Friday Morning PRINTING REACHED SUBSCRIBERS GIVE MB TO ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE A BO ALL LIBERTY ONTABIO BANK NORTH YOiiK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Newmarket Branch Vol Single Copies Cents Each Friday April 19th Terms L Cash in Advance within or 2 at end of year HIT INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY M to Loan Etc FOLLOWING FIRST GLASS GOS REPRESENTED Wand Id Boiler CO Fun Ma QT or Co doing C-niSs- or Witt for Real Estate Insurance Agent Main St South Newmarket XSO lo J It Toronto jljlofiioUn ftod Engineer York Court I- I J FOR and Life ACHES Af noes w oob Toronto JACK A SslfclCorj etc TO ffONT Etc Block MONEY TO LOAN Etc Hot I SOLICITORS AC jH TV WAN GOOD TO LOAN AT flritcafrt entity Officeallfao lontlon Co RgUUr Main and ttu ALBION A wide 9 Ttrmitll per day ISO rooms Accommodation lor parlor J Prop A- fl GRADUATE and Member of Velelajnjy now prepared to Trent All Notice SPRING 1889 SEEDS largo and Well aborted of Flower Field Garden Seeds In Balk Dod Package Oar record of over in the seed is a of aopplying oar with seeds which ire true to Dispensing Department only with the purest drugs eta and great care is given to the compounding of PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY RECEIVES OPEN DISPENSING 10 A PM 6 PM ALEX HUB Practical Carriage Painter ly 1K3TCLAS3 Work belt iaeJ at moderate price A J CPU Utttr British Abtwdfr Newmarket M jar Farmers will firxllt to mo a ALBERT AUCTIONEER For the County oMork Farm Bale Attended on Notice And at to will prompt attention to Farm Properly SUMMER Just received patterns in English Scotch Canadian Also an of to choose from specially selected Patterns in Checks end Stripe Call and see for and bring your friends with you AH goods on the premises at Closest Cash Prices Only j Your Patronage Solicited w d Door to Atkinsons Jewellery Store Merchant Tailor Gents own cloth made up neatly and cheaply rlOE ED A It AH A market On i jar Re pal for will kept lately E ALCIDEST ifflfWirtrtp America aaJoitaceldoota or Aurora and at ibe eootejaDClDfloao aua luiuraDCo Notary public Aurora NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE FOR- Of a Garden For a to bad Id pap or toe of eoontry all obeUi the tiaeilloo with For the W1U eotlal wportl created Bo lhcblcJUi mat together tid AM at teat a Whafa matter to letter or to By a trim WemmakeHOorbaiiof- eighty wrote they Made a of Editor to loteod ibem Best Tt0it It At of we pcopVeqowtloa mailer epteoi on DRAFTS ISSUED AT ad EXTRA STOUT- Bottled J Dublin highly recommended for medicinal purpose P J Main St North GROCERY DEPARTMENT Goods received weekly and sold at Hock Prices viz Cans Corn cents Tomatoes cents Apples cento Beans 25 cenU pounds Prunes cents G Rice 25 ceuta Tea cents 4 cents 1114 bit rooms lo t ia TlmAby MITII in- ilAHHIUh itCESHKU and anil NOTES DISCOUNTED- ValoUOBanae Accouota Oofi Gross Revolver juat Fish of nil kinds season P J OUALLET 1 Main St North TT THIS SPACE BELONGS TO J A HO LICENSES At 6 En iurkrt or LUMBERYARD It ir of Stub Aim market Constantly on Hand KtaUatlrlth am DRY CORD WOOD CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO CAPITAL AND FUNDS- 10000 DOLLARS I lRiprllor AUTHORS G0X TPTJS8E8 Of tte lh Ankle at ifetxllrltloa la April two atklnson WATCHMAKER JEWELER 0 AND PASSENGER TICKET AGENT CANADIAN PACIFIC ALLAN DOMINION STATE LINE STEAMSHIPS MAIN ST chair great la lb With of Carded jo an aotlQuafftcv li walla and by or alHajtnloua aciiool And tat opturtai to a and a acoordlaa to tbtlr doit Bo no more vat trulbfoL Swiftly Wllb a frowo upon bit At of Junior Was o to a Andbio6xofrtlo4rblstopoQeat a thunder cloud taoi OrtoDi What Two be n of SapUm QaarrcUloK matt not I ikc do loader Why It to oar Datura floicranltrL EiclaJmeO Cmiiuj us a 0 if Look to followed- AU talk toil Till at tut was ha a floweraardto Then the flowert were all AU name of all the flowen Wltb ibe each rather bate But would not trow and Cedar After all la Jack to the be to of preaching Umbo call But the Daffodil ttar tike belter made for Craaaoa For be aouod or bearded Barley the beard la not apparent For be la ao tall and la Orion Peony greeted the Bage came For be to foil of Knew of all baa baa or Of si It longer a of the they It Or For you know Ibey are Friend Jane- SHOW ROOM MOUNT Leading Photographer MAIN A LIFE SIZESPEC1MEN8 A of dlf- klndtol Work ASSURANCE CO Tc Oh Till mi tin pf Mtltritk i baking powder ABSOLUTELY It io Unconditional Policy It all forma of POLICIES tbe Meet over It Newmarket BEAVER Roller i Mills ON THE ENTIRE SYSTEM Fully Years Ahead of all other Holler Mills THE Itrtu tod meats all I band LIFE Gristing Chopping done every day ratU and to V DENNE URDOCK PILLS a aunt fticn ABO or a to in Mg or AMP for Infants and Children Oxford BL rs t- f i- Chicago never was probably never will be a one would ex pect to 4ao of and honorable who themselves Friends and called by others Quakers but one at least lived there for years a certain maiden lady named Jane Orchard of whom every spoke as Friend was orthodox to the backbone and at of our story undenia bly old She was neither rich or and being quite alone In the world boarded with a family of Quaker descent who had in a groat measure backsliders Inas much aa the young folks had aban doned the colored garments of their hut who still retained in homo circle at least the and Pretty trim and fair a waxen dollbaby even in her old age it a marvel that Friend Jano triai truth that a cer tain lllsck had found courage to make her an offer Being questioned on subject by a friend she thus ex plained matters Friend likes me and I like Friend hut ha wanted to ha sure that I should say Yea be fore he asked mo to marry him He wanted mo to creep through fence before ho over and I did not choose to do anything so unbeQtttng If a man wants to know whether a girl him let him had died a bachelor years before and Friend bad a btsok profile of Mm hanging over too mantle of her neat bedroom It had a pretty cowardly nose and a small womanish chin Her own profile was finely aquiline though very soft But though had e4oves coqntortclt presentment of Friend she Lad not wast ed her beauty in toara Placid In lore in her heart had never throbbed or fluttered women do A cannon fired suddenly within tea feet of her whereabouts not hero made her scream When Friend children boat drums and blew trum pets and sereeined and down stairs the only said blandly How remarkably fond little boys and girls are of making a noise She had no la the feminine view of the case She jumped or twitched or squealed Or wept furi ously never laughed called hysterics fit and treat ed them with large jags of cold water and was altogether a very model of a Quakeress 1 Any other would hare aban doned this calm demeanor for once if she like Friend Jane had one autumn evening just at passed with silkeD soft footsteps up the stairs and lightly opening her door had found a man busy with her bureau drawers But Friend only passed in and placed her back against the door The fellow had purse and her watch in his hind and dragging from its depths a costly and greatly vol tied drab silk Other things lay heaped before him Friend Jane saw each article plainly ting baud had ever dived into her bureau before her property had al ways held sacred She looked at the interloper very solemnly and having her head said calmly Friend those are my things The man turned and bis hand went into bis breast if searching for a Make any noise and Ill be the death of you ha hissed I aint fond of hurting women but Wont be caught like a in a trap- I do not wish to make any noise said Friend Jape but I feel a call to speak to thee about the impropriety of thy conduct It is very singular to say the least Perhaps hast made Mine mistake hut thee can explain- You are a coo hand the man muttered 1 em not frightened said Friend Jane because if there were cause I would call Friend and grown sea but do not wish to harm thee only thee must not have my clothes Perhaps tlieo is a burglar but perhaps thee has been driven to dishonesty by poverty Thee must not take my shawl and thee must leave my watch and put down that profile but can the money out of the purse it is not much if thee actually in wants J man stared at her flung the purse with rest of the things he had huddled together the bed and stalked towards Lot me pass ho said I ha nt got a thing of yours Lei me go Speaking as thy friend Friend Id thee not to rash out In such haste Friend on porch and he is apt to forget the peaceful doctrines of our society when he is vexed If thee departs atone thee may bo arrest ed and put in jail Is this a Are you set ting a trap for mo old man his hands still within his bosom his eyes glaring at her Ko said Friend Jane mildly I do not wish nor shall I permit thee to take my clothes but I do not wish to see severely punished It is our Christian duty to forgive those who trespass against us and I am old but thou art young If I had overbad a son- anil had brought him upas badly as thy has thee I should wish others to give him every possible chance lo repent and lead an honest life She paused a moment and looked severely at him not aa most people would have looked at a burglar bat as a kind grandmother look at some favorite naughty child who had broken flower blossoms or meddled with her knitting Doesnt thee think an able bodied young man might a living without taking an old womans frocks and shawls I Ill take none of yours said the man huskily As for a mother I never had to remember Will you let mo go Poor young man said the dusk- and do not look disturbed if I dislodge truth opened door and rustled softly down stairs like some dear old grey dove On perch stood Friend Dont disturb thyself said as ho stepped aside This a you man who sometimes deals In second hand clothing He been looking at of my old dresses with which words the burglar past unsuspicious as he went caught a look upon his face that stamped it indelibly upon her memory turned to her room settled her bureau drawers hung up her watch and precious profile and wont down stairs calmly to take her tea and no heard a word of her adventure that dad boon a burglar house Time on and friend Jane had ceased to recall her adventure vividly when as we all know a cer tain cow In Chicago kicked over a kerosene lamp and set the city flames Friend Jane forgotten by her landlord and his family their terror and consternation awakened to hear the flames crisping and crack ling about her window sill and to find the stslrwoy aflame and for her utterly Impassable This was a desperate state things Even Friend Jano felt disturbed by but only cried a little very meekly as sho dressed herself in street below Friend bad discovered from- the family group and bewailing it aloud felt arm caught by a large but supple hand Which cried a voice Friend pointed and the next moment the man who had to Into the burning house Friend Jane kneeling at her bed side hiding her in It coverings and waiting for death suddenly felt an arm flung about her and was wrapped In a blanket and through smoke and flams over IbetOtteriog stairs out into the street wajr with fire behind a raging fiend spit at tiero with red hot mouth striving fa clasp them its horrible arms failing- somehow after At Ism in a of safoty and worn with his terrible exertions ho fell Senseless at her feet stooped Jser him a strange contrast in her old age to the flashed scorched and pant ing creature who had saved her She too her smelling salts from her pocket held it to his nostrils and waled until he came to himself before uttered a word shea sho was No said the man he passed his hand over his I cant remember he said There Something yea dived into his bosom and brought forth a watch Saved that for he said He poped again in the same place Vojr picture he said and here your parse saved that too Think thee friend said Friend Jane Idhave saved ton frocks if ft had ha said 1ho ieeois to forget that thee saved uV life she said took both her white hands in his and kissed thorn yon remember that the man that into your rooui one eight to to what didnt bet to said just remember this too been a lot of preaching to him jail elsewhere lite but he never was treated like you I rated him before Christian dut been talked to him but kindness never was acted Up to being let go so muchas the way of it I aint stole since that night lady Ive trial to work the has dona thy duly odd Friead Jane Its gone said with a sob There aint no for me I lad a but just yon look around 11 said Friend Jane Tbe are just as bright the sky is jut as ever Thee neednt afraid Lord will provide trust as just now I bio as thee Theo sadden r impulse her put her hand iuto tho SUjkod help said and will hip thee and we will help others a while and thee will see The will provide Ho Had he left her then it been o join with those ho the city The was not of himself strong bear pecuniary begin an honest life egain acid Quakeress did help During those first a they worked very nursing sick no one else to oar for them Aid when at last their task was ended and Friend Jano left Obi for Philadelphia in company with Fried Ephraim and family the exburglar Went with them And this la Jane has said to him Friend I mended to Friend Smith as very young man It is wrong to call a fob a don key Ho is merely a olotheahorse It is generally alt up with a man when he begins to go down bill Wo OBrien is said to be about to enter a libel Lord Salisbury sy By an accidental discharge a revolver J Mullvern was fatal ly Brandon John Bowman of re cently had one of hands badly mangled by a circular saw Charley Lost was whistling a merry tone as he came down road wiih his hands in his pockets posh ed back on head and a general air of goodfellowship with the world He was on his way to apply for a position in a stationerys store that ho waa very anxious to obtain and in his pocket were the beat his character for willingness and He felt sore there would not be much of bis the place when he presented these A few drops of rain fell as bright sky with clouds and he began to that be bad brought an From a house just a little way before him two little were starting out for school mother stood in door approval as boy raised the umbrella and topic the little sis ter under its shelter in fashion Charley was a great tease and like most boys who indulge in teasing or practical jokes be took care to select for bis victim some weaker or younger than Ill fun those children ha said to himself be fore they had gone far down the road he crept up behind aud snatched the umbrella oat of the boys hand in vaia the little fellow pleaded him to return it took a delight ia pretending that bo was going to break it or throw it over the fence and the rain had slopped ho atnoaed himself in this way for Some making tbe children run after him and plead with tearfully for their Tired of this sport last he relin quished tho umbrella as a carriage approached and leaving tba children lo dry their tears went on towards store Mr Mercer was not in bo Charley sat down on steps to wait for him Ky Heavy have fallen in An old grey cat was basking in the Southern Dakota and Northern Iowa sun Charley amused by and the fears of drought have been piucbiug the poor animals tail till dissipated mewed pitifully and struggled to es cape Andrew Tait of has purchased the steam yacht from Powers of Barrie A thunder storm did much in Fennsylvania Ohio Maryland Friday 700 persons are thrown out of employment by the burning of a tobacco factory at Brooklyn small boy with tho dead ly catapult is making himself felt in Bradford among the window panes Thirty were shipped last from Carriage Works for New Westminster a Three tons and a quarter of fish were shipped from Kingston to the United on Wednesday of last week canal will be opened for on the was no opened till May EA iour men have been shot in Mexico for participation in derail ment of President train a short time ago poor folic enough bravely but this gently plo who The mite Caps Again April Tho White commenced fresh depredationiito Warrick and Dubois counties John is a road supervisor in Madison Dubois of bis duties to up the stray hogs ho gathered In this way and impended a large number of porkers he refused to re lease without customary una Last Monday ho received a notice from the bogs were the of poor people un able to pay and if they were not promptly Blessed ho would be visited and cospellod to surrender them On morning the Whit and was awakened twenty masked men who demanded hog Ho refused and they and proceeded to go through io premises He warned them to deist aod when disregarded htm la opened with a doublobarrellell shot gun wound ing two with tholfirst volley Tho White Caps returned fire windows of bout a young son of Lamford The then took down a seven shooters after vs gun and con tinued to pour load Into ranks of Ms who after dis charging their weapons beat a hasty boning of their wound ed comrades out of ho yard Oao of them since ben Identified by the wounds ho recrittd and through it Is learned tlat five of White were WHindod Laos- fords son only a flesh wound which is not serious is thai he mows several of White will be at summoaed beftie the grand The White aha appeared on Thursday night near if War rick county about miles from this A band visited of who it is alleged has failed to for his family He was lashes and threatened with forty if he did not improve his The same night they visited a named Crews who had a wldp wife and who had been previowy warned They took him to a won near tied naked tea tree and lashes to his bare Hews left tied to tho tree where some of his subsequently found him terrors of last year intituled by this gang of White Caps ire breaking oat afresh of law- abiding citizens It Is said wilt result In the While ho was enjoying Ibis sport Mr drove up in his carriage and passed Charlie on way into the store boy released est gentleman in presented his do very well Mr Mercer said returning the papers to If bid not seen some of your other references I might have engaged yon Other references I What do you mean sir asked Charley in astonish ment 1 drove past you this morning when you were on your way here and you diverting yourself by teasing children A little later a dog passed yon and you cut him with the switch you had in your hand You shied a stone at a bird and just now you were delighting yourself in tormenting another defenceless animal These are references that de cided me to nothing to do with you I dont wanta cruel boy about me As Charley turned away crestfall en over his appointment ho deter mined that wanton cruelty even though it seemed to him to be only fun should not cost him another good place 5 Times Grains of Gold As he thtnketh in his heart so is he If you have time dont wait for time one gots to love work his life is a happy one words freeze people and hot words scorch them A man of honor respects his word does his bond Do not meddle with business you know nothing about As ovary thread of gold valu able so is every minute time What la resignation Placing between ourselves and our troublo Truth Is as impossible to bo soiled by any outward touch as the sunbeam After all the most natural beauty in this world Is honesty and moral truth For all beauty is troth He la good that does good to others If he suffers for the good ho does he is better stilt Help others when you can but give what yon cannot afford it is fashionable Learn to say No No necessity for snapping it out dog fashion but say it firmly and respectfully Boys will be boys but they will bo just such boys as their companion old or young make them Those who have obtained the far thest insight into have been In all ages believers in God- Whichever trait is feebler In us needs more abundant exercise by which to grow and strengthen Inflection is aa angel that points out the errors of put and gives us courage to avoid them in the fu ture Strive to bo rich In knowledge A man more than the value of whatever ha gives in exchange for learning Nothing adds to the treasures of the mind and increases its cower as Its thinking Learn to think for yourself We can do without any of luxury weve never had but when once obtained it Is not In human na ture to surrender it voluntarily A lacrosse match Orillla vs Is expected to be played at county town on tho Queens Birthday A riot took place In Minneap olis Friday in connection with the street car strike Mounted police charged on the crowd injuring sever al people Rochester Street Oar attempted to run oars after night and rioting result ed Large crowd gathered the oars ware No seriously lajorad xj Farmer John and his two horse were by light ning at Cumberland Friday while Mr Walter man ager of the Bank of Montreal at Que- suddenly Friday from overdose of Fletcher a lunatio who es caped from the Selkirk asylum some time during tbe winter has been found dead on the prairie There was over ten thousand dollars difference between the highest and lowest tenders for the erection of summer hotel at A Montreal lettercarrier named has been ar rested charged with abstracting money from letters A decoy caught him At the County Judges Crim inal Court in Barrio Donnelly of Angus was found guilty of horse stealing and sentenced to one month imprisonment Kr Tho contract for the A building in Hamilton been signed The building will of stooo will cost about and is to be in the fall owing to reports that the Cuban sugar crop is short and that stocks of on the Continent are held in a fow hands the market is excited and prices advancing April 12 second Hogging of Rand for Indecent assault was given today He received his allotment of twenty lashes He had to be assisted to his cell by two men a son of Joseph was climb ing over a gate his became caught and he fell forward bis striking the top of the gate Both bones were fractured Charles was tried Barrio last week on the chargo of murdering Philip in January and waa found guilty of He was sentenced to seven years in the Bound April sin- owned by J situated on the west bank of the river were totally by fire about four oclock yesterday morning The lea about Boston a town miles south of Lamar Col is in hands of a gang of outlaws who have taken of everything The in habitants are flying It is when gang have looted the piece they will set it on fire In the case of Abbot v an action to recover from the corporation for injuries sustained by falling on a sidewalk on ice had been allowed to accumulate the jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiffs awarding them A man cannot long keep young who gives up all the active healthgiving exercises of youth Take a boy and treat him as a good many middle-aged- men treat them selves and you would soon notice the deterioration of his physical powers A despatch Our bay will be less disturbed by passengers steamers this season than for the past two years The boat whichmadeseveral trips dally between the town and Peninsular Park goes elsewhere and the hotel at the park may Brown of died very suddenly on the- 1st Inst and within thirty minutes after tak ing 111 It is with deceased was a native of County Down Ire land and came to Canada with the 2nd regiment of Her Foot and served in the re bellion of that date The- remain were intoned at St Johns the Orange- brethren which body he was a member foe- of year I f I 1