NEWMARKET ERA JAN 1889 New Advertise Auction ronton Bros a Auctioneer J and liquor J Agency Atkinson up Business J Montgomery Wanted FA Sale fifty flheeHerbert TJPl WITH FRIDAY JAN 25 Our Toronto Despatch to Jan 30dmiifcoterd Tba Bon on Kin at lilt Alt of from UtdtiB Aurora M booked for tnt fore months Jury Expenses The Qlobc Saturday remarks Unit the County Council auditors complain that it to select each of the jurymen used op at the York Assizes Sessions and Courts in a year means that it costs annually to e- for the judicial York- The Globe add This doe expense bat any of the process of selecting might briog about opportunities for stuffing the this the fact Suppose the Sheriff and the Judges were not included in the board for selecting jurors This would effect a saing of per day or an average per year board would then consist of the Warden of the county the Mayor of the city of hePeace and Treasurer not much danger of these men going into the stanlng business the efficiency would not bo particularly affected and the work in much time Both the and Sheriffs other press ing duties which prevent their being able to give more than a couple of hour each day to the work and as a consequence the duties of the board extend over a longer period than would otherwise be the case were these officials not connected there with The newly elected MPP for Norte- York hag been warden of county and Is therefore in a position to from personal knowledge of what be about selecting juror in this conntyf We look to him to to bring this matter before the atten tion of the Local Government Hon Mr is an old municipal official and also has bad experience in regard to this work- Possibly an entire change in the manner of select ing jurors might devised which ring security or efficiency would be less expensive Indeed we have long thought that without det riment to any interests involved the selection made by County Se lectors could be with al together and the jurymen re quired annually for our courts selected according to the number on the several by the mayor or reeve assessor and of a city town village or township who now make first reliction They are much better qualified to do the work inasmuch as these latter officials from personal acquaintance would be in a position to judge more wisely than strangers with regard to general of the persons Under any cir cumstances we agree with Globe the existing system involving each to merely the men to act as jo oia is entirely expensive and calls for remedial legislation Before the present session if County Council closes it is more than pro action will 1 taken calling the attention of the Local Government to the necessity of change Cabinet Changes- Ij lis Editor- WHAT as MM of fox York and art w follows and Cane A CHUOtUM to Oxford will Marti agnatic are in United la the molt Tax atelfafi In now Ian wit rtnurfca the point tbi ban to who thill it the oat cold comfort for to look forward tot politic It It of tiij pat at BonMQ at It will bo of before they too for to to si la an trial now The nlomofUr S will bo at OrugcrlUa on an J bo Domic it will the be will addrtao ip form approaching The writ for a in Hal- baa the filing on of Jaocaij for oomo Lyon bit to and it always rrganltd An aaya ia tattd A ticca two Romu both of rodmed by a clergy man now by of tha who bat left her tlut not and an to tat id Tsrdry of th Toronto of has taken action with It baa fcoen decided that with to on which dating ia already thrta months remain and fonr on No dating on later than lat of April between of cod of next month to bo dated of following month It ii pretty that an Important baa tbo Canadian and Grand TrnnV Railway the re- all and ta offered for of for Northern Keo the orders for all freight for Manitoba taken up the to go via Northern a of harmony bctweeo two net debt in u to two and tbirty tod a repiraeQling an of ten millions of for ft of leM than fire debt tu Iwa Incurred for tie btueSfil to tho and a abiolately to its wellbeing mud our ligbtbcuieJ elCa which giro life and rigor to the trade and of all tbii our propeily attention to danger further comidert It to call a hilt- a riew of all facia and a rigid without re ducing efficiency become a public from mllM of urtrcd la Town on Friday to a tart tribute of rtexrt to lata Ulity ha of at John latter feebla to bis which many will faun with Mr- of at tf altwiM a of thin week He bo jut He- at and la golog Into boot lis with from North York are down on Grand North Bharba Beth Sidney John aj of after a long and on iccunt of con- tinned an J aq of Pina as ante Mr who decided to to vicinity banking from Mr Edward Tuber Director at Toronto which Perking who is now her education at creditably proriou to coming to 1 Mr aanguino hope to her future well for fcar here Mm SntherlanrL desiring of Loader of tbo Town Band Mr declined to accept and tboboya ban been exceedingly in eg tbe old and efficient Mr to take hold again Wo boys will continue to and not leader by and attondance at Ko milter bow proficient the leader no Bind or auctvd under iota of Mr as a Director of Newmarket Cemetery after Secretary ex Amplified at annual bo received rote billot of any of the gentlemen The company is to bo con inch an obliging who inch a deep interest in J J Poaraon of Trtuiuar for year alto a largo Dr VTl Cook formerly of market from Toledo Ohio a lot of here alxat annexation people here a hate a of Canada which la a great owing to acbool For example the Canada by Cold and few Newmarket Cemetery Meet ing- ixnaxfnxo or oat Ink Drops- Volume Mild weather Another In Sutton next bare Joined Society is Doing Mrs EsslsftlsjC to At a meeting of the Ontario Cabi net last week a change made in ptrtonntt lion Mr Pardee has retired ia consequence of continued Ithealth a circumstance Province will regret lion A Hardy takes Mr Pardees portfolio of Crown Lands and Hamilton becomes successor of Hon Mr Hardy Secretary years the member for Hamilton has taken a prominent part in of Ontario Legislature and was the Governments nominee for the chairmanship of the Private Bills Committee Cabinet la now composed aa follows A AM W of tjucuju AticuUuct lieu J lbo now fciecretary a gentleman of ability Ho Is popular on both sides of tho House and per sonally is reproach with a political record Of course in joining Government those who fault that Administration will hold responsible for their actions this is to be expected where politics play so important a part In the conduction of Provincial affairs whir constant struggle Is be ing waged between the outs and notwithstanding all w art among thoo who believe the sinister will be an efficient and f departmental and one who will give strength to the Cabinet With regard to Hon not only P targe will regret his continued serious tr Wo- Mr left for gala Mr Hooter of of WtVki Mr i coadocts at Home next retarded whir a ftt Mr bis ibtuksef bo for a of fine Spy Mrs her Mrs in week Mr John Tamer tod of were ftt Ur John this week WtllKt of their cootie Sir the tarda where on ftnd two is bow Mrs If Millard cd W Smith at Bond Head 8 CooTeotion Sun i Mr J of father of our wu In towa but The belt ftlteodedftod bio Putlea of by Mukhaio Sun t Os borne O ftcuf prigh- to In that baa a fot bit old bote Kelt ad of Kim wilt a of to On Monday artntag a alcbload do to if A lira in it How that onnl I say a deal this point bat it it o utterly abiurd ft Mem a of Wilkin St Cbnrcb choir a few ago by a tbit from a committed of congregation whom to bar be half of an filter tea fair taken entirely by jrpriae bot bertbankaiaa Few well chosen Mil bis a perfect tower to choir for and wall dent ted langibla mark of at Mr Alex Stewart of St from Scotland by Saturday afternoon very of health Wing from borne two He there was auficlent in between tod bat very teary foR raited nearly all the ha remained among the IHgbttodtra- to only golden on one the Jfcgth of to hit IctluJ wall green hut not think to any other country than On the return trip the ilea delayed on account of lad and there not many on that did not up with Old Neptune A cccuired at on at week at of the VUIiga Clerk If when united In to Mr in the of about Hill of by Iter StoultTiUe J a waa by her JibUa a tinliar rcn bridegroom by brother Mr of7oronto Log In a uila with It brown The to the bride exceedingly and costly the bridal ftrty left for the the Cornet put in ait appearance and tha company with a few of their Lett afterward marching to to patty off Hundred of tbe drenching rain wbtch falling At time filled the pUirtjui ted the train pulled out amid placing of the After the of the train tbe bind and a largo Dumber of the gueiti repaired to where a in far them which the In jolly The annual mwlitigrfiti took pHco at the Council d beat attended rer been bell Mr Allan Toted to the and be called the the report of years Mr gate an epU Cemetery frm it In- ceptron In Tbo fint of tore took In aiool room of lb CkQKh da Oct r the late J acting chairman and late Smith ballot ware Bogart elected war late Donald the J- liialD ha lata Smith ud J J Aiterwanl Selron made the fint Smith a and J- J aa Treasurer la Mr fihppanl wu elect and in the There were lot S3 of whom art and It remote from the an interred In cemetery the lets Alfred Com firtt loteinient ihrt SO inter a of There are lota and a balance of upon turn the Cemetery laid expended for cad rob i J q the which that werfiapeot permanent inch u grading the etc a Wane on of of which hare in- Both and the meeting proceeded to the election of or the when the following K were How ard Was- J A- Unfair J J oait Stephen G Lloyd and While tcrulinterr A Smith and wrecouoliog the bal lot the were further cuaecd Mr foe plying uid an abundance of water to all of the Cemetery by means of an tower wipdmUl Mr referred the Directors such taking water from floLb veil boring tide the the tower and wiudmill at coat of and a from Town at a coat of for pip and hydrant He spoke in re f to the imploring tin the Secretary he to prominent cemetery cow in Canada and one of them could eual or bad any thing like the complete which we bate Mr an ample aupply of water to keep ill the e4od Letter from Ot tawa in psftrtOD iOrajasllor potea oialii now rfWJDdaorOart4 or Lieut- entire party will the to from i a ib appear to fUofcwl Mr lUcbard Mr la at ex- P P pi aleo on a Ur3nrler friend An tbftt be bad announced withdrawal tjvta or PficiUrfE up ibo or type- will bom to ytr and la in Mr Van ibe will not aak or any fbdafiaioa farmer The Jloaia at St Monday j it- anew ilanhiai of the of New York died In November and of that he led and to amount of While on way to Uond Bond Head editor Bradford Witness and two ladle were from buggy brulie hot fortunately THE LEADING HOUSE Whitchurch Council A few night go a number of d idiot of bent into and with a rope tied arootw him ho man op and down an Ho not to Jan men walk ed furniture store of AvoDtie and him to bill When tuck out iog between to comply with the of ruffians struck id face grabbed The thieve escaped Den tier wulil blow NEW WALLPAPERS WITH BORDERTNGS TO MATCH that the time not far when out cemetery will excel jo lie beauty in the Mr bad many other bat ten other and ha proud of it Mayor thought It be to supply water the creek by meant of a He did not like to town till the tupply ally tested by announced old weltd J J Win Cane C Webb J A Howard and of Dr being referred to Secretary that matter will be promptly attended to under the authority of the Bowl of Health A rote of lb ink by Mr Geo Rose complimenting the late Board their replied to Mr chairman of the G round Com- in which he the of lotbolder in the excellent now held by the Newmarket CocjucM met on Uat to Ibo lion From J TrtNunrer to relfartsl of the wer finally Council of lit- From meat Of a ou bond on the of January ii9wiowa- am for wiro from Tlmofhy J Stewart Walker tnaJe rot itiaomcpotCoiitclor An into by Hi Jat in that Uay put acolveri flit in allow water and the Coun cil for writ re aheap killed by Oof Alfred damage billed By Jaaon IpsO Election and material prlnttnjr J5 ravel placed on Lice by Varoon Fred differ ent Road ordering to pay bill for placed on Line bill 10 lo of to each deputy the Municipal Election and to tot each bootti Adopllng tbo Cot parc Clck to the Clerk to to and i of List Appointing the and ft Coin- mutes and receive leudere cedar toa ByLaw appoint dock Van PaJaJcy Ae Clerk John and JobuUrahiiis of Health and to cooimeoco are Dually the Council on te 151 day of a Council Adjourned 1Mb day of at Council Congregational Church 3Ttb Service ducted by will probably Hera tore- live llbtoa ducted by All ttjAft OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Plain and Curtain in Brass Ebony Cherry Walnut and Oak with Brass Trimmings to match IN LACE AND DAMASK a i Kodoo tab too ro- IUq WuJ the Oak Horace K wnouVsIuoJoyJan Atsl- ail of Oak lerof it I A Man CotxBy Kid Clark too on Jan at Ma JOba Km I M to of Mr J of Em- John Cole Ou the by Her J A Murray Mr J A flnbdauybler of tbe lat John lbi4 by the IlYL of David MoCiura Klug She aii lasUtit si days KxciAt Holland audy On the Lemon inoiber of aed Wyra and loonttig S J lEWMAHKtl AH Will rftctvt careful and Our Newmarket Convention at Bond Head Pursuant to tb arrangement mad winter at the worker ofWctt would for the In connection with York a Contention on the nth and meeting evening In h Mr aMOod and oven log in Ian of led to their ly- rO Webb v Smith Secretary The It of Barrio gave on Why lack re Oh Mr nd Teacher and Mr- Albert The Teacher well by lb Convention introduced by A by the and Mr of Bradford ertoint meeting by Iter Smith on Training rue Secretary by Jolllffd anawertd of drawer attendacco waa lary and M war ti Convention will loth rowatahlp A luitlar Convention will Friday stbruaty North fc Town Council Jan a elect all aa follow Mayor Jackionj lien- Cbaas Joba and It Having W and loofc a alto a a Aodllorai a AtJnaon J feat wo reappointed A ballot en taken for the of tbardtandlogComimitaeei The to wood for and waur- work The Maor ad Mr the for Milaaaeoii placed the of Mayor for if poor Of Tbe tor allowed till neat maeUagr looooapUUVbKiU wmq Council elect yor lb of riorih fur year tact at and niUr the their at at tputyJUOV8l4p- Councillor- Acotiitoun1catioifroratlrandTmnV rat Jon Town Una report of for medicine for Young aJ hereinafter dealt were laid paid Henry pay election John Hani- Hamilton onehalf by from for of Terry adopted The from local paper for printing were and member of Ouabain John Collector- lWh day of Jdarob Holland Council Chamber Wat Jan at Court llcnwat Tbe all The election of ffA the firit Mr John Hereof nominated by Mr San- tier hy Mr lUveo Whitchurch Mr J Hear Mr Ruiell of trended Mr There being on other lot Mr Kith this He accord electe1 and the chair fior repreaentatitea frora King hoi having their could not Tote Warden felt highly honored in ut4 to fill in the IqH of made of York road and and that were aware lhat the merit boirrd out of the tbat Mr Ley Introduced a at the at- don of for that When the to be a It would come before them and alio would probably of ejartion the city of Tomhfo There people the county who war beginning to that union with thn city we too Tbo fadntltial Home whtch ui allowed that bad teen adnutttd during the year There and number of date of laat for the and receipt from tteajiirer week of each and wuld bo Improve- at Kill High year During the ytr the llnardcf reale aud female to Model School There were drill and at had teen aeut to the school Mr Ria nt principal hi that the did not want bare a ILeciIrei fill- urea ler a ballot had been I ifcio the Inn were elided tosatrik tandto com- andPijgtly l per CO a Kail per bushel CO a M Wheal do a Wheal do m do a do a do smss 1203 a too- a do WOOD Mill by Monday I860 CEDAR top ft l Is j i All to hoof ioc1 WOOD siCordaof bedy yoc4anstl feet long tendering to atato price for green dry wood epAnalely tenders be received for or Ihe By SAU9AQE ldbei is THIS SPACE BELONGS TO pan par tub Km per per pair- lb lb Ilia a a a sWa on a a OSS a a a CO S3 OX W TO or at Vatsoiis atbe Man m Atkinson WATCHMAKER JEWELER G and TICKET AGENT CANADIAN ALLAN DOMINION STATE LINE main ST Newmarket s4 TENDERS WANTED TOR- COEDS IN- WOOD- Our Toronto lSSd fall per a to w do do a SI lWir1eyperbtBhels a a U do a do ei 4isasss a OK per ton as If roll per pound do par per pair lb I luck per pair Turkey i i ftlSftft a a a a a ess a a a a OH a U ore a 0 lb J i goo ml i Kin I before 3d of will bo follow log HAINES Tenders Wanted fiobertiselijtiiis A Owner will prove Mir Orchard FOB SALE New BrickClad Church by lbeutnlaraljnKlupiQ Iba malarial arectlooof ftow Temtera be for Ibe work or ilifcia work Piatt at Geo JAB Id WIOTEB store FOR ISLAND WINES St very wine which principally or and strictly pure and free from spirits P J Main St North Our Store will bo found stocked with FRESH GOODS RECEIVED WEEKLY which are sold dole prices Fish of All Kinds for tho Season of Lent Canadian and Americau Oil always in P J OMALLSY- Main St aoberiisetoeijis All In rood for e at bao Apply to bar lb After killed at Ky by of a of Emperor U1 from of to Lata bi be and Taylor ioenM f6lwlnt Lib Jobfl or for Lock WW and u rnDiicO on extended Out aiioday Tabroary to ake kla Sifter A bono stepped on a alien electric light in New day and was killed on spot Three hundred house ware destroyed In Valley Asia Monday an Quebec and Maritime a fierce Mon day sl Mr mill at hurnod on Sunday j loss about 30 A firo broke out In the Imperial at on Jan statement for Gov ernment savings hank shows an in crease of oyer a Million iollara in the deposits for this past yeay At last week a hoy that hanging on a bad his thigh broken Injured and probably internal injuries a load of wood upsetting upon him AT- BRUNTON BROS BOOTS SH0E3 GIVING UP BU8INE83 STOCK MUST BE OUT By the lat of John Montgomery MONEY TO WAN AtBUsrosiiOoSratcUssrum COMMENCING DAVID LLOYD An Alio Rftsl tor S in Main Children for Pitchers Jan wvw I ONE WEEK ONLY THE WHOLE STOCK TO BE SLAUGHTERED a EACH NIGHT AT for BROS