Newmarket Era, 11 Jan 1889, p. 1

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t ERA QiyK Mfl THB TOKNOwVtOUITBK TO TO LIBERTY a SUBSCRIBERS BANK YORK INTELMGENCER AND ADVERTISER Newmarket Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday Jan Terms Cash In Advance within or at end of year AUKNKRAXBANKWOBIllltfns Interest Allowed on Deposit at DRAFTS ISSUED ranst at JEHODtTH Mukfar INSURANCE REAL ESTAl E AGENCY Money to Loan FIRST CLASS In XM AS GOODS tit of oar and or Hates Or CO doles w further BOB Real Estate Agent Main St South Notary ariait Slews It SIM lOCXT AHAM1I TORONTO IA juntos liMKlWlOVI 10 ASE rf- TO LOAN York Court JT ALLY POBUO Op STORE will be with Porters Wines Whiskeys Brandies r of for the Holiday J the use of Grumbling do J A BASTED And loan at fl rxacKsr bo I with of for trade Teas Sugars Coffees and New Fruits of at on We are bound to do a if cheap aad reliable goods are any So give as a Trial P J Main Street Telephone 34 ili Elf MONEY TO LOAN- SOLICITORS Ac Toronto Eul and fT- MONEY TO LOAN A Toronto Try w wis W London iDaacp Co At Old Oacft Cor ALBXOX HOTEL TORONTO- JarKf of roomi- lor meet ItaIdi billiard J HOLDERS ESS Prop A GRADUATE of ValerlDAiy to Alt on Doctet Notice KESWIOKONT- A Brill air 1st 1ft TRAVIS T 1CENBED AUCTIONEER For of York Sale on Sbort Notice pod at Prices ma Ion to twill will It BED A OTION CHRISTMAS GOODS Toilet and Article Dressing Caaea A large and WELL STOCK Dispensing Department only the purest etc great cars is given to the compoundiog of PHYSICIANS AND OPEN SUNDAYS FOR DISPENSING A P M 89 P for Court Itifvifiu to M Tor l4tor ACCIDENT TN8UBAMUECO OPWOftTU AMERICA la ftfOAtAOCLcttOLfl for Aunjrft tit ib Ioad Public Aurora iBNTIST bit room to of SMITH A Oxide Ml KKrOrtE JtKor of Constantly on Hand ii xbr Drua DRY I NOTES TO LOAN Col reeled after of Of- rJtral ttiit LIFE OAP1TA1 AD 9000000 DOLLARS Aootut THE BELL PIANOS AND OROANa NEW WILLIAMS And STANDARD Seeing Machine- w VioHoB Clarionet Mouth Violin of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS largo Stock of baby Tom bnak it whole And com twauDoor And not roar item rtln WtmUttbaiicniaA Li TV ill it And It ll Ilka go to work in feoppo that hoja bar a horarj A fcom a coach It keep And to Can And roppOM torn Do Will be alL4mltutforiOQ The wlmc plan The Doctors Boy Goodao43 Johnny Ob I know Im rightly but it dont make the dose less titter to swallow is a rich now and I yea I do that he has a good wife on worthy of this time Bat I raAtbetptlAjii ins hat a dreadful made in old daj good and I might have kaowii it in him the level of people said J loly and cant ho undone So can are in bis world ret Its good crying after milk pub tea the Out and wed bettor go to bed I John went to next The Korth York under the of the fanner took Id Hilt on TioraUj of week a btoagbooL Wo yiiik of the took the chair at a Iht Ipg of Co adio who a The of a fife and profitable Prof the 6o1pb exelkDt ddfM 11 of the Prof if and nd which JOHKSON Next Door to Simpsons ONS CARRIAGE WORKS to for liberal I Ml torn jsisbucii THE WORKS of who to know that low the at the to the tod tod that reliable be for the work here that a FirstClass Selection of Cutters To both and tingle both to and of I of and a keeping the INSPEOTION INVITED- JOHN Leading I MAIN LOT LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS A SPECIALITY ALL ABE CORDIALLY of Jir Work Guaranteed Mis g ROBES For Sheepskin Ifarmersi Fridays fet Roller Flour WHEAT J STORE NEWMARKET Stock Constantly Kept Assorted Cutler GoodswS DUCK SAWS CUT FORKS HAND SAWS TRAYS WARE Paints Oils Glass Brushes for ci J- NEWMARKET A RELIABLE -awd- LEADING HOUSE FOR YEARS Largest Stock LOW will to lb of mhu lib ox to paw a at thk Office for Infan aha Children aj AW L Thbda awful mother can I put a little more wood fire only more log Mr to ward the the corner a receptacle which the way was not too well filled I bo said But be careful John wood away fast and always goes up to ward winter And kneeling on the braided in the John with castles in the glowing coat white on side of the table mother eat making but tonholes in voata and on other busily away ata shirt was finUhiog lor a fac tory near was a pale hollow- eyed kittle widow Her sister Eunice White was tan or and although youth might have been pretty it her cheeks had been a little rounder and her- eye mournful In their ex Well mother why dont you ask me what had Became sighed Mrs biting off her thread you never do have any luck Polks dont seem to want a boy The new doctor though said Johnnie chuckling and hes engaged mo to took horses and cow paused with her needle impended in midair Well that the The new doctor I I suppose a Tory grand gentleman very nice and John thats alt I know And hes going give two dollars a week And be says I mustnt he diBWiurag became he was a poor boy owe with empty pockets and never a shoo to hi And now said bought that atone and lovely grounds Its well to bo lucky But cried be says it is not luck He says nothing but work and push And mean to work hard too mother and a home some day for you and aunt to live his name Johnny asked bis aunt Dexter the boy answered Doctor David Dexter Mercy on Eunice cried Mrs what you to give auch a start pricked my mur mured Eunice Cant wo have en- other lamp Ifaryt Tide sort of thing the Mrs rose to bring anotlier starved looking littlo tamp John sat and b tared at the lire with Im only to feed the horse and carry wood and water to kitchen and look after the fancy and fowls said ho Dr Dex ter has a man to drive around with Bo you see Aunt Eunice I can study at as it I was at school and I am sure you are better than any going to help a fellow along 11 Two dollar a week will be a great help to said Mrs And coughed that dry hard rattling cough that John dislik ed so much to hear It seems strange dont it said she alter John had gone to bed Idea of a settling hero of- ter old Dr had reigned for forty years How times do change to be tore Ycssatd Eunice almost Mr looked sharply at her Eunice she what does all you tonight You aint sick are your YeV Eunice Sick of living sick of dtudoiog sick of this for daily bread Oh Maty Mary what a fool I been If I undo the past Eunice what do you Do you remember when I taught school at Mary when John was a baby and you were living over at Dawsons Point before Albert Well I lover then a that realty loved me for you know I was tolerably goodlooking in those But ho was plain and and not very wel to do lOsght I could do better and 1 found It great fun to poor fellow ended by refnilng him and ho went away Ive heard all before havent said Mr with a Yea beard bis It David day boy who been thrown oiwied lUaodteopothsthtkaftir on hi resources can iniogine delight he felt when Dr plac ed two big round silver dollars in little brown palm at end of the firtt week with tho pleasant words You have well earned toy boy It was a dreary evening with the air full of leaver when Allison old cook came to tho door in Dr Dexters fine home doctor said alio to her master who had just seated himself with a oook before the red light the fire doyouUuoW What6como to Johtk Ive called and called and he isnt there Nofctliehvl repeated the doctor and I lot go home to spend Sunday Call again the boy there He Isnt doctor It the first night ho has failed you hired him And now I to think of it he had on awful cold this morning when he came in for the chicken feed Perhaps Dr Dexter laid down his book III go ahdtake care of the horses myself Hid ho Jobuny live But Allison did not know As the doctor opened the stable door Hash of a greeted with light- So you there after all Johnlsaid he But It was not John It was the slight figure of a woman that shrank lack from her of throw ing hay into the monger Why the doctor in a who are you 1 am Johnny aunt faltered a low Ho is sick and ho so much about the horses sup per that I told biro I would put some hay in mangers and water them I am not timid with cattle she added lf hot suppose would know Johns euiit repeated the doc tor let lake that lantern a min ute please Why yon turn your face away from met Is it true You are Eunice Whit then Yes she cried passionately I am Whit But I never in tended you should know it tho door and let go hack home You cold Eunice he said gently you shiver to house and let mo give you a cup of tea So she said resolutely I will go home Then I will go with you Eunice must ceo Johnny Do yon know even without being awato that he whs kin to you have got fond of that hoy shall be still fonder now this many a day Eunice where you and what had become of you Have you Eunices heart had begun to now j her cheeks deeper than any dam ask rose Well that a easity answered I living here with thy widowed sister Johns mother and am sowing for a liv ing It cost hoc something to make that confession for White was a proud woman yet Hut she scorned to dissemble Eunice lie said looking wistful ly ilown upon as ho walked by Iter aide could done better than that by you III do it still Eunice if yon will let me Im net one of hose that vary mid shift with of I loved you then and I love you now- And as for ihCiMj twelve that have separated us loved you steadily Ive remained single for your you can decide lost yes oris It not Was not loyalty like this worthy of return Eunice White thought She put out Iter cold hand and let it rest in David warm grasp It is yes said Old Allison was quite but of that night when doctor did not return to dinner of clear soup which care until It was all spoiled with standing But at last ho cam in with a bright face and told her of his aho did not so much Maine him always aald declared she in her quaint Scotch way that the thing you wanted doctor dear was a wife to rule the house And If and as you tell me why Ill bo contented to call her I am you will like her Alli son said the doctor rubbing hands Isnt It nice Mother said John I Cold you how good Dr Dexter was And now to bo real and I can go out hold his every day and you are to live there mother end rest from all this sowing thats wearing your heart and yea out Ob aunt Eunice Im so glad yon found your old lover I John you are a goose said Aunt But laughed and blushed as she spoke words and John very that not angry with him salmon and roast grouse she hud with much whit ho U third abjtct blch the at of the was piper by Irwin of Sharon on a Colt which b4 A 11 A to oclock Mr the aJ but pithy speech Us u of ihe oppoitomty to ha to a Urge of to of vital ituportttiec to their main aiilcjtj develop br 9 well as of sbsbistutdelajcaDM the of rLHa from of the sod in coatrojs Ibblira It is a receipts from of Out car and it so like North York to ha work of with no roll soil as this York sad it is iw our famine woke to up of a Ha was gM to sach a and in to tba InttitnU raore at ho proposed boeligJbla for lie dor going oat and home Its to them fcfihonjitbuitiy of ally of gtv one where the hid gttsl results sod by introducing who that this was fifth la work but for Grit time dhcclloa of of Agrtcollnrr ho hid tho workuigi of the He thought probably it was lbs Wat criticised In seres of which e from Ike vuiety of soils it Is to for Which it The ioto sod it four outside part They nloo breed of utile sod did of loopierthititadenUrin By tod eppentibip s to their own way are Ire Toil loiUe theto are fi Natural Selene and Political Economy matlM and The net to spapilii from to by County Councils to 10 remits of iho wore fden by the now by firmer and the ihotalirgo of of lh come the Uteia was wired Mr Ml an pupil of Ontario Ag College the an able and Tba Istlta to electricity dif ovy the attriclloo of a and precautions gintt lot etc which was Dr Geo Mi jocose got off a few yams for pet Jolty Old which wis heartily applauded Mr then a on to oat of the ordinary Hoe deiliog wllb praelleal life Mr Frank York of giro old and portraying In luguige the advantage of farming St with Mr Henry la of text upon for a song by way of J Kq being introduced by the chairman by Prof the did oot expect to mike money by having of cattle and add no do expect to make oat of oar public high we see their practical advantage and the same light lb Ontario College to Agricultural was glad to not to the formation CUV nd coaaldttod a step Is abroad whore Teach and organfie for and why should be be hind I Ha wax gratified so so sad was confident that practical be tbs molt As tbrlr bodellghled to which to the prosperity of Mr J A Principal of High boion called for a eopplementedU by a few He was delighted at and be- atreogtb being goldrd by lotelU gene With Improvements fa machinery there moth llm for which mors in a to and apeak for He tbta Tb Rot and mads a nUtlvs to organ- and xpiaiiflg at the pro alrtady mad at 050 Mr was called to wad a the RoUtloo which there occupied of Proceeding at block In lb hair Hew sad P to report on return new member sod Awarded tfat offered by It who reported thai las of had been won by If Roe price by Mr It Phillips and 3rd j Mr The of In now In Prof tat bit It was full of aud ihi Impaited wo highly A paper on by Mr Secretaiy of Vork Society followed Id the picfisjallorkof for fciud of etc waa Much with hi paper A was then with the Model Farm to Cut It to diKUi with Faroiera in brought by the during the delivered ltturci Aoolhee KKlulioo Prof tlreeuiiUj sod Mr Nickel their lecture he and alio to Mr with equrat It to the preii for for the which of his to BALLOTS A6tID T a A at Sow Years morning Cost Rica has been severely shaken by earthquake hock fcSw The floods the south of erase caused l- The mnndation of the Mont real palace was laid last week Brampton High School has raised the quarterly tuition fee to K The Act has been re- petled in Essex Centre by a majority ten- By on explosion in the Oiler colliery in persona killed Oft e Hie Mr Lb nip ilh v leant if -11- Sir ink io rf on Chjuimio id lime vxhtil in d In IikJc lli w nil of irorfik Vry no yam erf tew a till JAriiJ duo ly Mr Mr Atn Kopx the A a Touch for Id CMr fttfin of tflftcttiiooift of lie vr Mr J P AkM hi ftrongh Ibe the entire 3i lottjotl3 Tbar ItfsjQ Mr J rti Him Vv At Mr dffiinp fillti ycufp ftrn ftrttii ft act of for tl to DlxMttfretffirJ 1l Spimabill when Mr While re Mr A in Ifl ftUAd the IbemieUeiln ibi light A lantilry fta ftnawry wToikitc i ai a 1 out of who wrote for at High School have debt decreased nearly during A named ha at Owen for William Wilcox 8 for ft Army rvic ti At Mr Itracj faful several broken by t thrown it per sona been loab in and to dealt in Ihe putt Snow heavily in Southern bound fiuowd under A great deal of the holly used ihia came Columbia from So to conic litixt aiMion of Lb not including for divorce Association in have for building bids fair to be on the continent fiaiiUins laitmrt What Is Your Boy Worth to First Ho is worth sign the total Second Ho is of value to be sent to a of Hoik meeting to be instructed us to the of upon human system Third Ho is of sufficient impor for you to where he apenda bit and who elates are Fourth He is of more value than many household and is en titled to mote of your and at tention Fifth To nothing of the value of your boys character he baa cost you for food raiment and education more than the average saloon- keeper for his license Sixth As the tree It wilt be of importance you whether your boy is a valuable- or a to you and neighborhood in which you reside If he turns out good ho will bo worth his weight in gold if other wise better ho had never been born Seventh Being immortal ho is worth ft Lifes vork to prepare him for a happy hereafter Whit Is your boy worth Tell me lite value of his Ill naaio the price of to too much to ask the fathers of America to at least set enough on boys to yearly drop Into the ballot box a Blip of paper that will the of this journal we demand the prohibi tion of- the traiBa answer Committee have visited inspected several sites for the County Ioor House 1883 were accidents iu and about the Pa districts Of fatal making and orphans Severalhomicides and minor casualties occurred in New York in the early hours of morning the work roughs who celebrating the advent of New Year t ihe tea and lecture In con- motion with anniversary services of the Methodist church which were held on evening of Xcw Year day were en entire sue- cess id every respect aV very rich silver strike has in the Badger mine back of Fort Arthur The company bos opened eight inch vein of silver ore assaying to it about half pure silver Social hall was a grand the players acquitting fiilvii in their usual good style receiving the hearty applause of lliu Urge in attendance One of the horses of tho stage stumbled the other day and struck one foot in a way that the end solidly that the animal had to shot Amy Young the who set fire to the house her employer Mr for spite but whom acquitted although had admitted fact las to Mercer for two years for stealing from Mr About fivo oclock Saturday evening Alfred aged was playing with some boys around a building which being erected op posite father residence in Hank Youny ns on a ladder up a consider when he hi hold an Iw ground his peck and dying in a few moments The trade bar he- an important feature in Canada So business house could of old sheet glass windows Not only tho of vastly improved but good dis play in windows are more when plate glass is used and Son Toronto supply by for largest in Canada On market day Mr discovered the buffalo robe which was stolen from buggy oh night of social Dec adorning William Information wo laid and an examination held before Saunders and Johnson J when the prisoner wis committed for trial and left in charge of James OBrien for the County Jail It Is cause fr regret that there is not more honor among bus- In the race for custom some would an article a trifle under cost than to make five It this cut throat business waa stopped merchant sufferi andno one thanks him for his generosity Trade Is terribly demoralized of late years and it merchants para fault if price were kept up to what call- living it would bo tor and an honest man would stand some chance

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