J- EWMARKET ERA MAY lively atfyn i tt it Aa The Director of North Society in New market en 1st of to talk i boot lb among M jMArCwowl on- bariccr eating on JSassc J iamfd bant to the too Tax if and 11e 0 Us- bet rt fc JjtoU ratDDncujI on Alton in j4 on aod to too Mr May fcr of Toronto jcrMn On b a dicoare n tta fcrptJrtCn tnipl4 or iJ- of the to A-W- 7t Tt- 1st i Jii9Ji ottho JdafcCti oath Biv- Rook Mr li iI4 to bo d ifcej not dm It Idling ltk0cio ConWgtUooU next omtng ot Ran Hill to doltTir odldrtaa In A of the tie on nJ hi cat about oclock to wbin UeA A few of kioa l Up Tfcera bog to ffot of sow Vine to the rich folk it too it of meat of now t ud how Jo witb bag Bat the At Cbiittiux bold lia la mora- oerTioo to tb children ill be it their Howe lrN on l etn At Ueetlng on SibUlh at pm A School wtU bo held the of the In St flooaa at 8 a from la at all ua tar foIloWras via t9drVd Addmi of J 5iti w It decided lb at aV rtcKaiit for h bo IhaiftJta a u to gift illifbrtrttchUMl 1 icgriDh for atat ttI fc third Meiiou lKril Court of the wVejitakf at the yttbukaoa of hot uaj I ithd u Wit coodIjoa on to his to or A Co 4uVm Ntvoiailtrt wk In id a ibf ape of tha emlatnlly tef lcbn mid deHghtlal di Raits fill bfiMiUx aad rart Without I Iff i Am nil mult Shi To those who the BriM Sex ho rar- d The new Mm force 96 bat vtiM to Impute hit bid of foot if ha will J Jo io oid of fin it Kill at th dog Roll And will At a Brigade on night of 3 till a Copied to inUr for ToaminHiit of wiih th f to lion Will Cine the lUltftC flNf to jrtUiw furtbaBii oil wis t- COXCBRTVWO that II wilt fii xt tea ia of will deliver a lec ture a anttf aaleotdL a further In troduction u of the By way the ateitloBient the wellknown TorootoQawtettebiTe Mr ho and Elocatiaaut go y Ayr Its Rtfotttr of Sr father of John and Wot of was in had it lie bora IntEMcx Jane Wbeo21 of aattlbg at Hamilton In As a ho took put in the 1837- He wit- the the of aha and man other areata of note la he married Mary Ann and of two all of whom ThU piAodchildtia nam- After litiog look op he Id yew ago wheo retired Inlo the Tillage and enjoyed the active life entitled to of a origiu- cODahlflav gttat gtaliltr of and in tile or In the to an excellent humor and i JBRBfl L FOR GENTLEMEN ALSO SimsIE iipitl will car I JM fa Uchg4T rtc lody erf UMavJ oC tad ilmi in ltj l on fto rf5otioir toiUfcrBT to A in ib- Jl4rtk rti- ft mil known t tkKo J dofflji a i Ml W Of uycM lIron JJW in rf The W l f JJ Wiiiyji wo nil lUltott 4la0lb of Wtaj rtwisr ffflt fcI of ih otfeoco Itt tf WO fl w VM to JO Hi TU en to to toIp Iff of i ooy Mad or jtr wtaattiu lie to Thk ftf labile At wight bo th Dud Of Ji- DbcilUd otic VocMdi to tylJtJ the luUnc Suit lota Into W liTjJ paUtcr who bit Jo town of them to It ul 0 It wit jirojKil of It by somber not ot III lb till mat lotto lK lb At of tt from of Klgr tbo Bud to tUcofHeJ flg- t-lotlDgtte- tboConjitiltlf on to bo the lb StOI J- lb Of 2pUt4d tod following a loA jnrt th D I Mm ItuUdOa Wo A of J A- J tod by Bind Idllt up nd the potohu of o It the our forth Caelph oa lb of month Volt of pvtxda by Mi to Mr for of wl to or cd tod to fur o oillleg of toy to other MCfa Word jitoridd on disco of dilldoo to It Virion thai of oar w Ho ucU to Of HOW J0Ut0 MO pttti th ocosq forth- vritb Th Town Bud of tint ill for th ocoIoa WbO Ini BUI neat Hembort wont to out night for of d A ftm left by dLSktootrof J loat one of her on lotpUnglb trot oat boa tad potato it ol- ready high Golden Lion of Toronto people York figiiulb A of town for ocoawit la iiiBtdfonl busy od forgot oclock belt Da school aioeojoylngiborholiJoy not If Contention would come fight down town night in op th dry Ay will toon bo hero gin clerk lor it Anything bat wither of it a The pobHo instltQlioQ booming by If the do oa on Mansion to on of jilt ooil to EeWQ00tbeSlitDr31 M in Wcdotodoy felt the Ud to for it ill Ibe Thuwwbo tut outlbeir EH Lloyd got ft fiogtr At which for off wwk A ft Couftril to abbot Kins it Am About lot fold In- Xcwnuikiil A fromLiodAAj ll old Town wilt not filUog cent If they omit A spirit of the for ond Petttiooo oro being the olio being igoed to nbmtt toother to by of of for the When the of Voter Work was pot in two ob ject lroles but o view of rtUtog Department lb tat opproprlittd of Food Ib bind of for the ortettu which govog to Weufc for dome- licporpoier Hut fur now quile thiifipriag od from the prcrtnt own of lew The hi efficient ad that there odemiod oil aide for fa oUr toot bow Id the Appointed Mr John to too- those of tbo town no leoo fcor goed for In territory t oioceMibte other lotfmAted they wooldttkothe their pieialeee Tbo Fir Com- ttUtf With milter of pro red o lo of pretest bo fiKired upon the oud Id ufficleot pplieAlioo revived to of oo St fcgt St St nd down there or to cttoto wilf the pottiog In over o of yeor the bo To Mir will reqatr feet more of with fito or ill for protection be own nearly feet of net from th it oerrloei the I cot leu then per Annum while thet piopfot of quite o to tbdtttt flrudy by lb piopf of the to Iwr row el tele of town new It become dot of per odqed tbtineof wood pgorrr fir yiar It hot will lirrly tlfintAlologa the they wold bock to Sinking Food the put In ell new pro 0 tO06 of to of wit- on the point en night rWtker lwy depend on obuodaul wpply Hie of present that while the ratepayer feoibed to rote for bylow they will not hero cent to poy by direct tuition olT the piIog U hi would o 4lfanpportog ochtbieeoteoeilcUllnlte geoeral ratUo bylaw w will be If at to It petition will bo lb of nd Tiling will In- eld of fix week If canted which there not o of work will be Mens Ladies Misses and YOU WILL FIND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF I FOR SPRING WEAR A J rams 4 Laco Art c A very Sty Fitting Lot of Boys and Youths Ready Suits The Nicest Stock in Town of Scotch imd AND English Worsted Fashionably Cut and Trimmed t h A fc fc The ClnhKoHIo will week thin preriooaly namely on of June to Hod Mr prericQ The in lomorrow Shortly after Fridiy week The wot celled from hie li ffaKfanslii to family Ilia bad o rety soothing effict after o of Mine fifteen ha left end quietude if b would notrpot the to A we tote aapjKtfe all bare kept l of the iluilcal in June out field to do the tiulud of rockiw In Since he propose to the at oclock for oclock op The la wide enough to io clnde of hoped that the of wtUtkoodrntageoF excellent It lb a ten or ill take the Pino Oxherd inlRht follow their exempli From to ere expected ond June 3rd opening Tub Toll The Road met the Toronto on of week the theme of A from City Council waited the Shove toll be not permanent ly leAed they to make arrange witb lb oeaeloo whereby Toronto would control that put the road city property Reef of the pealed muting ot on toll jp hoped tbatol In the will bo The CommUalooera to effect bo leAA mentioned that the might be on notice gate on weroleaeed ttf following partite being the year float No 9 Iff Mr Bel hove been f There is nothing like leather when well put together host season our low prices burst like a bomb to the people of Newmarket and tho surrounding country causingvdisnstrousf effects on some of Leading Houses pretending control Iho Boot and Trade Our prices this Season again arc producing Soro Hearted Reductions Our Low Price is a terrible blow to former high priced suppliers of These big slaughters and reductions arc a bad give away to any House pretending to do a straight Legitimate Trade- For the present season our stock will be found more complete than ever OUR PRICES LOWER THAN EVER a I Our system of business remains the same as first inaugurated All goods ticketed outside- give the CASH BOOT SIIOB STORE i The Manufacturers Accident Insurance Companies- Toronto Otar o Popular Caoadlan Seeariiy and every JuatClalm A iittftlon- UP- M VluprealdeoUOeo rim dent iUok Town of Newmarket Court of town of Revision I s- NORTH END STORE BEST VALUE COTTON COTTON r BLACK Cashmeres Veilings Amazon Cloths HonrietUa in the Newest beat Silk Warp Henrietta in LATEST DESIGNS IN SHIRTINGS DRESS TRIMMINGS In Braided SeU Colored and Tinted to match all E PR I T The beat patterns In Town Warranted faat colore COTTON SHIRT UCS PRINTS ii i tha year COUNCIL Thursday ISfiSetUjeaoarof ail partita notice May 30th a of GREAT VALUE IN Oleic lb Mia a3beHisemeiis Excursions CANADIAN PACIFIC BY TO NORTHWEST PROM NBWMAHKBT TO and return 28TH will be on of Ticket In FREE Full Information can he had from ATKINSON CAN BY AGENT 1 tie IH II aaata4iB RETURN UNTIL JULY ii I JUNE 1889 NEWMARKET SPRING IMPORTATIONS a Mrs Bond a 9 a Withes to remind her Customer and Ladles Newmarket Is now pupated to show heft NEW MILLINERY WORSTEDS AND TROUSERINGS J SCOTCH ic CANADIAN TWEEDS GROCERIES FRESH AND OF if STEPHENS THE CHEAPEST AT J J BELFRYS Successors to W Player CHINA NEWMARKET BAKERY PURCHASED THE- Slock Fixtures and GoodWill OF THE ABOVE BAKERY FROM MR T Wo have removed our entire of C TO TDE Two Stores Formerly occupied by him and will bo to all of our pat at our NEW PREMISES HALL NOTED FOR LARGEST AND CHEAPEST- STpCK Of Crockery and for OUR 1N ALIj THE- NEW SHADES AND COLORS a Thinking them for put patronage aha would be pleated to a call order ICE CREAM PARLORS ARE OPEN FOR THE MAIN 8TBBET AND SOUTH And the Store aro full of Confectionery and If you want beat in our line give us a call A ROBERTSON OR THANKS a of Ihanka to oar Mtroaa liberal iiu ring pail fire and hope by now A ROBERTSON WE for their ry to ill AD J New Raisins Orange Lemon and Currants pure spices iV nil kinds of FRESH GROCERIES Always in Stock Give us a Call No Trouble Jo Show Goods A SMITH Prompt Attention to Telephone Orders OR SWEFTa SYRUP HARM TO FARMERS Id Coo or NEWMARKET BRANCH BIBLE SOCIETY a f Hurra Use fiaabhaihHohcoliinppJtNJa BUSINE88CHANCE ana goad ropp aod all iuc J