Newmarket Era, 11 Jan 1889, p. 2

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a V NEWMARKET ERA JAN 1 Now Taking ft J Mantle ft Sweeping Redaction J Great Buffalo Robe John Cow Astray Walter Gard James Stoke Good Mare A Simpson Life Assurance 1L J American Mtjuq Co Farmers Advocate Home i Bra OP ISO WITH MOB FRIDAY JAN 189 Despatch Toronto A sHffrrJM fmtar of an id lis Major provided by Mr A and of on wii Hon Mr- tec of Can relarccd Dr Vacnili0 Wood Wilkin wo m uolclpil W off quiet of Lb old armoDfiht id lb lau of ihe iMultlaUiri of Lht Bulk tjai rrJecJ IO and rain wi of mod Important A ff In of RJnjt of It ppj ttut Hat of Act by the Mittob lxuUtQre Winnipeg on of till could not bo don He city attempted to colIctJon by a when Uh for to tie corprtiOQ from which n testing of corporation to per Decision given on week in of According to the reported the Court held thftt tho local Act under which it proposed to collect North America Act ultra Now arises another important question through Id Ontario under authority of an Act of tho Provincial Legislature a of ten per cent ii annually made on all uncollected and collected through forced land in counties towns and Ii this Act alio ultra the A Act to Ontario concerned If land titles acquired through tax purchases may turn out worthies and much confusion be result As our municipal author ities possessed and exercised this power before A- Act became law here possibly it may not affect Ontario in the way it operate in Manitoba The AttoraeGeneral would ease the minds of those work ing our municipal institutions by offer ing an opinion on the subject I Ij Ik Editor wax am to CaMada wUn lb In Cod ftrw la sppran lht It eonJUJ of thai it Turn of of QubraUtfpcPTtfd aj In a Jaillcs baa of What is Doug riaaosriL OBAFHZD lott MPP for Montr snttUiobtrr of In lbs ltlon cot fined for Mttu election Hi sod he m fined a of of Ontario tba York Toronto wy fiih fith ud Thf for two sdi I lbs of homo York AoaU bo it thit P for is to proceed to America u flihery We very W4a that we do Dot ny lbs uiitiog Senile in next Mirth will a chiJDga aid not then do look for a Hon Mr on Annex ation At the Board of dinner in Toronto last week a number were mads from the fore most men in leaden in political vai commercial and daring the ipeech de livered by Premier he took occasion to to the present of Dominion and to some of the questions agitated by favorable to constitutional changes- This part of his hid a patriotic which elicited rounds of applause Speaking of the fatlwrlandfco We all rejoice that we are British subjects subjects of realm all rejoice that Canada is pert of that nation- Ho referred to of the Fatherland its glory and civili zation its great men its patriots its statesmen its soldiery philan thropists poets and and these all belong to us because we are the same people He next alluded to ourcooatitutioD as the best that at that time we could and he agreed with Sir John A Mac- doirild that on the whole and account our own power of im proving it it is the best any country ever had agreed with the Premier of Canada that on the whole it is a better constitution than United States have Then turning to question as to future of this Dominion bo said Home think that the constitution as it is may be a permanent one that be permanently as we arc Others think our position cannot bo the same that there bo change that with five millions of people in this vast territory there be a change lion gen tleman then alluded to some of changes politicians had suggested and as it will give our more correct idea of opinions he enter tains we will give an extract from Ms rather than an epitome He said Home look fat tin no wine for with riutA I am and am glad that tier count febJivU Mbef nation iu For be Prcmhrnt Ontario York It I hat still public bunofa dot lVeiMDt Urns I iU with all lor turn It tot to renKt ihs sod nave ib1ig One Municipal Elections There and but En Wan for Councillors a lo billets were as follow St fl St Andrews fl The great Carats si sttracUog from sH of is a with for on a rata of rarpaMlog Tha Bute Got- einorSj afidth Anric4UwU Monti Star that will astonish ffrM great tothe life in id IS illjoriljr 3 for St Jamil Bury ISO Chute Sjk The Cboocil of Win fane Major JaeksoD Ciof Blfrj I Robert J J a Sjkta ud J Mayer ftoudl aod Vot Jraei McCloie 39 D Wilioaftbbj j- J Lib Wax Geo Wilton Elected Item V J Hitching A and JtlOlTFrlUV J SiViptcff A ad Flint jr StoltalOl ad Rttw StoVw let J Pau 2nd A Campbell 3rd Dtp J Councillor A Aim- at for a of Tata km oiled be from lowing fiare Par 30 135 JlailaaD12l 5120 Per For lliiott 35 120 W HI 7 if gtnlltmta Biker lit lyuty A ami J of Dominion Tefflperanre will bold its Id of f who proposo and who will so of oar To- to od to Spnce before the Hoqjci wilt bo who comply with A tea will be ptea at on iatl to thus who go from any point Ibe city reform is cordially to be Out in ill Street of the know of for children from to tea years of agr for the try it this year You will will delight the sad them Id thepariaitof learolog It updat ed from type on fios From the it folly in the highest degree to the as well Hand sod lit tls It v rations hog been educations of most BO a year a rial of 3 for i cents uoWnoiio vhlcli I would it LaUOai ttUyrhcarJ aero Hut who to sol mo know bat Iba wb4outJjtu in Hear JMr J Dot wo lUta tat that tot to li tblu Cm a artjUJ aTj any tin- mq autMirllttb rfwllug lVf WWtfff ought lobe la- wblcb I In ate unluo of a e t lo lb- ftp Ibat jmttWoa I Iim 1 1 j can J pffMittrl bay of Wilt a or lCbtrj- sufftf to Of alt iiiq giro of it- of Jy l pre tablet of 3 WW1 An 2 38 K 16 79 79109 JCuvtcou 23 37 24 120 J A fi i 45 A the Committee of Aawcit6D wai held Id the House Toronto Friday to for a winter of sssotuttoo wart of Guardian sod there were B- J J sod Torooto Roy la J Fort Hoif IL It was decided to bold a Toronto Friday will bo at a p It Is will be will following local and for- by p Jiarr aa3 by Boy V How to meet the of some by A How to JmI wllb by by If P Moot office by J P Tort Fope law of llbtt by Jobo -A- lld mttbodt of by Dr speaker will be allows to Alter will a Ktorl as It to Introduce the drawer The womt of thsj bate plscM at the of lbs for msiIoq More Life Anticipated- 3 10 43 110 I iho matter of the lou Toronto jury returned lUn following venljct on da of November In city of Toronto and with aforethought killed and murdered and that afore- felonious killing the rcfealt of a certain abortion procured on her at the of one John O Wood a dniggUt of city fore- and that tho jurors aforeaald upon their do further that John Wood John Valen tine and Albert Edward before or at the felony and murder were in form were thereto The prisoner bo tried at the next criminal which open on the before Mr t3 48 VsuKorioau fll ffultttf That Scott sod The battle Is fought a very spirited It was a a Rau It Z Henry Park 5 Taylor Jas Park and Taylor CooaelU6rsIw Mb your local an comment election loSClDytirsloc to J a before fcecajidlJf to took a for bi lt I and hit with sod was for year lbs fellow I A Krxo Miss Loots oft a tint with her toother of Band Is oat of Is Hailing with this weak Is In and ox Mr and Ha wars Saadi of or Him Stokes of Midland ffsa to list aid Meads fc A iUrInl of Mr from Toroot was on week Mr and Mrs with and Mm of RudL Heeler tfoilenof St wssbert on a with A At waa at lha pi IT How ard a few Prank this week of Ufa Han agar the Bank a of on and Mrs Oliver left for a a Cola Parniho La Town this week fed enjoying- meeting If of a call on Ho Ms of and on He way Mr been Saprrinteodeot of Sunday School owing to lit at workl in Ths lime auutsnt operator of iu along iiJr Fort and has beat for old and of in the of Geo HtifttW of hi MoitvlsWi Mr A I New- aQ Tnelaj Jac tb of of J was at iln it being of All lbs of lbs and slew friends present Mia l Mrs Toronto of ol tog Mend la Ibis with all tho other members of Mr of snd celebrated Years Day at Pine Orchard Acoopleof wMboo Ue Mil laid a off wiib s of thief draw with it- to atab captor bat in ho week the attempted to 3 la Ktoeton so accomplice to Id lbs Central on Into slot Toronto and cash boa 9310 As ha by tha back way be Andrew brother of Mr J of this through to two grappled n When lbs ftsw soother lbs Utile y brothers be dropped Ottawa Prat death of Mr which Sonlay night at on will earned deep de ceased gtntlemsnwaa a sod came to tba city ego aod a piano organ for Mason and Afterwardi ha opened a Dink where by his genial dinner he 00n worked up a big A few weeks ago ha was down by typhoid aod under Dr Coo- was wbsnpeiforstton set la nod of bo away leatfag child who will bays sympathy In this be hour of Ottawa CitlttH of iba lets Mr W J tamely attended reoof the to nniybsfof wet at their ball in Id the order Shod weattoR a ecaif and a booed with black en pa adrswu loourolog of th and of lbs wt- of office Jrecaooy of the A aod of of a of feet that thts Got death bad occurred Id Order etnea Its about yesra the brethren of the thriftily lodge felt Jollified In their duty and decided of the fouerat delrty lbs anonJd QtMnrrUta will Circle I torn- to boy Town lota apply to A- Hi can afford to Valley the wars pretty weld Itgbtd Now Yeas- by Art bare- It teamed to general opinion of crowd bad gathered pe ram who going st la tho the firt mors thin did the of fi Landing via ijtpmDt IVoi filtltTaU xroaeajxlbeiotfadby adt- In or Masting of lha nTT well an At marine hall owded weak by Hours Rat at a roan- oat from tiatnutoo Their Terr coo Me as a sod Is really addr of hardest aaaloataadanoratillc KuDatUod Vary fair they Ytouilj adTtrttsed their ooftioarDo tat They wilt TtoyJ of of expert i of lite Mat to bold f w yssra rtttnsd on flttanl y halo hearty for all rage In topper Mr Jca beta o Monday low AJrollaga 1 The annual mealing of of school la this section le and too and j now board of new school will bo for school oft Jan It to that well A hop was In town Tears being op of ont ties aro at work that rail com to close tip and and aidahonld Ibis wo will then boras master A foot for pnr- of name of aHber tton or often tailed by station called after a alias away THE a axclUtfwotoertbaele Ihan alonfttena- the enow bains o- fun to which near known as Sowars Mill A rtilWrsndiad of and New faintly Cook was who much CKUt for Interest ha hi Id will fool touch all that his In- with JQa- llona sod was why ha Han Ms- of to Tmperanoo on Friday UraWm- ana who by bad a autobe and somewhat from Uphold of ill Mr and of New White Poitar has to btts hi will irt heller to Walton riands this weak Mr from of for School sutohsV aiKp stiUo talk of star Of lb lodfodent Order of last for tha lo join Mr Joe ftf his to old for BitSic of a vary Mr ejnlpatby of friends In Mrs J left her brother who from a Mr Bast of Toronto Is boms on a Is eiXodtotf his brother Leonid In A llemllloo Is her Mre Darling at Weston Geo Webb baa gone to to home AT HALF PRICE nod faced omwbat for municipal and are Ar US J and John Itlsthlawk oar to of Mr John Morton trWch Terrible Cyclone- Pa Shu was the night in the of A upon city in consequence of the most horrible disaster ever A hundred householders in mourning the of one of in A swept over the northern section of city laid waste within on New Years in lha tVii tr it Iflthyeofbiiaft low Uvea that have wlallm of that ftQd that fatal diabetes or a yea or l lie e1iuttd bravely aSalott fold sod oolyssfsiawlHo almost of funeral took on wit swa InthtiTlclDlly fur a ovar fits vanjconduotM by liar UrShouttsof Taxontcx largo at bars stives and will no afford them to mo consolation lb tad family Naif her on nor school Wo her Uth toil eatpo s to home of frank Quito ara Lttca In Ibis vtelolty act- Mr of Dakota At Keawtck aspect a good Uma next Monday ova BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT GREAT BARGAINS COLORED DINNER SETS COLORED COMBINATION SETS COLORED TEA SETS Mutt be od to char out Iho department of TENDERiWANTED CORDS WOOD will op to Aalar4ayJBB COR OP KEEN HEMLOCK 1 Jh llc1 l PINE HILL MILLS EAaTOWILLIMBURT Ill It total 42lR fll It Who Huns the Cemetery Mb all at ato ottbo opinion la other bnJ bat lotonotr Jo a m- not taut of IHroctora lb ntuliif year will lib aoortaof bk null of to of tract Wit All ml tooy a iacaiitag Ltrr ujiouitofipoMa4 TUT J- UopUi tout Of a fiWDjudoU Ibviaa Two rock Ih Fall 1 Friday for oclock a JUtftut a dastardly dynamite perpetrated fieod with the Albert 3oha and Michael olneyearotd a to piece bad hit left leg torn from body A body of took and lynched Mm by Dec- Tbo the Old Colony at her dock hero morning and la a total Some atUl on board did not the moaning of firat alarm and wore only arouaed by cracking of the near by All luccoeded in but with only a portion of their clothing and by crawling the railing near to burning timber One man with two little children a boy and girl who occupied a awakened by the aoond of flame near by and J The on of a grand twoil laVlUi know how lo it to TV Jrcw Kqot1 of m to of ldy voat rl lot nd HI 0 to or It iritd itrt fint of two ox wii fcot ter On If loittd of A how of ncliwJ All JoDg pUcd iKriti l oo u lb ill At fit brought Jo fcft of inoi uO Dot J old Mid upon Ibtlr tod all th blm In ibi lffll wbeu from throat was wttb tboiium ore Whilcborcb baa 4 to bo yott will roofer a by tho poem fcwoy Iq iba you bodooaaod a bad Jq bom LoiOl proclaim you teTiloft Iut bM have can only bo mated only reliable computation to that nob have killed of hit struck a portion of the roof was cut off as if With a pair of A mill in winch blew down jusb hour or quilling work About the thoro an firoin by eight men burned to death Every tiling Out it barm farm and destruc tion spread direction storm down a Pa Seventeen men taken from dead injured and atitl main buried in the phoophate from Canada year wer fifth of tout postal revnaoof the A story of oufforiog destitution Norwegian Dakota is reported A aklrtnbH took at Monday and after a short fight robe retired with four men wounded f Two car bound for left Van couver ft fow days ago The value of tho cargo it Weal York a resolution A We- ton In favor of calling to At a roan fined and cot for dog arid alao ordered to pay to owner oil of tbe at caught flroTuea- day and an explosion serious to Ono of ha his leader and a at Khartoum whoriMiO well treated g9 hat an order money orders and savings bank business will be transacted on all holidays until am A murder occurred Id 8t Newfoundland where two boys twite red a mans house and killed him mutilating his body ft It H the city of Jaws In 1880 there vera not mora than Jews there now there are mora than into now lo do Snow has fallen in Michigan to a considerable depth- On Monday Peter Kirby son of Kirby of Whit church a young raau of about twenty years suddenly called away- He was in fair health Saturday last when bo Attacked with bat dread disease and lived till Monday- second ion Mr within a year this Tribune On Saturday night a oil larap in Aurora exploded and oil over tho floor and took and for a looked if there would bo a aerioua6rec But the night operator Joe in until a largo portion of the floor burned Mack alarm given and flro alarm but extinguished brigade got Congregational Church 1Mb IMS tne at J tad It- All A LOVE CARD OF THANKS to tkt the AND lo odti for Notice a wbott- li ibe iGlreii of ih- aUorrt luc of ft rtaat KlQ JiDQiry AQR1GULI URL- SOCIETY it Annual Of ibeaboTaHxifl NEWMARKETCEMETERY CO Co will fc ib COUNCIL Monday JnnuAry a irt at on lb A re- A- Imjrtiue Will up ay Order AAd is that o pod with hi little ones with on atrmxapfroM door lt0WAhlU4nw friH par flow of the 1 oa to wul am ll will at UM kovI All para fold- fc niaytarltf fcft lo tba too Of portal lorv la i Thomas Young and of Windsor hotel at Campbell ford left town and areauppoeed to Young left a bahlnd Jan- bat factory IloxOOry jr burned today and ho forty employe hid a narrow coat and afiocU ir to aad machinery V Off lit liL P Brown Mr ULm ai tit by Mr Jobn of vndof to of asd BO ytAit 11 and a J all rtcilvo aad Our Newmarket Markets Floor WO a Kail par TO a wheat do donas do llAllay do Op a St do a 03 S two do woo a soon par pound OS a 10 a tuuMprff a I a ltMdlrtgpfrowt a a aw a UbldtMsi a UtaaperlKV a ObS la to Veto ftSbeitisemeois GOOD MARE ond7yMoVJ RoMfp tMllsrUrtttsooV apply to SUIT LIFE an ABSOLUTELY Unconditional Policy of Unit Liberal over Income over Pa A3 Aftat More ever IMliUCKybNTM CLUB a Cbrlsl be for It- a A i lillf f it- EiACKW fccT-IiW- MORTGAGE SALE FARM ileal or tfiiNuin fort try old or Daily DDODa filurwtrt for J vlry rpaarlothIMb d WUi a for for wanted liberal Sample JOHN SON b will bo Mid OP J jff of rfvprtjr itialrMtiip of of York moJ cine nAitu ftusti4H of culu nop filing Alld a of jffUlW POSTS FOR ami UullJIog for I dollar VALUABLE FARM IS EAlTdWILUaJlfBY FOR SALE wrUaqQtckatMadi KIMNKY iUfri iicLGQmfii tor ROBE night- by aod ASTRAY upon Lot iba broaaW property ill nl POSTS futile AttClnol Hewitts Hotel of February I II oclock a ay JieWl2 ILo w baweal bo oi awouuics about Co will In real oU- b aiuoroalraduikai in ih WW more cured by toe in r tStareal If M I Uittd JsiLtiirj Fall Boots Shoes MOotfomcriL MENS KIP BOOTS tokUvajlnitoot AlJifwOloo0riMUii DAVID fur taking toiw Coot rlAeWlao -w-a- la for i

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