Newmarket Era, 1 Mar 1889, p. 4

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ERA MARCH RAILWAY ALL POINTS CANTED STATE L ATKINSON Society Register la month Sod I o A lo toe ffwaiKTltel In lb Id A lib Friday la re at A lb Monday JVfrw la whit tb 8p4t Till fcMh d to Co To the AwtmNyj lit of oh or may Jo In- to book in lo inch ikiu Iq it legiiUlioo in but b Alton It not go A be filed- to the proper In to International Lessons the olden will come let op bit Bd follow He Wbil the diidplrJ oar looarlt AD tad to CiIrniqn ogbt rlirtmst pub rr Bttwi Ibt in tbtiririif ft to l to a Jin- r do y I It is oar doty to Him ratified of tinth Alt ft for Cbtuf Whitchurch pmJ of Mod In bill Cod- fid up or ft of Ihe rtportuid Atccpting lb to follow till J R d Hi Tohd tut topoyJW Galliot from I to in for r oJ to to lb J1 to the for fcbo car reot J ClctV ftcd at a Htj of dddcd to J it aloog placet Doled for drifting of not two Wtlter Collector to at April is I lis TO WRIT ABOUT r1ior t com AjfficoJiorat iui f cur lC or itb tbfj ait of lest for bo ibeco forordetip ikett DO Business Notices but cured of I bar brlp mo In J Po MooTfdl The Cost of Healing a Broken Heart Mr fryrtfi merchant of Wood bridge and do Toronto bat bad a of law and doe riot wonder lhat of bar iooa become rich It will be remembered that faoatbs Mr Cameron Spencer to look after mall to which be had brought ft for carried around with quit convinced Mr it worth roonoy to handle heart and he to pay for ha short bo bad appropriat ed in Mr the bat fioally to aept that aam tbL af tor would able to wounded with a clear Utopian waa radflj- Cameron Spncr their rather length bill for lam of or mora than lbs anioont Mr- had a will in all probability employ another lawyer to bill at Ball The future of one would the of he to take a wider view thin pergonal or the agitationa of local parties The rail way development the riecalone changed within five year the prospect of the political It baa brought together the Province and given a new impulse to the naltOhaHty It has produced a sort of which no Act of Par liament ever create But it baa done more than it changed relation of England to Canada The Dominion is frit to bo a much more important part of the Empire than it w ten ago and in England within less than ten years has been a revolution in colonial policy With a line of fast steamer British Islands to Halifax with of fast steamers from Vancouver to Yokohama Hong Kong andAo8trailia with an allrait transit within British through an empire of magnificent capacities offering for any British overflow will England regard as It is true that on Continent the day of dynasties is over and that the people will their own place But are commercial forces nt work that cannot be ignored which seem ouh to Canada for a iru present of in a British connection Dudley Warner in Magazine March on the Leg Question waa another tntnutl oops acquit in Dirt of the Parliament on Friday when Premier aa to go and hang himself Last a Milton woman left baby in chaise of her older children and went her absence the young in order to qoiet the who had a spell laudanum in the muring bottle was that whan the mother returned she her baby in a heavy sleep from which aha was unable to ronso it and of a doctor had to be before the child bo ABSTRACT OF Dr CO J 161 3 740 ISO Recounts and Indigent and Bridge and Taies In 4 Tax acoonl n i Com itviMti i I II WW 113 OS MM IT THE LEAD The It would save a good deal of in this world if admit that there room fur diffortiiico on most ques tions would who bold opinions wonjd admit even a remote that all who differ them may not bo will bo man who baa but one admits that there is in a million that may be mistaken of those men who a for a year or and than send it back refused or not wanted ftued by a flodirich pub lisher last week and pave a verdict for the plain titT for full credit amount with colt decided notice to was lot sufficient if subacriber waa in ftrreara He up In any for all the time be took the paper from if he refused to take it and the postmaster doe not return them to publisher with the notice giving reason why it is returned then the official becomes responsible be cause of Feb The town coun cil has enacted that seven li censes at each and two shop licenses at each may bo taken out if the Scott Act is repealed at the forthcoming vot Police Mag istrate Harper fined Dr and for violation of the Scott Act The trial created much inUr- return of for other than liquor ordered at the late session of the county council bus completed Mr Farewell shows that the Scott Act lias in force were ill dictnble while for a length of time before that measure law j number of was 136 in summary 16 a l a f 4S9 THI8 will certify that the for year have accounts hereto dcAil ami ftnd corral Auditor Office East Finally Audited aUowol A J Clark 150 in voucher cith ill expenditure and seen proofs all items of receipt j the on band being Two Thousand Foot Hand red and ThlrtyainedolUM arc cents LEWIS a and ISS9 is day Febraary JOHN A Reeve of of QniSIimbury the A J If we of tho Township QwiUimboiy for the year ami find correct hi awry etlcular The balance hand Two I our and Thirty mudolarfl and tiiitv There Collector nm Thirty SU for all of od Three Dollar aud Eighty Four was of due at end year and which have paid- V The Clergy liit flud that the on Tbora to ixtn expired during the year and were Tow Seven Htindred and Tea and Cent been to the Union School Section at Brown nave lso three of the dtheuturca on the City Toronto to thetent of Three Thousand Dollar tod to the Treasurer since the of prevent year This deposited in the Bank at a air of uteres I awaiting a better opportunity of The in of tho arc as follows of Toronto I Town of Toxm of it4 moo Loaned Bank I fc at Hill as ByLaw in Good Order Every FOE AGENT FOR OR SALE ORTOLErTT on trmi i THE PIANO THE DOHERTY ORGAN Large Slock of Select Sheet Mario Book Instruction Etc -i- Making alt at the time of 910 intermit There also to the credit of not invested the suttt of In reference to the of the Tax Fund wo that ia now to the of said the of which for purposes as by statute We find the paid tfao County Tax in full and all also July collected and accotuitAl or ill Coupons due of the Clergy Auditors also desire to acknowledge courtesy and received from the Treasurer Mr- Hugh in abitract of the and the herewith presented enabliii thorn the readily lo verify nil before fallins off under Scott Act is from to i of IrafD lllii it ef lo the Tilde f Here fly the thrie ted to Introduce tatter bey a by a bHw for the of artll to andfor jnerraliog of the of 1J rirtr by the of proooil tht bo lofornjlOQ likely act on the aitb but lot by AcceaMMe Hoi lata I rlcrsi In ita of public Mr LiaKrlirr fur dure fa tbe Man Jteht KtHay W lu lb It adrtrily a film ovr ir i 1iua1oflii eaaiiiKUl tf the IfiafJi if rambled to Ave Tomato for tic dp WW It la a lure cur each by that terrible Cure l tbe for Hold partly reoie hid A i last Inder al tin or which ia nry Car Oat mow vaa rum to foot from alx and hrnli fat hoi after bottle of I am and ao to to It I a JOpb That eored by Cure A of jc Iq would jor one for It it for a a bo tic we Catorla a Child h cried Cor abo tan A jeDleinan from Illinois who city recently on baiinaa Button Rtccrd left behind him a story of Abe if not certainly by no in this meridian from section if which and Douglas were con in put and tin ho relates to a decision made by Mr Lincoln as to the proper length of a leg As Ihft story Mr Douglas and Mr were at on of thn haunts in tho where to for and and while there AW Lincoln in and t down of lengthy in a somewhat awkward manner saw him in and immediately began a conversation in regard to the proper length of a leg says Tovjoy Abes are altogether too long and yours Douglas are a too short Abe what he thinks of it The conversation had been carried on with a view to Lincolns and closed by sayinKt Abo what do you think about Mr Lincoln had a faraway look as he sat with one lag twisted around the other but ho re sponded to thft question Think of talking a1xut thn proper length of a mans leg Wo think yours aro too and Douglas too and like to know what you think proper length said Mr Lincoln thats ft matter that Ive never given any thought go of course I may be mistaken but my first impression is that a mans ought to be long enough to reach from his body to the ground the of the account Auditors Office AH which is rtfhiHcUully LEWIS JOHN A P0WD Absolutely Pure Tldiip Wilar A marvel of liotftiuctfA lhau the and in I Hon with it rout- of hnit or WRIGHTS Bradford was fined 10 and costs at for selling as landlords without an anMni upon of at tb talUajr aai up or for anir aria that I Ufa op a to die t Wp0LM2 the log of Bill by to aod MUltta special rob atr la aid of Here after htD a tba mail with Urol the Wtcb a tan am likely the sid foe on write will to Hop a saUMy amoaat of their at hh hr dirrtt Mttctta of its It I- 1t tha Cured To J Edit I have a far ibova dilate lu per- my rradrrawbobtr- If will tilt A- A Dreadful Itoom without or ftoiQM a ditafol All And cur aoy Cured An rook blaijioai by tbe formula of a testable rtbtprdy Hon and all and al r alt Com curative roweralo ll Mi It by tbttmouv and a I lilpatxtfreaofcbaria to foil dlrKiloai for pttparlcpf by by On Saturday night as the midnight expreis went north an In dian identity has not yet been atcertaincd caught by the cow dragged some dis tance Ills was cut to and fraguitnt along of the track It is said that the only of body luft with a of it wit the head I No or la DEALER IN Builders Hardware Dry Building Paper Tarred Felt Pitch Threshers Supplies Leather Rubber Belling Lace Leather Babbit Sportsmens Goods Guns Papor Brass Shells Powder Shol Reloading Tools c Largest Stock of Glass in Town SIMPSONS ON- MAIN STREET WOOD oil Parlor hall Kitchen out in o Gfltfiitwr or driver Times Till A Grand Opportunity To gel a Dew hi a at Renfrew ftcllon Daly of Kluptoo or 10 North Bat Fob New hi reached herothtt a row took place Sunday arooont at the copper In death of one them at hands of companion They dunking during and a which took One the parly from On Monday guilty party arretted Whilitapeafcing the poor came up yesterday morning the and A woman had on the of andVefuaing to support and hi family It turned that poor fellow unfortunate rather vicioua that had to get work had worked he could get it that hn took all earnings his to his and family of children the reproached for not Ok- houiiuppUd with flour and other of and this drove unfortunate who thn has not any too good a head into a up the flw from bit presence to a neighbors and was by someone to lay tho information hr ahovo stated Of course the tratcs under could do nothing bat advise man to try and regular employment and sup port family Ho Ms do so and a broken spirited man fluch this God poor- Any of or charity red to this will not placed Genuine Bargain S WRIGHT of liiv lu iiiiclu- WILL CURE OR RILIOUSNESS DIZZINESS ItADWAYV Still I An ICO DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION JAUNDICE SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN HEADACHE DROPSY FLUTTERING OF TOE HEART ACIDITY OF THE stomach dryness OF THE SKIM And of LIVER DOWELS on a fix if VX7J Children Cry for Seeds a CO In ths world ANNUAL For ieeo riue4iiasplK FERRY lndiorOnt YEARS CUT AND PUT TOBACCO THAN EVER T FANCY Our Is tail PLUSH GOODS TOILET ARTICLES etc Thoklnc tits for I MRS SIMPSON t SICKNESS I fttMIDY Mil and will auui ft fiti YOU of pusses AbJ of j si I Hip i ril ikiw J III TORONTO DESTROYS AND WORMS OP ALL WINDS IN OR ADULTS AS AND THE ire PACKAGE Pitchers EMPLOYMENT 8AIK1UKM No rjutr0 rag orknig o tar lorKKOM Wood or Bolts 1 WANTED WIS price for OK W to T MILLARD Hotel ilin HARDWARE SALE 1 SEASON SPECIALTIES At the New next door lo Main Streets BUILDERS HARDWARE And Supplies in stock GARDENING AND FARM TOOLS Of a kinds always on Full lino of Cutlery and Oils and Putty An Paint ENTIRELY STOCK J A ALLAN CO LUMB Rl LATH SHINGLES WE NOW TO SUPPLY OUU CUSTOMERS WITH MOULDING HOOKS SASH FOR TUB PATRONAGE PAST SOLICIT A OF SAME MM TO TURN OUT GOOD -AT- POSSIBLE PRICES THEWM CANE SONS MFG CO ONI CAPEBRFTjN RAILWAY for I RELIABLE LEADING HOUSE TOIL THIRTY Best Stock of LOW We ACnd I yKALKlTEVliKtM rti on th I J cm I hi Of lit lrf tlUlr t lloilUplil erbntQd nifr pli iui IK it u 1 1 I- iff fl m ii- into a ln If wife rciirJlrloihc iitror I if aid will J rUinn irit Iiwetir Oltwn nil Laundry ff toe 1 H11lHT fill mi iitj re r ciifurilii p SHAKES Proprietor J will All VtrltlW IQ ruh J1 Of k ffr lu men ii v AKIN POWDE THE COOKS BEST FRIEND CAUSw AND EFFECT UH worn ibm It ltirdtoMr4i not functions Jih win w latP jiroi of ijpf Arlloiny Mixture ma IV CaUtof Wi St n log ah TOWN PROPERTY WB I Brlok on urn a J by All POSTS FOR FOR SALE 2 COWS J COW it lo l On THE BRIARS FARM Sutton West Choice of Held SHORTHORNS in tin U a Hi id it4Pli TO FARMERS Wednesdays Fridays Best Roller PINE KILL MILLS 1M Jif ii J BY ONE MAN fill rftolhJnM I THE NERVES THE LIVER THE BOWELS WJ tfc J Why Are We ltd fijsj By vwr if Si

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