Newmarket Era, 10 May 1889, p. 1

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LY SUBSCRIBERS J jFilfctnftQlft tin- THE LTAObORDINO TO ALL NORTH INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol 16 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday May Cash in Advance or at end ONTARIO BANK Newmarket Branch AUEMERAL Interest Allowed on AT DRAFTS ISSUED VAT Alt AT AJXTOnm ft rami REAL ESTATE AGENCY irtuiMiiff Money to Loan Etc Money CUE FOLLOWING FIRST GLASS REPRESENTED OS Bolter lrjpUoQ and lunnacaCo paw called ttt of farm or MolQAl Of Call or write further information Estate Insurance Agent Main St Booth News- HIT A rt Couth Street Toronto A TORONTO E and to loan at Block LOAN MOORE Etc MONEY TO LOAN- emu D London Old Cor Uau ALBION 91 roomi for All raot mi lor J A SOLICITOR- AC To St LUS OX KCIIIY ALIRAIIII WWIA HUD 10 A A- EWlXOp mod of Toroolli W All on BERTLETS SPRING 1889 and well Plover Field Seeds In Oar record in Ok eeod ft of our with eeedg which ftie true to Dispensing Department only purest etc end great care it given to the compounding of PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY OPEN SUNDAYS FOE DISPENSING 10 lLAsH P The Hallway rem mora Is or Id fiali with It A frightful ol And tad I of bell the mighty freight Uoo7 huge bat rocked to birth I While this Sabbath Jay In prating the from whim toiling with of pita Midst rain chirred Bat SPRING SUMMER The Real Jewel I f vif0Jd A JfriNtA mil SCOTT Ihfcrt VnhYrjtYy Jn- f fkildvficHaltl ALEX Practical Carriage Painter Work cd at to tut County Attended end to til prompt iioDcyLoLodaott at received some beautiful Scotch Canadian Also an of to choose from specially selected in and Call and see for bring friends with you All goods made on the premise at Closest Cash Prices Only Your Patronage Solicited MUTCH Next Door to Store Merchant Tailor own cloth made up neatly and cheaply NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE -FOB- DKSTAL A TV Oxide On J l ftlKImt BLOCK EXTRA Bottled J highly for PJ ALLEY Main North GROCERY DEPARTMENT Goods received and sold at Rock Bottom Prices viz bo faliroomilo ltiecoecrnfMaoaiKlTIinoiy lt litUCKtirfiTAUUft LICENSES U4 OF AMERICA A AvAimf Jfarvj0rt Id America accidents- Aiteocy for Aurora an at loan and and NOTES Land MONEY TO LOAN and Collected 1Mb of Federal i CANADA LIFE CO cents cents BeaoBj cents pounds ceota it Rice Tea cent Sago cento Gross Revolver Fluke just received Fish of all in J OMALLEY Main St North TTTTTTT TT- TT THIS SPACE BELONGS TO WMBERTARD Ab I Constantly on Hand utt Jheutf DRY I St CAPITAL AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS Atkinson WATCHMAKER JEWELER Q and TICKET AGENT CANADIAN PACIFIC ALLAN DOMINION STATE LINE STEAMSHIPS MAIN ST NEWMARKET Annual two at April Aft at AUTHORS COX J of LIB11H AurtApfUaaccirorallOe of Knock w rOKOSTO Leading Photographer A LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS A All llHIIAILr BEAVER Roller Mills ON THE ENTIRE COCHRANE SYSTEM FullyiSO Years of all other Roller Mills THE WINERY SHOW ROOM Mount I WlSWjIW Mount pro LIFE IS Gristing Chopping done every day tutor Mn fflaiutanniRT J p I Com an ABSOLUTELY Unconditional Policy It for of Oo v over fl Aonoat our IL DUNNS Baking POWDER PRINTING PILLS IKDIQtrrjON 1QK or AND THKvaaciiiLOTHoaoucH a up to blood in Of AMD Of Jtrt mall tttjlione to for Infants and Children OaatoHa la itonw bound I What a throb two short words heart to I teji America last when twenty jeiia ago I bad bid it ft lad fifteen It had been splendid that had opened before me Graham rich Cal cutta merchant had offered to tafeo me with him my father death and to make my bis Mr Graham had been a friend of my fathers from youth- At the of my parents sudden death ho was visiting at oar I wont with him whea he relumed to home and I never had rea son to regret tho stop a father bo loved and glided me sad I with all of a sons affection and ho died I left solo heir to largo Thus at ago of I was independent as regards fortunes favors but band poorer than the poorest in that I had no bo to love or loved by no to to when the shadowy draw in and other mens lights sbno out their through the dark ncss The project fit to native country and of my self to memories of tho few rela tives I had there hod already begun to form in toy mind when a letter which I received aniwer to of my own decided toy course Dear Nephew it ran You spoke of closing up your nets affairs and back your own countrymen- I hasten to so as to forestall any other plan that may in your Your father was my favorite brother Hid I possessed the requisite means I should not allowed his son to go among strangers and now I fool that in offering to you a homo in my you will not for an instant deem mo actuated by any but most disinterested Your aunt and unite in my invita tion So dear Richard when the steataor lands yon in Now fork do not remain tholr a moment longer than is but check your baggage and a train at for which you will read be low with full oxpoctAtion of an ardent welcome It wilt be the next best thing to seeing Walter my dear lost brother himself to his in my arms Then followed and an I closed the letter a intt dim my for a Each word breathed of the writer and voice of affection was ever quick to reach my heart It was evening when I arrived My uncle mat mo at the station and a brief drive through a lovely country whoso beauties the silvery tight of the moon magnified I was introduced Into what seemed a terres trial paradise Mrs Dean my uncles wife was a gentlefaced matronly woman and her welcome was fervent her husbands There were two daughter in family group oldest was beau tiful I had dreamed of such love liness but had never before soon it realised was tall and with a complexion whose lustrous midnight spend- or absolutely made mo start when white lids would bo languidly raised Her sister was fair too but very different with a round girlish lace Iter eves blue and placid Her hair fell in long braids below her waist adding to childish appear ance was lilting close by her mother aide with her hand stroking from time to time A little thing hut not to bo compared 1 said to myself and that opinion passing weeks served to strengthen but little of Hope who was her moth ers right hand in household matters was accomplished as well as beautiful and the hours spout la the parlor with her sweet voice sing ing to mo ballads I admired I cams to regard as the happiest of my Ufa months slipped by on rapid wings come and our occu pations wero varied now by excursions into woods to obtain wild flowers which tittle Hopes Angers fashioned into such of beauty for the adornment of homo One afternoon wo three start ed for a long stroll As walked along the side of a small ravine at whose foot a tiny stream purled Oar exclaimed Seo down there at tho ledge I Dick wont you got gentians for mot Why they too lovely I must have them to paint Coming to her side I glanced down and hesitated I was no coward but the descant was and the rock beneath did not have a pleasant look But I did not to refuse anything Though no words of love had passed between ns it had settled purpose with mo if it possible I win her affection So my hesitation was brief Throwing of my coat prepared for the descent Just then a small hand grasped my arm It was little Hope who lingering behind for some floral treasure she had had just rejoined Sorely Cousin be intending to climb down there 1 Why Ethan Bell bis life there last summer He was trying to get some of those very flowers and lost his footing wants and if pos sible I am to gratify I re plied turned a face of grave indig nation upon her sister as began my downward journoy 1 have them I a few momenta later and those who were the last uttered by me for many day As theatono upon which my toot rested rolled and grasping inef fectually bushes felt myself slipping down the decline I beard shrieks and excited then I woa conscious of a sud den arresting medium and of a sen- satiou sll over my face and hands of pricking and smarting then I knew no I will tell at what it was that gave me that sensation was also means of saving life A prick ly thorn bush grew on edge of the ravine and into branches I had fallen to bo bold there fio tenaciously that when help arrived my clothes had to bo cat piecemeal to mo At the first alarm giving utterance to shrieks I had heard had It had been Hopes swift feet that hod hastened for aid and brought During the descent my head bad struck upon rock and blow add to shock which nerves bad sustained bad produced concussion of the brain I had been for some days when morning I knew for the first what was pissing about ma could distinguish soft voice that were familiar I tried to open my to speak but in vain A weight as of lead pressed down lids and tied my tongue But I could hear at first faintly then distinctly Isnt it very strange Gertie bow certain misfortunes are to come to gether Only to think of bank in Calcutta failing and of Cousin losing his fortune while ho is lyiof hero sick and unconscious I 11 It is more disagreeable I think voice answered for from a catch bo had become a pauper I say its disappointing enough know he loves toe devotedly Hope and I had almost grown- to like him as well but now of course when ho gets bet ter I put to him at place Gertie I I dont make your self out so heartless and 1 Hope cried childish voice grieved and pleading Say you are only jeatingl You dont real- mean that while a man Is rich you can give him your heart only to it again when trouble cornea to him Thats just it Miss and when youve seen a few more life and learned how nice money you will abandon your high mind- minded attitude and learn to look out yourself for number one I shuddered through all my feoblo- as I listened such wicked words be issuing from the beautiful mouth of her whom I had deemed my ideal woman J There was a rustle of drapery and Gertrude rose from her chair by the window 1 am going now Hope for I seo mamma coming up the path Shell relieve a few- moments and I want to practice a little Coming to she paused a moment Poor Dick how pale he looks I Hope said softly Ho looks yellow than pale her sister answered But hero comes door that opened to admit Mrs Deans motherly form closed upon Gertrude You need fresh air too Hope Runaway dear into the garden Ill care of Cousin Dick doctor will bo hero soon I think he will seo Improvement Do you Ho looks very very ill to voice above my pillow Do you really think he will get better mammal A tear foil upon my forehead To bo sure I do My your heart Is too fot others trouble You are growing to look n shadow yourself Rub out in to tbo garden this moment or doctor will two patients inktead of one So this waa the nature had doom ed inferior to the other I I bad ne glected fragrant violet while my hand to reach too more daunting rote and in doing so had discovered thank fortune in the thorn passed during which gained strength slowly girls were frequently with but It was not haughty that riveted my fascinated attention as of old hut doveliko face of her younger sister I knew and recognized beneath the childish exterior tho noble womanly character did not experience the trouble she had anticipated in put ting mo la toy true place was Hope now to whom my conver sation was dlreoted and whoso good will I strove with all my power to gain At length had knowing that my efforts were not futile But thought It was that yon cared for Dick she said to me after with all the eloquence I master I bad told her one day what she had grown to bo to me I admired Gertrude I love yon Hope are you sure now that my fortune to itself wings that care for me enough to become a poor mans wife A proud flash crossed the sweety sensitive face No girl be poor whom yoo love she answered uncle and aunt were truly fond of me and made no demur when they learned the of affairs I have forgotten say that both and Hope were children of Mrs Deans first marriage so that no ob jections be raised on the point of We may not be riob bat all the same wo bo hippy I assured them And were Oar to tako place in a years time The days rolled by until a month before the blissful event One day uncle into library with a of Intelligence a magnificent place for a long bad been unten anted had been purchased ho heard by a gentleman who waa soon to bring there a Extensive alterations and improvement a had reaWy been begun Ob exclaimed Gertrude what a prospect for a bride a fitting for royalty itself wo rider if she is pretty and if appreciate her good fortune I can the first I inter- rupled smilingly as took Hopes tiny hand io tt very pretty and better is good As to the last I do not appreciates what you tall good for tune as yet for does not know of it Shu still thinks that her is a poor man not realising that it sometimes happens that a part of a fortune may be lost through the failure of while greater bulk remain unharmed in another Rising I led my wondering Hope into whose gentle face a knowledge of was to her par ents Uncle Aunt and Ger trude allow to present to you the future mistress of Of course the questions then came fast and there was some excite ment not with direct at myself In midst of it all with a mix ture of expressions upon her usually calm face among which surprise and chagrin foremost Gertrude took her departure from And so I won my wife my jewel and my anchor which will hold mo fast no matter how many may bo the temptations and trials which tho com ing year may bold A p What to Teach the Boys to be obedient To have patience To rwd books worth reading To be temperate in all things To keep neat and clean To shun company nod rough ways To take off their bat when they enter the house To get their lessons and obey the mica of school Always to bo employed in some useful occupation Never to chew smoke drink or use profane language To keep early hours and to be punctual and industrious- Sxu Better be Sure than Sorry CREAM CHOW OUR hundred wore pilot ed Gaelph on Arbor Day wading forth great to Fits la recently from diphtheria lighted natural on with great I do not think there La need of covering flowor beds tonight I do not there will be to Better be Buro than the gardener replied it frost ahould nip them it will bo too late fenow To cavils of and the of who do not because do not or think is no danger be- cause would have it so this same answer would wise Hotter sure thdo sorry If should be an then the where shall eternity alt other in inuy all the spring hops of tbo soul Iletter bo sure than Thousands are about giving to their do not there will bo frost to night they Belter bo sure than sorry If frost of death should blight it will then bo too late forever Brick Butt Any new thought better than none He who relies on God and himself will never be left man in the world ifi he who dares for Measures hot wen what the liquor seller prefer in his A thousand failures are more to mans credit than to never at- tempted all the world has been tod by new ideas how many there are who oppose them We no use for a religion that gives us dark thoughts or sowa seeds fear in our mind All wo have of progress and inven tion in world is due to per son who had an advance thought He one rod up stream a current is a better man than he who swims a mile with current in favor Persons great forte is in fault are but tbo dandruff combed from head of the old man who carries the scythe To devote ones life to improving farm docs not so well as to the wife children and help even if you do not to improve yourself It reported in that Provincial Treasurer Jones reaigTied dis cusses best method of to- nigh Eleven bodies of dead infants have been found in Montreal within eight A Woodstock family had a narrow escape from being poisoned by soma l Hog cholera ia again reported out in Tilbury West of The Bradford says there are a dozen or more bents on the river every night billing Bib A hotel seven stores and Jewish were burned at Winnipeg Sunday night now P ateamship Manitoba was successfully launched at Owen Sound on Saturday m fc fc charge of of will await tho result of the murder trial The Oddfellow of dolling- wood purchased a lot for and erecting a block thereon I- only counties in Ontario in which the Scott Act is now in force ore Middlesex Oxford and Elgin At one the Act had away in this province K9 A curious result of being hit with n ball is reported from Philadelphia A stuttering man struck in the mouth and when ho got well impediment in speech had disappeared Dr Rose has been by Sir Dean for damag for alleged malpractice causing the death of Mrs Dean She died It will bo remembered having I teeth extracted after taking chloro- Toa tat for last week Mr family Mi en for their new haras Id VYeit Junction Mr his scied as in this for a number of Mr Parish Stetpsr bow taken hand In baring receird a from Grave on SttunUy to arrest a man aiiuedSprlog a few days from with a pony said Mr Steeper at once arretted tad held him till when him at to lbs ties from Mr Steeper will mkks a good officer with mora thin will not be a for roughs to visit around Mr of Rev John Hurt pinched Ip Methodist Church on Sand sight Mr Botch Is a very young man sod preached a very able sermon which waa wall by gallon fc Pa- a Model Town proprietor of the- air patent which made him wealthy and famous proposes to a town for bis employees at Allegheny Pa Ho has bought acre of land and will spend in improving it A now costing will employment to hands and turn out fivo times the work dona at present mills at Allegheny Tho place la modelled otter There In town contain a number of lots them will accommodate a fine hotel and a handsome club house to bo built to gether and to form most structure architecturally in the now city taken fc fc by or by dato will bo built upon by tho com pany About two hundred are now under way improve ment company bought feet of on River hear Fort Perry to water works capable of supplying 000 gal lone a day Bowers are now being laid In street and natur al will bo used exclusively for fuel Republican A made his teeth meet through William Woods hand at and he may lose that J ESL The congress at Ma drid has adopted a resolution demand- restoration of the Popes tem poral power t i curried a to build a school and defeat- to spend on a Colle giate Institute i- l are urged to lake every means in their power to secure of the Popes tiioporal power A despatch from Alexandria states it is rumored that Khar toum captured about weeks ago by Sheikh A serious fight occurred near- New Brunswick on Saturday night over the building of a railway across a mans property has been found guilty of disgusting immoral practices and deposed from the ministry by Presbytery An eight year old daughter of John Clarke used a cutting box as a plaything and her gloves will need to only Mr spoke on Commercial Union to a large meeting at Ottawa on Saturday evening under auspices of Hoard of Trade will bo spent on Mid lands harbor and esplanade this sum mer Tho Government gives tho town and each worry Seek and it Bo cheerful A light heart Uvea long Work a man but dont be worked to- death t Never despair- It hope la a fatal Spend less nervous each day than you make Dont arrive tardy as tot alow a la room for improve ment on tho commandment Bradford A now waa I from a buggy under ft hotel Gertrude week form China not been the railroad business but has already arrived at the accident stage On their only Hoe a train was recently wrecked and took fourteen men being either crushed or burned to death The latest church social fad is tea social eat ables served on conceivable sort of a dish other than those gener ally used such as dust pans dippers frying pans etc London claims the honor of taking this departure A woman of and a man of GO been fighting laughable breach of promise at at lately affectionate of tho baldheaded pair were graphically described by a party who ployed gooseberry through a keyhole Gardening and cleaning up back la the principal outdoor In vogue for men at present time women have their fun la more amusement of turn down on tho hunt after dirt fun thing immense town of has in- vented 400 in local newspaper work and paya that to homo papers to up and illustrate tho town The usual practice Is to pay distant city papers to do auch work and leave the home editors to forage for themselves fey Two elder the quarrelled Ono called other a and the other bit one the nose The hitter resigned and ttfe caller of names was deposed from the eldership notwithstanding his claim that term used was script ural origin and true In appli cation tig For preaching seditious ser mons fivo Jesuits were recently im prisoned at Mexico A mob attempted to resoue thorn but troops were called out and a bloody riot ensued in which over of the mob were shot down and some 16 of the soldier were killed and wounded It a thought that had mob succeeded rescuing the Jesuits and breaking the local authority ft serious uprising might have developed It is expected that the elevat or which erected at Midland with ft capacity of half a million bushels will be completed about let Tho decree of the Pope author ising distribution of from tho Jesuits estates was served at Quebec on Satur- K Tho Meoford Corporation suit for the from aurotica of the amount of defalcation on col lectors will be tried at the at Owen Sound on May At Georgetown Paddy Costi- gan a shoemaker addicted to drink was run over by cits other night and terribly mangled It Is supposed that ho went to sleep on track tons of powder in drying at blew up last week wrecking all the and employees houses completely overturning and imprisoning ft man and wife until help came That individual named who Is aaid to not all there was in Bradford last week- tying to secure subscriptions for a destitute family but his pedigree went before him and ho had littlo or no success Mackenzie secretary and treasurer of tho South Welling- ton Agricultural Society has disap peared Rumor ho has gone to States Tho books of show a shortage I Angus Ferguson of Uraven- was brought to Barrio Gael last week on a charge inflicting injuries on John Clark of the same which caused the letters death Clark generally known fto Protestant Jack- died aomewhat suddenly Two days previouslyhe dasoesed who had been drinking was scuffling with Big Angus Ferguson and is to rev a kick from him in the men The injury was not In anger- but seems to have been- an accident after hearing- the evidence of or four witness es adjourned until medical evidence given by Br of To re to The examination showed a perforation bowel on side Tea jury returned rt ft verdict of death to injuries re ceived from Ferguson

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