asleep In cabin all robied pocket bod cos ana deft unknown man lost a gold watch others search steamer for the or A tii siAi

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