Newmarket Era, 1 Mar 1889, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA MARCH New Advertisements Bargains J Store P J of Accounts A J Hag be Sheepskins Want J Robinson for A for J Robertson 111 ra but a hows bbiohtib WITH FRIDAY FEB Toronto Despatch Ft Prof of Celtic to Hit of connected of New Iht Church on night a in Yokes Valley at held in city this ted to the The o rumor CO tt effect Men- John will be A in of Trade and Commerce Own it moor John up be fore Police Ihu week of hones from through food ecleme tfcy wis girl on the the ud Mil Ihio the presented hit it the there no were re ceded for ti fa forth fljtt 1 the Mm to Jt In Wirt end it ujooico- minted n the Bit be dtef onthadum it the o inbred nd In of of Joey Mr on Jd no doubt of opinion Iho be with tot It onoof floiy by next neb o roeor might bo Wo of In Town fltonfffOU rriw It a In fjfendt The and Central Fairs In Com mons wlwo Hon- to the the for caring tiblfl with and in the quwtioo ihe lie in of hi followed by a The deboto by Hod Mr Uills Hon Potter Mr when to took bat piv To the people of Ontario exhibition always awaken an extended and lively interest The and manufacturer alike hare been benefited by the eattbliflhment of Provincial County and Township all over while the given to competition the for com parison they have afforded been productive of improvement in farm ing and stockraiting and the manu facture of improved laborsaving im plements of to an extent that only those who can look back to the method in forty yean ago can folly realize In this respect local shows have served a use ful purpose but the chief it must be admitted been the Provincial which was established as far back as From year to year ever changing its place ex annually and carrying com petition in every large district of the Province it has given a stimulus to the varied interests it was designed to advantoand proven an educator in matter pertaining to eipcoislly of untold magnitude and value Of late however large Shows have sprung up and are doing the work the Provincial was designed to accomplish Hence for few it has become and more apparent that the which called for its organiza tion in large measure been On Mverel daring eight the question of it has Ik hi the and lat week lengthy debate a conclusion was reached to the effect that for the time least it should bo dis continued after next Fall however levealcd the fact that those to ite were far having binge ell their own way and a good made director of central fairs will do well to ponder over strong exception was to the management of rial at Toronto and the Fain at London and Hamilton In const the tideshow attrac tion of all kinds which wera challenged as hav ing a tendency to defeat the very purpose of via the education of the people- Indeed so strong were the senti ment on this pointy that if a change is now that the Provincial lis to several mem- who voted for its abolition in that they bo prepared to join in an effort to revive It again in order to afford thoughtful people an opportunity to quietly obtain tho advantages these yearly exhibitions are to give without befog compelled to encourage features harmful in their tendencies The Provincial Exhibition therefore and the last will bo held this year at London and special effort will bo made to make it a crowning success A remarks township sro another Provincial ft also to have snctbr n will Tail for of Into nut- roioigemat from it is thai of ill the Cot sod gats receipt srs swallowed up in alone and in onehall and lilt will be of and sod fairs will sup ply the need Pro teller shows sad much time It may not be out of plaza for as to the members repwenling in the Assembly to Bill to amend the Act Anatomy is Id con flict to the petition adopWd by York County and will ska Act mora than it is According to friend may the of in the Poor Heme or charitable iutitutton out so that in future claim of at sod won the whole Bill such u will give power hick up pan of The fteere of should Mi up Dr on On Hon Mr tbo readies of hi Bill amend wbicb other lor Toronto into two regitlry Us that the Gov emment to the s report by official and in Cabinet that office a TLe Bill on points Fini It was amors part to provide a far parliiiTi by the now to Toronto bo to this the ws a of Humor Mr is to get OIKcj Maen to for when latter intend to lean svsngeliiu CnmUj sis hiring In Lon don When hut beard from 160 had taken Mr a P to of Tort for a lata lbs York accompanied with a chart for by and for It Is a Id ft and nut ailb jcml Kith mood and etirrfng by sod ariit them in th members la added to the It sentiment aroused in tha A very boms wedding ocenmd at the rtdeocolHr- and Mrs Weil Toronto on avtoing parties Utile of th Car and Ur and Alexander rector of St Johns per formed the in the of aboot fifty aad of the two families The drri complied eotirelr of whita lacs and she carried a bonnet of tea roe tied rihbni- honor Mis and bride Miss Bertls wort similar white trimmed with ribbons- Mr at tended patty as best tain The very numerous band- tha high Leem in which both the people are Mr Little waj formeily a resident of Toronto and is ppultr with his aad Oddfellow fiienls who wish htm liesriy new home and Km Sullivan where they will be pleas to receive their friends Ink Look cot for new moon Town Council next Tuesday avening Lent begins next Wednesday The matrimonii fever is increasing good Council at Coles evening attended grand sue After ihe abundance of bad pretty of Sir- of Quwoivillo was mod a splendid and speaking Oiled ihe large audtenco with delight manner Id which jo many ifaeorsancompleUljr visitors a distant Her Mr of ket a capital addrecs on sod crowns the work and pleased with be manifested In the Bands Aurora la Methodist Cbmch an going on and lgvly at started a new limy T Bread In fisadst tronhle this week but la hoped that at can be made for him her a Toronto man opened a store In block The Winter the A and in Mine the i At under its took in the the To- which were very for tbe occasion There 38 members pie Here read on and Job a lircfit local with can to solicit city print log The of mi etuplofer and bow to the unskilled labor and J wily a tbe liiel The the giet younger the The sub Jtct of patv of duty the of were and the was to the to rates for next to cross to the Mount Albert TheKrankllaChrUOan ohuteh bold social on evening of of March There will bo mu sic served from to have held Methodist church and bare attended have professed salvation A great stir is at tbeert busy of A who ready for execution their lane A now shop has been recently opened Mr- Itos has taken up We abode Id the he recently erected at the corner of King that Salvation A tray Me UN mas being more savers than anticipated were conduct at the HA- Pope from quarters Toronto and largo have attended the regret to learn that Sir P is sly 111 and not likely to recover POINT PARA- Mi AT BE TO ABOUT Ma Wablbi pajier on Can ads in Harpers for Is at- tract lo coo side attention Monday alter a Hi Waters jurisdiction to County oer all Bridge was drawn It is undent this BUI will sain be next OX Act a was referred to a special committee pro to on and for tack fiat each tody til be bis that ihsre were tar uaoy while if from sister or Mrs Dr Is hers on a visit litis of Toronto Is vWl- log friends In for a weelo of was over flondsy with Mrs- Mr J Tlt Is siradio a couple of weeks In Towo Mrs- of visit her sister Geo Wood for a couple of weeks II Mr Kelt Is spending days lo Town MrwCbu Smith left lut week for a viitt with fasr daughter Mrs CapL Member of ftamst near Clerk of was lo Town yesterday on a visit soo gave the a friendly Mr Mrs Thee Sproule of were at Mr Austin friends about a few days last week Mrs Key of Newtown waa for a week and for on Monday Father and Tornlo and Father hombergwtre visiting at Father on cte of people do not take kindly to Messrs via aud lb Folios Court to JO but lbt of nar- Mr McKay of the appointments Mr occupied the Methodist Wedding bells am rinsing lively around We again- Last week Price eicbaaxed her niiUO for Arthur In presence of a of father Mr Many useful and were given to the bride and Ibo bappy to lake tralo for Ml where may Intend to spend ihe lioneyauooo Another similar treat took at residence of Sir leter on Wednesday of this week when daughter la mac to Mr the bride In blue and attend ed by her Ada- Sir I street acted and though a of a company the bride Ibe We felt sorry lot a bachelor who too late he The was set out In elaborate style two tons dining room and affording ample room fori wupU atone and the aame time The bridal pair tbe rat at at too attendants ten shower of rtce for Newmarket in lime to take the train for Button nseoocert in Halt last week was one the beet given Is to be lated both as to by Mr was fr beyond expectation vlntla took pleby sans three songt and piano Mrs was peeled ode who ranks so blah In id nil cat cliXS- Hie piano used was of the mm have anoiber oonoeriv We Electa Norton la InxSTtalt and herself splendidly WY- and to remain of her uncle Mr are A Urge number of and friends gsthid at of Mr Chris loubby Ihs daugh ter Emma to Mr Ed Brown Dakota The will spend a couple or weeks in this before leering for their borne in tbe West Mrs James bee relumed home this week from a visit with be parent in Mr- Grand of Toronto and P of were here on Wednesday last pan chwlajlhoraea They secured and refused as many more iaile asm The revival in progress st are but poorly Cedar Valley- the open winter era near here are lately enjoying the temperature inside of fur teste Mr J a rose and daughter of him were numerous lived this neighborhood this Mr been very arck for a loag lime and has sofflclently recovered Jo the fresh air We are lo Geo ia the sick lit We hope it serious At of the meeting at Pipe Orchard last Friday evening so in of Pine Orchard Cedar Valley friends lo Elder with a wellfilled pone Holland Landing A for Church choir will lake place in Hall On Monday March tt wife from friends here few days last week John Walker home list Mrs Win Parson who lies been til for the past Mrs WetsoB been very ill for week 1 Johnston who Wen Toronto for the returned last Geo Line been visitiuj friends for the fist weeks bid bee cutting wood last ibcboyseDjoyede pull In the evenly a attended the at Ihs list Friday and to tbemtelvesto hearts The menu variety af dnr- J sod pwled much credit the It before of he time a We ore to that liu la abe tote up attain A farewell pmy held at last week for Charlie as he ii oiti to the sgiln We wish at week moderately attended The choir ta tiling aloog very ihe abirure of Mr Thty tt out to list and for lOK- Lai been Oft frleuds A bee talked of around liave no mercy ou the batchers New see into the The oyster at Mr c IbepofpltbaroaOonda erenJof last and a hundred mUes from hit lbaoun tfoobt caps an on with a doubled barrelled gun Zephyr members of pan banl were treated to an oyster sapper on Ibe Slat which both SaleHegUter- b-Ur- a on a i in i tt Bond Headband by their last wok During the month of January arrived in Ontario Ralph dropped at Montreal a after bis Si And ft number of wcro in railway ac cident Port Arthur Tea girls and a killed by an explosion in a squib factory Plymouth A on the branch of P It- Four were A woman named Kelly killed in a house reputa tion in Ottawa on Friday night Ornngdvilie wifohcator suit featbor he Urea a quiet t A hole was cat in the and several tatter Day Saints St Thomas on Saturday Crowley and Hunter labored wren weeks in Detroit and secured convert They begin id shortly The at rie turned out on night last representing the virgins dressed five of whom carried and five of whom carried lanterns Mr Brooks of this village that the Tribune has received the news of nephew Arthur Brooks at the hands of the natives Kast coast Africa Mr bad been engaged by the London Mission Society ainco Slay in mis nonary the natives and was just returning to England on and had travelled in safety until fan reached tbe region of trouble with Germany where ha was our sympathies to the bereaved fatu ity manv of whom live this Bala one ADM mftfo of Kmi V Of Yon tTidiDi credit oo i alp lb lHo Una iUxfciioplmBU jr4 J on lot la Jib of imoniotcrMHoD oclock Jm will an Mle of clock loi Si In t4 of lb ton of la Jia 1b to com to toco Eok- Allot do Jo Flour l a I a Jo a per 012 a OS do ii a do flOa a SCO Bran per on a woo do WOO a 050 do a a Si a Apple CO a a Owl a a a a Clover txab a a CO Terrible Hallway St St Oipreae train past on main lino of tbo tireat Western Division of the T It mot with ft terrible accident at point she passing through at lightning largo iron three quarters of a sooth with it the latter part of the train a Pullman and a firstclaw coach rest of the crossed ia Of tfaeae three cam two fell to the ground the dining car and the coach while the Pullman from the bridge which about from the end bridge an iron treat I with ftbutmenta nbout feet long The occupants of the two care which pretty well crowded burl ed below to depth of over them who uot oulright wore in a hock ing manner noulier of killed ten while the wounded will reach the of thirty One car the rear one upended and took fire other two that hub were broken up very badly The of awful catastrophe a moat heart rending one FECIAL OF THE a Has been the Most Successful Sale ever held in Newmarket and also the most Profitable to the Buying Public Over Yet 1 fi0 CO 360 Toronto Markets a do a do a a do do Rye do a liar ton a CO 17 a 13 roll per miller tub do ii a per a i io a thiekn per pair fl4l a PW pair Oil Or per a 74 a a fl a Congregational Church Hire ondjy7TsrcU Welcome A Pastor Mr to Somber or W WOOL BOUGHT Highest Value for Same THE ROBINSON WOOL NAT WORKS nawtuatkfr- SSI T IS will for Bate by PUBLIC AUCTION ClQblb AutUoneeral Worth American Hotel market Saturday March 1889 following of alt lo plan La fas is and I on Sooth of Andrew Wffrft In Mid Town accord So lp Pin to Plan Va 3 sua nod lit of of plan and lying of more folly die Pine of KJUUb to fur put pi tut of tic to nut ii bui we liut dUjQfiv of of bit llm a In tit HIV Bin to for y out loouf loilructloa lo IWV laic tip ibo tauter lo ipiui staU1 wixht 3ipiVjaliicpiiuMfaTvJi of la Of well u aXXiJ llIbL fOa or you tClflpWaU J Of JvOf lu ro la lUraHHtWfXaHeJ lfi auo t L f rU04 Wa It JjlfavtelMOatbU or doing Iu voik oat here Bin fir of vai JleO of ftfrl mi a rIdt of of Tccufitetb tit of m veil In He detl of on Ho wit Id Woods on boltl Ibe Walt not I WW to Ij do Utter tot King ry 4Dd li Tbo of jolted of totted Dtp ut mi lOOblfe a aU ifil lcnla tad of bo of A- La mean Work- At ill wlo Copt At W- ji J Klor lab at ibe Mr- Win of Co illu of iMviiWpODtOa ltfibbr of to of or Mr of Fork IXiHoU Emily ILJ Of Of fasten tho of Joury by Hear QwHItmbMfy of oo by to UImULcqU of KuL Of by bo ftV aMblwlo of Mr coot at of Halo odo raoDtb after For further apply J VALUABLE REAL received MR JOHN HODGE for Ha the lb TOWN OF follow HtATwOUI OMqplM by ouU YnUulldlnK if Win WMi rood all mot a Uill 4ocuAYlHf4 lujUy iv tUrUla10Qi1 by JUT lbob of to orftrtUCr7dwrm-ujporKiiLawlliiaJ- at Wlu J WHIouihby il Id im at OU wwaM aaap 4 ap boTpof of Lb f4lhlr0p u 57th by lb imi ay of A of lo ai7tb till Sir to Wit Mortality od of WolloootiUUr of E4A d fo of f4 o on WlllUm Ktof oath Wo wtUw Oarfdl and tIn mo FABCKIi NO- fiono Uoio Hi fiTi Toll by Hewitts Tliaj 111 uu oil lyaoyotiLfQfSoi the wior of ftol lArcy and ftt by ib A our plog to Ai liMbrtd win jf Ann opportunity to lavt For to toitui to A K- HOB fl FRANKLIN OATMEAL MILLS I Aim op s Oatmeal Constantly on Hani OATS Kilt J GIBSON BOOTS 3B0ES GIVING UP BUSINESS CLEARED UtfardJraa By the of John Montgomery The Balance of the Stock will be brought Forward Each Day and placed on the Centre Counters of the South Store YOU EVERY DAY I Keep Your Eyes on the we mean to Sell Quick We have this week brought forward Many Lines that we could not get at before owing to the Great Rush In a word these Goods are being Sold Regardless of Cost a Aurora Stock l Dress Goods Silks Buttons and Trimmings Millinery Mantles Furs Carpets Hats Caps Gents Furnishings Hosiery Gloves White Grey Cottons Shirtings Tablings Towels and Anrora No 2 BOOTS SHOES AND GLASSWARE Anrora Stock No 3 and One Price CUT THIS OUT Mens Heavy Lined Overshoes Mens Heavy Lined Overshoes Lycoming 100 per pair 140 do do do do Mens Heavy Lined Snow Excluders Lycoming 1 Mens Heavy Lined do buckle Mens Buckle Rubbers Solid Heel Mens Buckle Rubbers No Mens Elastic Ankle Rubbers No Heel Mens Elastic Ankle Rubbers Solid Heel do Mens Low Rubbers Solid Heel do Mens Low Buckle Rubbers No Heel Ladies High Button Overshoes Ladies two Buckle Overshoes Ladies High Button Overshoes Canadian Misses High Button Overshoes do Childrens High Button Overshoes do Ladies Misses and Childrens Slippers from Ladies Pelt Boots from Pelt Goods of all kinds Away Below Cost These Goods aretheBest in the World and every Guaranteed or Money Refunded do do do a J 192 161 144 130 133 168 175 105 25 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Pltohort MAIM wairv

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