XT r ERA XPRm 189 RAILWAY S 1 SS a a US I RAI R ALU POINTS tt COAST ATKINSON Society moon- Aoiorroir T Mall lit la W Id rootilb- la tb lie in A In id IQ UAdj HollioJ in International S S Lessons Son April Text onto Him not with moat Him art our How do we treat these I Ilia Son for cor Salvation The rejection Jena the tin can ia only Sob and The wilful rejection of Christ will he followed poDUhtneDt not tnaoonoaJ jet then Biahep ah tnrwed horn In 1930 of Sandwich in ha reddeoot t whew ht hat tinea tad Hit nomination will in Fir tU Era T ABOUT South Perth A war Da t Mr If Shin vii tie pity cad for id it for the Ucj to auttt ifat At fct Ar instil the f Lit irrtk re- iiilime I ja Hit lolhtt fits lo en owbkte fc llii tilt Mr fte- Wo I7 Jo- lite ip CoktabU ApJtlrjA The f tilt rtjkjHit la hkb lb mitt b7lh8ttoft Act rt rfaht to with la ibo Wit 1W- A Growl from tbe ttBR to Orion fierce to Oil lwlh Ao MrtilW pwrioiu- A fool oar He din to Oretnprer f i trtqrt rao oa4 hoaU of rtoou He Woo iJ ioHD in Sylr with Onto I all the flbnoi- vUtbUtDOOiUthd let htm prohibited froa CAliBjC With lfO0D nbKial tlojfd with toowji of from win pb to bo Tike hud of Kbit Jo Will of Jlthitcaa life of for toot Do jo aurfoe la right web cn Ibd third avpd rt bat Bf4M of metrical MO- id of held in high he re- point of that differing ail critic ud of bo not at tbo of 8nnl hare that being not a fit ct of of Dot terrible be lit pie of and no attention critic duly manfully and Septecn a io tht land By Orion last wet In compcuing the Septtou I tbit Are word that are tha that tbo flrtaii An lilt osfci with dead The that irt ttnwtanapTit Are that am ww And Tore For feat that lit tmeat An In I on a that la what hi killed by the And Ion that and tmo lot IcoL ftd sen eif fit tboold AktwftlvJiW of fa oflbrtobuh aEtgtitfa tit eJuotlooal did Ml In oocd mill mo otbe of ih lioTliicaikl OWrtiiitttiit aid Oat will of Id Jilt to down to with firat to up to to with Ih ILm be i ibe latter to lie CO ffuta Untie lafcl aad Dot IllUi lJUi Ontario la Business Tbo Blood i Life AttdooItaparlUrliryely ex and doauHar oca remedy a baa blood boat of U sod fiiceptttilVitiu Core la the remedy fajJua A Car for JUttmtaOftO That can bo quickly cured by IbOrtlbtromMy JIiJ4aioa ftG do get rv I mod of cured I ng Cough Can taowqulcatl by tot tot to to oottn pbHftinapd and With and Lifer luJlaer a WflDJBorJK ttlood for vtAkneand from by tonlo properties pi 1 I ll HIT- A old I her a of Yellow Oil blti relieved well all night I or croup Utcaeu VlrdtnMini Storm and Fire by fire TeAdayit Sixty and binned entailing a of only remaining two Old and Thorn oll were terribly and live coaotry nearly of arm bout are d bond of homed animals are lying rood Dak April prairie firea destroyed about a largo of and collie and left about aouthern part of county A added to of ibe loss Lake Minn April The most prairie tire known raged over prairie and north of on Toot- day night lbs ind blew a hum- cane for nearly 24 and of life in Bee Height a town west on the road ia almost destroyed Dempster a atatioa on the branch reported destroyed ranch near there is also reported A from Gary the ftuo was almost totally and thought end of the world had come Farm and were away and were homed to death by head of lire stock ere reported and fire hat twept over twenty of the country ceasing iiumenw ban abated somewhat but wind yet high enough to keep the fires burning fiercely and further heavy roues are almost certain The damage in Minnesota ia much toss than in Dakota St April list of by prairie fire in Dakota The deacription of es cape is very thrilling- In Yankton county alone the damage is placed at Near City Bailey a roach When a party of drove through the blinding to the rear of the house sight met their Standing in little hollow below the of the bouse was blistered and and horned with hardly a of clothing upon The poor girl clothing collar of her part of stocking on her right foot and the right had been completely burned from her body which presented an hardly a spot upon her es caping upturned of dollars worth of pro perty was destroyed within tea miles of Thirtytwo families their escaping partly clothed Machinery hay grain and a amount of stock The farmers are entirely destitute and without food or County the fir- vas one of the worst over known Many farmer every thing and art home- lew and destitute The house of William Ollne was burned Mrs in flames Near Oak wood lives Prank Good- fellow was away from homo hen the Gre came Goodfcl- and her three children heroically fought the flames for hours and then were forced to on their knees while the passed over them is so badly that she will probably die- In Brule County casualties are being reported daily Fully no hun dred families have lost everything the loss Two women were burned to death cat POWDER Absolutely Pure a or od ma- only intent MYRTLE CUT SMOKING TOBACCO THAN EVER A bat attempt fas on Friday nibt to rob tho Dominion at Indian Head f an lection it Act la fiu all aloaa Jiur let by met JiU uijuiiluaaatolMra twin 4 tic ami in a flu Up s WUiiloD la tad la Mora Jn caa of lb to Mallaaat by votaa raanrUoaa la aa adJoUlca two fa Scott Art to ibla by alcfc fcaf aaa a CaflA aaa aba aba I Vltrtv ihrt to work aid i wm mad a ptxmaoDtco and I bate to roc I- In aoo ax cured i atrial aaoortd by Wcala Injecto flr era for ha a Dandy cored bvtUtaormi- remedy an tbty will a A at Cored An by India of a Cor or lunjiaiidwo an luoat radical core nil tftrvun Com barter totted ihouiuda of baa fall duty to uaKa koowo to bla Actuated by a to teller to all Uercoao yrenob ttaot by mall by tola A bad a from- drowning t last week He fell in a bole and would have lank but for timely of tome Rama Indian Children Pitchers suras Undent will w rlft aii7fifoTUocJ Waotad of fclictc WOOL BOUGHT ALSO I Highest Cash for Same EXECUTORY NOTICE TO 9 all creditor and other of Robinson tat day or Key or 1 S to a a The tannery of Mr at Kington achiory aod tools at aa fixo on Bator- A aVMIIM tilhepa for altar it ESS lay Hi A3 any anoo Douce Dated ffiaab Staitor T B IN I EACH PLUG PACKAGE -AND- LEADING HOUSE FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS Largest Best Stock LOW It wilt with Id BY your from yosj Mm a by four jlODDeu Willi my ipmi3f of over 3D Years iu this line WITU i Honest Square Dealing fur l of to HATS BONNETS liuudrtdi Trim mtof VIrU WlDfCf BEST EVER IN AURORA Comat walla Urnr0U4 to all of iiii forget ii BUTCHER jNK Toronto Steam York I ailclallye to Nail to to m a FOR BALE Can be aeon J J for to J IMCKiOSJ WRIGHTS REDUCED PRICES ON IT THE LEAD The Light Running The New Brantford Light Steel Binder I and void ImiLopiDd lb not talpc ltylrjaftde Id Ho bom Guaranteed the Best or No Sale MOWER cuter I0u not On to built Tabular iron Drill and la by to bait la World If fiecitonal Toatlu STOVES WOOD OH COAL Parlor hall Kitchen Office out 1 lock is a Grand Opportunity To a Da a Genuine Bargain I Call your Always in Good Order Every FOR 10 YEARS ALSO AGENT FOR THE PIANO THE D0HERTY ORGAN Large Stock of Select Shoet Minis Book Book Etc JORSALEORTOR THE BIT i 1 wawawaaaaw Duke all A or loot will 4r9aaaaaawB THE CELEBRATED WILKINSON PLOWS jo- or Utr ftaiardaja A full or i on aaoa SMITH Agent ABSTRACT OF ftCCOUNTS Town of Newmarket FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER It lait l III J ee tail fire and Water Hate Labor Tax moo woo 141 Waier WaUflDafMalnSUMU is ycbool Hate band to sow Total tl5 ASSETS AND ASSETS op PodJ Id Mori t- A Fire Ball Apparatua Id QreTel dJ Lot Works Pump o Water J CO SI CO KOJO ftOJtn em Total- e- LIABILITIES llbcboo labDtofaja all ia lbf do PUBLIC two to0 ro M7 J rt- lit To band audit WO 14 Lejrliallra J MM Tot a M appelated xaGllnAl of noil wllb Vocb for KxpauJItarta and ACCOUNTS lv for lor rant i and allow ad barfb thai we bava of lb to QdTblrlyCaala STORE SPRING GOODS CONSISTING OF I A Spades Shovels fe Forks Rakes Hoes and all kinds of Garden Tools Annealed Galvanized And Barbed Fence ire Builders Hardware Sheathing Papor Tarred Foil LARGE ASSORTMENT OK CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Steel Trimmings kept for Hro for SUTTON ON- TUESDAY FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK Flour always on hand to exchange for Wheat FOR SALE SONS B MILLARD Opposite the iaW A HP PORTABLE Sllisou Hill A RARE CHAHci To Valoy Q lt BANKRUPT STOCK one or the bNt aWm of water M Wtttr SALE Farm a 0F- ibeTOKoihlpot ere I Id tl North bill Lot tall k ate All Ibna Unit are g7V market pmvCini The subscriber the Stock of J- ROBERTSON from T at a on the and whole will be cleared out at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE Extraordinary Bargains For the next mouth TWO STOCKS IN ONE to choose from Call sea it at J A ALLAN CO to op LUMBER v LATH SHINGLES a VALUABLE REAL ESTATE MR JOHN for lifa to Mr llod4MfcBtfi mtntniuieooEUiiaUiiitsAul fllflrprrxrnof a All rami 8UievVk as ltt iltcblot Co ill lUcu Dd iVArcy od V- i itUi rcaTtiaV to At Ridiculously Low Kill ftMDSoartGlf i to For to fiVi MnppVf fi eVvratAl JERSEY BUM COW 1JKR3BVC0W Cow le to tf ax WE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY CUSTOMERS WITH SIDING MOULDING DOORS SASH THANKFUL TUB OP THE PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OK SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK -AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO NEWMARKET DOMINION EMERSON P AND DOMINION ORGANS on ham a very largo of famous Pianos and Organ are of Warranted Durability ami of For our have ow Special Wo at tip Living for or Good When in Toronto remember our Wrerooro Th Alwaya for you ft f and Ol Inatrumeut in exchange 16 J C0 No King St West THE BFllASTAfW Sutton Out Icchiltciltarra Pekfaidriiria lrH TO- FARMERS Wednesdays Best Roller Hi- AND KINDS IN FITS stes Pa fl BOOT CAUSE AND EFFECT ANY war a In will follow doll- atodfeior blood WANTED or Stave Bolts WANTED OR PIKE DIZZINESS DYSPEPSIA WfiESTlON TOW ERYSPE1S SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN i i