A M Friday Morning LYMAN JACKSON TCI of as SUBSCRIBERS GIVE MS LlBRHXy TO OX PEBBLY ACCORDING ALL OTHBR ONTARIO BANK I IW si NORTH YOKE INTBkWBNCER AND ADVERTISER VOL XXXYHINO Single Copies Cents Each Friday Jan Ternis- Gash- within ftpsor at end of year Newmarket Branch on Deposit at as DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL IB 10 l INSURANCES REAL ESTATE AGENCY Money to Loan FIRST GLASS cants DOMINION EMERSON tar oat CO Wt write tor I ROE Real Batata ft Insurance Main J Ac cafit7 J DALDW1X a ATI A di I Clin T of A op- A FUR Xatavy nolle TO AT 6 tNiaTSch toil toiti WHAT ON IK A AND DOMINION ORGANS J on a the Organs- ro liirMJUj For oar city we fipgciAl t for or Paper in Pronto our i fc Welcome for you Write wy two for Frit InttrumtoU exchange J S CO No King Si Was y rift Ibt HILTON Alt LAW UWIJR5 Georgetown ml TO ailaj J- A1D giKKIirKtW AC Toronto HI ry WAX ON At Old lliU ISO A of OuUtlo Vtlextnar to All DQUMllelrd J to P t- Notice ml to bo rrclT j A WELL SELECTED STOCK Of Toilet nd Fancy Article Case Department only with the purest drag etc and great care given to the compounding of PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY RECEIPTS OPEN FOR DISPENSING P J pHtKlVJASH for me- loacewlllbprompllAtttoddto J THE ST Hoc to 10- and Anfwii Mi J 44i eiCK-inrAin- JcfdMpin Id luirtielQAiveUloibobuntioflQiurBC or it wurajjc K W W TO LOAN and P a- THE BELL AND ORGANS NEW- WILLIAMS And STANDARD Sewing Machines Mouth Violin Every of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Large Stock of aiuexo JOHNSON Clin for io vet prMDt Dnt to follow will for Loan tod joaux dm upon heir lo AdTuti How to Mail The idea Mutt li lw u it to ft IqJJ- to ot kbit might if Utile Joabt for to uratQa tot Low in According li In ug or firm tie tad good joIJ toil iht juiobur Jot nil An Act tfiioQ of irtUajot of tail into u protect pool up Kbw- of to tut to of of Mr of mil Put tbd re Over of J were tlo The ow lojgo will Com iuinlvra A took ftt Hotel t Of ft mioadr to lft tutor When Comes In TO UK Jrfltm Uncle ee To me ibU or be a Aiabd Such liberty ffwh woaf kJib and 1 fcbetoret end rale if COM oebDOt AAje fatr in mildew 1 A tiro I A la eo J tie fti like In li be Will be ftt ftji ft corn In la lbo tot And for at J a nil fur loo It bout 4uclt ft fuu wllh The la I Itcforca jour ballot end Qfi weih your lot Wv QrtvtAi Jon A Prosperous Marriage Br J C ROBERTSONS HARDWARE STORE NEWMARKET Slock Constantly Kepi Assorted Plate Goods end ftpd iiKtanil vim Knlr rlMAri A a ft t I Vox LIFE CAPITAL iiWt I rtv x cut AWs scoops hand AXES Paints Oils Varnish Glass Brushes note of till For we tie our St IVrif h end end with end Family with preminiD4 wilb end Toroulo Daily IVcWJ it NigAt it ah j en J Evtntng eod f0 fell Order of io ftppolnLuuDti flO Wtlta J 1r9 AIAJ DRY COxiD WOOD THE ROBINSON WOOL MAT WORKS NEWMARKET IS MWlf J- A Leading MAIS LIFE SPECIMENS riPKHtLflV AUK f I H Work SUN LIFE CO I BEAVER Roller Mills ON THE ENTIRE COCHRANE SYSTEM Fully Years Aheadof all other Roller Mills TIIE BEST- 23 Bluli 3104 Church Hill Ml All- sm Kbg 4 ui 17 ilS 80 IMbl VKllli 10 IMS Sutton If IhULindiug 14 45 3180 5 It fcitr J ftD ABSOLUTELY Policy run of POLICIES Ih Ml JWfO over Aft I frJiitv ape OOO fvitl irur a F F lints Teat mtfs of all Modi taodi Gristing Chopping ud to DENNE Paid Tor WEWMARKET AVKNUK PILLS constipatioh ARI MILDTHOMOVftM ahp iuo Aval Of WSr for Infante and Children v I A Story from A of a core now exciting ihfi good of a tin all village on the lit County of Hal- too of the cure accord ing to Worlds informant is Moore yearold ion of a wealthy fanner of the he was years old up uiomiog a to sucti an extent that ho could get Around with difficulty with the aid of a crutch be was with s violent fit of sickness Tho doctor in attend- ante ordered the the head was operation as in addition to being paralyzed the boys was so sen sitive that contact with swnllest object bim shriek pain for two weeks between life and death and at tho expiration of that period fell into a trance For until sat Wednesday no nourishment his lip lie lay with mouth partly open and his ayes half closed voice any sign of life At Intervals a rag satu rated with diluted borax was to his On Wednesday morning bis father was sitting at the foot of bed and noticed change pass over the face of boy next moment Bertie raised up In bed and asked his had been asleep father renlieJ that It soma lirqo am all right now continued and am going to get up He on befog dressed and after partaking of some walked about room sound in wind and bead which before could not o was also cured The story of young Moores recovery baa excited the whole tryside d people ire thronging to Whan to In c ieo r Ethel go homo with said Mr- A change will do and I shall bo glad of Beside wo are going to bo gay this winter and she will have a chance to go into that bo to was born My word for in wilh beauty and she Rets a good hus band before the in over which will bo a very much happier toiling as on underpaid worked My beauty I into our old fashioned parlor mirror and smiled at what I saw creamy pals with vivid crimson lips and a wealth of auburn A tall slight figure graceful in aptto of shabby black dress J met Mrs fields ay 5 withdrew my own from glass and aba nodded ex Yea aud think of the would- make I assure you Florence this to ray mother neither of my girls were half so and what tablishmpnts fAy secured And had fortunes one had large a us I seven to educate and provide for it to much to live in good style that portion to each all wo could givethem that it was object at all to men they married who would have just readily with out a cent And your family ia in every way Let ma Ethel for winter my dwr and Ill if she follows my advice lo married I slipped my hand into hers And Mr said In half I iIoul think I could marry without low She merrily Tot tut said she School girl Dont you suppose that Annie and am happy enough Dont you think love Her two daughters I hesitated a I think them well enough I Thats not what I mean When I marry 1 want to my husband belter than my She looked at mo shrewdly with her eyes Do you Jovo any now I No indeed I never overt fan cied myself in love with I heart whole and fancy free But all same I I kind girl that could so ilia Tell now Do anything In Mr to mo with a passionate love If my depended on I couldnt help laughing Dear jolly old Mr j fat over I Oh no no t I cried And mother mo Mr noddf merrily away Grand papa wa a fifty years ago your mother retooiubors and I was in lore with him I bad a pretty fortuno of my own but Geo not rich enough to suit my faro so they Ab well I promise you J took on and fretted myself sick and pale and made all my folks so unhappy and in the end they wero glad to let Die marry Mm And it seem nonsohcti iod alio laughed all the necessary and mare a hero of him fast enough And with this somewhat cynical speech lho old lady and pinch ing my cheek and Using it us goodbye I talked over gen erous offer father had died two year colore us unprovided for Wo had ado home with Uncle John Hartley mothers brother but he was poor too I could not bo always a on him and so it had been that should bo governess But Mrs invitation altered our plans Lot bar It said John IA happy marriage is the beat of destinies for woman and who knows but good lock may come to ben You have got a tine pair of or Ethel that is a foot And me a pinch this time it my ear that Aa ho me a hundred dollars to renovate wardrobe and prepare for my visit however did pot com plain and two week later I was in New York a guest of and old especial kind she was to me I My deaf mother in her prosperous days was not more or indul gent She seemed fond of me proud of mo anxious for my welfare by which to be understood my proa- marriage which herself wa to arrange And when you are rich Mr or would say with a fine house and and a carriage perhaps who knows with your dear mother own living happily once more coming to visit you and reflect ing lbatI was your fairy grand mother there bo a prouder wo man living my dear than myself was proud enough already- I suppose pride chief fault of character in which at the time I could tee no faults at had been ambitious for her own daugh ters and now ambitious for her spun in way Of sons three ioiddlo- men and long since more or let 11 prosperously of the remaining two George tho youngest was studying for the and Robert a young man of for some reason bis mother favorite child a physician waiting as many a man equally good and gifted baa done- before him waiting for pa tients and practice Fortunately he did not depend on either for daily bread Ho lived helped him in many She told me confidentially that Robert like all had bis por tion and there would bo no more for him till his parents died but plana for him to those she designed for He very and talented and winning oxtrcraely lovable and good and the fully to rich heiress who should fall in with him and whore fortune should the foundation on which ho might build up wealth and fame Thus the good old lady had pre pared or at designed the tamp panacea to cure evil of we end Alas I we had acquainted many weeks we had utterly reined her moat plana by falling desperately in lovo with each other It ingratitude in would have real if I could possibly have It what I do I didnt to love Robert I loved him I knew it in flplli of myself And a serlnus earnest pas sion with ma loved him as bad Wa I love bettor my Life Without Robert what would bo to mo A miserable burden at prosperous marriage too rich indulgent no longer of only but offered now for my acceptance what were worth to mat I turnpil away with shuddering horror when beaming with delight pride conveyed to me Mr Goldmans proposal cant I I cried spreading my hand before my eye a if- to shut some hateful vision out cant marry my dear I should dm She waa the shrewdest of women She caught my arm and looked Into my face You another man I she Who Is it I have rather died than have told told for RolrtVsflke it for mo between him and Ma proud mother and perhaps drive him his et my droppid my eves Icjt she should read my secret there and at that mo ment wo both heard voice upon stair I didnt utter a word I started and thrilled and turned hot and cold in of myself but I didnt speak And there no she read the signs she knew our secret in an in Traitress l she bitterly and flung my arms away Ingratol you love my Then she threw open door- J come here Ho and tbsn commenced a stormy scene Mr- en treated commanded reproached de nounced both She wept raved stormed all in vain tow I loved folded his arm around me and almost dead gristing ito I Ethel he said gnitly and you loved my long ago Loot back I What I seech you to happiness of your is ssid that if you a do not re fas the was of girl who love j bliss son so of course you will jour bus- But she would not yield Bba de- band If your heart Is not that wo married anyone else before he come on have her curse and ordered mo from the tone ho a beautiful dream the man who will her sight saying that aend be in which faian dressed in get It There no me home whito robe told he to thing out of the common Tomorrow the I was wrong i wearily If you are to other why should I interfere Ooly dont marry until yon bet ter prospects Robert Ethel dont ray sen down to poverty So sodden a conversion was bewil dering I myself Involuntarily doubting if it be real and true I knew Mr with all generosity could stoop to from own ends But Robert never her fl her in hi arms and her handsome old face again and again bis awn darling mother Was it for me to come between them with a bare suipiolon Bo I held my and tried to be content and Robert premised all his mamma wished Wo were to be parted for one year Robert had bad a position offered him an uncle in San Francisco It we agreed that he should accept it and I should continue to live with Mrs So said so done and we parted Alas I my lore the misery of that one year I can scarcely tell how our est range- grew gradual it and so unaccountable o loving at first grew cold taw in num ber at last ceased altogether and his mother kinder than fiver to now to regard me with pity day she into my room with a newspaper in her her face very pale and grave Ethel said there thing in Ibis paper which you ought to know but Which I have not the heart to tell you I blush for own son Alas child I knew what nature was when I opposed your wishes Had you but followed my advice you might now bo Mrs And she laid down the paper and went took it up trembling like one in ague It contained a notice of Dr Robert marriage in Francisco For hour I suffered alone in that room worts the torments death My lore was false my heart broken Then I compelled myself to be calm and went to her I will marry Mr when ever you ohoose said if ho still wishes to have ma It appeared that ho did was too wretched to think about it At the time but afterwards how she had his hopes and counselled bun have patience I left everything to her to provided my trousseau get erouily She ordered a dress worthy of wealthy Mr Goldmens bride I submitted to all nothing at all for what they did with me- it that new paper had my warrant and all these preparations were mak ing for and the- grave My husband asked for protestations of affection he placed solitaire ring on my finger At lest this fair hand mine ha Bsid and I answered him never word And so the writ on And lost the mottling came was witness my marriage and doom mo to misery for Ufa Such my thought at least as awoke front an uneasy slumber stood It to dress said I Submitted with the dull apathy It wont bo for long I told my self I shant live long and I yielded myself to their hands as were putting on the bridal veil a servant oatno into room She waa a now girl The all confusion Theres a gentleman waiting in missus boudoir to the said she Mrs answered her Say that aha will come to him immediately said she Its man my dear promised bin sight of you in your wedding dress before you went to the church I obeyed in silence threw the door of the boudoir open wide led mo in There sho said triumphantly- There is your bride Is she not beautiful And placed me to face with Robert I Robert stern and pale He look ed from one to the other What doe this meant he de mandfd But ho got no further for a scream of horror lis mother Ml fainting at That was no time for explanations Her condition needed all our care Only when sho began to recover he turned to me took my hand have been and faithful to you Can you say samel he asked And I clung to him and thanked God for so much weeping on his breast Our letters had been tampered intercepted suppressed we never really knew by whom There was no need to ask Robert said Wo are happy after alb Let us and flho Is mother dearest was indeed our mother for we were married the day after bis return And Mr Goldman gave up hts claim with an excellent and me to retain bis diamond ting si a wedding gift Mori over ha be came one of my husbands best pa tient and recommended him to many other Altogether I dont know but what he had a good deal to do with making ours what even my motherinlaw allowed It to be it last a truly MY or liuli have appeared the on Lake Lumbermen in inches of snow to work on a Japanese student at Kingston Institute A colt belonging to Mr Nancy Webb of died a few days ago A 4yearold Bon of Mr J died week of black diphtheria According to tbo York had a deficienoy of I sit Lou six years old fell into a bin of boiling reain id a distillery at and was boiled to death A lady entered a prominent in night last week sod counted loafers at shop so the World says Mayor Thoaipsoa of has usual grant of from the Council because of the heavy expenditure of tbe past year John Rogers boy at escaped death last J of a mixture of nd which was left K A couple of ladies were up set in Aurora Ian weAk by ridgo the were severely bruised but no oii8 were broken mourns for sad death of Miss Annie Mr los Tuer The young My blooming into woman hood when she fell a victim to cruel destroyer A young man iamed was fooling it went killed bis lie dropped a car tridgo on the stove In his fright and another man was hurt Truth is always and needs nothing to help it out It is near ind aits upon our lips and ia ready to dropout wo are a ware where- as a lie troublesome set a mans invention Clio racfe and one lie- needs others to bach it up Falconer a nrtrchnht while from his one dark night last a in soute fltj was wainotruttand did ends Till- Plata trade ait in Canada howl could tin only of is viutly improved yood play in windows mora wj iftkisj Ale- And Son supply far An and sermon in of away from too easily And it is a to get into Every should it n point attend church n duty you owe in which you ruido to by your the church They a for gooil and should sustain Saturdays says the ion Trunk a leisurely way of seeing world Tim trains to ilh ycorsnry I ho ninety rain- spMt in tho miles enables o view scenery and acquire a legal in West York newspaper is It is in fcr man no hom His may do Indians But there can be no without n can bo no business without it There can be no gueral of without It Is light nod lifo of world It moves world in oil its enter- in all and all its majesty of wealth and power uod way either ftroJaMlft Hamilton says There was a merry plowing bee on farni of Mr William West township on Sfonday last Eleven of Mr Raspberrys neighbor turned out and not only- plowed but harrowed twelve acres of land There was not the remotest of frost in ground and- the field looted a nice when It as if had been accomplished In March or April This is good for tho January plowing all who took part were entertained at Mr Raspberry residence Careful save oven the small bits of soap have too little to use Melt pieces all together put in a small bit of Indian meal and a drees of ornery Let this harden in any shape desired on a- pattern or cut a cake cutter the re sult pleasing soap for toHtuso Other bits of soap be melted to water and vfaito the hot stir in until there is batter For a band soap Is when much dirt or stain of inkor to bo removed Tho common soap melted and with scouring sand an eat- celleot soap for and