I NEWMARKET ERA APRIL 1889 Advertisement R Bond Important Challenge Homer tot Tench I to Bogwt Notice tfii Milesian Important P Stir Era op WITH FRIDAY APRIL Our Toronto Despatch of York the of at three or per forlorn eight to tea iifcaJlj bat wo Government hire went farther without to Involved and Hon Mr admitted do with wond Section Al together allowing the in the local to make in the finit and for ward their named to the Clerk of the Peace direct from the might be drawn by Effecting long time are alow The amendment above alluded to however an in- in the right direction other change the county coin- come no in doe lime Bra- TokdSto April tot the new par- luddrnlj from He bum abdtt vent of ADd Ware- a for dittos Rcr J id Rev uidibRT Dr J IVis yniv won la lb tlmt him a Ann of TO aTdDc of lb JIcq at catrvl- Javr oat fl boar trial djn U be At in pAkj uted the of the Act retarded tot ui war for a aflUUOD of fifftmpioDr down rijbl at Art- bfotber of aod of Cos to bm1t by law for Boon The of city are MWbratlct of la tb Xafl 8C IhU on tbt two ware foond guilty or at the ibli week avldtoco abod bad cut brt and tOTilooof wail to of Ijlog aertoaily St lllnea more than li In ibU ctt la branch of of Ha proa- Manitoba were A of cedar block took were in wllb Jodfe all mast free orU4 dm accord ing to tbej Mmloed A P4cIil of la called for of Aid A Be beat to break Street Railway Or- Of Hall lent Another Pal at the County Crib P P for Hod Mr Gibson recently Cabinet and to hive doubt bo will a good official but unfor tunately ho i a lawyer and lawyer a for legislating taxe out the people pocket in every thing pertaining to coarU and thereof Mr Gibson to fol low the multitude of bis profession this regard Among other amend ment to the Division Court Act of which he is the father passed session is the following Where the fee and emoluments earned by the clerk or the bailiff of toy vision less than 000 a year the of all books required by The Division Act to be kept by them shall bo paid by the county in which such Division Court Is situate The county re ceive no part of fee of these court official no matter how large the emolument hot if said fee are than the people must be taxed for book used It seems to Mr Gibson would have done a wiser thing had be a county to bo divided into less Divi sion Court District where the emolu ment of these office were lee than than to multiply office and court officials and thereby increase the patronage of the crown The tendency of all these notions is to increase of government and wring taxes from the people Every yerr some new encroachment is being made upon pocket of the tax and oftentimes with out giving much in return therefor The member for Hamilton might tako a leaf from the book of the other Gibson of Huron on coun ty affair with advantage A ciatxoBJM to Toronto J A n on unit bit is la Is t Otuwa shoot Iba oil of next reek Ok Mr Jostle as rignifitd lb Want to fifty Bills been daring of list the to ian respecting trial of Spring Toronto opened lbs boose on Row docket a Two Prison Morula who tried to iesp fTOO laitiloUon fonod of Sentence deferred It suii meat Suluisirui It the An Is Toronto World of MslMUoQaJ VaDOQttCMDtOt in Alton Teliae ib will JijJ- u6 but Ibt Dtlintttor tat Iim reached of lavtMi HJK- lioatv iiloitritioaa gcrtl of id Ibe PqK Co York for lit3 JoaVfpbSmltxCT Will ISootolai of for of tbe ant Ibo tad of To- fliroiog tod vocUp tottoming from World report Rtr J followed with d ftdmlnblo on Tbt lnflat He Winded Into biud til tut Id otUzbtT to ud He lluttbe oat In qof for lb toot dvji tod u with tod in which bite kept book to eolld little ovo fiotocjadlr d Mmptitototod bit ment of be Adapted to of ID ftppfraortf Mr- mm wall to City jceqtattce sire doing bateet Jeftje to lHoe few eacDtirbavt fee by a from a duo boyhood la Msueoeoo of nertr In Ring WU la i5i The of a itAilcj Co UiifCttywbereU UTirf the nil til for like cunt other It to Toronto where be did flu -mi- WP vJ died In fu dAncl snd ibQdtoiUI ioKtoi City fcod burled- of bit ftiher by lb of to And wooe will to to at all lM la Ue In Btxntrd night Toronto for two we it of CD he libel eniL to tee lbs To meet growlogdemBodi of bit boil- night foot jury- Her Toronto out of who It of to tetllt a little the a for yetr Oo AM of avd in their alt will the tod a good time Is d ceo pi wilt The Best of all Bargains The Lowest of all at THE LEADING a Soots Shoes I A Sensible Amendment 19 During 1Mb of Council the Reeve of New market the nomination of a committee to interview the Ontario Government in regard to the tiou of expense attending the select ion of inferior J That held a conference with Mr Mow at and two or three of colleague in the Cabinets and after a full and frank the Premier promised to give matter The county urged changes in the ayateui or mode of selecting grand and petit juror as would ob viate the necessity of a County Board of Selectors altogether but should this be considered of too sweeping a character or not deemed advisable they requested the number composing said Board be thereby the cost of the service Under the law as it then stood no lets than eight county constituted this Board who per diem each for the performance of a duty that could be discharged by half the number with out the slightest injury to the liberties or abridgement of the rights of the general public Hon Mr admitted that the had made out a retire and promised that the reprosecutions would bo by the Government Wo arc ltd to bets kept the members of the Hi bo to iurti has gritivuico Act by lion iir embraces of propoved by vari ous members and to of A it hut to heblur J York J J uUgo said count to wail mayor of city of to at- of jurois by tbi but of Hi county of York the Judge of couaty aid sUail ftltCSul at uviiou oi tar it by lot the local municipal tit in of York city of Toronto and in of Toronto tb Junior Judge of said and the mayor of toe city of Toronto shall SvtWnd at such o Cat a it Is made from tha list orevred by the city Toronto This amcodnwiat adds tieloc- whoso is mad shall not bo to such fttVendanoo This to Judicial WHAT TO Turn Local of ScotU It fau been ia Brfors the the from to It is in the city lhht of is watracing the the ut ft thrw out tbsiiide and At nil bo which will a of the of from tide iidetollUiwot the ftDDoil product of ton ported to of WWA to orir to the a pacific by Muter la totstea of approved by The to rtmore from the list mote Ihui a sod all at not one be allowed to go free in the pa era and proof and louy of that claw Hill be charged for in the rotOr dot for of the increase id the rate drop letter to In J1 tprui Uaater Geoeral Ibit the was to that of the United State- If city real- deota hare their mail matter carried lolhrir Jcon by employee of the Goreromeol who are paid the they hats no good to kick Ink Drops Good Friday This a holiday Hot Also Uarkct iss Holiday fopdoffiopeoestWfdcsyafternooo flhoir next I WUUI held I of Friday hti A very program if roll boa arobcjKjfUhlo Hi Hi Is to to Victoria Falls Path the has headed over for io collec tion of This be a tart towarda a At a meeting of Toronto city eight a ByLaw mcwly authorising the city to re more at once pota the permUiEoo fint hire to go ant- PERSONAL tai lia wrote quiet The wax on the base Hoe has ended peace being declared Sunday the iaiL The Major boned tha axe the pipe of ui Sic of tbe defend ing to own and la now the soil The from the City nose the worse of bis trip Ail oat farmers lire at graio and like to be the only bailees that is at out I uy any raoreaboat it- Yea know at the SUih one lut for loit Rev preached an iutractUe to the Bethel School ljt Sunday J A gentleman from Uarkhim Is expected next Sabbath at Bethel ort Oo two of weot from hero to Aurora to J I on report a good time of t- JowQits dwelling Mr owned by baUdlnf ffrcctel ago had a good bouse the WW model ni wit bo ftieoita doing op lbs Tillage wee Sabbath flerK on tho Peru of nod Roh Bib The people bo t right Plowing sKlli of tot four lege week Who la to haven this the or Jobta sdjfri at bis on ljlJCrxlii altering J and Mrs Daniel of Mr Interred In the Friend the coavejaf the jmU the Tillage A couple out rig The kept in tight Great Bargains I FOR AT TUB LEADING FURNITURE Undertaking House A Bloc to Ueoartmepx bo fiOBBS alosU lints a SpOciaHy 1U rivWeooe Hi All and Quietly A deapateb from Ottawa Tcee- that Mr Wallaces AotiCom Bill baa pasted Committee to which it with very little amend It will now be placed amooj eminent ordere and becom law organization a Toronto week airing its object the promotion of a aaroti meat Ur of Saturday at the preliminary at which a named to draft Iff the Common Sir John notice of s resolution the Im to Going end legalizing arlteof appears the of the not defined by the of the In baa been upon between ana now Imperial will confirm limit lloe and boundary iUfetioa of Ootario Aim Ottawa to the Toronto gram sine onrrtney to a at that the number for Toronto Small will not accept vacant the taken to afraid to open Krai Toronto sod that will be lor some other alter I Lament a iff that take ftLly if the provided tbat County to hum from their for holding the various other than Coonty Town lor the of rcm the Court the of Acrinitat Act avuiua liu J tot Mr on the local It will be by tboae of tbe politic of that Mr the for Booth took laat and vote what be to be in- to Ma tut La a of hie and taodared bat his decided ananlmooaly it ahonldnotbe and at sijvsaaed the Us do Mr John Carry of Edgar waioUwo Dr sod wife of wue in town Ed and Phil were home over Lily Dambrook of Sunday with SarsSmitK paid villi to Newmarket School Mr and family hate moved to StonlTriUe from the vicinity of New market Rev Mr Hills for next bath la and John wholtsttendingTo- rooto Medical College home oo the vacation Mr John returned from Eoglandon Saturday and going to Algoua next week Mrs Wo two children of Barrle bate this on arlilt past two weeka J Bell Newmar ket Is st Toronto last week Mr Morris eg High left Hod day to spend a KJ Mr Bailey who lot wife Vcr laddeoly winter at Mr fomfewdaya Mr Jot left on the train for Orareahorit after two or throe with relatives in Town and vicinity We Indebted to Member J copies tho Acta of general Mattel paacd at recent of the The two In the Rev of wie vert favorably revived by congregation Mr Art has final with entitled to write name boy I Mr ditto of one of the most and well informed In that wu in Town on Monday and gave the tax a call Btigade Major or u olUaal visit armory Co on Hobday fond mail Paikci Portal daughter tho of on a months with la and around Town Hue week with Miss Bandera in and lulled on Km a principal of Ult wMtomakt an of holler Mill with which If aid flsld are Aurora- Broi of bought J A of clothe and have been clearing off half during tbe past Mr Foy of preached In Church laat Sundy and eve In the absence Iter J A A week ago Saturday while getting of a wagon fell sod broke collar bone Tbe Electric Light lit again oo day night and gave A buckwheat pancake axial be held In tbe of Me tbodiat Church on the eve of Good Friday by of the pro- to to After the axial an entertainment will be A cordial imitation ia eaten Jed to all Pall whist iutbUpattof county ventiil elocutionist delineator gave In Hall sod Satorday evenings who bint bo was reiy good Band furolibed the will be held in the Joed Friday The annual meeting the the Aurora Mechanic will beheld in their hall Monday May for of the report of the Trcauurer and Librarian and election officers end directors Mr Towntey of Toronto married to of Aurora Wed afteiooou They took tbo evening for the City A man named wuaneitrd day or two ago by Detective charged with a buggy He ti jVh city in win- In lis of If Ola n ion of T loiDoalh15lbluitiibewll6 of Iwlu SU of ttlh of soa Oak by Ihe liar Mr er to il Jnule Jauihter of ia ot Oak Sombs In the lOih lutuOawtix Mr- John l vndS Mondays lbs at King ssi years ends town the and days on If last Infant weeks- S J Ladies French Kid Button Boots regular price 5 now Ladies French Kid Button Boots do do Ladies Polish Calf Button Boots do Ladies Polish Calf Lace Boots do Ladies Polish Calf Lace Boots do 2 00 Ladies Strong Lace Boots do 1 Ladies Kid Slippers do 1 Misses French Kid Button Boots do Misses Polish Calf Button Boots do Misses Polish Calf Button Boots do 1 Misses Polish Calf Oxford Tie Shoes do 1 Misses Polish Calf Slippers do 1 25 Misses Polish Calf Slippers do Misses Strong Lace Boots do 1 25 Childrens Strong Lace Boots do 100 Childrens Strong Lace Boots do Childrens Polish Calf Button Boots do 1 00 Boys School Boots do Boys School Boots do 2 00 Boys School Boots do Boys School Boots do Boys School Boots do 100 Mens Calf HandSewed Walking Fast do 6 00 Mens Calf HandSewed Walking Fast do Mens Calf HandSewed Walking Fast do do 2 50 Mens Calf HandSewed Walking Fast drf 3 00 do 2 Mens Calf HandSewed Walking Fast do 2 00 do 1 Mens Calf HandSewed Walking Fast do 150 do 100 Mens Strong Lace Boots do 25 do Our Mammoth Stock of Boots Slices are LAID OUT FOR ABSOLUTE SALEand NO RESERVE TERMS AND ONE ONLY do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 125 150 100 75 65 65 185 150 125 100 75 do 111 receive Alt order Mr propose to lb io of the He fret of t ere he will lot New York SUU whet be end be end Ur will no be felt Id the be for like with Qbclm3iiy- ilf Mr- McOillf leicbrr At bad Mr Itcgut cut of vb6ol eittt for lut bid ibe of of YcoLg of of lut Mo bote by jautofool weft to in by J ettd tbe rre reed by Mr the wee lor the wed the con ibe week taut liter iluie I not th ibe 1 which et will the lteiolrct life in city life tfreVm for the If for the pert tie IhentgmtlTe will en the II Promptly rnoLBT- of Alto Avenue apply INSURANCE taVken to ST ALU Mfilee loth fUUte of he re lo ere important Young ShortHorn Bulls To the to Book Appiylo att THE GENUINE BELL ORGANS AND PIANOS the usiog sad accouacliff to call M sons bis but Jr J- Egypt Sip ere Id end tbe eemp firedbutdedooce more for Men Ibet may For whet woald we do If Sey Mr ebrckerel 1 not you but the toil morei took oat We here here who thought be hid It down floe be did beet tad then he eeld be he but elr Johnnie come eJotig would gut light the low I bete but ibe look of arpriee few urpild I Wo there It looked well be left Mow Mr yon Ret teke pre for It fill cot be the wboia will contend Our but the not ftvonble jour eU who wrote We ally exonerate ear u tbeechool tu Idle few No iacte Time I think the We hire locelKhool whoUeope whit Of Ob I we dont uy oOcet to tea the of tbe ulJy well oar echool ud to the eitmUtUoo the Jtmott Mother the be Oar besetted by tot J wool la the you went Me We no Imperiled IwauUjie mm end of ihe Mlelli Sxlety while Mr hie file wu turned to ground here jut right fat their el the itji lima are the of their the coining for they will by before Sutton A very unco my Mr J it who teen long kuowa of ud the will the new firm meet with the of lute hid three of towa been flowing with nJ who here here former Bead to ibe Army and here out la fall forte with the hire a villi Ihe brother oar II Principal High School for locking uorebued property op liriir Deer the t Others ib butcher erected the Umlti which step will be highly eppreeUted by hie neigh bor A new iindrr mill aod to hi Boy for eooethUg like end id to hi lore He Imported from ecnje jttn lot whet hi to Hob a flyer ANNIVERSARY SERMON In with I will be by ihe Key Mr lre iheCooiiciiiiWonal toe evening SUNDAY APRIL AM si room ft in Ob of Com TO At six per oo firm security Stands Unrivaled lor Tone Finish and Durability Bell Instrument in other makes put together NEW WILLIAMS SHAVING MACHINE of them now in in this County WITHOUT A SINGLE COMPLAINT- f SEWING MACHINE OIL AND NEEDLES Violins Olarlonetfls Mouth Organs Flageolet Violin String Description of Muiical Instruments stock of Sheet Next Door to Drug Store JOHNSON of Mir Coaveyinwr do- otof ISM for ibe ml jt ud him Cry for BOOTS SEOBS beiqnou eitaloe oar or nod Hammer nuke before oeT4caUnllr of lyW itxl use TC to t roc from pitchers BRUNTON this READY MADE CLOTHING MENS YOUTHS AND BOYS All Sizes All Quantities All Prices We carry an immense stock of especially for us by the and can guarantee the Lowest Prices in Town- J t DRESS GOODS Our of Dress Goods and Prints is now complete and we are confident no assortment both for Quality and Price can be found in the Town i- FAMILY GROCERIES As Stock is Replete with the Choicest Stock of Groceries North of Toronto purchase the Largest Quantities and sell at Wonderfully Low Prices We hoes Wo have paid special Department this Season and can offer a class of for Men Women and that have never been shown here before Remember wo guarantee the quality the best and tke of any house in the trade irciothing made to order and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed i ti ikSsif a v7 A