NEWMARKET ERA MARCH iM fanlLuuiH IS OS IS A AR0OTDTOWIT Oct The Abstract of Tbo tali octal at the 1 A ficr The time lb lb ui T I moat A Great A new ilticiicatu the Stamp in to had it Rial SAtB On Saturday bit fc 0 D ehn Estate nil a A on imt and cf lbs East lot Sib Cob of LIKE We to toe of Ha awns to Cettcw Woollens and Wall are saw to bo Unaad read sale for Good welt The at Tbo Hesse far all the DC d w innii a aaoaber of of North of the next fjitoab Sea si St The usual bo Ibis eteniDK- On Sua- A bi this mi remotes next J- of to be ibo fai Kbit bo if la iuh ii la Shak A Dumber of young rtogffifJ la fhtg Ceawtexy lut by la a bill boou elUaUan of people it tli tctad4 not for bo Temper- iirt I iuf I ud tbe of Black practical Scott Act la of and that It do puff Witty at It might ha gar rlfae to that dmnt- aeJ aisM vat iinsgtis a In Iho ahoot Mr- of woo In on of matches and Air A Bmo- ton la other To When ordering roata that tba EtA OiBco la pi loo to get them done la rNpocl fmmeDse aasortuiat of a call are fiction beat eqolpped Job f rioliog Id I Will tome of oar Inform as to what baa oar Wild ago to that a fancer tba Old Sonar of killed aa la and he ha aarer of them not x Accident On Tuesday Mr came homo with a broken head Ha a car at when ho slipped fell his bead agaiost a piece of Iron a Very woond and blood to flow freely He expect to be all right again by Thk The Sound St to the diet a Nil The two bright J frotx Rh his cot oldest now corns forwud udttj I mr aw flcvint A of tcok If to IktUaforfoppUns tie folio vf eg for Arf tod for were Jut it from IS to ft W to ir toittei Ik from to ft to to ftjrap A Crowd til taper hIti A com- old Tee lotcmtiDjt it Rodney t a luge All ftuirtmtrtd flctt- north LniiLAbY Sep a a otnotut rflaitfin and of of debit til on idfoBm ill J Of tad rfltHt for tie f fficr Li M t tit cord of Boot a oy palra But at that Is IM feet all of which I lite solid leather bt Cite and slylUb deafen to them at at a The a we hare boot an at to car plica Is only All the this bug foaol untied at lsJj lw The stilt North Ate last Sataiday bx km tba of porehwJ VimcVorcb a rootla of day pre- rSxtayUl A for 9 to Mr spaa that took fiiat Ahaw all 5y alijd by liajb en cat Sir lo return or neat week w to jr oil So 1 mil w ji 1 J M JtiUDjing of J i a fact J vM of j rowotrts to op t to to Coxa last of Ben G A Lor was attended per and a aKcul for the rcndfrrd oppfOpriiU food ap to in of North- it to licit the a car which will io for a few boor a week will also Gad flowera to of to Iheaj it for and be away day Sea aJ It a laroeot- fact that u a weaker to Iota of Weak aifal be proclrl by which at Book Store a been week direct A In another of EOddty attention to of iaiectirorooi birds Tbe fine be not n thin more far of fence and if cot pid at once offender to gaol for not teas 2 who allow Iheir to about t kill all the little bird they aagtogeiotUy and a a good fiuo on it would mike ihem light The and of Ira town will fiom per AociDSTOoo I ait week met dent tod It a that ha was not kilted lie was at followed by Jost then Rob coming which he did not sol Ice The driver call to him to attract atatthe Army ibit he Dot hear lbs warning and the lo the brent him be fell be rolled bone that of lore coat back A the along pawed two jdwMi it waa not broken bat befog n rj badly for daft and with aid of cratch It iy a of week before be will hare the Who light ef I Our at J- a We would again call attention to of Dr to in with So for of Dr Ward will preach a the and in the Jim plate on of and Sutjt of No The re all tie of Oriental ahoalug how the people work company tit No donkey to a grabble of and ratta No the the Want are of and will la diet at the etota of lecture will alio lo of the of IVM cornea highly tee oatvended by Id whom bare all lbeta the Ken Dr of of lfictntr Ton Oak Say per cent by baying pluoa and at Job A Dud A Dr Shell to the of people of Whit- church try palming off a to on and pot for night at the hotel bat ha not pay for keep at tbo time to baToarollof In landlord let him tiro rig He afterwards sold paid charge and departed He among faUtnera till when him at Pine Orchard baring in meantime for at horses which to at rtab place By tba news of antica began to spread He hid bones in Mount Albert to be drlireredat Stouffnllo and the parties had them all the way there according to promUcv but wa there to meet bad all their for The Dr offered to sell tbe to Mr Thoa Brown together with iff Ballard feeling sore that there acrav lwwo him to Town yesterday morning to make tome On Main street they accosted by Sir of To and a when Dr Shell for ranning away with rig belonging Uaoihaw who had for thopaipcoo of to be the thtt bu put of for Fob In Boots and Sboea tall it J a The Evening the were poorly attended week on of tha special at What baa become of stomi this eeasonf dmy Is a credit to the It Nates cat as fresh as Aa won froit out of ground will bo a lively taming of dirt The Bradford Tho of kit money Interest doe to member of the A exhibiting by constant attendance at High School caused a titter among Monday aplo yrop the contents dULcibnted open side walk on Lot street Monday somebody w accidentally that luxury day will be ben to all appearances will be a around Tfaiiblbe frostbit the man who owns own by and grin The Waterworks for mikeaa good crematory stray leg of a horse which tha Inspector picked up on one of the streets cremated Friday morning Mr Richard- son has been most singularly fortunate as to weather for the Improremenla at bis residence or wind cm do little damage now Wo know salt bop bat the element crowned the at Smitba comer with empty Saturday night to be pat A committee the up the seats io the Presbyterian Orange Lid is talking of A Drum What baa become of the old Fifes teal wideawake will not from Mr of Aurora Ia connection with the sub Mr J excellent address at Prayer Meeting lut week The are making coining of the Order Cottsge prayer- meetings tonight at Ileum Kit and A liquor case from was In at the Police Court hero yesterday afternoon and without costs FOR GENTLEMEN ALSO Mens Ladies Misses and av- FOR SPRiNG WEAR i ft at EVER IMPORTED I NEWEST a BEST MAKES IN- BOOTS SHOES PLAIN AND FANCY- and Henrietta Clothe Beautiful Prints Ghalltcs and Great value pi in Sootch Canadian Suitings Eugliah and Trousering THE BIGGEST BOOM YET IN ferown Blanks White Blanks S Ceilings Corner Pieces o to Choose from i 1- In addition to Our Fine and Young Hyson Teas now community a pleasant llavored Tea unrivalled in Strength Purity and Flavor try a half pound package J ERM8 CASH FIELD SEEDS NOW IN a iap as poaUUr fa Health fslibfal work J f yard In town Intends to do this e us the The ecryoeaatlori might also sat a by 1 a little tarty to apeak- too earl It popular and all of email at Por baa a warrant Lis for rbr arrest of a named Bill baa srte these until Moo wbeo Joe 111 ia him all of Tie two stalled for the He till when be op a wigco sod It he sbooUer AineensoeJloileb Jot on but their IpsettUag down were on be remained the cooler alt Digit Some threats having been made re garding brcMpggr Mr no has than visile to the daring the silent hoars Major opon Albert Tbompsoo Lb of lt and he was seat down lor for which e Btir bad a free ride to Toronto eatog and Mil keep with Ones for a month TO School at sod fi warranted Solid Leather Fob and call at J a of for North for of for Ityaer lloensej for the May lit at the In- office Newmarket Monday the of April Under the act It la of the Inspector to publish tome printed the Riding at least thla meeting the of each new for a with the location where petaoo to sell also of tavern ebop Issued dyriog correal year aod total of for the yes The list of all la open to the at tbe office It la right and prist lege of any ten or electors of any petition say to of a subdivision The which may be taken to ibo of a license may be one or more of the fob That the applicant of tad facue or of or pie- lorfelltd a the without a within a period of one or that be has kept a period of two Jesse a place Is wbltb illicit of frequent and notorious or tbeprtolae la ere oat of re piirsj or have not accommodation re faired by aw of reaaonabte If the embea be not to the isld or that the not paired in the or that ittoitsaeattfalbe Immediate place of public worship hospital or place In which aach will bo If a license Is granted Any petition a shall be lodged the Inspector at least fear fint meeting of the Board Dor fog ibe a couple of Important lo the license Act The BUI Introduced How of any IvV lienor from a per ion who Is not licensed to the or any who premises cfautd shall coder the Act This amendment the right Tbe man from person Is tonally with the man who sella But there la another amend in so roach to be Increase section of license over to with to point of fact as- half of this from foods pats It In the Proin Other encroachment mnntclpal v out heavy goods and and if axe one ihe and of Woofs and ifhoes lwum of we all new and flesh and Shovel Forks Hoes and all kinds of torn SMc Garden Tools is an of tu foods and Annealed Galvanized jtuUic Barbed Fence Wire- 1 Builders Hardiifft Paper Tarred Felt PitcUs LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Hoop iron Carrlago Wooden ware Trimmings Jacks kept for Agont for Repairs I out has a and and hoes jixicu we ihe judging cut sales in ihe have done and continue in JMcALEER OPPOSITE HOTEL The Directors of have secured thli Ironpe for one night only la the Town Hall Newmarket evening April We need not say our towoipeopla frill be delighted to again hire privilege of lis leolng to celebrated The enter lalnment of VIswa of Harriet Qeecber of Toms Cabin with plantation melo dlea of when tba waa Views being so with areata in form of a brief lecture aod of lbs feat or which make that story so fsmoos of entertain lait Monday Toronto j MrBadl gave inlereatlog description of which led Ihcfamoua novel And the were chosen very sofflced to pat those of the who bad not read the book of the whole A number fine applicable to the ssljecU were sang and Ms family daring toe Intervals between the ore of the and were received hearty NOTICE TO of of ChapTerno of ih that all creditor Other persons of Reuben Robinson of ba Newuarke One of tragedies tbat has over happened to Canada occurred at on Tuesday when a man named Harvey and killed his wife and two daughters and captured In Toronto aamo night where It la supposed he intended to kill disgrace which ho brought upon hie family by of for County of arorenlraitorior to send by post prepaid to J lor or IttuUo writing llielr IhelraloisiJuiyatleaeea- thai after the lt day said deceased may parties jn titled ooty to which the shall hare re ceived lor lb to any person or claim shall of March FETCH J AH J NEW MILLINERY SHOW ROOM MOUNT ALBEUT DRUG STORE ESS SEEDS Steel Bros M Co SOAPS BATH AND TOILET REQUISITES Id Stock Patent Medicines All moat popular reiuwlica kept DRUQS fresh Goods carefully selected Toilet etc etc A conUnuaoco of MRS SIMPSON a to Leading Furniture he or Albert vicinity thai ilock All latest it style a of am pre- de ri for reasonable Smith A Jones price far BARGAINS BARGAINS AT THE- HiP ACCOMMODATION STORE Valusble Farm mil have received Ital lately occu altos weoa Aurora AD HOUSE Mrs Harmon Is substituting white for colored servant at if was throughout Manitoba lut weeks than on for a loiblilipailmaatwillbaronadUrgt andwallialaclsditockor ieaaaiiaaitohaaMrliDas lord at All xtaqid Having bought iho stock and flxtura of Mr J A Dales I purpose out on MARCH 6TH With full Hoes of Goods I purpose clearing oat the of Winter Goods at Less Than Cost TO MAKE ROOM FOR I on Mr Dale I thatl of No a the of containing about seres Tfcli is one of best Ureal is near ly all baa water and a torn orchard la a for a parti apply to BW Ana- A IRWIN will pa roa aklnsani AND Pitchers Highest I THE WOOL mak earnest to meet the of my numerous friends aoj gie them the advantage of good bought at the Lowest Possible Rate in the market J STEPHENS pARDKQF THANkS of my ibeir toy ants to Air J ay aamarcof J A 1 of and aaam fits arr i NEW DRESS GOODS IK AND COLORED Cashmeres Veilings Amazon Cloths Henriettas the Newest Shadea The best Silk Warp Henrietta Black PRESS TRIMMINGS In Braided and Tinted raids to match all Dress Goods NEW- PRINTS- beat patterns in Town Warranted colors COTTONADES SHIRTINGS THE AT J J Sucwssora to Player CHINA HALL LARGEST- AND CHEAPEST STOCK Of Crockery and auttublo or i PRESENTS New Raisins Orange and OitrOn Peels Currants PURE SPICES Nuts and all kind of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES in Stock Give us a Call No Trouble to 8hoV Goods A SMITH Prompt Attention to Telephone Orders MONEY TO LOAN Atalarcet4oaQntUsainn DAVID LLOYD for ACSdavlLs Aitot lunar fta ft4- losnnince or Bon a Ms tot tUAUoowoito ssnwsass3i i FOR HATCHING Brown ud to9 re a a Ho ttuieaakr IU A m ista a A tl