NEWMARKET MAY RAILWAY If ill Nil JaPo oXs f POINTS lilTEO llMTOn1 nod lb PACIFIC COAST l or wilt ATKINSON Soelety Register fed I ht A A hot Krey Jo Alberts am 4 U3 la to month bomtrTocdy til A Sri a A Mooter in fc dIxM International S S Lessons The ftt Bethany 11 Golden of the lbrtfcn of which dtp the of people met together or in Seobfdrim xdeUrtiod of They were ud dx- the of The people came the they come the of 11U it were the of His the of mercy tad helpful ea ted lib ft of wrong od by of evil uooto the of Scribe In- deeper thma Holy ted So bid thkt hatred became they were now to enter upon of bit ever IhU lo coottut to the tnsbfthe chief m took plic at the topper hose of Simon the leper A Rood aw labile for ftdf ftocement When is I rations JUguiso is to it it is not A light Ebmitjf tod to Hit cuts which fthumw lio tun be lVrEcal to Chritt lonly of tod fitllogil the time receives Chriits outweighs U rille thtt does stop the to return ftklflddtU The Speech Ottawa Pwlltmt with labor which the pment of fc yon I to the Import tut ead which I to thtt the which eat will Ihem to hi etfectir linn with and with the of will widely extended the her be loped ban for the of the toinlca their Tie to the frsJiebise Will I teller tending to ud the of IbM the The which the of trislt extended to the Maritime it likely to a addition to onr It to know the of Ontario will lead to the early of the principal which has unsettled to the present time and the Dominion la factory to all concerned The amendment of law relating to right will is hoped the the and bre labored for some yean doing to others in this or others Yon far greater efficiency economy in the forc ing greater facilltit for the of one lands in the North- Weal Territories and the safeguards life pro our the other althongh of a minor be of great io conduct teg the affairs of the of Cuvimicns Yea bate liberally proved or the requirements of the public GtnlUmtn StnatiGtntti run Comment In taking of yoo on the indications of which ap pear in all parts of Canada and on the in creasing which ample to meet the appropriations for year I sincerely that in the which now opening the lata of dor people may be Dirine and it be the doty to 1 to renew tte which I bars already expressed the mark ed welfare and progress of Friendship Ha who kindly the And the a mo of need Or tenderly op tha Is truly a friend indeed It it not what we do for alone gain of wealth or power Bat what wo hat for That in the final boor moil be the Thy al mutt If thoa Anothers reach It erf low of heart To giro the li nil That Rifle Match Editor Me En I to your a re plying to a from A it not anxious for a contfOTersy with the Aurora Rifle Team or Mr- Secretary I am tare the great of team at a much opposed to soma of actions of tome of the shoot ers be if Low me to soma of the team when at the and other place I ball as my information is the meat and shall it a public duly I to my country- that doty one will feel mora than myself being aoVld abetter hot is will ing a be brought low to suffer pro vided the end is aocompliihJ- me ray hare tbit the air io purified and be the At for a libel let who am go and public wilt treated taoicobU of inner wqikiugt of soma of the past bat which we will take plaCO again thank to a letter written by an old r IT TAKES THE LEAD Light Running POWDER Absolutely Pure powder ooar A of ecooomtcal Ibo mm llWdaiwlowteaihortwetabt-atuniorpboa- tfoldonuwWiM The New antford Light Steel Binder OVER Hinders bam last foaaoo and not Canada o built for the Guaranteed th Be or No Sale fcrtniCQtorrretilAck6owlJftHotlbotytMowi to told not ooa Wtedlq please Always in Good Order- Every VERA WARMS Vta Good door to lull JY4SBJji Tabular Drill Seeder by Canada to bo belt World Wlaneim TheUMtKluii Notices lor WHAT TO A has been for an election In County to fill Mat by Me Hon- J Pope nomination filed for and case of a being demanded the will take place next ridaT the of the by Mrs Home Series Win hfjet price cents This tew well coocelred hi which the the of a after an ideal beyond her UHlm sod that help denied It li cot a lore tale the ordinary and yet it ja rttkc of that character and through It ell tie womans heart In her ones may be scared from sriow It Is written fn tbe authors will with I arc J To Tat read- era that I a remedy above Br ttmely wo been per cored my remedy any your readers wbo bare wilt MDdmo and p ftddreaa tilrMU to Axa Unwelcome In myriad focmsls never end lta always recced at alt of siomacb bowels and blood Ufa and with every de- Cored Health and sweet Soared by tfbl- Remedy injector ftee by From Ocean to ahd miners lo Nora and farmers In Ontario and bee burners and In and gold Columbia use treat remedy Cor all and croup Is ilada by terrible Cure Is the remedy for Hold by I Hays Mao- y from and of appetite villi a setere ecorcely My first of Burdock en me to walk about houie and had taken second entirely cured With and Liver to curd Bold by quick for It caooot be It a bo iinaj tot om from Miller prove tbe efficacy of Can by Care buret my sod Old Jo with OH applied It and it draw out polo It Id a few day would be without Mary Cecil to The wonomy w Debtors woold please credit ors if they would emulate nature and liquidate what is dew Deportment is expression of an inward con sequently a great rerealer of charac ter three months some city newspaper gets off the following joVe A dog is in fall when it on its collar and pants Rep father Egan of bill and Mr of Rich- Hill are having ft lively pen and ink contest over the Jesuits When a small boy bats a ball through a glass window ho may not loose bis inning but the man who owns window is invariably put out J Beoton from the Eba A named Fowler fell from a wagon and knocked out three teeth His was full Is anybody waiting on said a polite salesman to a girl from country Yea said the blushing damsel thats my fellow outside Ho wouldnt come Joe Son To ronto the wellknown designers and workers in glass execute charming Memorial Windows and Household Stained glass of every known descrip tion also Beveled Silvered and Bent Glass in all sizes and import direct from makers an immense stock of British Plate Glass which tljoy ship to all parts of Canada The Buffalo Express hired man of Western York putting money in the bank farmer who employs is having a bard pull to keep out of debt reason is farm labor is scarce Ibis- spring and which usually tun between to are being held close np to farmers complain that crops of last year and prices bring do not warrant such wages but hired man gets bis the same THIS YEARS MYRTLE GUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO THAN EVER FOR YEARS AGENT FOR THE PIANO THE ORGAN Largo Stock of Select Sheet Music Musio Cooke Books JJOUSEFORkLE- BELL POR AT A TaaNonbtrUrmafrM SALE UiUrasQiairaor it lfDamp Bike wTjlioui1l par all A touch t THE CELEBRATED WILKINSON PLOWS- A fob wan Or B SMITH MILLARD Opposite Forsyth Hotel A RARE CHANCE To ValoU THE bars half rfi Id Iba lit of ibVTwnisu anJ ban I M a chine for T B EACH PLUG PAC It Made Mother Strong tor by cm a a OODS BANKRUPT STOCK FOR SALE OP ACCOMMODATION STORE tow Wi I after It livjTriaaj NEW STYL ORE BOOTS EEOU HARDWARE tallowing ftrvil 1 bo of or i ID lh Cub W joa lot atatf All Atw io iu S IN FELT HATS VALUE SHOES LAD IKS BOOT The Stock of J ROBERTSON from at rate on Jollar whole cleared out at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE ACRE FARM van WALK BY TEXDKU will ltd bo r- wArtl Ina uut up lo The 1st of August For whole or pan of The Latest and Best Values -IN- and Cashmeres Beat Qualities Finest lite a a P 1 Paines Celery Compound U4bolMs cur swear- It not an of or worldly Any fool and a greet luaoy do it Ah If I could only father uncalled for wthe that dropped filong pathway I know it would reuiovo this block my foot and would Ixi liglUcr by a too than it is to day it you going to bo a fool other what a fool you will bo A Perfect and Ik GIVES NEW LIFE but J wis tow M cfeTeUoa woo- Cccnpotnl la of iuiciualed wnwi Patterns in and Scotch Tweedy teds and Trousering TO ORDER t f r OUR ARE FRESH And in Tew wo Satisfaction Special Bates in Lota Yresh and Hold Seeds Now J STEPHENS Extraordinary Bargains For TWO STOCKS IK ONE to a ml it at Call J A W ALLAN CO WolTaiura VALUABLE AX- ESTATE lf luliuUtfji MR JOHN HODGE to offer tiata lue TOWN OF at i Co UcsnaaL BABY HARDWARE LUMBER 1 LATH SHINGLES NO I Ick ftpd how by Mr- a a A Oil a When fc a ilia of hut Toronto ci ifioiltil a- Avgctt tat Id ThU all who If tit full to The nd a lolellutoO Ha WML a tone at- Keep etri by we and By by by Bjyc Toronto do not find It to bat cat by la tbe a at eue lotto to ttcueHiUloa Krd by batata io to Teeing tit Bell to ite loa dew a of Ibe to bate fennel eatbor fct t Lu Consumption pbytlcUDj retired lift bead by aobt India ttUlQtuify a for cure of all AGd ftf fecttoDiaTfOHiAettlveaoi cure for lability Com- after lie vooJtvfui tbooundi of fell It till dots to oak It koowo to fellow by motive aod a to I will tend free of to all full for Heat by mil by lta Block At fall at Mr Justice Street Barter eucd James that town for 229690 lKtlanco duo him for work dona end machinery for nulla acknowledged to owing a balance on tho of but refused to pay this amount on the ground that do- fondant had not performed hie work in accordance with contract and that damage greatly exceeded the balance due to plaintiff Mr Justice Street at the trial reduced the claim to and red it to Hie Honor to ascer tain among other things if the plain tiff had completed his contract and not what sum would be necessary to complete it reference and ar gument of counsel occupied some twenty days when judgment was given favor of Wilkinson as fol lows That plaintiff bad not completed contract that mill not a capacity of per tbat It would require to inillas per contract The result Is importance to mill won who having their mill changed from stone to roller Mo -IIkot- JU KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE OK A filTbJCJK DAT a Etle Cute by I KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE ft I text KENDALLS SPAVIN CURL irouuMyifntrbrnr VihMit kind- KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE rtot It fcar4orfMfl It Ox SOLO BY SPRING GOODS CONSISTING OF Spades Shovels Forks Rakes Hoes and all kinds of Garden Tools Annealed Galvanized And Barbed Fence Wire Builders Hardware Sheathing Tarred Foil Pitch LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Stool Trimmings Jacks for for Repairs JAMES SUTTON MILLS WE NOW PREPARED TO CUSTOMERS WITH DOORS SASH of 1U Itoud fllore abov on SliiIW at ihyHt ll Dow by it wog Co SI nil or nod VArcy aud al prnl by twin ark Ai Ridiculously Low Prices For at to THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL PATRON AC K OF THE PAST WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO OUT GOOD WORK -AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO NEWMARKET MILESIAN AN at ftKiCik FARM Sutton West Choice of Head SHORT nil all il and AIM you DOMINION EMERSON Children Cry for Pitchers Castorla P AND DOMINION ORGANS Wi iniJe On lUHoiw tad which Kill to of their a twoctnt for mill- log J Vt book now til lit lu 1 low 14 la put La tun triad of tlat r IttmMlTM of ItU a took la atadlx U1 will MUM Kti of flbeei WOOL BOUGHT for Same J50QBFOR jJWWalPiy TOUINO hit I RELIABLE -ANp- LEADING HOUSE I t Largest Most Stock VERY LOW ilwlllbt at partial JOB ON I TUESDAY FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK Flour always on hand to exchange for Wheat SEED BUCKWHEAT FOE SALE H SONS Sutton on a very largo of lh above Famous Piano and Organs of Durability ftnJ C ructio our ato ere city we have Wo at tho Living Price or or When in Toronto remember our Always a Welcome for you Write at any for Prices and Catalogues Old taken in A COOK BOOK FREE a i ax iu Steam I Elm work a P J S CO No 68 King St West CAUSE AND EFFECT MANY ill od of lo not iblrfulr will ST follow a doll blood Iba tie tea id Or of Mixture WANTED Wood or Bolts WANTED WK OK PIKE opened a timber apply to ihlaofflo SICKNESS BO reason com ICMOXCO ACdlt4 w m OR DIZZINESS DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICE SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN HEADACHE DROPSY BOWELS OH iJ CO-