NEWMARKET ERA FEB 15 1889 New Sped Sale a P Jh Edwin Stores- a Wright J Breton fiilirt A Wanted J P Belfry Caution- AMD WITH FRIDAY FEBl Our Toronto Despatch MA At lut for ibeJLJtwJit of A Iho it alibi off with tod- IntloAlsf a W On Salon afternoon the of 108 udSfSiUirD RnWuop ret aUnned too oat Breach lb roblnx prima of work In chirr for Alltel Albsol was an IMWsW oJicDW Ibo io of or Ibdf mid faoJj wonbciitoJtopropcrtrwu ibeooi of Maid Booth bold a hunt Id Ihrt kin ulbipfT Mbtldf of nmnim ftbct Dominica bona o lb of Ui4rVonotT of IbU pnyrttod lbt A Bill iatroJQC4 la lb Domin ion r for lbs of and end cm la for flrpit of ibu Bill Mt laid hi pry cbool rait Ilk people In Mr right foid to opioid wo so dm WHAT HI TO Tut CfetDdu for ISS9 of lb fiottFfttcofGuidu9 wo bite two Tbk Voik Awxlloo rammopfd for to 0 for Era- fOiUol It Hob John Pope UioUlt of Rift will l to occupy tts l It ft udmtood Jolm be Actios of Ox lilt wbro Unlock for to ij lo York mod Simcoe a to Sir aid Ibeqofjtfoa hid Got irnmrnt bo bit to Ibif on in for of the pjbg to to the York d Simeon Ink Drops- 1 pm tomorrow iod TIT rt P to A of on ooajw lit I What Society is Doing aUporrty who Vint giin ritwtd oa Mood Boo Indicated to tbtt bo ibia wb4oInttWiUthodepaUttoawibed to Tit fid who only of would wko it J it to of fof tbo of country that offers a of Jt- in foodito or biter At a Dan Hi Tttliy towitds faraiibiDg ibtcJ i A wuot torn from to Mr for will to Suits to Hon who toe Utnitobt lb VU To bo bid no of re- -bii- se be it Oil fur AfillaU of Smith will 53rd bit- to lb Homing of ibitcliy two we At u tbt Ojlrtiiiate At Art Wnjttka tjtb putltA for to ihtlr own people tutna KbptoowMAofd rioUlbg tie lh trill lb bou cam i Wit Apptilv4 Court of from KfogtMatotbe Uuritftil Witim the of lkufb by thA I wlthool mtJ fl Hit on ihedoniMnoMbV The Hon Mr to lut bo A Dili 4Til fa bit jig of to for a lite It IboKdartEooof i Tat A Jctaihd of receipt tod tttNtoT lit leftto fotrodaetd a Bill to Mend wd word tf It prill to of tho ton to rioted bo very In- OxPiMoytuta wilted upon IVcmler fif two if from tepy1o tf Profla lb lo tcxiDty At of RhbirionbitltM lie or York will to to urge motion propwet At Aw of fait Mot pott to tod lit fill John will retire lea the Con from the be by Topper At ltbfattbtrotUuodtbitdtA- of will follow the ted the to on With to Sir John the to retire life will not offer ewryt It oo to moke It frntWtw Teh Bey of Bridge Co by the In order to Aid in the work Til- lego of jrabsaibeJ for ehirtt Id the tod tothtiasoont of At 6 per cent Action a to qaAsh the log the ud Trftinrer to for suiJ lewoed held under the ByLow with cotte render tfastmtflref to public tnoaey or to JoritdJcHoo ot the I Mr wk Act bo LfcenM from more thin one to the in a Md odo for etch They the Act problblt the precoUrY wanted a pieced la the of lime y or of lie or do If irotcdaaeoli eboold towns tod even the me of would only bo Allowed to the limply malt la gpog hoj4- Tar fiat the tote this took place od Meredith respect to tbetfltct ft not be rtmortd for At the hero it for fcelEetiog tight of each on Hit it open Hoe Sir the the of Sir Meredith would owe a greet of wotld the of Act bad found to work ad- for the it ttood to majority for the if with ten the illpUUritl to pa fie elicit ed the dlttuloo ot to Ur the for dotej Mr of ltioine Sir Ur Acaietroogof Slid of tod Mr il illx The of to the why should in wlthonto- but AgcerleitAckwiAnude ojxn eotome policy of the Two of the joined Id Mr- Mr- the Policy bed to tod tbit earth which Ibte were made phot- and They lbertfote Inttaded to J np the trade of mujofae a oar country The of the did Dot to recede from rate if feililixert Mr Potter that the wet not a let the of ted year only to Wo let know on the by bit week ffftt took wbf Mr motion a rote of to Mr J of Aoror town on Monday Mr Kcgtrt was in town Sainrday Mr E and wife of Buffalo art a Mr and Mr wero at Mr ft formerly of town If Barrio Mr were at the week Win Cla Wot of wrrt tonorer Sonde of Toronto cf Rogboj week Tutting in Kcw- Billet Mr a life company baa been doing the too weak Mr Js- tgebt en of the on A weekt Smith of trending a of in the tower part of Mr A tod wife of Graven bant all wk on a ller3 the toe are a teenperaoce al of the Cbarcb wae the of Mr J on Mr- left for to look Ho to be gone A few last at The Bowery anDirereary of Mr- and Mrt Tail children from where the been three at old bom Mr aod of week with io of Ken market and rttorned home on Re J A Rankin of to preach in be here ueit mom- and evening Mr Manning of took dinner the on Jo company with Mannings From ate information we learn Euclid Ate Toronto baa had a and Ren Mr Webber has added to the Mr noting it Slooff- week lo wit poorly the tenth cancer hating recently from her Mr waa called to of week owing to very death of bis who there The interred at Iter Iter Geo J Toronto were of tier Hill on were hex to attend the of Manning of Sir John taken the Toronto and tooted last week Mr from log moving into his with pui- Speaking of a recent eoteiUiaraeot with the the The part of the was well by Mr of Toronto the Agricultural km Id town Monday and gave the ERA call la company witb their eoergetlo Mr Smith and wife of been tela and fritndt In market end vicinity for the couple of to removing to California owiog to Mr DaluV lllheallb Post Mr J the teller of bank here bat been removed to The bo by Mr tbo popular junior clerk two ago ilia of titter of Mr Jit A KeTtnao leg a time by falling off a Udder Mr atd a over and Mia weot up lo keep Mr and Powell or Black on a vlitt with owing to the Mined of Fred Up to the time ol leaving very winter la the North a tXlaa a bono kicked a Tew lrx4 In lnUibe touowtef lire Howard Win K or J Hi tart week flre dUcottrd la to iare thop finaUnd croon yrroo or WewmjLftrtDADTciiof la ST ibey bad io prepare did rroJUra rlof Ur only pot In a wall iiuudin teg about year old root with a Accident A exploded in cutting faco horribly and closing one hit CongregationalChurch SERVIOH at nm and Moral Hit Book wt Aoowof iboSpIrttoal All art A 9berfisehejfs- CAUTION It who took ladder from wilt WtO Irblo SKIN MUFF UelwMU Water nod Avenue on et lw ANTED A codIDd or for Room of not exceed AppHcnilon by J P 0 YOU WANT EMPLOYMENT SALESMEN Good ntr ezperlenot Write toe Tore for terms tjeleni lnturet to men ilea Salary Api CAPE BRETON RAILWAY for farrow Hall Sopeiiotendent of rlih to next weel la expected to pay to a neat week end will conduct or gtlliUo the Churchy commenting on Thunder of neat week Alter having the mad engaged In of Mr Johnton bat resigned with the Mfg and an at No Queen at- weet Toronto for the of real and lift etc Another New market bit departure for A new field QUO labor took Sale Register will a or lock On tot I to let Con on ft- Bale at one oclock J bait eateniire exit of tioek new aod cultere In the Mtwraffkt4 credit Bate at oclock itrp Jaa Kavantab Saturday Mr A- eon tbt late t a of completed bit fall term of Eli week In mancer diligence and aturilalUlty he Kilned a proHcledcy daring the term and a him at Ottawa The join In wUhlng Urn tnuch and Tender for will received nollt on th Kicincitnnt it the office of he obtained on and after mail ACCompnloJbxadiS equal M Tbttdepcett or of an acceded loth and will bo felled If llio person no- If ftfior entering lolo a contract work tat plan contract If tbt tender It not accepted the wilt bo returned Tender b the will not be the lowest or any tender QUa WRIGHTS REDUCED PRICES TILL 1ST STOVES WOOD OH COAL Parlor Hall Kitchen Office During year 1868 hero wore eleven for of Act and Id- except Act w An who attended the now under tbo of In that city with and note frozen Ottawa Fob Mid were to death WO from their At daring blizzard on Wednesday Mra aUrtl to obtain aid from a for a and an hoar Annie went of bat their They found Thurs day to wife of Mr- Jkotart Button wife of tbt Alu Quaker ibo of brldbt Mr Ballard to Wlu brldet parent on inn vidaujEbtero John Mitchell Mutealt of She Comb 1Kb Of of Funeral from Depot to Uallaafraeon tbe aaed Sib nlt wife of Pater and tbt Mary Doyle widow of ibt late Feb Mb at Port Hope of and Midland it At tbt of berdaufbter- w at Krtday noofli S J MAIN Til Id IB A Grand Opportunity To get a at a Genuine Bargain Cm Early tod t r S WRIGHT It hereby tbt IN Municipal ibt next meeting to the Alb of at p a to the Warden of the VllUaebtt Yooft North half two roll lo to V of tlolland La art reuIrM to notice Ibeioielve accord VliUeClrrk TOST In tollabe- rewarded b It al office I OF THE SATURDAY FEB The Goods will be placed as much as possible on the Centre Counters of the South Store GOME AND SEE THE STOCK WE A LOOK AT THE PRICES I TO SELL QUICK THIS IS A GENUINE SALE THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD Yards of Wool Dress from and up worth double A lot of Black Colored Cashmeres up- A Great Dress Linings Buttons Trimmings AH Marked Away SILKS Black oJ Colored at than Wholesale I MANTLES Black now 190 Short I MILLINERY Trimmed and at Sale Furs A Great Bargain here All of ihia at about Half Price Hats and Caps A big Lot of Men a from up White and Grey Cottons- Shlf tinge Prints Towels Towelling Cretonnes etc A Big Lot of Remnants At never offered before Gents Furnishings Shirts from up of Mens ties for iViVi rr Groceries lbs Yellow Sugar for By taking Ilia of our Tea the in Canada- Tina of Tomatoes for Corn worth low I Carpets A Big Lot of Remnants from yds to IB yds All at Prices bat will take them out quick Clothing Mens Tweed worth now fi400 Boys 260 Oveicoats Hosiery and Taffeta SilkLined now a Ladies Black Wool Childrens Wool from a pr up Boots and Shoes Foxed Felt v- now Womens Felt Lace Boots worih now A Womens Childrens h Womens Buckle I- Mens Carpet m Men Lycoming Wool Lined Mens Strong Boots it ii t Mi Womens Womens Button Boots ii School Boots Girls Strong Lice Boots 76 SO as 125 lGOif 75 CO LOO i Crockery and Glassware piece White Tea Seta worth now White Toilet Sete LM Colored Colored Dinner Set S0 375 i China Tea Sets Dinner Break Tea Plates now Shop Furniture We have a lot of Shop Furniture to tt Aurora Store as Coffee Mill New Pair Brass Scales Leather Settees A Number of TaMe A of Rochester Limps Awning and Window Shades AH of which will be sold cheap EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE Wo in Stock But we dont expect to it Terms Strictly Cash and One Price JULIUS MADER NEWMAI ftdbcHlseiiefs P just received especially to order fy Co on each box nnd do not bo fooled into buying and smoking Penny Grabs but get the Article from KELMAN iVc Newmarket A Children Cry for BRUNTONXBROa ARE- Is all cash BOOTSSHOBS UP BU8INE83 HOST BE CLEARED OUT of By Che 1st of April John Montgomery 25 PER DISCOUNT On tho balance ol her Winter Now is the time for Bargains This means that we are Clearing at Prices i WILL SURPRISEYOU T- We do not quote this week for EVERYTHING is cut in prices BRTJNTON BROS rt V