Newmarket Era, 29 Mar 1889, p. 1

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I- BRA Friday Morning -T- JACKSON HODS SUBSCRIBERS r QlfB MB TO ACCORDING TO ALL OTHER YOKE INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER ONTARIO BANK toioitt 10- Srfiilrti Vol e Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday Mareh Cash in Advance 1 within ft or at end of year NEWMARKET BRANCH AaKMtRALBANKlrtOHDBiSpM on at DRAFTS AT nuniMaiN a Ml J KTS1 HO INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY Conveyancing Money to Lou THE FOLLOWING FIRST CLASS tow for further A ROE Real Estate Main St South Newmarket J AC J BALDWIN Solicitor I ascrL4Sor TO NTO- If A fortaHr Off Block LOAN A tod J OTA POBLIO for Ontario Iiintrof Op- Back ADROKA ONT Lift TO LOAN AT PotOmc D J FOR Co IfoUlNewiflaJket B A SOLICITOR- AC- Toronto SI TU ON J oh a J A yewmarket Old Office Cor Wain ta- HOTEL Jarrts rfd Afar A IWT- bed rooms tor 9 metl J A Member of VeterlDai CoHcie Toronto prepared lo All TRATJHU AUCTION For lUe York- Farm Sales Attended on Short Sot and at SPRING luge and well stock of Flower Field Garden Seeds Iq Balk and of over in a of customer with which and true to Dune Dispensing Department only with the drug etc and care l given to the of PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY OPEN SUNDAYS FOR DISPENSING A P P SPRING SUMMER SUITING The m to al Ibo ha I bar hair oat mora I roar eTai bltUr team I left nook of I Tie ftlt coma I It broke down iblnk you bust up a to town Rail tip mother I ram the and bmnalfj to th rtOod and lb and bun Bat thin teamed to I tiom all a potted JUj erdry of IT Ttan a Just received English Scotch Canadian- of to choose from specially selected Put in Checks and Stripes Call and see for yourselves and bring your friends with yon AH goods made on the at Closest Gash Prices Only m Your Solicited D MUTCH hot nm ho lrfn night Ha heart Tutu It BeiiaKd Ltwa roida And mad me St know- I lrtct W l Mw Ibo omia com- hi- tit He badpaid fau daw It tan drl Next Door to Atkinson Jewellery Storc- cloth made op neatly and cheaply- Merchant Tailor rlitV Trinity and y3esDlfliIdtnM AdJr EUArkit Orders leit al will rtcelra prompt aUcaOon Farm NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE Took rpl her widow the OX And ST pLarm Iptband It llaitotroaiaimftt lba and he baud aod I knew that he me I hiad to thick I had taught to drink wan atbrtp And I will plow WIT aod nap the frtlla worlbr matt aobe for all the can FOR of Geo HAS A Oxide block 1CBNBEDA0CT1ONKEK For York A nt ort be MrMaQufactorloiCirlorootO for will extra stout Bottled by E J Bark Dublin highly recommended for medicinal PJ OMALLEY Main St North GROCERY DEPARTMENT receired weekly and sold at Rock Bottom Prices viz fffflfv AX rOOmi to cor DdTiDiiAbr J LUMBER YARD ATCDe of iiatb THE ACCIDENT JaNSURANCKCOOFNOBTU America rf for Aurora and at loan and loiuraooa Publics Aurora and aod NOTES DISCOUNTED Land ValuatloDtvdC TO and Op od of Of ficaaiiboold Federal Main CAN ADA LIFE CO Cans Corn cents Tomatoes 25 cents Apples cents Beans cents pounds Prunes cents ii Rice 25 cents 3 ii cents ii Sago cents CAPITAL AND FUNDS- Constantly on Hand 10000000 DOLLARS and and DRY CORD WOOD I FusytieUTs aecoro lo yaia April 1M J a Gross Revolver Flasks received of all in J OMALLEYt Main North THE BELL PIANOS AND OROANa NEW- WILLIAMS And STANDARD Violias Mouth Orgaoa Flageolets Violin Every Description MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Large Stock of 03 a JOHNSON Next Door to Drug Store AHTiririAL li it Ha And of li Hplcml Hits r -b- Knta sin Knock Ill TORONTO OUT PINE HILL WILLS put Leading Photographer LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS ALLAHEiOKDIALLT lir- Work CO BEAVER I Roller Mills ON THE ENTIRE COCHRANE SYSTEM Fully of all other Roller Mills THE BEST M Chop ill SUIT LIFE Gristing Chopping done every day The Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Co LOW RATES to ii Iouirinr ao ABSOLUTELY Unconditional Policy of Aaeta over AnnaatIacooikOfrrV5D0000 URDOCK PILLS AT a cuns iHotacatioH sick or AMD arc Ana ACTION 0M AlO TO IH Or CHRONIC AMO mill tad to V DENNE for Infants and Children m pnscripttoB Is Another Letter from Japan 1 Aug I am Id and ml j I daring of I away framhomt Uter In And with to libg would bo Id not mfl to BjiUrxi in and I dont fiod mora We milk peats and I all id dont With a one run averjiuiog u it Bat cot fiUodoud to make a inn tL ire ugr oar from Saq The of stricter of i if of Jipan riaprombed So la all bo to bur on all of It It too tree For- ftlgoen treat totally aad ad far I to a mora l work dona by and fact art by No I faata Dtcr aceDadrauhQ Japan two tbtydflob an tbu aty flJgtfalp of fliet a pi a of daja a Tea of to fall of diaboli cal loo Jog of war kept Id far aotna dUplaf wbtla lying Id aad It to EQUib I nieao not nor for la cot are of week or bad a good tba faring to wat would The Baa- ay lut I iblok f trip it not to time to It la Mttta4 atattlog day ware Joined by a man from a froro Kioto Dr a party of four old cook It to be a pack trip out wa atatUd from bate four boraa on oat a cart cook aod Ac of a 81 made day od a good road to a Jap- botal next rao of IS mitt a to the cout at We bad oar rida Ibe pax of Hokkaido pack for and docked ble btad and ibe woodt got Mo bad to tow Mm one of otbera and to to a tillage At we had a tod clear Bat bare got a o atatloo at the the a None of borate would lead and are all to ao fila afur leader We to plain will 1 bot we wanted motion would to ttaka a tba another Bo long kept In all want but to the of center woaldeoddca- off to the road and iff plain w atari a dittilaf btcb gata good ample of Qtrifagal force clang to It la No one of orald tell after what to bolt it day Lapping will noLlce we doe from Tb third day- weal op to alia- lo an old volcano principal one opened jun ego aeioiBV end foil of water a at piac to prob ably feet Tbln ettr foil of from tiyecr at aide which op a bbui Iron up to to la at 1G to 20 eat an farted Op that tying La the am of as to make a Holland at day complete ride to at the Bit IS So far we Ltd good The road to Mama- an one of the I took thai which Jot oat the tea at Wit of wo came on whit be tekeu a torn ica allb fait and fit Ha 1 id oat and locking they Jong on the other aide of the nut In abort to old end pwted on to the road and of our lot Jaja place ahtre we got earn end where we kept the for it had gat out that Dr to the at Kioto the came and There la a here a couple of miking for a end Ainu gnide we bid a couple of daya illalanoe j fcha giildMand hot red here preferred to being Utter for cooQutain Leading Men abet He we went a good farming with plenty of wheat etc Bat from the we one climbing talleaof uphill work brought np In of f a Lake eludJed and ibblj A ride of brought oa to a pauitd for way The Lake I tba mult work aod probably than ocean only or way the crow fltaa we got firrt direct of- the We met old Ainu guide engaged with eeomjiog by a of before end when to join joined ttJthout offering In older We didnt that we Infallible beer bat we left and up Mountain Into plain Shir Iratlng we bed only road wereorn up thoQlJera we rode through and of in lend while alandfng in bold relief SbiriUtaea a of ago with lie conical ihape looking If built bind and the top off from the bottom but with a beautiful outline cure We for night party about iaort from the moon tain But before our guide rode to tbeaaeof The colt thnoRh a on but been carried about 100 up lha bear and we at once order rode to about wide ekiiting be the beer Lad Heat early and rough wet graa and rode about flj On weretnppoil tnatand and with two In patty were ambling along AInat wheeled about hit addle end fired ftrau we did not know what up tot threw our rfflea about la end I Jump end a moment after I caught the and Bred killing a rahWt hone at firat dtacharge atroek ratktta and looked Hirer taw a more looking nun to and mane of hit white with hie work for home of meeting wltb the plain about mountain 1 they were but feared we not go op any but Atom had em it and then In winter We formed the plan of going into camp that near the and way np next day I teat of our parly to back down but I dttartnlned It abound not bo a tout failure rewired to get flapper end make a break far up tbe taking only a blanket and a food one guide but through the care of tba no water wee brought to and by of another of our I got no topper 1030 I behind bring fcr- ward for camp morning I routed cook got bam and and ready for could oar and the three Alaoa ware bound go though the only one would content to under take It ao old watereoutte now dry and full of rockt wltb an or 30 feet where we to a detour rather of daecent and again pulling by or running clndere where If jop panted yon would go eliding down a pred- or again taking to of bam or fcoibp worked our way through and enow we came upon a berry patch the growing on low from el to and tbla weteouty we bad ripe in other a few before Hare the Ainu gate op all wold go fartier- dtffertnUy We oow a of a mile from top and En alow forte pine sibmtv WtJ thickly and down the the and the only way to get tbroogb It wee to go making no ebeed and tbri Ing hold of one a Hit farther on and ftp While footing yon go from to feet and from half to In diameter in 1 think none of them more 13 feet got tbere tiptop- Had on rt and green and found ray Aneroid we about feet It wee we had to aeek ple4 for though Wow The from wee grand and I felt repaid for the though guldea there were no Mow we foond on edge of a end crater threequartere of a mile at Of more thin white of of a row of loow or with in a of end gravel In tJe wltb only width no top to walk Wbatwr tip ilb low bosh while they extended of the crater In other tbeta wen itrtaktof gtarel to I A lorn White at bottom there adearlerel place lo HAM to If you cau think I place for lbeoldRoao the wild la All lacked and u the of ere for pretty welt not two lfc awakened woidi Knma three and of the op excited for were Vented to down of the crater looked from diaUnce no larger than and fell zither I joined readily enough In tbejeacbeifls which to be for guide end eelf to go down through or a atrip of to the and them while the other the to bad w but I the other on go around the top the been were and ahowing of flight brought them back o now and turned to ward we ley we got a fiu ear of and their one about each I filled the idnfofmyrifle making thing but they anno of eight behind a In the mountain running down into the crater end we trntted to our to prefect them from tbat was with me and of had old 1 bad my rifle and we ell had We had not waited long they got out of until tbe fired by the other then quick load about or We couldnt aland that climbed as quickly around aide aod below for we felt euro the firing would torn them that way but we our reckon lug too tow coming la alght of the heave about or The guide had far fired wiihooteffect and gae didnt aeem very joat then the other charge of powder wai fired end the ball pare the old Now Imagine all the wild up and you will get the oaring a ad their to the crater the old one In tent on getting away now her flight very much like a hone lo a enow drift they would the ridge end though gnide told not to fire I could another minute would hide them from only quae wonodd they could attack other before we reached I thto foremoit cub came into low I fired which taken In by old and be dropped he ell to lag over lha from rifle brought the old one and ended thai far One cab hit and he direction 1 could lea but could not a rub to wardens when I and the bill caught him jut of the A few ratnotei more and wu till When we got to found old with the coba parti body I with inch the eight pre- tented by cuba baring created to the mother to calculated to erouae feelloga Tha are good aod nicely marked body Mack white the head and mane ate a abed Alnuebereeblg and thay wanted me to atop In the that night and mooing I objected wu to more morning and wanted them to go on with the the hunt bad luted an bout It waa about jura with road before ua hid forgotten to tell at tamp lut the old guide envied two of little wooden whittled and them in the ground outride and during the night went three timee end prayed that might and white we atood our game Ma firat thought wu to to dropping oohlekneeebe bent prize end I oarer a more ferrent a riddle to me bat he all the In hie and conviction that any man of whatarer belief he might The jrouoger guldee with their to not ready to Interrupt but attitude tag fall with the old mm It a eight oarer forget I am probacy tret foreigner who iter up here erery jeer year there were partita Id only bear hid been killed by a forafguer In lalani to to our own work I got at not their lingo each a of wlththtaeeod a Fair figo for tba got They regretted going back that night wa had but a light lunch for dinner hut I felt I it belter than to wait for morning and thai were In a better trim a When Ihey weald up great of drink wanted ma to intimating I not endure the climbing uoleu I did- my belter than did although 1 did Indulge la a of raw meat ahkh they me to take berried op tha the aa to forget their work I would my knife Into a can of Call peachy baud a around a they bid oarer lor and they worked like engine Down of crater we were the rery hot and wo gtvl the off thay bed cut off all lha atake could carry the work of return comma I felt a llltle going down aome placea climbed aide in iha but made all right and ihtew firat camp nut and bid Out then for audi an what would not one undergo old Ainu erected three more piecei of each at the 1 know from at hi hi returned lhaokeforcur tf I did not well that the work of had too much for crackling nolle wu a rolling down dangeroot place on SYRUP tag era A 50000 fira at Bowman Bradford organiiod two lacrowo moaUin or a bear here ju about I We of They ere without exception the ael of hare wo any pleaakg Their full of war foil Jet their feces to attack a fall griirij fcitb only a knife but are quick 1 often 4 what kind of people they would ineka if they bad id Bui to io a tuition here to of back by until are InhkUting the old man gate a pantomimic on to of the the beta which you would ate equalled Oat of en for little money the old Ainu the which had iniltutnVnUl In getting nut at ataited on our rode til day la a rather over woodland and up rocky and down we rode fir Into the when we found our guide had teat way and nothing remained bat to make an Impromptu tamp which we did had a fire At two In tbe morning we were by rain our facei which called oilcloth and blanket Into rtqnl- Dawn thawed the old guide he wu on the wrong road we omitted one and made end night making the lut rua wirb freih boraea through a rain the coming or feet the ocean with nothing to be awn below and a on either day in of about of which we were tha firat foreign hope of moating game after woikiog op wit of w wottld of a ae in laliiid- Kit Too laleforlut week of the Temperance Society which held at Churchill wu attended a large gather ing and program of readings end wat well Onr and the followiog are every uiiit- Secretary Prgl FMoore aud more were added to the roll out will take pUce on Friday night the for tail wee- exceedingly bal dull roller mill kept eery though Our old end neighbor John Brown died at hie oca the and waa buried following In ground at tbet place The ware Webb Porter John H and Wright A excellent waa preached who wat In the by Ear E Scott de emed waa bom the of May rumored to 1611 and to John Smith whom he in Mr Porter be done all for 35 jreara He wu a and member of Church waa Su perintendent of School for and a Local Leader for a longer period He could with St Paul I hare fought a good fight hare my courts hare kept the faith henceforth there laid up for of rigbteoiuiaai which the righteoaajada at that day Mr married on the Sept whom be bad children Frank Iran and and put tan jeandioeajpadpaiaed through great baring buried four el children and alio Ma wife a ilrt of her Moore and Scott bald their In the Church to ha more added to roll Wajm mietlng in the ban organised ft Bradford at their rooont Wiodaor will rail tobacco thla Frank Hand a brake bad a foot cot off near EST of Mr Geo Stewart Temperance died Sun day from diphtheria Fire on Saturday do Royal Artillery barrack ia the Halt tax A torpedo boat and fourteen of her haw loaiotT Cherbourg Throe were kilted and another badly by tba mail train at KiT town of In has fir wore to death l Two prisoner from lookup by boring through the wild brick wall South by a flood lait Friday which did a great deal of will build ft brick armory to coat of which the department of Militia will A Don- of arreted lodged In Barrio gaol charged with ho km teal A jouog named was accidentally by a companion at Winnipeg Sunday night and will probably It it that who comuiitd autcido at did at having betrayed a woman The death of Mr Martin a vlcllm the St accident vrill an of I bo third deputy in IS SouiO lacrosse- put a ball through a window last arid will likely twice n loden locality jo future Pour boys on an immigrant at Winnipeg snatched con dnctora satchel worth and lilted were captured A Grand railway offi cial the other day that St not including settle ments with will cost company fully An ted of marl as a fertilizer boon dis covered on property of Mr David two of townahlp will of by of King who died in February last been entered in the Court for probate by uben estate valued at A match trotting on tee at took place last week between Bell Girl and Bay Mat tie which mulled in favor of latter by two heats Post Offices were at in and Parry Sound at the in ning of the month officii at Ihltlea Corners county and at in West have closed Miss Emm Wood who Has been in Church at Lai It ay for a number was presented with an address and a dressing as a slight token of rial ion services that capacity 13 John Mount Joy received a nasty cut on Monday in this wise Ha was splitting wood and caught In clothes lino and bounding back blade- struck Mm on the cheek cutting a gash three laches long sad Into the bone doctor who was found it necessary to take several to close wound 4 A young woman of Dresden named Emily Steel aged years died a short Mm ago from a peculiar disease On Sunday previous to her death aha commenced and although nothingwas thought of it at first it continued and on Monday a physician was called in Nothing could be done however to check It until the following Saturday when loop overcame the malady in which stato ahe soon unconscious and died Sunday morning James Kennedy one of most respected and oldest settlers In Scarboro aged years was killed at last Thursday Ha was a team of horses attach ed to a house in of moving and stumbled and fell heavy rollers on which building rested over and crushing him apparently sat the accident and was not until ho house had been moved little distance that the mangled remains discovered Three youths had been reading novel and made up their minds to strike for tbe wild and untamed west They track out on tramp and walked as Pickering village op the track at midnight where night a train andbeat a ride to Markham from which place they walked sore end weary but mighty of their folly nothing like- travel Id educate boy

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