I t Friday Morning JACKSON at PRINTING GIVE TO TO PEBBLY TO ALL LIBERTY ONTARIO BANE CAPITAL 110 CMWHOUAgD Ill w 1 NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER IP Vol JililWt Single C Cents Each Newmarket Friday May Cash in Advance within moa or fit end of year Newmarket Branch Interest Allowed on Deposit DRAFTS ISSUED M XT old a A INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY to Loan TAB FOLLOWING FIRST wwwi titf or or doing or or i- Estate Main St South THOMAS J fjirjtKTKB Ac NOW on good Farm J ji iKRW Notary iLSWACOttrehtPMl Toronto a A Solicitor LHiroB Notary io IlStneT Block MOSEY TO LOAN fflSi JOHHTSTOHES ARCHITECT sod Civil Engineer Tort Coort AOKKTVOK SPRING 1889 Large and well assorted stock of Plover Field Garden Seeds In Balk and Packages Oar record of 30 in Che seed bonne a guarantee of supplying oar with which are and true to name TO LOAN AT Co Old Beg Offlfr Cor Lot HI HOTEL TORONTO brf of ftr per day EIctrlcll bed room- mod alio lot TraaiXr matt all trains na mi lor Coo MQNEYTO LOAN i solicitors Ac Toronto St wtS on coop ffAEfflXOtVSM i RcHterJ of w It to Tr4 All on tf KESWICK to at In IHNVS MEDICAL J A J Verier ALEX Practical Carriage Painter Work Aiulb8l J at to Aei Lot mil Dispensing Department Furnished only with the partjat to and care is given to of PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY OPEN SUNDAYS FOR DISPENSING 10 11 A PM 8 PM SUMMER Kewrloetiwgolaiale 5fropiltUiQ Do m yon They do to join a part with loving heart- Do to other von would do to you Help the ante along Cheer the fatal ami weak Words speak from year Cheerful given help the humble poor Do toother a you wool J They should do to the the flnt With thy and Love thy neighbor 9 Both la cooibioed- strive to live Ever ready willing to forgive Do to you would They do to you received beautiful patterns in English Scotch Canadian Also an asaorttoent of to choose from specially selected Patterns in Checks and Stripes Call and for yourselves and bring your friends with you All goods on the premises at Closest Cash Prices Only Your Patronage- Solicited MUTCH Next Door to Atkinson Jewellery Store Merchant Tailor own cloth made up neatly and cheaply TBAVlfiN of v Attend Notice and at Adrtxi to tell tbHOM receive prompt Form Property- Impair tor villi atony laity ffg ftltof and A7i4et I ACCIDENT Company ID iba loan aua insurance Aurora NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE FOR GUINNESS EXTRA STOUT Bottled by J highly for medicinal J Main North GROCERY DEPARTMENT- Goods received weekly and sold at Rock Bottom Prices 2 Cans Corn cents pounds Prunes cents Tomatoes cents Rice centa 3 Apples cents 3 Tea Beans cents Ssro One Revolver Flasks just received Fish of all kinds in season J OMALLEY Main St North A- fKNTtsr Iriluuist all timet OiYWKIO A removed to VTOTEB sad NOTES DISCOUNTED- to loan- Hot sod of Auguit floTaitboia drug STORE FRESH GARDEN SEEDS t SUP I Avenue Itf ilvrlMi at4 BUY CAHABA LIFE CAPITAL AND auorlot now tt la A If J it Steel Bros Marcon Co- fr Iff Ferry Co SOAPS SPONGES BATH TOWELS AND TOILET REQUISITES Stock Patent Medicines All the most popular remedies kept DRUGS So CHEMICALS Fresh carefully selected Vases Toilet Sets etc etc A continuance of solicited V MRS SIMPSON An Old Bottle- I believe 111 have of sooie- thing comfortably said Tom was not a of tempeoce whatever hod to the teste of Not that he was a drinking Oh no Never- was his life never eea slightly by But stilt well til ever now and then a glass of something comfortable struck to a pleasant light and he generally took it when it did Tonight it cold and chilly and gloomy and the wind rattled the shutters down the chim ney and of itself along the and Tom who was wot very fond of reading not leae in book or and there woe to talk to the resolution recorded to be the natural thing in the world A glass of Tool and a biscuit then Ill torn in Tom to a closet to look for a vessel in which to bring the liquor for the from the coiner store on the upper green bottle with a fat body and a long neck which had nothing it and smelt of nothing and net it upon the table while be and put the kettle on might be retorn Mi Tom absent from and Tom He was on Ma before raking it when he heard a It faraway but it hod such a ghostly aound that ho started Ifcair he cried aud answered me And jumping to hie Tom Bar naby stood staring about for there was nothing the room that ought to have hod a voice but himself not even a kitten or a canary bird Who met cried Tom Tom ought to know said the voice And by this Tom saw it from the green bottle Hanged it isnt tho bottle said Tom la it spirits or And the bottle answered Yes worse luck It is spirits Bad spirits too Gin ram and brandy whiskey alcohol- 0tbt kind Tom Yes said the bottle Kivo devils Ive been possessed of them all Years and years they led me a life that I wished I was smash ed years and years till your wife BEAVER I SHOWROOM MOUNT AliBKllT i Aitrt tint Leading I MAIN A i LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS AHIKCIAUIY ALfXtcoKiiALi of dlf- Work mi pro- i- WALKER lifted Roller Mills ON THE ENTIRE COCHRANE SYSTEM Fully Years Ahead of all other Roller Mills BEST Duo Chop Ten me all k A siuOUSHtSSCOHaTiMTIOH tAOACHg LOO or TO MW ft J or LEADING HOUSE Gristing Chopping done every day And tif4ctIoD ftuirsotltd Orders by sod J promptly to DEMNE Largest Host Stock of VERY LOW FIGURES of ft call JOBM I I for Infants and Children Ii lha I toOTraWff- fccUUoo got put blessed viuegar Id ue Nice sharp vinegar that never did worse than give some poor cabbage eater the colic And I thought I should end my as a decent vinegar bottle and here I am going to have one of the devils back Ob what did dear go away fort Why did she got Tool who had grown to the phenomenon a talking bottle and did not mind it at all this time nodded his head sagely Right there he said Its ex- uncomfortable to wife away but you are very foolish to talk as you do What harm is thorn In a moderate drink 1 All youd hold wouldnt harm a fly Youve been listening to I havent been listening to any body said the bottle formed my own conclusions hero was a when I thought as you did It was when I was a brand now bottle with a gilt label Best Holland on me and my tho liquor dealer took mo out of my nod banded me over to Jack Barker juii finlshedpaintiog store Jack says he this will help you to keep Christmas Think said Jack I went under his arm And In a bright little room with a pretty and a nice old grandfather and two cunning little babies looking on ho opened me What a nice smell said the pretty wife And he some stuff with lemon and sugar and they all drank some and babies looked at tho light through my green Idea and the gilt on ma And the old grandfather said the drink had gone to his head arid he should have to bo carried up stairs and laughed at that It was such a I liked myself then and what was In me Before I was the tlmo I felt pleased lo be iuch a favorite as I waa Ah dear I filled up again and again and egalu and after a while i began to see things about me The wifes so bright the old grandfather never laughed the were out and one da Jack staggered In took me and lost from sod tumbled a chair The wife began to cry lays she OhJsokt how I bite tliat dreadful were so happy it aiuo into blamed bat I know it was spirits in lost your Jack said has changed You dont love mo any Yott dont care for the children It is nil that bottle But Jack was too to caro said He daggered tho took rao by mo to a liquor store There put another devil into too That one drove the oat of the house bit by bit it was pawned Then left the house itself and were to cellar Shs took in some of tho she oarnod went for more spirits to DMiil I loathe One I eat on the table and the old grandfather lying dead end Jack drunk on at the foot of the Didnt loathe I tried to topple off hot couldnt manege it ever a bottle did de sire to smash itself I did But it was of no Happy bottles beau- cut bottles itno atot bottles have lltoy to doubt but dwel ling place for devils I lasted 11 They the old grandfather away and poor daughter got a black drew night Jack went sneaking out of house with a bandit under one end under bundle was bis mourning drees for her father Ho took it to the pawnshop and it for enough to fill mo twice poor Utile woman never had a decent dress again She rag was hungry Jack find wrench the shed her childrens bread row it and then with inn Think of it I bad to aid and and bear her say things about me that were very seeing sbo did not know how I hated the devils that lived in but that were herd to heir- But he full down stairs with mo in his and broke Ins bend and didnt break lap He hit mo things to their injury not I must lave n guardian deyil I lasted so day it was a bitter day end enow and sleet were five years from the Christinas Id been a present to he stood ragged and dirty at a with in bis picket neck sticking out Up the Now Barker ho said why dont you go 11 Ho was to him you w roggod with We toes out end a black eye and a broken nose Ho used to bo called handsome Jack Barker before ho took to filling me Think of that Now ho looked up with a abject whine Go homo with an empty battle on Christmas says ho You didnt used to Bay Go homo when I here with full pockets Mr Well no didnt said the man and it would have been bettor if I had Til fill your bottle for you Jack Darker lie it goodness knows what with and the poor staggered home Oh the wretched cellar the miserable in corner the wife lying sick upon it I remember them so well She was very sick and them was a littlo baby beside her Just think of another baby there Happy Christmas said he as ho staggered In Happy Christinas old Girl Happy said she Oh this dreadful day That to us first on Christmas It to to put a drunk en man in a He answered her with an oath body would think I was drunk to hear you talk he said the poor woman answered Oh mercy you ever I Oh Jack I Jack And then be flow at her Ho took me by neck and boat her over head with me Tho cork drank and killed wife got an on her down in the cellar over there say Im going to sell this to Bill the man So was saved and against my will Stood in the junk shop win dow for a week The water had washed blood I hid no smell of liquor left and along your wife Hat bottle I said she what I How much for it Billy charged four cents and homo she brought ma My career has begun again said I and expected nothing else but the dear soul she put vinegar in mo sour innocent respect able vinegar and boon good reepectable over And now yon you her husband are go ing to put the devilish spirits into again For sake break mo I I dont want to detroy an other household shant wid Tommy Born Here you go back on your shell I leave you to innocence and vinegar and I think Ill make a cop of strong coffee Right said Utile bottle And so the stands still be side the cruet on Mrs reiser and Tom ia still a sober man What Old baa to say Odds and Ends Why was Goliath surprised when ho was struck by a stone Because sacha thing hod never entered his head before What color is a field of gross when covered with snow I green- Why is a solar eclipse like a moth beating her Because it is a hiding of the What relation loaf of to a steam engine Mother because a loaf of bread in a a steam engine it on invention and is mother of invention Ah said the fly as he crawled around bottle I have passed through the hatching age the creep ing age and now the lege then it stock A pig was never known to but a great many have seen pig iron- A good pottering dame having complained of unable to tell her mince pie from her apple ditto without advised to mark them did so and complacently Announced Ive marked an that Ive marked taint mine OX THE UHISO PAST the bate bail aod other sports Hess Bros will remove to Chillis if town will take stock Port Perry has a band and races on and lb of June A valuable deposit tin been discovered twenty mile from Neil J a former tonite ia laoguiibing in a Florida jail for pulled out and tbo liquor poured over her breast over face of lying upon it It mingled with her blood At first screamed Then lay still Her grew while I know I was a murderer Oh let mo break 1 I cried Let mo bo broken into fragments But fair was smashed to pulp her delicate bones broken and I was sound over when Jack led by heaven knows what mad fancy left bis victim and staggered into the street agaiu was falling air was with it stag gered along muttering to At last bo came to and stum bled across it I a boat lay tbcro on which he had been once be- and bad given drink Bird ho cried Hullo I hullo I Sea Bird ahoy Nobody him Im coming aboard ho mutter ed I coming aboard I shant stay at homo to bo preached to Im my own master Then ho took stop more crash I He was through under the water Thank heaven 1 said I my miserable career Then I turned cold as myself was a roaring In my neck Next thing I knew It was day light and I was floating on water a cried somo one It was a barelegged boy He stoop over the of a boat and caught me was a man drowned hero last night said bo to boy by Did you- see this said the first Ha was I think it folly to rail gossip Everybody must talk about something poor fellow who was told talk for the fear that people would out that ho was a fool made experiment Ho was considered a fool because he did not talk On subject or another everybody must have soma thing to say or up society course the topic of conversation will relate tbo subject of knowledge If a man is interested in science be will talk about science If be is an enthusiast in art bo will talk about If familiar with literature is an intelligent and persistent reader he will naturally put forward literary topics in So with social question religious ques tions political questions Out of of the heart mouth speak That of which mind full will in expression very simple reason why world full of is that those in it have nothing else to do and nothing else them must interest themselves blag Thoy know nothing but whit they from day to day in intercourse with and observation of their neigh- bora What neighbors do what they say what happens to thorn in their social and business affairs they wear what they eat theso become tbo questions of supremo interest The personal and social around them this the book under constant perusal and out this come that pestiferous conversation wo call gos sip The world is full of it and In a million bouses all country nothing is talked of but he personal affairs of neighbors AH personal and social movemcuts and concerns arranged before this high court of gossip retailed at fire side are sweetened by approval or embittered by spite and are gathered up as the common stock of conversa tion by the bankrupt brains that have nothing to themselves with but tittle- tattle This habit of gossiping is responsible for bslf the mischief done in world but is not slightest use in protesting against It for wbllo the world wags gossip will do its share in creating mischief at least is probability that scenes enacted Oklahoma will find a parallel in Dakota when the Sioux reservation is thrown open Mr James Gordon proprietor of New York Herald has left Paris for Khartoum somo say for a heavy wager and others to rescue Gordon of whoso exist ence as a prisoner of be has received Information May A young man named Fletcher in employ of Andrew Dunn was driving into town with load of cheese yes terday and while descending Sharps hill on outskirts of town tho toad began to slip forward The cheese falling under horses feet unmanageable and the young man was throwu under the wsgoa and had his leg terribly mang led producing compound fracture Internal injuries His only relatives are in India A Religion If a boy is a Lord Jesus though be cant lead a prayermeeting or be church officer or a preacher bo can boy in a boys place He ought not to Ins too solemn or two quiet for a boy need not cease to boy lcuao be is a lie ought to run jump play climb ami like a real boy Bat in all ho ought to bo free from vulgarity and profanity Ho ought to eschew tobacco in every form und have a horror of intoxicat ing drinks He ought to peaceable gentle merciful aud generous He ought to take the part of small boys against large ones He ought lo discourage fighting Ho ought to refuse to bo a party to mischief to persecution to deceit And above all things ought now and then to show color lie need always be interrupting a game to say that he is a Christian but bo ought not to be ashamed to say that bo refuses to do something because it wrong and wicked or feats God or a Christian Ho ought to take no in ridicule of sacred things but meet fan ridicule of others with a bold statement that for things of Cod ho has the deepest Siteetid Mrs- John while a railroad near Charleston let her child fall through the ties It was- killed A St Thomas shoemaker subscription made of his debtors The steamship has been wrecked the coast of Oregon and five persons drowned J Timothy McCarthy of ham drank a cup of in error tul died Tuesday A desperate encounter occur red near Spring Arisons be tween brigands soldiers It is rumored that Queen will visit Ireland remaining there a week holding a drawing room at Dublin Cast and reviewing the Irish troops on the Currngb of Port May This at six oclock a farmer named Peacock was standing on the of a wagon lowed with I aster at mill when the took fright at whistle of a neighboring tannery and threw him off stepping on head and plaster weighing twenty five hundred weight pasting over him Ho died about fifteen minutes Ho leaves daughter of Dr Dickinson of this town and two sans He was about years of This Is second fatal accident from runaway horses her On the Inst Mr J Carson and J were returning from fishing expedi tion took fright and ran away throwing them both out Mr attaining injuries whloh were at fint thought to bo slight but which morning Rev Mr escaped with bat a few bruises The fishing fichoonor with pounds of cod bound for Gloucester Mats run down and sank on Thursday night- off Thatchers Mass by the Portsmouth schooner Willie Grew saved IS White the westbound Grand Trunk freight train taking on ad ditional ears at it waa run into by an eastbound freight hut as the moving train was going slowly damage to rolling stock will not exceed A son of Mr J Alexander of Georgetown was nearly sfnl hence day last week- on account of care lessly handling a shot gun Ho was standing leaning on it with the pointing hi cheek It discharged shattered his ear badly Little Grows of near being drowned and scalded to death the other morning She fell into a boiler of waUr which had been removed from only suffici ently long to a pail of cold water added and was uimbla to rise of her accord is none tho worse for her sudden bath World Yesterday afternoon a farmer named brought four barrels of apple to Three of he sold to Geo ingle nod the fourth to T who was sur prised to tind on opining it that he had paid for and for apple pretended to be much surprised and when told of some former shady transactions of his he assumed a threatening attitude but ended by inviting the people to of The Von Medical Co No Park Row Sew York City in 1888 made seventy eight per cent of cures of various diseases of men chronic and otherwise within the I mo for treatment Tho rec ord of cures of women was nearly as large This is highest record over achieved in this country by hos pitals or practice In the treatment and corn of diseases science skill and discovery pace with Invontions in other directions The now book lately isiucd by the Von Company full of hints and information to young or old free to all who call for it or order it by math On Thursday of last week oc curred the most destructive conflagra tion that has visited Canada since great St Arc The town of St a suburb of was wiped out of existence fire started in an empty building shortly after midnight and did not until had nothing more upon which to feed A district of a ratio square was burned over build ing were destroyed damage to the extent of 1 000000 and people were left homeless end most in stances destitution add to the terrors of the conflagration an awful accident A spark ignited a cask of gunpowder wrecking a building killing of ll Battery and so horribly mangled Sergeant of tame corps that recover Frank a Buffalo fell from the top of a three story building and was killed Hunter and Crowley tha evangelists claim to have from 300 to converts Woodstock Burlington Iowa bad a storm lost week which buildings and blow down trees fences An has occurred at destroying villages forests and cattle of was confined to his for a week for interfering with a runaway horse Morrow interfered with inspector making a search for liquor in It cost- him 1 A tenyear old daughter of Percy Simmon of Tweed drown- whilst playing on logs in the river Andrew of Sun- lost three children by tliecia between noon and- Monday The Orange Lodge of Ontario Co has decided that the Glorious Twelfth shall be celebrated in Sun derland Halifax has sent a shipment of thirty cats Sable Island de stroy rabbits which too pro- line in that place Mrs and her girl had a runaway in lost fcicupfd with severe shaking Throe school boys funded dynamite cartridge with In miner when they more cautious Mr Hill received fin order for car load of and an tols to Mao arc fomenting a land agitation in Lombard where much rioting taken place which the troop suppressing Mrs Maty of ten run over by a cable ear in Chicago and mangled to death her husband Club decided to instead of twine for and will from manufacturers lump 13 A mare attacked a 3yearold child named nt and from injuries re ceived little died in a few boors KPThe Trunk Railway will open out lino from Madoe to El Dorado as soon us traffic arrange ments are with Central Ontario A deal of wag throughout Austria by stornis At eight persons killed by lightning and ft number of houses burned l trustees Brooklyn bridge decided to double Ida traffic facilities of the structure Hall a million dollars will bo expend- for improvements Farmer Do not fruit trees from agent pay for them and who says ho you to plant them It is only another swindling dodge strikes in Germany are extending and rioting becoming more frequent mobs have been on by troops in many in stances with much loss of life t Tho St Thomas Solvation Army intend testing in tho Police Court tho right of owners of vehicles to drive horses through the ranks of soldiers in parade A boy at will wear a very dilapidate because he took liberty to a horse on the street The didnt take it very kindly and threw up its heels Four delegates from different parts of United States besides crowds from other parts off Canada attended butch Conven tion on the of last week law provides that county shall only its portion the interest on That tlon fifth countys total contribution will therefore be interest on It is stated that of Dominion Geological Surrey staff has been given three months leave bo followed by to to the secret of well by r