NEWMARKET Every Friday Morning LYMANG JACKSON at PRINTING fiin REACHED expect- SUBSCRIBERS GlYB MB TO SNOW TO AMD TO ACCORDING TO ALL LIBERT fill NORTH 1 YOKE INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol 5 Single Copies Cents Each I Newmarket Friday Feb Terms Cash in Advance S160 within 6 or at end of year ONTARIO BANK BIST Mt CHA Kewmarket Branch Allowed on Deposits at a roarer DRAFTS ISSUED VXTaiiM AT American add Parmer J attended w CU A El INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY to Loao Etc FOLLOWING FIRST CLASS 00 S ni UiDdaDdltKTKx lot ivaM aoCtoanr rejaJ DOMINION EMERSON Liberality of itfumf be excelled an or Co SSlS calico or for further A Insurance Agent St Sooth Newmarket LEO At fc is Kami smr til Lit WIS HAND Civil Engineer KIPS J VOTARY for Iunrr of UMH r t RU Loam lotoraore Federal bank up- I X A Block er TO AS it LOAN- Hotel JACHEI A JACUFJ Notarlea A Toronto IS A III WIN SOLICITOR- Toronto SI OS j auastkdo and TO WAN AT CENT London Co Old inic AND DOMINION ORGANS have on hand a very large of above And Organs They are of Warran Durability of Conitructioa For oar the city wo have gome Special Bargains Wo aril at the for or Good When i Toronto reoiember oar There i Old Welcome for Write to at any for and taken in exchange J S CO No 68 King St West Tot onto AJ urrfcb 160 tJ J all parlor J- Prop AJ Hula to A lo K HUNTER OH J J Ti for WnnArtbySi a A GRADUATE aJ Of College to Treat All Dmevtltated Aolmali MiOQstiy Notice KESWICK ALBERT AUCTIONEER County of Farm Attended oq Notice aud at PHARMACY A WELL SELECTED STOCK Of Toilet and Fancy Cawe Perfumery Dispensing Department furnished only with the purest drugs etc and care is given to of PHYSICIANS AND RECEIPTS PEN SUNDAYS FOR DISPENSING lyiiify JTA tftluU J l mil Of Kiit at Office will prom atiemloo to Loan farm JASK1VASAU11 L10EN8EDAUCTIONKKK Coyltoronto kfttt band at Hue ft will be promptly to THE ACCIDENT AM Kit It A It aw LINO America axclualvely totbeburlntirolloiuiaoce Aurora at the J Claris Aurora 11 A P 89 P M to O V THE BELL PIANOS AND ORGANS NEW WILLIAMS And STANDARD Machine- Violin Accordeoui Clarionets Mouth Organs Violin Strings Every Description of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Stock of JEU3T 3VCTJSXO vAy4 I I i Urn- t WW iff J N S TO LOAN IWun I Air for sCAWiDALIFJB JOHNSON Next Door Drug Store THIS SPACE BELONGS TO WATCHMAKER JEWELER 0 AND yy LUMBERYARD Constantly on Hand DRY tt KM THE ROBINSON WOOL WORKS CAPITAL- AND- FUNDS- 9000000 DOLLARS I J I J an J J Agtiil- PASSENGER TICKET AGENT CANADIAN PACIFIC ALLAN DOMINION STATE LINE STEAMSHIPS a MAIN ST NEWMARKET BEAVER Roller Mills Leading Photographer A LOT LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS ALL AUK INVXTKD Work ROBES I Wee Paid For ABSOLUTELY Unconditional Policy It of ACCIDENT POLICIES On Hie AutU UT ON THB ENTIRE COCHRANE SYSTEM Fully Years Ahead of all other Roller Mills THE BEST IVu ao1 all cotlaotly Op Gristing Chopping done every day As le1rliooc We Enow Him Ball I on IhA aoJ of limb A bold and Tbtbow hi Bf At borne bet ai a tin htm t Walt a njcat lr perfect arooori li7- Qta wife to bee the aa4 an coal Draws ha a 6M cow tired ihUMiobanoaof attaint vomto too can Bo ayold of ferotJ and a creature An J for b lif real bab- The Golden Tell as tbe story and coaxed the children Dot working by the lamp An extra order bad come that day for Tinea of embroidery on the of half a dozen and the had Ikq given to Wait greatly to delight It much additional to the Wait exchequer worked day in the thing that did Dot come ithio the regular and willingly took the tfhirta home and after for tho to earn the two additional was a bill ab tbe drug to settle and Aunt worn that it did at keep wind from careening around her attenuat ed form when she went and Uncle Job go with that grand new invention which ha was just going to perfect and to the broad winner of the family two dollara meant two dollar every cent of it Wait might have been one of the Prisoners of Poverty but did not know it aang at her work And when Kate and Patty canto home from and clung around her her to tell once more timeworn legends that had delighted their infancy looked with kindly ayea down into their poor little pinched are Why youre heard that forty before aaid Ye but good said Kate And added wlwun Patsy ftlwaya like to hear Well said rapidly it was when I was Im now you know that was aveir and oyer long ago- I was a girl under the apple trees in the country That before my died you know and we lived on a farm tree were all a pink fluttering cloud of blooms and girl I and my schoolmate stood under them and made believe it was a pink snow storm when an old old woman along wrapped in a red cloak with her hood pulled over her so that it al most rested on her crooked nose and loaning on a stick said Shall I tell your fortunes my bonny lasses Ill do it for a silver each Well of course we hadnt any sixpences only half dimes but they were silver pieces anyway and so the agreed to tell our fortunes for these And you she said to Annie will sleep under a green plush blanket before the year is out and you to will sea with a fair man at your you to me will never have any luck unless you find a golden horse shoe Wing at your feet ith that trudged away and none of us ever law her again and before year was out Fanny sleeping under tho green blank et of the church soda Sure on married a man with eyes and yellow hair who took her to south of Franco where he was starting in wine trade and as for Ive never found golden yet Do you you er will find Patty biting off end of her thread I dont suppose that I ever shall Golden lndwll Kato Who over saw And then they went to bed snug- King op together to keep warm while sowed on and on until the lillto wooden clock on mantle struck twelve Shu took the work next day foreman was quarreling with of his bands who had to obey orders and was unwilling to the and was bidden to take It up into the herself He took a card and pencil from bU pocket and it down as dic tated it to was- wondering as went back to whether aha done wrong in giving address to this total stranger He bad a kind face she aaid to a aya I wilt not believe that one half of the world about as a wolf in clothing to the other halt Sure that very evening a gentlemans servant brooghta pack age of material to where Waits people lived JAwMMWwt A fioa Theres a specimen garment inside can get twelve dollar a down for such thought x- nltantKellfL Ill commence at once we bo now cut carefully out follow ing pattern with most exactitude and set diligently to work hot struck midnight she stopped folded up work to pick up sample Right thora on thy t her foot lay a golden horseshoe pad set with tiniest of rubies for It mutt have fallen from of pondered Oh P with a sudden start It is prediction a gold She smiled at the odd coincidence return it to theoffner I shall hare to wait un til be lends for it I dont even know oil this As it chanced however met him in tho street tliu very assbo returned from her days work Her fair dimpled face flush ed up I was wanting to you said have fouud a little gold horseshoe that I think lelong to you fl And I have lost said he Have you got it with you Ko I left it ftt homo But it isnt far took it calmly and serenely for that he would accompany to her bumble abode that bo did so half sailing to himself poorly furnished apartment was a revelation to Oswald Harring ton Uncle Job working steadily at tte diagram of the invention that Mver came to anything the two sewing on braid aldilU gently as if they were eighty Instead of eight years old be taw and noted all the Evan- maiden standing in their are very poor he to Uncle Jok inventor looked up wo shall be rich when once I gat ibis Patent Improvement to Wheels Hut in said Os wald Harrington Undo Job at him- not thought of tbat Wouldnt you be better off the country Mr Harrington said to Aunt Mary You and Yes patient but to get there We have no meant air you know I have a that needs a reli able family to tako of it be It a fruit farm in Delaware you could have your rent and vege tables and wheel hub invention could bo tested there But Pencils work I said Aunt Mary Thero would be the poultry and strawberry beds suggest w Mr Harrington upshot of It that the fam ily went to Delaware and was the beginning of all luck Depend upon It said grave Patty that rtoatit flometbing Remember what the fortuneteller said happy and well Kato shall not so happy when la gone Nella gone 1 echoed Qoosie where should got fc Dont you Kate Cant you guess J Oh Patty you seen smile and color up when ever Mr Harrington comes beret Patty clapped her hand Tho I cried The golden horseshoe again And whether old fortunetel ler carried the keys of future or not one thing is very certain If Fen alia Wait bad not chanced to find that golden with the tiny ruby nails never would so near heart of the man whose wife afterwards A V DEIMNE inn I V PILLS a ftlCK OP and ami ano on A to or AMD for Infants and Children Worm i term i the there Mr tcColIutn Old hi one 4it till be corner ho wont Bo waited and the cuitomer came a tall darlc-fea- young mm I your pardon sal J but are embroidered for you I ordered a young man Are you the princi pal Oh no I am only one of tewing girl But foreman told me to bring them op Youre a girl eh young man looking her Yea air calmly Would you like mora Not through til firm I but orfc you will get good fair pay for Ofoouiael It anawered promptly 111 bring you then you will Sunday from four year old with one bind foot and medium ari old well body cutter old and a grey lined buffalo robe Tbe have been notified to be on tor the property mall carrier made good the other day getting Into Tot tenham bat it became when he had got about a away from gan peat bo discovered of ainoke rolling up from the mall bag lie Lid on the bud and got to Tottenham in time to content from cremation Sentinel a lt Mr araiort In are has the city been from top to bottom it baa been by word of talented apeakerjthe were aided lo their work by a large of worker the hut week in the large of fie hundred and fifty name being- band In to be connect- with the the city Over Joined the charohea Fertilizers naolrallaeKlotoCooi mill at ifn to Billowing TtiM duly and Ha I MBf ih Hoaafl MpfcUJly who not with the tariff lb by motion at la a of per wot on fttiiiiitn Too matter to la coming upon a motion of to ohltjfa lb data- J n of loo A took that a maila lo tb of per top on I hid lbt honor of atooodlog motion on to pi tea of of lb a object withdrawing to doty from to upfcifio duty la It in and hi ad of pr wot upon all artificial iota Canada I hi ok it woitby of ecu lion of whathar that la In the of moat clan iu Canada For iuy urt the tax for It mora almost adtrattax on farmer u wholly femlble It ii not i a mat tar of political economy not fair a matter an It that hard identy of Canada that they bo at home and ar today and therefore will that hi tax through no tax at all it competition 1 am unable to with that Lara la many way it Iropouthia farmer to obtain cboap have increased thecat I uuderataud certain acida largely into tbe of lulpbutio acid for and aw pro duction of artificial Gore to- baa placed a duty acid lot ruanufactotft of and a auaonUng lo per cent or a doty of ptr cent per wUeb of at aolphuije I that of about two- and If doty of who not of thia acid will tola ctrconutanou which it of of frjraa of our mineral la 1d at a eohcctd The malt that the by the of to Whatever may argameot- or may for hope that liuiohucooi when this duly ahall away In ao far u It tha to tha of the agricultural fettll tier When the dud not Hike motion there waa neb a of It ad hy gentUmto who motion hat lo only urn worth of rtilif ft That otilyprorea that the protect if a tariff a prohibit tariff and placed tbe coat of the im ported article beyond reach of farm In coy mind do not to for than my- that if the fatmtra at to keep pica w lib their great la the United State lb they every year la lo artificial have he- coma ImprovarUhrd In the older of the other Proline they ate not they wire In production of wheat The have Ihna fore to to the of artificial li- to licdt year Id Eogliad and in United of the la ud by the of It all to defend the high tariff which bat to point to United State to adopt practice aa a model Io tblacaaa thty can find any each or for their coulee According to the law the fntlliieia are duly not but anlphorlo acid which enter Into of rue to piote a few least from the of which a the lail Act of the Sutra to Act page of the United Statute Vol you find the of the placed on Hat ware not on fie Hal of 19SJ for In time hat although very fa the State Tariff in 1883 of them nominally In tha direction of which were rather lo the direction of tbe la the imported tab of on fertilise tbe United 1883 their former and held that the of to which I refer ihall coo on the free Hat free of United State waned iha following import from burned or learned of tbU Ottawa district and in Other parta of the of to the Canadian farmer being exported in arery year for the of Can da One aatoral are Bow to Bolted Statu ad lata tnt tana the there to rale grain at to com- grab at a baa than lL from too fertilitera at their own io beyond Canada to oar or at all at Under circa Mr think the time arrived when we place the iiit If It be that the Canadian farmer aball any way bear let lb if lake tax off all the raw material tbeu mianfacturer can at cheap eat price Let take tbe Importation faupeiphphiie and Dot till will oar bo on a to compete with their competitore beyond A I a eapDOrler of loly I io It but every claim lor the of a cannot further i of tha real National Let oar laudator that the National bo wand and princlplta for tariff bo high to but high to enable our own manufacture ra to iocreaH to prloaof wnej Again loumach all writer economy of freely placing the reach of let principle liberally applied not lo the loiter bat I liberally If there and welfare can bo promoted by liberal treatment in Ma way our legator construe the of National Policy and by a of general principle of protection that Now what ream hi the reoeal of lit a the Parliament to all artificial Canada of per from so to a too the daly all the way from W a ton ahoald Dot Ceoatoli deeply la the of out iu them to their aac cheaply iha general- of will admit Uaauria ire their No other country rieaa Why Canada who favor the oflhe tax that it Detduuy to tax foreign ounDtea in order to flooded with inferior grade Sot ax of itfficlil iDtnuta can ho aold tn Canada except after a inembera of Parliament riee pally end for Mr even if that a Grit on and every firmer It and I am not afraid to admit It More power to hi elbow A manure Sweep it away or it may ycu away CommenlJog upon letter the frankly the In way Mr repudiated in to attack the N P be that he to farmer that we pocaeaacd the raw cut of which feitUitfra were made and war no for the of the fact to the trade Parliament thought and rejected Mr Unlock though the one and one likely lo lo Government the id of Ihtir policy ibia which la to Mr a of think in might make no grave error If they adopted hi an aaaignrQent and in Bradford lart year d m Grand Trunk Railway pending on break- water Montreal bad a fire destroyed worth recent Franco by of the out on weavers cotton am A number of been discharged from canal Ki9 A Toronto Grrn given a Midland man job of cutting tons of Another murder in the Old Country week and Jack the Ripper Chicago at present ia infested with who ftre iy bold in Thirty ihouaatid took part inn against the Hungarian Array Dill at John Powers of eleven become a from the of l Labor ably called for the reason that argument are called animal fit for only- ly rued for Thai our American neighbor bate adopted free l rale regard to kind i and I think that Ifi thh regard at all they shown a wise of the policy Can id taxing rannrectarn of that what hare done by making it to lbs a high tariff the imported add enabled iDcreae lbs coat to the of article hare and by doing Adminis tration practically placed of the Canadian farmers What If of this I A of the wealth of whicb Is to be found great A boy signed the temperance pledge mother aid Bring the brandy I went some for pie Davy But aa be went the thought came to bin I a temperance boy carry a brandy jupf Hurrying back to kitchen he Mamma I cant carry that brandy jug Ive signed but Ill Ibe batter while you go Without a word the mother gave into bis little hands the spoon and went herself to bring tbe jug felt a strange sensation in throat but walked up steps with a firm tread and jug When came down the dear little fellow was beating at tha Hi eyes followed a sho went to the sink and began to empty out the contents of jug What are you doing mamma Im emptying out the brandy Well not have any more brandy In our mince Ob mamma Im so glad Then I can eat too cant I mammal Yes my dear j and mamma will never make anything again that dear boy cannot eat Ob Im so were going to have temperance Davy fairly danced up and down kitchen a brandy gurgled into tbe sink Dont you think Davy is a real good temperance boy Then follow hi example Touch not taste not handle not the unclean thing night John Oliver collector for the township of Blen heim Oxford county was held up by two highwaymen near Tillage of Washington and forced to band over the proceed of days labor about 1J6OO The men overtook Mr Oliver in a lonely pot and presenting two revolver at head demanded his money He at declined feeling that the men meant busineea he complied with the so forcl- teased An effort wax made to meet the men at where it expected they would take the train bat there wax no of them there At the Maxwell agricultural lest week a workman bad four fingers cut off by the accidental fall- of a trip hammer The were successful In the municipal elections at Utah gaining first victor of the kind over the Mormons In a riot that tooV place at Income on Friday amoiigat a lot of Italian two of one tie feared fatally a Owen Moloney and William engaged in a figbtbn in New York fell was drowned and Ed of St TJiomai pot of ih hi pocket with rind burnt hie a robe and of a lady be KL Sin who recently at Montreal bad fourteen children if eat grand child and a l Twelve tons of quarts from tbe mine nptr Or have been to Toronto be crushed and and upon the result will depend the future of the l Tho has granted a concession of years to a company which to join Black Sea and The company a capita of franca Some rascally iiidividtiul a tin pail to the tail of a cow belong ing to Mr of the other day then sot a upon her act in cows death Advance- Some people born will the bump of exaggeration fully vcloped deal of- amusement aa go through life making mountain out of every mole bill they meet Richer Benedict of township of county of went yesterday morn ing nearly beat hi mother to death which ho neighbor to altoie went its a Ho was finally down by neighbor Canada Stained Works of Toronto have again in creased their staff in every depart- Church and Howe proa menial Glass turned out by ana can be relied on both for durability and of deiigf Persons requiring glass r quantity a makers McOauafand Son To- In highest paid to in and in this was salary 1877 to mala in trovinco in it was Average d1- to female teachers in was in the avetx On Thursday last Mr Wal lace Terry section man on TV It W down at Utopia and his back broken by a light engine going North Mr Terry was hovelling at ihe time and the storm bad the engine was unable t see him ilr and fain- provided for as he a member of the A terrible accident occurred on Wednesday night on the Credit Valley Division of the Islington by which Mr place lost hi The unfortunate man was on Ms way from his home to the of his broth erinlaw and was either creasing the railway track or travelling along it near the bridge over the Mimic struck by the express and instantly killed tho befog frightfully mangled ceased waa a young man of excellent- character aid respected oil who know He was a butcher by trade at Toronto Junction