RAILWAY R ALL the PACIFIC rai on or writ Church HIM A ACnOOL at To Kit or Not to I know lu I lint bandanna pitted and floihtd bright if flrtt I iron I koow Tbt cot bear ItKJ dnot A till would din And ell any To klu or cot to Km and and tot depend No tauter 1 twas tootle How a like With And let mo blot jail on more tfiy be That do you yet IIttJC to ERA OCT A Ihbeot A now post hu ppcrftDoo It lift insect about of a pea end to bo to Ac in city been In a gentleman had a now suit of differ from as cat whole out of fabrics attack far no remedy Is known except to up carpets and by St Mr John brakesman for on Canadian hot formerly of of Hallway was run at last night Ho bad down on and was at station when mixed train from tbo In and as near as can bo ascertained ho tried to jump on as it was coming Into bat foil and was International S Lessons father Mr Mooro of Bar wont up this UP I DOTOROVrS AND WITH j7j FRIDAY OCT 1868 Oct tab Golden Text fluoil biting girt with truth and the of Rood nun he work No at oar will filled year fotllDgs that are to jonr duty ic do ynu In jdlf In aitolra In fie aoy who lon ao in not faw to barfly ihrlr But are who bam J am rfar 1j jrer 1 ta WJif MMUn real od to ma raDDiog ha Lit Jlc thai It alttaya ta do right try that La duly any man nil hu atKogtb and all tt he To Jo acOotdiog to all lawrilUuio and good aoila ft biblo mutt r which of If yoa to attention yea can bold l crillcleiu method and up to that Hot if you are a wl and auythlog do hi aititr In Jiua of or lead iffi you hid letter try titd a to one of that chili lodo hi All lueitvooa about ability to do or the in the way of doing iba child of can to When you yoarduly you you mutt do bat tun do to lf with it of in -loi- tho remains deceased was about years of ago and married Ewybody In this world Is hunting a soft snap Boys grow up with a gaining strength in expanding for wherein tho will not bo by Tho of finding a dies out before boy goes far There aro no such If a person wants to bo anything at all in this world he must count on nothing outaldo his own Tfio innrn work of one kind and another which a can go through aro hie chances in Homo who ctoditod with having a liccauo thoy do not muscles very much worked border than many work id fa- and than manual la bor who has to do Is an object of pity in this busy world Let a man got used to work and he slick It however rich he may is eswntial to him ho Would dio without it When wo consider fact wo should not blame certain men who having of wealth to thorn still in Men wore not built to loll around and thoy cannot do it for any length of and bo happy Pickering Atari- AubIdcsb Notices miittoa Cared ora itiH a for Iti use cacti per- J fate a ny of your If tbty win P A we her ra ClUd b cried aha lo Cm tori a badCUio Some Biblical Data Verses in tbo Old Testament Verses In the Now books of the Old Testament books of New Words In Old 02 in the Now the New Testament Chapters in Old Testament Jitters in tho OM Testament i in New iVstmiiPut word occur tiuiei Tit middle of tho Old iY-sta- Proverbs Tils miJdlo chapter of the tainint vtrin of Tea- ml i no the New fes- John longest vowe the Old Ksher vifi middle at New Tea- middle diaper wid aUortpat in it xv Journal v Owing to transportation and tho breaking up Mr will build no big rafta Nova The race for the sculling chaiupionabip I Kemp and was rowed on the and was won by Kemp After half a mile had been rowed took the lead he main- to the end lengths in sooondi I Sept 28 morning an accident occurred a Centre A nisn named Ed ward Chambers and the carrier having atopped ho went back lo tart them Jo returning step- bod Ino was torn off above Ho died afr hours of interne agony A of wr lira- My a of wa Wed of Wild strawberry relief la Dearly always by to kp boweta and la alio a Ira- or lpdIfallon and certain 10 jtmrupii core Tried Vrorcxt I Or of for wmraaroomuiotaod proved altera Mr let a curboib WalroiCa A fan iUi Acre 1 torweool liver lor leoer Knur of a woman Bgkiti afwr yon to A iVlbbor lil- lrt II I JO I or itutott r jowtvia wild bottle wblob waBIlo ill op by now of A Ail worn Co mo ibr ibr ccrciioooflii and Pm aod lor bo St You of or iq bead lake cold bare and nsore dtceptire or more uoiocoeeaoJly treat- by of Remedy bate for yaan a reward of for a e bow bad or of bow tbey vrev Joa4 Ocetti realm of i 1 save io my for ecrol- affttt aura Those Too riotous Italian laborer and militia in County are now to face and it conflict at an arrived at troops of paaHon and two troop of cavalry met by Italians in a body apparently armed to the train bearing waa delayed by rails being removed by rioters gaps were covered by m arching The situation Is so threatening that two additloiibl of militia been called arid about of thorn will go op lino today to guard international boundary and If poeaiblo prevent rioters crossing into tbo States Chinese Have no Nerves Tho North China Herald quality of nervclessneaa diatln- from the European Chinaman can write all day work all day stand In position all day weave beat gold ivory do infinitely tedious jobs for over and over and dltcovor no signs of weariness and irritation than if be a This quality appears early in Ufa aro no restless naughty boys In China all appallingly good and will away in school recesses or recreation of any Chinaman can do without Sport or play to him much wasto labor Ho eon sleep anywhere rattling uproar equalling children and quarreling adults Ho can sleep on ground on floor on a bod on a In any position It would bo to raise China an army of a million men nay of Cod millions tested by examination as to their to go sleep tbroo wheelbarrows head downward a spider their mouths wide open and fly Inside An Awful Fall Sept At exhibi tion grounds yesterday afternoon a young butcher named Tom was to pieces by falling from a balloon at a height of over foot Before Williams aeronaut got ready to start ho in holding down the im patient monster Among teen was who with a stout rope running around of balloon William a entered the car and shouted to lot go All released their hold with exception of who retaining bis hold was swiftly upward was to help unfortunate who though called upon to lot go clung to the The ballon had now foot upwards and tho specta tor stood paralyzed with leer gazing upward at ho unfortunato man who after go hand desperately dung to with other only to fell earthward noxt moment Down ho came a aeries of somersaulta in the air Ho struck in a field feot from exhibition grounds and with exception of face was smashed Wins- ley was aged and was unmarried Jos Brown the bigamist Jast evening four years and ft half In States prison Ho had wives of whom were present yesterday when ho was sentenced A cablegram from Switzerland says that a mob on Sunday night upon Salva tion Army at blockading meeting houses pouring petroleum on buildings firing pistols etc Riots ensued in which persons were injured Kingston September A fatal street railway accident occurred last night Lynn aged a baker was en to his home at Forts- mouth Ho sat beside driver of car and was swung off his seat Had ho fallen on street ho would have escaped with little injury but as ho went down ho grasped board of the car end this had fleet of drawing him under car passed over his head and crushed bis brains Death was instantaneous The deceased leaves a wife children Thirty or forty vicinity of Toronto are out some bard money- It appears that Yankee sharpers sell to the farmers mowing machines and farm imple ments oh the instalment Part of money tbo farmer pay down and for part of- It bo gives note the sharper forges the signature and returns on the day top note Is due with cleverly forged note receives the money from tbe unsuspecting farmer Three days later after the day of grace gen- nine note is presented to ton farmer for collection Tte swindler the genuine note discounted of the farmer has no means to pay the amount Mass Sept A ter rible evident the meeting here and a a two persons may loose lives Fireworks up Slid tho man in charge just another it over Robert Wilson vm Standi i ig its pathway and received the full force of blow His right leg wan flrah being blown to The a fatal result is loirrd Thorns was Wilson his right arm and Ah ft China man had of his leg torn away and William kg bad ly injured ifr A- Collins who is em- ployed with Mr Rigs- foot farm Mftkliam met with a serious accident the Inst He feeding the horses in evening and going to a stall told the horse to stand over at the same time slapping it on the flank with his hand kicked him in a fracture of lower jaw catting face much blacking both eyes and leftvlog a nasty out to the bono four long the and chin- The lower jaw bone Is In two places a piece of being off one part Tno man la as favorably can be ex- rwtod BELL ORGAN PIANO to be Mamie all the to the CELEBRATED NEW WILLIAMS SEWIKO STANDARD MACHINE lo the JOHNS ON Main Newmarket Next Deer North of Mrs Drag 8tore OIL FOB ALL SEWING MAOHINK8- STOCK VOCAL INSTRUMENTAL 1H8IC NORTH OP TORONTO BALE OB TO LET HARDWARE 1888 AUTUMN 1888 LIQUOR STORE SEASON SPECIALTIES t At New Hardware Btorn door to Main Street BUILDERS HARDWARE ARM erf Wfilwborcti TO tvioi 1 ARM TO RENT- ICO acres Vlrun WM to POR8AXE on iwoioie MECHANICS ARM TO KENT All Apply to JUHSPH WAHLKV OUR And Blacksmiths Supplies kept in stock FARM TOOLS Paints Poles Island Native Wines Snoot St Can SPECIAL PRICES GALLON LOTS ENTIRELY NEW STOCK kinds always on hand Full line of Cutlery and Oils Glass and Putty An Will a sod lot If Id fl24 KKPTOH Are TO Banco JuceaUcia tor a BUSINESS- DEPARTMENT Gallon Covered Butter Pots formerly Covered Pots equally as cheap Glass elfSealers At Cost In Order to Clear out tho Stock P J 0M ALLEY Main Street North NEWMARKET A BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT SCHOOL BOOKS STARR Central Telephone Office CARRIAGE WORKS LOT STREET NEWMARKET J A ALLAN CO EXPERIENCE- Jj IS luoij property of Alio e of Apply corner JMAler HOUSE LOT TO LET tod tool Applr of A Km J AS MERCHANT TAILOR CORNER OF MAIN ST PARK AVE prepared to furntah fluiU equal in stylo and finish to any in Having had years a FirstClass Fit Guaranteed or no Pay Choice Stock of Cloths on hand to select PLACE FOR ttirt iworosNt Wwmiritt doom ftoro oft tod plum tod to W FARM FOR SALE Half of of WHS etc- Tend or ule tor OR KENT PER CENT DISCOUNT SALE OF HARDWARE AT If before tor wo to our and ifem thai I too we will our loot voaro Style ftuality Durability General Appearance and Price- from and cod to bo o cud aloek in WAGONS AND COVERED Jomp Writ A Ccmhiaaiton Carriage ar6 prepared to ibU very oopolar vtlilelc pobllo tondjeon tia latent whli lh miuTJallo lUwejc 1Mb- vry ton bo tottmM from lo all Blooded lo promptly JOHN BRIMSON K A Providence defaulter was on Saturday to soven year imprisonment for bringing luoflQ Canada There are men who regard work as a painful which only the external it brings would teropt them to undergo Such persons one of of life Emerson truly say a roan is relieved and gay when he has put hi his work and bis what ho has said or done otherwise shall give no peace And says- he who has found his work Is Messed let Mm ask no other He has OBT Sept 27 evening youths Fred Adams Petorsiod Powell to pound blasting into gun powder Peter was doing work two gat ing on The exploded in juring all throe Adams the Hi hands ld horn ed eyes were very and no sightless hut the doctor hopes they con saved The clothes f Vino and to his scue tearing off Adams is now the all time are pro as as can bo expected MRS DARTS TRIPLETS tbe swwm lo Krt A- K cro J c- tiler If lfyaiyd Food are Food IttecfS PH W tbt are eX THE NUTRITIOUS and At Our for an in for A ew KTim PA -ROBERTSONS- For confuting Cutlery Plated Goods Saws Axes Skates Tea Trays Forks Shovels Spades Etc Old 8tand Newmarket MARCH lfitt 1888 I of Formerly Ruses E P AND DOMINION ORGANS Tbe Id lv3ftJ Coo- of uie of cuinvauou flnlCtnu uMm J ttti3ni Out toliff Cop l to w Wicrc uiecfciJjilriilo in J OTavfDleoVtotcrcc c4 win Do lo food mm WALTER 23 OK SALE ftM Ceo 1 3 t re S3 w cuitlog aunrorou JACKffi4 fllOoafCbatrtTroDto Valuable Farm Land FOB fH LEASE Cat of ftpses foam arufplrotr d0 frr Jur ies fcatwy drf lot 10 FOR THE Of Ms If IN ORDER Largest and Most Elegant Music House in Canada Prices to Sunny Ks to suit in Visitors coming to City cordially given and a in on Music Parlors J CO No King St West Toronto Mi LUMBER Ml J or 4jv nf FOR SALE or TO LET LATH SHINGLES Absolutely Pure powder oarer ivlio la4v Otto at On SJ a ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUR WITH DOORS WAIiVSCOTIIiVO SASH IiArtT llfllVi A Coo Km willy liirflalledUUvVcH stlsf Liberal Apply lo SALE I MrtcrfaToflxit nil- con 5tli 0Q as as 51b jfU4DJthffifelfOUrTCUIld aootcJtlOatfoJtorooihtbrTor- AlUtjf VHyAKHtKKa Veto AD ft Croud bat In j fail Ihr J a i SAULT SEALED to ft Cut hi 1 aoDtJ A tod or it it ftUo be obi l l iha the IDs ibeoawreoribecifliairtll actual r scupsiicti wr fcaO fypcJJ tor men lorn J m bOtb sjt4 to be if lb Into am at ha ire tt lCiOW J lo I or LITTLE Put up tilth Kuisi ICekliJ of He pd ueeof Dfjfl a l I Plcml or UUI OP SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OP AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD or a W bloody M ssk In riyifu lib wtfl a a HTXSQ emptoois o can In orfjaiiujllui IB HCi rgWl I Cold l M of My J rout lloneiittcrcT Si2Sl W cure two LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO DR FOWLERS OF ITRAWBERRY I CURES Ram fflJRRHCEA YSENTERY C0MPIAWT3 AMD OF THE IT IS SATE FOR OR ta Ih broui irr aw bow lo K Ore Sda r iisei i I- wf