iar i RAILWAY A A V IT ftW i 33 o bat forget til twenty Ui jprtfpirty improving A It WAY T PACIFIC COAST rtrf rt5cl ATKINSON Ticket International Lessons The Great the And tit want itii repeat Buc lie Unghta 4 to tiro ma ftod ft dumb y menu Ever Cbtiitiia a borne ml- of it dins origin fall of Cbriit rpf honored tod glori fied oil from lowly the from It ii to do wot We do our work T way to attention to JtMll more lbu Let good work for acconpftD good of of the paid a largo part of this to to aj of what the locality may fee to him for heart Mid brain work the pmortl and of the community But not- lift nti voold take imaginary of rtrlj late toil straggling with circa to the and of the right of hi children nd it to the benefit of who hare only a period the country We hare cot to at in to take we have only thorn in the light in- which deputa tion of the antipoverty society object ioi the county of York et it Hod Mr to our mind then he told a aimiliar that were not such a would be commend ed by the country The evils fought to be cared would create now exist Exemption of the prominent la the antipoverty ociety platform ill demand for exemption and their proportion put forth the spacious plea of benefit ting the poor mux Now let op- a and ee how the scheme will work in actual practice A man of nifetns purchase a building lot in for on which he a block of six wooden tenement house at a cost of he let to tenant at per month each without taxes The comes along and ratca the labd at actual but the exemption clause on improve prevent hi rating tho build ing now who a benefitted the poor who continue to pay his 5 rental or the rich man who awns the buildings and has to pay taxe only on for the land wis Under the present law he would have to on amount the building aess- or Th- poor tenant is not while the pockets the of the exemption follow logical result a further Take ho town or law rith realized ussed value of Strike off the antipoverty exemption demands and the same village or town would not teach more Tho total expenditure of the coonty would not lessened by reason of the exemptions where would the county taxes come from to make up the deficiency by the irease in the aacesied of towns and village It would simply be transferred to the shoulder of the township In other word It would to be placed upon farm placed upon property which yields the lowest returns for the amount invested of the property now on the tax roll la the county St should bo that the village or town might be equalized as high a under the present mode of assessment then where the promised accruing from 000 coemption if the land would bo liable for the same We mutt confess the whole picture look far more beautiful In theory than practice would demontttte ill it ratio The advocates say would place the tax on land the poor man owning a building lot with a dwelling thereon would have as much to pay on the land he occupies as hi wealthy neighbor who can afford to put up four times as many on tho one lot a poor man and have four times as much exemption on his capital thua deriving four time from the use of the quantity of land a his poor the theory of land value ad- a man secure the right toposwo a piece of land at a given price the value of that land shall bo paid to Let an Illustration A man buy the to a farm or town lot say atO0 after the lot to other hand at an instated value of 1000 increase land value demand shall to the and applied to meet expendi ture for which art now levied Business Notices ty tfUtobCure Xclmn- Kttciev bad a bad entiled ID my lbnLGatHlaf a I time Pectoral la act Our nthboi dow ibu what for all tfxa- Pile tod bolt tfoldbjJai- An Apt QaotoUon a Mr At Cot Attn a of ftOm whkb uiftrd tor two aid toond II a My flbilCODh And Cote w Eelnao J A forcible of bad humors dlxzloa ete nd ibu be augweO to It miy Hmrvly To read er I a rosHlfft b iUfaie lit lent u been per if rn t to t or It will tend me ihelr P liRT A Toronto Oat Life Ml Aatatfi1iao3tiitlor fceiieEt School at Settlement place In 7th two on torn lint lilok la la of item has a up the id btraortttOi got m do Friday traiwitiiUie sotceatfalp to mating by J of In lb It inch that tta was Ad Smith iampU Mr of aod wlUt by tk aid of to ftaftbU anxcd beg on tteitain protracted applatu pIaJ ib bjr wtre Wlj appreciated After lb lid Wo Sir A- hi the put that bad not lost a goal put Tien Mr A- who 1 to he him on tehalf of dab with a Mr bit itftufi allributiex or the to the efforts hit alwja axoopg item tea etoeo Sir of the Coo of King bad the to of en irBD J bis the ait iteiUncfp log aodlokhlm the limb Banner Accommodating reJigioai hid neglected in ft pipe on a lioody a to ho He it f doty to go in aad the What that I u wad bo pipe But do yon not know what day Ay for wad I tf ff do yon robfemoor the Com p rainUtor I fay that I do bat if wad I micht to play it to Practical Points t Is said up smallest a the toofit lag- the following picked up from various and are a a nosegay from an old fajbtoafd garden Salt fish of aoy la quickk and beat by soaking soar milk Fish bo scolded roucb by into water about a plant pot teaspoon aEHmoOia in the a week tomato will rtmoye ink from whit cloth also from the bands A of with white clothe will aid whit ening process Bailed starch much by the addition of ft little salt dissolv ed arable Window should bo at top and bottom in secure proper vomilattoD fc The New Brantford Light steel Binder tor 1889 Use world Mid D4thlmcxlcolaUHtaL Binder to THE LEAD Light Banning CcmfortaWe MOWERS fA Em UAIxaSKTHKaK Sou n rl flaibmij Of tut a handle i la Tabalirlroa Frame Drill Heftier favorite toaF8eoiiooal8prlQaitiDo4b made The Hay Rake and Hay and rt lietlaarrowa a j- ft SMITH Agent Always in Good Order Every FOR 10 YEARS ALSO AGENT FOR THE PIANO AND THE DOHERTY ORGAN Largo Stock of Select Sheet Muite Etc Opposite the Hotel aru I A WO ffi TftE MtOWlog a tti I hTooh Norm m V Article to it of VIox OIL lor croup tic mud It la W- wiog him Out AlltaticlQ4iJtitirifll Chill for rte VaibitohAd 1f all Wo r ufol lit far yt ft euro r For Lnin or oMtyJa Klm4rt ft Ybe Field or hUtiutorlo nirJ Mr vat yrattly vltli ontlj44fri3vtgibfr into jI body It lOlliifUUt I cad now tll city la among which pliM at lb of cut mud from Huh tft to It fa lb main a perfect tttroik ol rid up a hardly Oeatly dura not fluk t to a patched of whom la about I r Murderer of all flock to know- tbat nor Kill Ttr follow a was a criminal la time i a It It to of or a1tyafcut I to I Id a vim wo appkftlntea largo after about In a ftmall yards long a goiter down the centre A each Aide who pant of gai or door the Jul Io each if which probably to Half vomto and squalid louoca lb uiaci cjdrn the and lc abb At by lUaiUtJtntnallH mot It can IMS out ovn If r out the icUmUgeura1lv no ttublcd atot- Upfl i ft It frill a to a natlno which without am Cultivate it what it A bom or Of rendered incapable of wpiog with out of a hundred in iren of detox- relative in are to decide whether control or result of Ibeir their weal Or woo To be happy must textna and the between being liked and disliked rep the differeac lwtwn good humored and the ill- acrimonious Tho who uniformly a countenance and keep hie trouble if bo baa to himself welcome lie hosts of friends and that he must bo doing well lo be to cheerful inspire customers and make way lb world with mora brains and less fails Soma one truly declare that fuloeu and diligence are of An old writer lo that ft looting at of every event far than a thousand pounds a year Lamb expressed the idea in different when ho wrote A is worth a hundred in any of lfiarket Sacu Smith gives to spirit spec it cause no or with hope Anjl the mind requires the happy disposition to which tardy foil of success Hume to say that ho would rather a cheerful inclined to look Bit the bright of with a glojiny mind to Ins matter of an of a year hear the remark made and an in dividual is a fellow Ho go with the party or Wo him Study the character of individual to and you And he toll of lifoond and filaayd to join iu A hearty laitth If face ever it la it full Of and good nature ico ft DEALER I Builders Hardware Dry Building Paper Tarred Felt Pitch Threshers Supplies Leather Rubber Belling Lace Leather Babbit Sportsmens i Shot Guns Paper Brass Shells Powder Shot Reloading Tools c Largest Stock of Glass in Town At the Stbui door to W Main HARDWARE taimao WBl0 g Wi Attn r rt5iSfc TOWN FOR CHEAP tin- IV JS 111- lc til auI a e In Supplies kept in GARDENING AND FARM TOOLS Of all kinds always Full Una of Cutlery and Oils and Putty ENTIRELY NEW STOOK J A WALLAN CO Jit v SIMPSONS i I When it lo getting move on anything electricity take the bun road or it Two luenof as well a in Toronto ana other An inent for men to go to Colorado and Boy The bid hit quarter in York in to the applicants wh one of them to dollar at Aridenctt of and free tick eta would to at once to to The sent their dollar but with Idea that tho hand varies with amount of blood In it at any moment the aoosomoatintereatiogiovei ttgatione In first exeriuienU tho hand was placed in acta vessel of water when the change the cir culation produced by the movement rite or fall the in ibe of With a large on which be horizontal human body way he found may he literally that dreamt or of a alight aound during turn blood to brain to the at tho head of the balanced relax- tho flow toward the feet with a corcapondlng The continued Ma of the circulation It that he may read thoughts and A tracing a single shows Mm whether a fasting or two serve to the Is a or a on whether or awake cold agitated or calm The told a friend was Italian and when for the latter duly affecting blood- flow Visit to the Poison Shipyard AT Your a wJk down it tit steel wblelitstobsltfunchcdihHllTalalo lo the left la I- loir from It we the where the plates Aral ralladthtn flttsd marked and cut Into easily atiroiscla- cuts At coathtaet a orhteb aatujcdlo saHf a ajfopequUI punch pUteaara laid a Wtf alDkogthao1eaf3fU0rlret- of art placed fit vaaoDfaiid four and a couple la Co Its at and red hoi MlU the liotca which almtMl and rivaled bead of the theocotoffwltb coal the which 11 Is baa three or mote bulk Ihst with an accident still of ana not The tew la mod equipMd on tho atocka our left eater lo lbs tot nsce Cod end floored Iran par- It Is bars much of lbs heavy bending and tentloi Itdont- before ftuasoaitaloiila the lower a it were 0ktmtM lbs I not lor we could not bats very faint Idea of where iba war J- or to oat the and ao hardly ibt with kind or ir s at oat lo3u4tUa Id coo I M1 say lh la- ttWfli I A oclock bridge and Bedford on the New York Now Haven and Hartford railway just the train from which is duo in tint city at made tip of five passenger coaches and a car was nearly Every both aides in four for ward was out Near ly every window was haltered in car The engine and last car only escaped ma jority of the who nmnbor- were cut and bruited mora or less seriously Hying fUsa nndlhfthravy jolting of trait At this point some very blast had to he and Stamford spiral was foreman of the construction gang had brought out several dyna mite cartridges preparatory to blast log The cartridge were being thaw ed out at a point fully feet the track when without a moment warning of them exploded- A man Taylor of New struck in by a of He pulled the nut and nearly bled to Children Cry for pitchers at wtfkOB Aww- work two Tttscoxopsny tor more atWbslady i Iho Brilliant I Durable I Economical Diamond Dyes excel all others In Strength Purity and Fastness None other are just as good Be ware of imitations because they are made of cheap and inferior materials ami give poor weak colors To be sure of success only the Diamond for coloring Dresses Stock ings Yarns Carpets Feathers Ribbons c c We warrant them to color more goods pack age for package than any other dyes ever made and to give more brilliant and durable colors Ask for the take no other A Coat Garments Renewed cents A Child can use them At WELLS RWHAHDSQH CO P THIS YEARS TLB CUT AND PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO than ever ana T B EACH PLUG PACKAGE DOMINION A MAIN STREET I of the market to MOTHER il OTHER And many FANCY la PLUSH GOODS Mouth TOILET ARTICLE ato ato FOR SALS JERSEY COWS I COW three bl THE BRIARS FARM Button West Out I by tta it IiUi4 lo lfa feutw TO- FARMERS LIMITED LUMB ERI LATH SHINGLES WE ARE NOW TO SUPPiiY OUR CUST0MKR3 WITH SASH Wednesdays Fridays Best Roller Flour EXCHANGED FOR WHEAT LDNDY PINE HILL MILLS r kuon TutrU pit lira ita io do FOR OF IASI SOLICIT A OF SAME AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD L0WKST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO I bee a wui of MRS SIMPSON POWDER Absolutely Pure A mi of Doit4 inoomptUlloD FREEMANS WORM POWDER ApluaAttotaaka a Toronto ffl per P SHARPS Proprietor door to lo J 43 ilia All of wlni Til KOI RELIABLE AND LEADING HOUSE FOR OVER T IIAVeontonObyfaillie Largest Rest Stock LOW UIHbtOthaa4raQiftkaofpaitUilih lojtgparobuo CAPE BRETON RAILWAY for At Xarroa JkJ adI matk ao Taodr ft forma of raajtobuiDd on and ajtuFabmary by ada- lhaiaidr nUuWwh accartM na ft to rampr ibu ftn- UfactoMiycofdof ioibjraDipeiflaiioo under la not tbf TandraianaibaiDftdaODtbaproiWPrmt not bo oapttbalovtatoraoj HAULER Canal OlUwa7Lb 3wf Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED OK PIKE to STATU DUNNS BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND AND EFFECT A worn rKi ftnv ftpMrni it hftt6 is- DGSTROySAND Or ALL HINDS IN DELICATE LL IE OR RELIEVE DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICE SALT RHEUM HEADACHE DROPSY dU0nlr4 LIVER BOWELS OR IttnftywpoT pFooft lbil i WWbbkwMj fttiO MeacHams Mandrake Mixture