Newmarket Era, 29 Mar 1889, p. 2

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i n a v 4 At V h iir r NEWMARKET ERA MARCH 1889 How Advertisement Opening J J Store A Exhibition P Auction I P Mine Batcher Extents a for J m or I but grows AM WITH IMDB FRIDAY MARCH 1889 Oar Toronto Despatch Hi Baled And MTeral Id Be dt -UK7cband4re- flMwmdelinrcddcfcDdlmr When the to to fludrb to ud til took Boo to BUI bus led uxotoiliDirLilbt la En UOcJlrclo Qautlon- And in queiticu In to whom the fell It ft doty the debute to fkrUimeat OBrien ly in find bo of the other mem ben who followed on both dur ing the firrf WHAT WRITS ABOUT prorogued on Jul tilt IieatQorrnof bUUKAttoftbonl oat BUI wfd the oa- QoiU A of it or prints chnc A considerable to tat a ciLlii of ifr editor of the cf bit ao J hi la aqdoiI x of Fourth EUtito lbplfJTire of Telling AAfttlKOof Iht Liberal til to Toronto lul If P P lb number la The of nd taIIM a iiiro before mother of It decided to bold a con- notion la Toronto Jatj or Ink Drop ta bloom WW 14 oox fiuh AlU-0- SQnA00aiidl All To Tn flTaoinj ep nicety to TtiflAJ torL Ilfbl CTrnoir id ami A AOcidrat iff John rtititbAndUkoffwtUiUlaA box Gala ton the Action of of on the in nther in A large nd public meet ing was ia Toronto opening which a were and adopted the refer red to And alio xprsuigdiratiifAC- with the Dominion Government for not the Act An In- floeDtiAl committee Appointed to take Action kcqt- log It And An appeal was made for a the of the The flame of is being fon- by two forces politic and religion What the oat- come will be remains to be seen but if we by the coarse of leading men by the change of front the leading liberal Organ in Ibis Province by the utterances from prominent palpi and platform speaker end from the chary manner in which the Federal and Governments are to hedge on the question it looks as if the result would be farreach ing than was ever anticipated by those most interested in the legisla tion referred to Since the Pavilion meeting in To ronto the question has been taken op in Parliament On Tuesday OBrien member for moved a resolution ff the effect that an address be presented to the Gov General affirming that regards the power of allowing the Acts of Legislator vested in as a prerogative to the exist of the Dominion and further that the Act of the Quebec lure respecting the the Jesuits Estate is beyond the power of that Legislature and therefore prays that Hi Excellency will bo pleated to diiallow the Up to the hour of going to press the on this resolution is being continued A of mem- spoken on both sides of the question and most part thespeakfra largely confined them- selves to its constitutional aspect So far the Church is concerned wo note that those most in condemning the Jesuits Act lake special care to draw a wide distinction be that denomination and the Order of it is also stated on the authority of persons canvassing with petitions in Montreal and some other pi sees In Qucbeo Pro Lace that many express them selves opposed to Act above re ferred to During the week Mr Peter of Toronto a wellknown Liberal a Catholic who for some years has taken a prominent part la parlia mentary elections in various sections of Ontario has a tetter In the approval of that journals action in recent demand for disal lowance This has given a stimulus to those who regard the Act as one of Jesuit aggression and derogatory to British sovereignty to pm beyond mere party lint The tide of excitement is running high Politician who At securing the chance overy lime ragged and look to the future with certain forebodings this crisis those At helm of affair JUca and Federal requite clear head and strong hands to guide the ship safeljr Religious conflicts have ever characterise by wu and there Is a grave possi bility history repeating this of this art bo deplored Civil and rtjigtotts liberty however and aqual to all must be fortWsiominioa majority of a crowd of Toronto the pity iag the on night a by win of vat was A on the of lb It wilt a sorry for the roodj element of the be to pin of ths lstiou of Id rtolr to to the the foods si his st tbserpMof and Mi la good order Mr- by despotic trick to lbs the ujedii Iftbeticeosdb bo iJl fiaa half of it We dont liks policy ffBATtvu others think not thai Local out of en of Public School with colon ihe of the of ngtrdiog tbs French of aiafSMQ for action Is unworthy of him If libs be off hit tnco ex oar beads to satin customs sod No doubt a d lbs bent way to groood it to confess error Jo better for the Will Mi is RAP HID Dr Law of Head la Town this St of Toronto to yesterday after week In Mia ana of Philip been a of Vin J mud two children of Itoooto week st lesrv for Detroit sod Hon to friends cities It III goes to for for will io iwmBjkL Smith who weeks fT- iuarket boms Friday Hrx ilcPheiiooof of Mr of ihli is Si In acritictl lower Mng With him W Mr of Street its de- with market- of spplei last those who corionstbbwesk depot John hit tire Writ sll of Shmrpo sod M and family of ML Alt it A Smith of Sraitb who hu been for a of months himself on IW can riculom Rochester sod left for York be beta offered a permanent Will is ftst climbing the IsJdrr tad I mirk in world Lloyd this Ihe city one of College where leu than 180 bars gone up for Mr Lloyds SUbUs an not without competent atteDdiots completed for two there be somebody the office to lead to of will oo tad of of the sad of to lbs ereolog to erred In the sft which Dr will dellrer sad lbs arch It that J Dsrif P P will bo sotict Piled will bo lbs best erf la with Church- Lake if rsthir A turn to got In lul it way clow to they ploopd oat ffseipeet to hear of before toe will TiDlaring Mr Toylo of is tapped trees but yet Dot moth mutt Fall is in Mr of from so atUck of of the sipeUoato j tctoita fcat at from A rfieo from li town Una at school sod of pro a oq April willing a Holland Lap ding- A at bit to sod Joba who about lesrtogfortbs by of A spent after of lbs in sod lbSfxiNlstbitlog DSvtt forget jolly good w behind who them A Sid accident neon tbreo farm of Mr two cblldrtn Ufa sod iho litlls old fell Into a which Dear by cuoo child was ire msred on farm only wk- The of their night of meeting to eoier- of To t4 Editor in town the amount in rUo did aopCTUt by frtsbCprta diyfci armed Wrdilectrojlna bo aeon Merydlrwaootfylnf lokjll item and thee boen la pttorijihat If aienlolAiacrilaodirtQlon will soon not a Mrd too pari V SPRING 1889 FOR lo Old rtfl For a u Mr J Ion lft I rdy property From and Wr I n 10 OS ThuiJiT of last week Mr the third rradiag of a Bill by farm to the Election Act lis final passes Mr Wood in that Bill foitbwith to commutes to um to lor the for of to Auembly a This was A of to W sad who voted the secret its member for York Our will probably a for tbii vote as GoTtramtat wis no wise Of lbs lout It mewttrs Bill Around Sutton tod on lbs qui Mr Communion Serried at Bethel si King City of bangs of base on I of the Ihta soma airoog ptt a thing ia certain the to the Reform of or the lbs Its si of great party of be dictated to by the and hare secured ear 1 WvU from Hops on fn to lbs decided There ft a u lata Brown a too new I hi id In the realm of to Id aecofid cou- in ou of wwfc- Hon Dr sad of tbs numbered a loIliicJ jiUifoti to which this petty J is familiar to our a sod the In of taking In Its la dt La An and largely In were ecu Its Results Act sLfVj tbB lbs juu not Act A lbs fur on tbo ud wU undo are to lbs unity of our sod a to Inugrity of oar A fvartb ruola- hail the of iLUmsff a fiJih u the to relsUon io by Ol town by Mr of lot blcfarmaadtnored to In lbs lujry Mini and Cock UlMt Iralo at KIds elation last night en for Manitoba They Intend toUtk take Our UPI la- borala Toronto a ad of family sppearato with salaed In whiloaway GeaHtawart baa toil Wo bops will taken to Ibo contagion William has taken tfotoblm- of Cameron of Vsosbsn wilt for Oowbo is a IbsTAIrd Party lot temptlbls bolof compoad of aora both political of bavins have to front of Sale Register April win Of l la Jj4 s on vim attup tto oauu ill on all aucuuosor flit aors fais la fforui will oOsra MH PUiOOAi Foe pail- mXo or Open lods lut a grand en- Sub mikes a capital Family of Ia sermon members of the church who were guilty of dancing sod at lbs golagoa In lbs Winter bat to lbs writer awsrs member of been gratify log worldly by that sddical Is no credit lo that tent It filter plctujee felted lore bake ss Aoy man of a trfek Las and to a de gree female ImpUcstod It now order of lbs day lb it Black born liable to be again afters re lbs on farm will be the lucky bird boms on a la to ths where to Herbert Brows his to himself a half sad billable mala cot Tillage to dangerous holt to the bridge Whets hhaepstha A1W of know IUldtbstspseshttkssnysCeoil say Aurora The startled by an alirm of firs lait 11 oclock It oat old boose alensnt Yang do not Intend to torn out mors of than they did td a camber being for Band down to the Hot lut to they the people on corner of sod bis Sgsb opened a store in Block more tickets to the North- West were totd hern started on Toeedsy night Chai horses commenced kicking in Well list the axis front of It in bad holding forth pet a j Inspector Toronto next mooih Ik from wrious in her foot by the of pitchfork wbict lying lbs liable floor Word been received that to Africa arrived sad Conn- try well El Stereaion if occupied UittbfiwLepjier of Toronto formerly of Anrors En town 9 High School scholars bars a foothail clnb sod ore now for during the coming Mr Mr has been with for put three or weeks but It improved Intend Into lbs occupied by Mount Albert Allen silehtch beld wssen Monday eras well sod weni Mr who wuaactioa la my the i Mr fettled a right aboot Into our Ad accident en which Mr Phillip wsy to a epiriled and two tested riff two child re and near on the teat As were going tbiooxh Kelt the the hick It sud four on the road then turned hick home when Dr was called In hat a up notice Mr srooad with bis giihnlbup ben- fialt and from the Urge he f from the fo would Judge the would be gnat of our people arc of Mr John ilr I lor ley Willis who about We think It hill herd the gar- dim this the every one has to soma low the weary by lbs crowing of Could not municipal council ie to proud Mr Walter grAlu faas been a few dSj la by farmers sod others John Shields a car load of fiuettltteend on of Shields an buyer In Ibis lowlity sboilt a eer toed a week from faejf John of US formerly of Frsbklln and of A bat been bars Ibis piat week Mr ffu bis child on Sunday lut the Thee- Jable of Lot Coo J had an exit a credit form and Imptemeati Ur lift sod gone to reside left our Tillage and gone to redds In Toronto A will occupy boose by East ifsfcti is ot a ftr i prwant lul I read from of- road A fAmmrv4IUo of fur repairs Id Acraper And bill for of A Co bill for Weal street JoDeshilirorbddiAtittltdtogCoDlloll motion Mr appointed a member of of of beard as tol- In of open uj lots Grant child of late John P Morris and John Tat lo wan The following- pascal were ocdereJto A TLoe- Col Tin John Jon a bylaw prOridlut road allowance bylaw atvend and Anally f to on Sat urday April gtBuUdaHomeT if your ttesrploest or f- ami in fit add laifrotci 16 Jim atrabsed Lhobl In United and talabior ajh too notj thai pi 4 carpenter can If you Id tend Onto la ibis pejr PA a A THURSDAY APRIL m m And following days we shall exhibit our I North Regular beld at Members all present a Kaakeand road between lots take laid over for consideration a Morton was appointed to Inspect lib tender of it si cliff for for attendance smallpox outbreak io Auditors report was finally allowed and acted to have printed appoint a road and bridge and awrllteu of alt spent and work performed- A bylaw parted meet of Anna polls and UNDER WORKS I BALED TENDER to I up to noonop itoudBibeSH day of April ISS and will fir lion at the Mtb Oar of eprlflclUuiftnd be lalnedupofi apJIottoo odor will of Ibspduled aad Ait conditions A- JDenMitdfBtoriUllwjrJainiCitrtU Of London and New York Pattern Hats and Bonnets and Parisian Novelties Straw Hats Bonnets Paris and New York IMMINGS Fathers and Flowers Ribbons Laces and Ornaments x ment YOUNG STALLION TO HE AT- SILVERSSALB SATURDAY APRIL Oiir Stock is the Most Extensive in Town and com prises the Newest eflects in Checks Stripes Antiques Brocades Tinsel Brocades Twotoned and Embroidered Ribbons as well as and Satins in all Colors V In v and Flowers K bill compelling the heat ing of cars by including- those of which enter Now York Stftto law on Monday I Congregational Church SKEIV10K3 II Year Piety hud j All SI Ml Cburch St Toronto Hatch wife of liim MiLOAticOa J A Ucrt Of Of Klna Imt its Of Mr W J Iu IJiDOti Iba I by lL A OASES and lSQj 11 JKAVANAOIl And PROE FREE UGTS The character of our Stqck is fully up to its well- known Standard The at once New and Fashionable and in respect to IlorVorLh liuMoUiUiirliLock lDitUr iy KftUibir fidene of JenDle nichinDnil relict of Ihfr Cobb or oit molhfrOfMn AQror unci of Urt fll SJR All will prompt The Northwest Territories anil British Canadian Pacific EXHIBITION CAR 4i ILiicU itnLlODeJiUHoni tttl flit It A INVITED Am A ID TO i SMeOGOLD MINE Under this heading we carry a Assortment of lie Latest Productions amongst mention Tinsel New Embroidered Jet and Brocade Bonnets All Ladies Visiting the Town are Invited to Call and Inspect onr Several Departments Show Room in of Miss J By barlDK your from MfA a You wore toony but In rjd ud lo toy my Urge and Out pot I do I a a 40 mini a a loo llQLtrrt3IJ Mr pOiJDU 00 MM -Vp- a mp a a to a 1 1 a Ml for Tepi wUp b0U buckets Oar tillage lo fall think owe holi Mful cljf A bat oUtiuctdbrUit piles p of a of will ud 1U la for of A Ao would for to go BIj for tkI tug a a a ON Years iu this Lino WITH Honest Square Dealing of bOUtf and Dl HATS wop V Ca nt BONNETS Ribbon WUijt AURORA well InehirnOfMlMWiItbi too to mn- all and to Oar buiiel a 10 no ltd a U di a do ok a do a too If TO lico a MUST OUT Coo By Ube 1st or April BRUNT0NBR0S Specialties this READY MADE CLOTHING MENS YOUTHS AND BOYS I All Sizes All Quantities All Prices mi immense stock of Clothing especially the Lending and can guarantee the Lowest Prices in Town a- JV DRESS GOODS PRINTS And now and we are confident no Our Stock of Dress Goods and Prints is now complete and we ore- count assortment both for Quality and Price can be foimdiu the Town A FAMILY As usual our Stock is Replete with the Choicest Stock of Groceries North of Toronto W purchase the Largest Quantities and sell at Wonderfully Low Prices Bool hoes We have paid special Department this Season and can offer a class of Women and have never been shown here Remember wo guarantee the quality the best and the price Lowest of any house in the trade made to order and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed a aN4 l AW 1

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