A NEWMARKET ERA APRIL 1889 Italy tails A a Dont forget to tf ftSWS J A Frio Mf i King J Si Shi I 9t Liu of tow a towbib in Mil fell LA A blkbI flA do- is scarcely a urn ani a w l looking lot ifc sod hiiu6etkMio from ill of AieJftt4fa8 Water For the town totKali To tfrtfotiiatoftfceswtioann It E ttiot Ttf it to WIT tract lb In- I at It 30O Goto Suit Book School for I llobrt Ails Vklft and iheDoodJ MtJife BfOBctl ft Jo 3 Jioy BBBB Mr of iotilid for J futbfait calf Mrs IpiVta for CUrr KulLtr Of cue lJiTtlltbftcKZJiOtiive the of Si A will bo hold IMj at the to to t with lb Club The ait immong for on to oclock to of oloet- ing of town Id Estats Mr Jobo jail tha St Softool now lie Si fail la the falato d to rebaitd Improve lb Mil Mr QaMoo St him limbs fear tod one all doing well The wit of fiock bw dote iblj Iwa no In all mm Wall Do not to of Wall Paper at fiook Slore A Wiohtb bid tMmjv to fail He of the bat or it bsd to ho to the iht tramp ircocDtucitfJ o lodging hoc the body mat with fall following lKld Conan and Orion Ktwlttsl benefit to a or temWn it alt of ill There con- baiQfM it it will l or it in bylaw l tinged io instead of iitmliMHAfiV a saw fill filial to wilt I la Uwtady or flilirttf Bill dogi if fiDj aught by ijif will be If not within ftiiUKSisctitS- Thert be it Hall toDtgbt fcbiiclv id the An to be little folk a tcu ibat often eicb erefta drawing ub uortri frird by tat Abaiiiioa I the mind jpiibit bat Vtivlttaaitl fif t pilf fiiiiAr rip- Will Mij f a a p tie fisditl9B of and f A Obriv ox For week Jew Ha laie upon the Holy ihe of the of fulfilment of etc lie to be welt Ivu been a the upon Holy Writ and la Qa- His wife a meat tine people of New- fain been highly pleased with imputed daring bis visit A Sad On last veto In a boose at Toronto Junction two dead and a a condition of fint wes of Jacob brother For of towo and of tbe of county which of Aurora went down to the on Saturday to as aUtlo waiting him threo or fonr after laid to rest At afii the was made that sb via dead froaa blast day Uti John Amman a BIhah was striken with paralysis while looking upon dead Wall Starr will to large aitoiLraint of Wall Papers Celling ud Border to match at Book A Depot a or Christian of Newmar ket foimed Into the market branch of the Yoong Peoples Society of with following officer Mr Pretty Mr A Baitdo A the of of meet In room Yon eg people are to attend tbe Sobpbisb A party of and gentletDtn abont fifty took the new of Mr by storm on for the of firing the family winning An time was spent in and music not forgetting tbe the till near tbe midnight hoar the company Wirt gathered and ball aod Wit Informed by pastor Rer W the Aid of the Cbnrcb of which the worthy in an way to show their rejoicing completion occupation of comfortable wd completely home followed by sever of the gentlemen when bis pleasure in meeting a large and them for expressions of friendship The company separated after ringing Anthem A me unknown played trick Monday at of the bat IheaQthoriiioa get a a cine to be will be lor iL six oclock and clapper oat or lb town bell were more people fooled when the bell effaced to pull of therapy All Mr on for- the bat when tbe cam Ibe Toronto directed to the unpaid tad thats all that the offender liable for Somebody alio upon of Ibe drew op oat sod it suriy tbe bell w thit was scarce in town more Jog Bat of tho day was in the Ontario Dink Money the toot or all and with which all for it practically de monstrated by the paasoi a twentyfire to floor It is when and coin End pears to be exceptionally brixk this On Monday Cane Victory shipped to Winnipeg on Tues day another car to on Another to THudea and place The staff to men and two new are being pat the pail ally Toroato work end the staff alio A Co giro employment to and men The Wool Mat ita staff to fill order coming from different parts of Ontario and Quebec Mill la shipping on firecaraof floor a the quality superior that the Its product sold in Toronto Id lion Ontario To put climax on tbe be of North End the Railway Co baa actually put anew flwr in the bdt the ladiea waiting room still has of an emigrant abed more than a first- class room extension of the platform feet to the South an which will be heartily appreciated y FOR GENTLEMEN ALSO Mens Ladies Misses and Childrens FOR SPRING WEAR EVER IMPORTED NEWEST STYLES IN FELT HAT BEST MAKES IN- BOOTS SHOES PLAIN AND FANCY- find Henrietta Cloths Beautiful Prints and Great value and variety in Scotch and Canadian Suitings English Worsteds and THE BIGGEST YET IN A ftown Blanks Blanks Gilts Ceilings Corner Pieces Extcntions c Rolls to Choose from Suth AtfcfcLiliAifc VJ addition to our Fine Japan and Young Hyson Teas now popular we are handling a Tea to meet the wants of those who like Black Tea and those who prefer to use it on of its but relish the ordinary Chinese Growth our Knit India Tea direct from Assam Tea Estates meets this great want of the Tea loving community a pleasant Black Tea unrivalled in Strength Purity and Flavor try a half pound package TERMS CASH FRE8H GARDEN FIELD SEEDS NOW IN jUueriBcmculrj NEW AT THE ACCOMMODATION STORE j Willies to remind her Customer and that alio will bo prepared in few dayto show MILINERY IN ALT tij- SEE OUR LADIES BOOTS AND SHOES The Latest Designs and Best Values NEW SHADES AID COLORS -IN- TliankiDg them for bo pleased to a call and solicits futurtirders Wm nut S MB ftJMt fa ftjl It I tut tin tag MaUd And it to fa Jl Mr to ui Oar frltndi Sunday inoro Dr to Tie coma off of doer buif put two Joid liofldly ibit CM Hi little ttO A of t wit pretty indictloa of ft Mink tiff of Una IWIhrcu TbM a big crowd j Li ft cold were brought u A It ill wit Very ft fpHlag dig Two fioe ftolmiU one North ud it Ifao if qCTOrobtd fa- oito bit rot ecqurffiQQ molted In lb rill tbt ftdfluHIttyof teller lobuelng lirgo ocket when ft Cej got bit eat by it Sun tit lb yb W ant lite fy Uabte ciiitllj firo my u J litt Farewell loy will mfited from cur Mr W1od who Ml TaeiJiy uorftlox fur to enter with Mr of yan Tom Hook foot tod TerLbbkKtbletlc- Aod cot the bo tint the d it with ft blkt a loo on Tor itMUi btly ft the of nrprUed lo ft moil Mt must by lit Bicycle ft dumber of bo to imply etjW of Ibo of eTrl clle4 t lo to r ma Tnritftfiji to by Prints and Cashmeres Qualities ia and Scotch Tweeds ia 1889 TAILORING TO ORDER Ton Council metiof Mayor Deputy CouocUlori work or ftod ipriM Bell At Ha mow to to A relation Ha to Finance Coin- bo for thai Clerk at bo latrtt4l that Ibe report be fttiJ that Mayor a to on but the Com la of iheopluloii that out that corioratOQ bo equally nod iol1imof ad lUlc which to be both papcri at half other at nod yL polbli and lumber The Ft re nod fur la lieu partita that A fur work and material that tho Nil- performing hit crUlo wont Tor that council may be to JuJo will be iht that be blade to of Water lute tap fur waah ft each per for J iht it with bath room of Report adopts Tim bylaw to lKti So flnally paired and Clerk at WaterWork per Council OUR GROCERIES ARE FRESH And in Teas wo Guarantee Satisfaction Rates Lola Garden and Seeds Now In- J STEPHENS SPRING 1889 Win blanker Willis Slmpioo Frank to Colder Boyd I Sale Am Mr wilt aftato Of 1 1 Con i IwHIirobitry on All Kav- ftaali auctioneer April A fifty aero Jara In will bo offer for at Hotel oclock For partlcu larattoadYerltMOiiob April luia will Ml Credit till neat Halo at velOCk To Editor of Hi a your paper of week you iotert a from Avium oar blrdibyboya have an editorial that wo aucb blue bird bird yellow bird Ac am ipairow will do than thtboyato bjrdttbatwawattopreaerTa the away aod took of ihetr ifalawbeo they much aralo IM rliiiiuJiderabralftftaflocka tbeboyiAceoti head for peddm- of School No J Whitchurch of ffchobl obtained toe for o ilrdClaajBrMftbelWtlaonTI UHlftQA Charlie 61 Klar VK Went Terry Curry Mary TO Arthur Ada US Milton SI Kennedy KenutUy roiKT The la tbe of the of No bury for March la order of merit I V data Mark Ira III- Win Itoyd and Wood Hamilton Fart Frank Charlie Joy Charlie Herbert every day Ford Anul Eddie Frank Herbert atteodao for month FAEaTi Teacher uirrerate fttteodaoco of the above for March l8 tbeaverateW W- follow l la honor roil for the tame month Bertha Florence Mettle Fred Willi am a lieriioPurdy Annie Mao fart Jr Fart Herbert Gertie 1 lkrtha Aula ihoacbool held reiular weekly on afternoon whan pro Mr J Fine Orchard For J DICKJON 19 From and ter do not cluck and the beat layer fc Sutton FOR HATCHING From Irihorna Ilrowu aod It per AMOS fit 2m DLOWS DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS Or ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS AS SYRUP AND THE MOST 5DELICATC Wiam ant I inUi so tuts out now foi willing and axe one of ihe and 1ocla and of have now io all new and lanajaciuxeu and heal which fiiee and down all out ejfoh Out ieftterf torn anything line of ah of ou SPxiees ihefiaUyeaX out hat been io fiiee icfoxe ihe filmic a and Siyixh and Jhocs judging fiok out sale in have NEW DRESS GOODS a IN COLORED Cashmeres Veilings Amazon Cloths Henriettas in Che Shades C4C Sill Henrietta Black TRIMMINGS Seta and Tinted Braids to match oil Goods NEW- PRINTS The beat patterns in Town Warranted fast colon COTTONADES SHIRTtiCS THE CHEAPEST AT J J BELFRYS Successors to a- by aprud for Ita month lKoc3oa lrea J- VlooPrealdaol of Frank a ILobt Willi aalUfy aUortd Law NEW MILLINERY SHOW ROOM MOUNT ALBERT bet tie people of Mount Albert nod in all of am pro pared to lake for sipiBnHdj market for MINE sroTT ihiuk we ftiiuxe one and out io con ft in J Mb OPPOSITE NOTICE NOTICi herein o of of of tba or that all aod other of Me of uiy of Or to it ad by Mit TQoa Jltobeit- loo for tbo of a la of thtlr oimraaodaddretri their by fur- lbr on after day of may dutrtbuifd and from my Ifl WRIGHTS iflttlUW tot lb to id hill not Years iu this no A aiu4 dotng damage A prisoner stnteaoed for sault ten at Monday A girl abducted boo flundaj by two the luclph has and talks tUoio who ore to wo Hoy Warren of Bay died of small pox end his two chil dren- arc sick with Of Uld JOUK WAAU J REDUCED PRICES One person was lnjurl the 6 au Honest Square Dealing lothoPMlaDd for at 0 to offer tfdiniartalM ovary letflent 11 Sill I HATS BONNETS Uf lbbQdraTmmlDit Vtlteu from lo BEAT feafBf a CHINA S I HALL KOTKD FOR THE- LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK Crockery and for I Look i well ci qol tor bridge at Monday looming J for Same rue snaissoM WOOL- MAT Parlor hall Kitchen To Grand Opportunity To a al a Genuine Bargain I Call aarly aod Now Orange Citron PURE Candies Nuts Oranges and all kinds FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES s Always in Stock i Give a Call No Trouble to 8how Goods A Prompt Attention to Telephone Order D S TO LOAN par oaoUiOoflrtUolaaa farm DAVID LLOYD tor laklus DUNNS BAKING POWDER ABBJAGB ilOHNgS rf I i