IjhHi i K1A iMARGHlB a Steffi a T ALL MINTS BRITISH MANITOBA d4 lie Raits call or L ATKINSON International Lessons Christs Love to the Young 1322 Toit the little children come Q J forbid lb not for of tit of iottffitft JeNTcd chiefly and Job Oh of it of from it dead fttwut that mum rub a liviicg to little Tbb Id In to the rinr ud it cut- It on thb Jaunty fcert lota of go to In go with a to chimb tobbttb School to bi bj wrong letch and of their life thing to Ett gtxncd ljr a frith In Jeu which op oil to him Jt to be wit ud mm not cut Us Battalion In Era referred a tie that yielded to of the member for North York granting tbe kit hitherto withheld from the Battalion which done in ho North daring the Into together with thrto yean in terest thereon and the certain credit to betide yet it the Utter was the who the- matter on the of the Mansard Ihe the official report Sir Jobs A I lb boa bo a to 1 Rite biro uiirr ftr fllcoaIintioaof fait to York and Simece the kit the in IB North Mr Do I BndmUad bo for that In Sir JOHN A Mr I would call of point which I rraalraa If to The It mid unplf to lbs eat on think m claim I hare wen it will be a when into to whom I refer If treated in will be to kit to Ibem by for three and a half year Sir A atacooHJXD say we Aiil abla to thai matter Mr I it in that amooet placed the lift He is Hope A will tit Id on Under of Hop of QarMTil New- to ate a li A of m- lo tbt drinwt oat Holland Landing tg the thirty A1x gat far fall of oolL which ho J at the tip Willi Bon far Of Mrpontfoo bat now of wm tU- old w with of it tajojiag hit unlftj io on It a with of grit to tfikMj bat do u TO of which fSO for ch in The of to of t of ierotcd trmJtiof to fall juMlicil iafornulloD bird- and aiiad 3tiw la kid- noaUditotowhcnpmmjrt dock bodily tohCittaftb Remedy Injector free Sol Ji Kclm to to mod d tnaUod mend OIK or AlMpletto Si by Core 1 lbs remedy by Zoo Into for wreck Church J weopted The could bo Ben Mr an iJdrt In which of the to of The teaoat wad to The by iiiifl nd ilr J eo4 ppreicialid by J the song by J Kennedy officer were elected far John En Sin J Lemon A II Tre Met The will held on J iiiH of is Too for last dleDviUe etiiJea In the The like ftM atotf btit l lei la of are yet to hand a Urge of tbU wondnfol a tbe hetetfur ihot who bear rate rakJ- the whtt i iff national and The total debt of the of at III a dtbl End while meet if it not collated thin It mutt met out or ih to accept before 1 here veto DOfW ptnooa who got In the County of daring b a and of Itno jnt together The total for that year la were by of tine in Ontario la the bride axantaxa In Ontario during be year During the year In the of York wt and 3118 deaths A in decided at Hall week A to re Into ihrlp election oflViton wbo Uooe lb Hat At kii liaied In to the OrjfUd a new election learned of the Con held that to a bifheMtiiltbodtantwetfctloQ After legal iircrttJtagf the too fcctltD p lo but by outer A Life or Mlu Falkirk J into J whnlaF a eaae la the beat medicine ever tried- Y With and Liver Complaint tuUctr to rare yon Sold by Inf a accord I a offer one or of blood Wafer allow latent to blood bo kept pare ayrtem by e Jiurock So 11 blood fcooqulaly by by I fry to had made that tills may be omebeuatulbfiowboredit City VeU Baby we aaiebteCajtxnlaV aba waa a CUM aha cried fat helA clone to pita ib rU Loiter Came J IM for year I never any to blip like UurOock d one bottle era that remedy for abort named Ita timely Data been rnanaUy cured of toy remedy of tend ma their uh lieipoettully A An old pbytttaDf from practice bad placed In Ida by an the formula of a remedy for per manent euro and ill mod core for and u Com after having Ceiled la of fell It duly make It known to bla Attited by and a pi to All IM- recipe by by da 4 A Lent will forty of alt which occur during period and The forty It aald refer to our fat of forty dap In the forty of the Dotage forty of the of the the forty granted to the for end the time in felting The of forth end fifth rice hit Lent the that It not the or thW The etrict of WilUugbby been a church here he hi and will We plea to Mr atoned after Me and acd of here TbfteeuabtgDdl at Kerne Home nndtr the mm boat and Mr and Mr wu a crowd and off Cot a town armory of the Vltfca will be bald at leal- of John at good time an grocery at Cbathauo night with ft of to In I lug i-ii- Cody la tick again learea for the The arm at the mill again Tbooaa Henry smith in Sprioy we ancceaa Mr ii a fintclaa- and will no doubt dp to around id few year Oar seem to cannot tha to last longer t r Martin Bolton la and bat gone to jAtntl been bat we hope ha will he again Mia Alien about o Michigan mike lurr a Sunday in Aurora jnmI eroi to of got Mr on Irvtt dance tarda end to tike the lead tbia winter eery the folk will try and do better A bo baa In a manner the of organ- lit the church during put fix waa with a watch a aillgLl by by an their and warmest week Lloyd the proptily ficbotoherg and now opening a fintcUaa grocery Alfred Brown end lathe preuiaea lately occupied by t Walker tnatdhaaoooipencedbuHBeaa In old you tee are waking up In Mr Fletcher gone to North Weat with of Brown to of not Into the by S removed to Amort and Moore beld In tbe Church on laat eerjf tbe loiat pledge eery good School and came tut week In grand Ken Sibbjtd Vaa Toronto and Orange ok lie tea for enluble for the fleaday School a to be held the week In to look oat for time Intend glvf bit con cert by faer A grand no Atualroog erected a end it now r and grind meal foe the eattle with eery trcnhlel John it no rapidly was on the line week poorly but of Iter Scott gone week on a e Mr tut Sabbath and a good to brer Veer moo A meeting la the ban lag fiiW by fichowberg end trace end ffM School cm roll 40 S3 togofKholtrai III Jab tTrftoa Albert CIaiW Ward- JnnliM1l feltlh Part Stvond Ada Bulla Senior Cbomir Jobs lTUiIavTtF- Tba tbia aebool for was The honor roll IT Easily Ill Will Rbrt Ill Jqdt Williams Haiti Il Walter Jmj- PttllSsr Id Part If Boyd Part I Bertba Tfacbd- a a The following report foe the of the a mpeclire IV Allen Hermit Raw mo Jacob flrge EEitker Allen Edith Allen Allen Milton Barker Tart Willie I Horace Allen If J Teacher roachs the of No C a order merit for of IV Mann in Morton Boyd eren IfOiae Boyd Annie Woods Boyd I Frank Emma I Qeorg Charlie Boyd Hamilton Alexander Boyd Eddie and Frank Sherman Following is for Frank J Hall Playlet Ill Tool Wright Brown Hopper HI Frank Wejley Londy Emma Tool Katie Walter Hall Wright Lloyd May Day Artie Clmnca May Ethel Starr 1 Jordan IT TAKES THE LEAD The Light Banning I TJib Nsw Brentford UkM Steel- Binder for 1889 lead lb world and cot at il all to giv tbripi or uit rci Ion aire eelof iireet MOWERS rrrwbar IDademaodlaAiaaasonDMitr aold and not on Always in Good Order Every gEVERALPARMSFORJ PLACE filar i Tabular and Fmroriie la Trj klodtnad The and Hay THE CELEBRATED PLOWS FOE ALSO AGENT FOR THE PIANO AND a doherty organ of Select Sheet Book Etc Comfortable In Town or For j w flAuS SALE It k Two Steel J He Market nq A full of B SMITH- Agent a SUTTON CHOPPING B MILLARD the Hotel if ON- TUESDAY FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK Flour always on hand to exchange for Wheat SEED BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE H SUMMERFELDT SONS Sutton West 10th 1889 Ion in iIS HILL t FOR SALE IhftToirnihlpofEiiawiiii North TO or ba Sib Is fiiviig all 25 PER Mil On he r POWDER Absolutely Pure powder A of lurHjlreaitbaDd More ttiao klutlt and Id with the low leitfbrt aaelKblalu-uorphoa- inVont Hoy At WRIGHTS Winter Now is the DISCOUNT of tier for Bargains SIMPSONS REDUCED PRICES on- STOVES OH COAL Parlor hall Kitchen Office the A Grand Opportunity To set a Genuine Bargain toft Call tail and gel your S WRIGHT MAIN STREET AUMforliBat of moat Id of HAQVAHDS MOTH BR MOTHER 1AINKSOMEENS A to FANCY GOODS vailai CteUIbRwood arraoRinff tor on Domlnloa Day THI8 YEARS MYRTLE CUT AND PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO FINER THAN EVER T EACH PACKAGE PLUSH GOODS Vaati TOILET Manicure ele etc pnblle be a MRS SIMPSON RE LI ABLE -AND- LEADING HOUSE OVER THIRTY YEARS Largest Rest Stock VBRY LOW FIGURES will parKaa Willi TRAY SHEEP Cam Lot In a boot drat A EWE r wilt par and rfSPEPSJA IHOIGESTIOH JAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN HEADACHE OH RELIEVE DROPSY OF THE HEART ACIDITY Or the stomach DRYNESS DEALER IN Dry Building Paper Tarred Felt Pitch Threshers Supplies Leather Rubber Belting Lace Leather Copperine Babbit Sportsmens Goods Shot Brass Shells Powder Shot Reloading Tools Largest Stock of Glass in Town LUMBER LATH SHINGLES WE AUK NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS MOULDIXG DOORS WAlKSCOrriNG SASH BLINDS FOR PATRONAGE OK THE PAST WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OK SAME WE AIM TO THEN OUT GOOD WORK -AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES CANE SONS MFG CO NEWMARKET DOMINION P AND DOMINION ORGANS SKIN And of KIDNEYS OR A CO SYRUP for Pitchers Oct Una for A ato l an AND REMOVES Or ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR SYRUP THE MOST CHILD W on hand very largo slock of tlio Famous and Organs are of Durability and of Co ruction For our customer the city wo tome Special We tell ftt lo Living Price for or Good When in Toronto oar There Always a Welcome lor you Write to at any time for Price rid Old InbtiunipnU In exchange J S CO No 68 King St West Toronto CAUSE EFFECT MA ihem rtT a itwuf ml IB na liter t will follow A do ttiDJ of Urttbboodeluuth Mixture a Seeds lathe world tD I S f Q Toronto Stom at Toronto rtitmacoMAnA to and laitrociioBB P Proprietor to Onion S3 OMrJfta J UeDlwUlracals til L TfaHV of Mr t3aoHr JridifliirjLai tar aviwjuomto n TOWN PROPERTY rOlt ttabj CHEAP be Queen J jiiiNvy A fcWh lb TOE SALE jrc1i lJtHSEVCOVV to Mint THE BRIARS FARM Sat ton West Out SHORTHORNS by to tart And la llirirnilia TO- FARMERS CHOPPING Wednesdays Fridays H Best Roller Flour EXCHANGED SI BAKING POWDER Jl lfw THE THE NERVES THE LIVER THE Tim filrt BeaHttotlattrftt rDtowd ihm aiptllid niAUVUlHlMg f Ca- AC09