NEWMARKET ERA FEB 1889 New Special J It Broav J Milt J Gibson Vict Per Sale tfr To Let J Stephens UP WITH FRIDAY FEB 22 1889 Our Toronto Despatch of lo It d nut will I in Loader AmsM text to lb BUI prof Stonier of Cot OLtivi to a of St I1M it for of BnilJios Fair la find with t Hot risk 1 won Cap for of Attn glint it lb M a- I J a The Provincial Finances- In hit Budget speech before the Ontario last the Treasurer Han Mr stated that the receipt for the year amounted to toco was from Grown LdU ud timber included the received t the ale of timber berth for OTer 10O000 lea than and leu by than the receipU farther that railway aid liability of the re duced during the period by the rise in Value of real estate io Toronto the Hon- gentleman remarked that a portion of Lunatic land on Queen street realized when sold to bnild six cottages for at With reference to the unsettled between the Federal he that the of the Dominion to interest on the amount ad mitted to be long overdue to Ontario entailed a lota to the of However on the whole the Provincial finances afforded grounds for On tho hand the Opposition criticized Hon Mr Rose speech with considerable severity Mr Clark stated that surplus said to be in the Provincial treasury was largely mythical and that while the figures between revenue and expend iture for the year as presented by the Government showed a balance of about to the good yet in reality this was not correct from fact that the items of revenue in cluded the amount realized from the sale of limber limits which belonged to capital To take the money deriv ed from and the same up in annual expenditure was actual ly spending to much of the of Province Exception alio to some other state ments of the Treasurer Two or three other gentlemen followed after which House went into Committee of Supply and passed items So far there has not been much debating on floor of the house but is said a good plica daily in more es pecially in the Private Bills and Mu nicipal Committee In Elk what hi to war from of Co- orti by the A to Kit Topper ass to aad for tariead of Urn r at ttmt will from The object of to si jot op t1 ihit hi to to git on A pap b the P for Mr Join Small to the collfclofthtp of eaitom in Abo thai Mr Post will to Ottawa of aopejaa- d Mr Barwfex will ISr a P will for both aod Mr and of of at uxiaty aololioo to to for of to ha Act rf mJ ia ill bom Mi Mid held oy oner of owner or is i of fumiog or bo if opt will by Act cat rolli ihU To ftbly aaCOrrtipiMdiofi In Uld Will doe of Mr Tiiffl of Of tad ilictiiwiftof irpliovav aH00 lb of girt wit ft of Air JiUhteri Jitciog a lbo prtteot of who leading few t lo the to to wltb Ink Drops of t of for Tailing 00 jpio- What Drag A Sir I tick to jfcb a mid replied to at uiott by Mr of PioLor to merobem York ud 1gUliUTi for jmrllAixiejiltiy I or thotWb timo- Ho lxtoaJrbNmoi4cKaV TbiHTttUociric which bng con Street dill Church by fUrlrliU ftfiU been dor log tbo week by 0 ataIUUo was of Urn rtfiftllt tofonotUon wo tint Ibero in him oomtnicd lit Titm on of Jaw U for bo vwioai Mr of con by a map oodoFmpbttcodfcmlDg Grant wo fipect from Jbn Any of tin do by t office fritods followed of Sir- to train ftbugo of at to dcpartMi lady of of ftod to now ago foot alotiog and good blgber place la do very firit taken til of luoga which nptdly iota trying she a and to look And for coming of tho of may Ibjt fU in Jna v Mr J Itjydgta a to Tbo occurred at Wlonl- ou Saturday lie at out tiuio of tie lUUwayt Hamilton thro of and alrtrwafd a it of death bo waa waa in Toronto ii- of Mr Small VA of wilt If bta or tho and Toronto for Alio Mr UI probably Mr ClarWa for tbt rotnen and iXu look for fluw of and to already tbla a of forty fite Sir not to comity tat Until tba nna la and a In wo tuny la MotgftraUoa of will may go to and to to I wdijlLrtnoir Mayor paid to Mr Toronto Mr of J of baa bad ft call to Mta A of Toronto with town Ma LtoiUal of fa En Town week of Xopiebbaboand a ifra J Ma ia dowu in Vaugban owing to death of a J P Mr in of Anrou Mr Stlmina Sunday Mr on of year Mr aa of air at Mr John Mr Win Woll 1Iotiii itf at J Hon of Sitnr- S of arrtt in liili-Ji- od tilling on fart Mr of filida to Mr MorUm at iLr Grand Lodge T or la ln- of if vuiting wilt tirowo for i King Mr ol Snoday at Mr Mr Win Ghai ate Toronto A Both at for North A Ki I In Iowa on Mr from a ault aoaot inotbira He for wok J to ra of Sunday fa the trfian on on Mr Ham- Toronto op owing to of Martin of Glen aJa the of Mr 1 of Vic pid ft to brother or daa Ilia wife we to baa aery put its months week of Toronto She Idy tety A frreaa from aa of Calgary died will taken Km to for Interment Mr la ft Win of and known Miller remains are to and will take at to Newmarket Cauada Mia in town and In company local J- a policy of life Mr John of life wbteh be to be and well managed In to atcor log protecUow to and In be ftfafoiia letter In- thin bonda curiae ft life of add to twenty Lite taai lis Hub fieforin Banquet at Friday night of week red- letter night for Polling of of North York- A grand Reform dinner an at Hall and loch chord that people came from all of of tbo tillage of to the dinner aa eocceaa fwbly tbo of hall arranged to Mat hot them being over pita Wying of luao hot atraina of a good patience of all to a wonderful About oclock J the took chair for hating to writ the cloth to make for Canada and her loyalty to fint tout on the and to by In proving our and Local Legislature the bail man made aery pm at Ottawa to in Suet and jtbitaud- of four by bo CaUHf with of which in waafn and from attention be in be Parliament he eoucluded be was rlbt In the right Mr waa with a to of alt people of Nor ill York their choke of a to ho but a natxe bat a whole lu loyalty to Great Mo itucerd- to explain clearly our itb be Sutie and the ouko tut of Treaty Auuricsg for aud In the of Canada and Stated aid of our and a of bond J ML in remarked by Manhood Act of tan of ago and ft for bad a tight to tote that the of wai not a of beet way to adtanoe Intcrf of and be to hold May and Meeting- in Ha baa to North York avnd ifao chair- man to King Yule Aurora npon matter expiating the thai the Council tba jury a good one from Jacat of a manufacturer an reciprocity man The of fairoin prosper ity and be had do fear American compe tition ExRecto of King Rafgb and of Aurora their In taking part to the meeting latter an upon fc Slog John when ho to Magna down to Man hood Act of Mr- of a factnitrbaioppoaed tho While claiming to pot on a it baa railed the of raw material that present a tool to with what they were before that recipcity would be for Canada and to of all collected being pocketed by King City gate hie on the aide of reform followed by re- marks from of Aurora of lnna To ronto J d of King City fioaa of King City kept in by edging In a no Its lb capital eon at Intamla and the gathering two after tinging l the Queen- crowded to orerflawlDf vhtbeln Lbo 0lTcmpruca cam IbelroixliPftlrw lad ant of Hat At of paeilot r etjQl Tbe bold neit Keswick Mount Albert on In without re- Caiman of Toronto Biittday a largo number of tbe young people of Friday night Avery It la that In tbo near Mr Cba Crone wai ibreablng bene tot un der other day they were removing bent twoot Wert dead and tbe other alive latter one leg and one foot when found He been It getting fal ftllfaougb It waa el moat dead with long food llajbt- are held la the Bat and It that the of will be aoae dtifng tba meet- probably nut wttij tad In the of taet a fljUg here week Mr- It on ft tbo The many of will be to that ha la in It be a way now of a ncotcry The membera and of here made flboQlti a a fur on today Our took a holiday A life agent In Uncle John dont think of lb her Utile Ell a from Fox at preeenMti Mr peplakrOflWonto Sabbath with tab mother Km JSpink lomM from the city of City laat Mr i and ftunUyj inra an of people will feet two Mr an a ItatandaldOshoe ft In part of at Con of Mr- ftueUocou Orange LMie- of Life will doubt and be the talent end adoxtq took In a at Mr IX Terry of lot Coo got hurt by a fallloc tree about ago The tree feat until log tat off before be be aid Irumedtaiply when waa found to be broken In two place Wo team that la Mr hating rather a 1U will toll by farm and lmpleineDia the Uiday of baa decided mote to North there will be no roeerra Sutton Tt air til full nothing poae it cold few which baa brought to a of Frank married to of the and tba grand will how to up the young the on a to about forty dtpotitcit their load of hippy a and load bad a of it tbalr for altar the whole party to the bom of bride where and re kept till time to atait for tie when the bridal couple wre to and on tbiOTgh life May attend Thai no Tank of be two of enow and work In there la too much now piano Or la to for at Teat them jail now It will ray yet to him and the be ia agent for The Re Mr Moffat lectured here On Friday and arentago Of week anbicot waa life of Ohlneee Gordon PrealdeDt ware lectoneV fewarkji mat not hate fallen on ground yonng net profit by the and energy of both men their the of but will lite for Id Sale Register Mb Mr win hate a of on lot the tit on ftJ at one J March 1 ilr leiM will hate an itenit and aalo of now aecotidbatul and four at the oppose the eredU oclock hgte a of Implement atd lot THE HOUSE I OF THE lock Has been the Moat Successful Sale ever held in Newmarket and also the most Profitable to the Buying Public deal A grand under the of to take place on Thursday lug Of neat week and be one of lnerL glecta tableaux and ao by beat latent will draw crowd the vicinity of Sharon IbU the will be devoted repairing the Tern- not before waa Although entertainment wilt not till oclock we would all front a very happy company bled at the home of Mr on Union Street laat of marriage to Mr of where they look train for the South that career produce a iortiou of the to Canada are rviwd and come bond more we bate the Jacinto of Owiog te eomceriV the two nation bond of to but It we ran prodnre to ft keen and re goods To deatroy the bonding wootd Wow to Canada and yet the action of present Io the wit llfgeof Ibg through Canadian Territory bond what it at difficulty Under no right to land tub So bond you will all with mo bond of vital impor tance every wan and if he baa any pathy he will nut interpret the the tight of but In the light toilet In tbla age we ahoulJ linue in the light of ftQd It la only our duty to give what we Intake Another of Treaty that an American ceo only come to a Cm port for wood Coal bat liken It are for our ofDIateeay you hate notice of wh am ashamed any nation bit would 4 that clause la in need eball mora heart Do you action of a a crippled and wrecked j or who- crew baibten by jet they It and ill not them to a or take will tote any each to Mr touch- the of with the United States Hon A power by a I that pronjlaed to met a tariff and down the Americana would tike and build np bite our mind the at tod It Vaokre are to bona tUe nut We to get the for what we hate to tell end want acme to got The mil now Congrats that the flotetnment to pot a duty open greto Ifirdeo American goodi Canadian la to be raited from lo and from to to year neatly worth and now ft It to put a duty Be per the a If wai p milled abroad com Mere woald fO It an act of lattice to liberate the while man from Inula the black man aod It ahall ha my etc promote to free the pun for labor John If- Rota flTTraa Ex Brett Carley prler Geo- Cull Welle lhrfLMideolm Hi la mUooI in John ioov Into the about the of There very good attendance at the Sabbath School the Of About 60 won pre Mr li for the throe He for iba flnl The of Union Circle will bA Given on program wlUconiUtof an ervnlng of and profit la email fed of la for tbouncfltof the Sunday ftjhool no doubt the will be vtt oiled to occupy Mr It porter of the here had a rather one night week while Ike Hay niter wheo Dick tot out to being rather a man the crack wide enough to let Mm through he got with wet feet and dauexed cut ter waa Id the burgh laat week lothetntenatof fto new at Ian boy Council la at want to Monday took place there on Monday ere Monday laat blocks up the In good ah ape Waaler brother of Prof lb at paying hint a A wedding In the burgh week Will give neat week lllll fa yet Mr la making Ihe ehovjng lo railroad toga the the Wilt be procured to lUa church At treoent Clark evening the town hall at oclock that appreciated the and vicinity held ftaootalnnd I ever worked making a After Mr Cedar bale allied tw in and r An by Iter yVaVer of Clark a hie for their of ijatorw iwnaeig At Iba pre- with a four Holt A monitor took place on loll lbo night of week the Ink Mr Stephen about remove to 4kota the and gate them a happy Ddoirthat will never forget MrMil lira tlietonapsoy with choice while the pared Uo violin with by and Allen tea the and the people enjoyed to about DeputyReeve Trivia wm the chair by J and by A Short then by coun cillor fctmer UuM bant Valtuatler Loour ft lend whh- lot him hie new Toe ate ihe Queen The church ft on of March which all the will to Speech- etc The barn and eontenta belonging to Mr to Ihogrouodbo- twoeaSaodfloclock on morning While down raw to LlMMlockthe the Or epreaj lbo man barely KapeO his life It irgu as Joaa to Mr- Party on thetsth wain jucceaaeverioody itemed to enjoy children welt the of A by young men ontHledTru which well lUe Proceed a- Mitel for a few WAV vtilllog with her aiter Joe the and au Xtder to M fit a a with the aae- li only Town on the lnal the wife Of Terry Of fldambter lllh InitthO wife of iMwion of iliukoka of twin anna on the lh In it the of Torooioof a Wild On mother by I nark Hoover Io Adille if the hjattythelUvO Ha of ageaorhini by the He Hackle ftanhrooa of VftHivvAt the homo of on the by Mr- to Verily all of by the Father tiecvtooD JOMUraof J Albert IVby jiy Harris Mr Geo lillmbury- Saturday lih by the to daughter of Aurora AuvouaIn the VirXijdauchternf Sir Armoor- yeara and the loeL wife of Mr John A of leu infant Calgary J wife of inline WaitlnUoltCo SO BAit4XAt to at oclock on the John father of of yenra noio In the Venal Of ail He to lotui3 Toronto Mr log two yeare For yean ho kept a City and then Ibf ho for Ho thin Coll logwood and a retted The repfc or alt who knew bin by life and though not ainoereln performance He ft good a ind nband and lather and Liher and an bono who anojleftft of wen oep4i of tlitabeth lUwnHldeeln Colli aryj the Mr JT at the ibtdengh- Mr Mr- of took ihe number our being pay the Wnnieof pmll were J Pttohefe 1 month credit on auroa teat Ju Congregational Church SI ad by too- Hall All aro Welcome Our Re Market Sale ot Over Yet The Balance of the Stock will be brought Forward Each Day and placed on the Centre Counters of the South Store IS8 a bail per a Wbast do a do tt do a Oat a Floor Fall Win Aorlot loot Barley IS CO a per Scoa do WOO o a YOB EVERY DAY tub pOUQQ do KfSPrdoint Wool par a a a 6 a a a a IM IS 3 SCO Oar Toronto Markets Toronto Feb SI JIM a Wbtot I a I Wheat do Hi do OS do a fil do a Mr ton a Bui let rail per pound do beg Apple VfMifereoaDd per lb a Out a a 1 fl55 a a a 0 ISO ocs 0 on OR SALE OU TO LET The Vein Hi Xcjfth Choice anil nvory woveniecce 3w6 FRANKLIN OATMEAL MILLS AQA1N arid HIGHEST OATS J GIBSON 5 Albert PO oil the Prices a we mean to Sell Quick We have this week brought forward Many Lines that could not get at before owing to the Great Bush In a word these Goods are being I- Mm AT No Dress Goods Silks Buttons and Trimmings Millinery Mantles Furs Carpets Hats Furnishings Hosiery and Gloves White Grey Cottons Shirtings Towels and etc No BOOT 8l SHOES GLASSWARE Anrora Stock No and One Price GUT THIS OUT BOOTS GIVING TO BUSINESS MUST flfi OUT Of Cost By 1st of April 1880 John Montgomery WRIGHTS REDUCED PRICES TILL MARCH STOVES WOOD OB Parlor Hall Kitchen Otflca oat lb Opportunity To new Genuine Bargain til and roar WRIGHT s i Mens Heavy Lined Overshoes Mens Heavy Lined Overshoes Lycoming 1 per pair 140 Heavy Lined Snow Excluders Lycoming 1 Mens Heavy Lined do buckle do 92 Mens Buckle Rubbers Solid Heel do Mens Buckle Rubbers No Heel do 1 Mens Elastic Ankle Rubbers No Heel do 30 Mens Elastic Ankle Rubbers Solid Heel do 1 47 Mens Low Bnckle Rubbers Solid Heel do 1 33 Mens Low Buckle Rubbers No Heel do 116 Ladies High Button Overshoes do 168 Ladies two Buckle Overshoes do 1 75 Ladies High Button Overshoes Canadian 05 Misses High Button Overshoes do Childrens High Button Overshoes do Ladies Misses and Childrens Slippers from Ladies Boots from Pelt Goods of all Away Below These Goods are the Best in the World and every pair Guaranteed or Money BRUNTONXBROS do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 9 I