ft e J NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 1889 5 lifdjf is The of The familUr drama promised Look art it rtbr ilfawowJT lUb fat from which ordinary treatment affoidftl an of can aoltinfl Baiter wade cash i Court 7 Revision of Roll for lit fining entire- the work f mdnly fa AHfM tenets Some on two of Ibat t wool tori lbs tllet ftMiift of or bit Mi Mtt Bond it d- uuiooaciDg a trimmed an- lite far this School owing rtl of ftfr ttitdnJiBj tadah- to peeled ft ralBwi Hi weft Good the fHI e ff x wet ftn good u rotin j fion roll Tie lie eiS At of two to rtiVe oUbte A I I Si Oil mora- r J It i oft Itb1F rflbclin lis ixgwUiGg from ircrjltfoUtirUMcgbinl htm Mr to id boa Gom 7bO9V0t pioptfl to JjtiiMihti rf fcU This mort Trontldo rj lHEiSEil of rt Id lb Ittt 4i do dwtl lltit to a tock lrs rtitfr TIM Itcludj la ft sad t wortbj wer dbiirmMltd pirf- nti j rtiKtd6 A lime wt of par ntWi picked tip It ft bwtf rtapJCed la ilia ins re- tolned tfa Dexl monitog dlKhuge lotorUti bat it moHm boltU of Ilia DO pvi jet A Wool Wot to week to good In filled for in tbo Dominion umo in A mm line Sheepskin Bob raoiUtaU tut be iifld At im price of more of go fif lla sprinkler ft np put ro in thadoit the Kortli York th of ron- an ioton Soadajr School from Hiked of IbU fioamer 25 rtittego Situidj The eHUterj of in Us it eeaio etroek by Mr on it cm toil ejiaaplo to cation loltj of It- the lvtotor ilevb rtrelTtrlutTQItj morning Srhocl iree WedaefcUjr sad few con- Bud vuded on to Tie Hooje Mr J tender befog lo be reedy by lit of School Standing for Jane St Fred Ernie end Smltb end Brown Ft Smith Jr Ft IK UiwiUyn Lottie end CbtilfB Ft Wright Bell end Cecil By to lb ftiliwtoi of tU it will tit ywroixkt very Idexttftd the ByLiw At ihr nut d Tots to of Idhi place lie Utter put It roacb u if rr1 will the 111 of October J its Will log of for on the Jon 52o J it tm ftj wadnctcJ told to bidder tod of of fio will U a lot of now being nude for bantu Bet of at fc bo from mil upn two ntj Lei will alio lifibt fcrAiHH boilM Wcd wle- EDOOtbt Ink Drops School Tuiiy J ftie wtri b T J THE s BIG j FOE GENTLEMEN ALSO Mens Ladies Misses and Childrens and S3 FOB SPRING WEAR J c THE NIQEST STOCK EVER IMPORTED Sutherland YOU WILL FIND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF AND TAPESTRY CARPETS Lace Curtains A veryiStyliah Fitting Lot of and Ready Made Suits The Nicest in Town of Scotoh and Canadian SUITINGS AND TROUSERINGS Coatings Fashionably Cut and Trimmed SATISFACTION GUARANTEED J n FbvA fine lot enlted et iloey Bakery lxovHrut Among will sgege Coon- 111 am week el winter the Word t utility tttct d end the CommLUee lr lee to iropow loboltj two fctorf Hto the fcteire to bed lull to ioolt of the pre- the more letter ttVItrrf bom feet It bold oppoe but IscittAoiso The I Breed more wo Mtl Wt- f Iff ttd fladaUtbtrowill fedtawlj to Jtej iidiivft Q WI A S5 will rnmRi tot lb Com Aet cm Wag I item J fttff If Of mm W li of Jiu ibtrUots ilUBIOAt effort rf op lift of ud mecit enooeu to lp Id op the of QDdertbo romtydiKdl II of ftiLL by wd Prof bupitweo WtumK to of of Mart wbexfi xf good Avmur not of ibt of Con ub lliMjhly ij eitUotloa Mug It to bo wpibJe of brief of -bodiffw- Town will th of It li of 2ftwiovkt will Ibdr UiUtoaco iidim hut MirkO of Mug on by i Concert A ffort Id by dwt of oar by A J be well to tote by olono to of iJnii4aD to bo Ktb olt -tCoariorRdTi- Mill ptvi- or taken off wJ xlo to bo owMsrd or lot Mid lot til property wtw ifr by Mr- mot thai appeal of Sopblo Tot a- bo not td bo gfiitd dot court be ad jalO clerk In roll tot laid roll biJl be J Curled were lalJ before uqc1 From In to nnrlili vbe iikeu from to In From lUiuuy wbcetnlof ot mud to to tbe of of in fototlywbo oil lybprtiJforer tilt rprlux far l0 goo A petit Vm la 10 kJi2 lows LIdo ltd1cf to raroo Mr petition ibo to of byOow Mito- tUf ppJicxLloo of to tbo Ho to council to ftpJ ftppOloLloc pith muter for of town odJ Appeared to toll la Mr- by Mr Taylor moved tho to eimcotoe by Mr- too tot MOB- ley on ond not cop of w lucch tofuo leericg town TUB fi9 wcojiy of pNsJ by Council of on of tut wftfci Of nved by A Arnuttooc by IbOt bo rood north lido Of the elan xDd report to Mr by Mr of town rolot bo for of tbli l to of Li to portlouoftbotOrTO Carried Mr by ibe petition of Mr tbli UEetlltbOPxL of council Curled Mr by Mr ArmiLrODtr Mr be Lo tbo pit ot ftcdrtportilioeiperioototbUcouDCLL CjirLed Mr- vwooded by Mr btrry tooted to bo Kraol for adJ ium1 bo eittwbtd rnliloc on Geo on of Mr W Win nJ for Order of Mr fcO for Ju wtuhoot on 2nd vOn- or by of Mr Mr by Mr lb DUfy of Keott lbt tbli to Hum of aide latilS4bd W Cod- Mo turnpike on flit outb of lb Coo ibo of bo to expend OAine then to labor ndglto to of In ibe mo tion ItMlf com It- tee of to lake into putlog of a bylow for of a portion of the Con- iblrd ttme roovo thereto- utjODToM to igetin it Jobnuoo lOtb at oclock MUTeO Whitchurch Council court or to public council out oclock ft on lint day Sun to or Of Court of itMffajrDi I ICO irarr tic off bar am- HjjliCimpbcnj for pari of Jot AS Con oflokoor u tor port of lot Con Struck Jo beta of sou of tbo Act Adopted roll u tine die COUNCIL Member all rcro piovIooiojeetloKreiLdiiaJcOD- flrpiiKt from lbo of Coo 4 too tbo It iGdddnJUJ to It ptfraooilly Dolt la fear be waa fur wOV or of Court of loo lift lo Attead of Ho to tax refuoJtO oc4 Forrester were beard grunt of wo tn to Luroplko and tide Lino loU on of raid to work npproprlalol In lfi3 hot wpeodtdon wub com- that amount be for tboaomopurpoa3 doit l I Injured drue Daniel lit Iambi killed prewrjteJ l- and making foQf 1301 per mod fo-11- BOOTS SHOES I fidbeMiseiieis is nothing like leather when well together Lust season our low prices burst like a bomb to tbe people of Newmarket and the yoriountliiig country causing- disastrous effects on of the General Lending Houses jiretendiug t control the Hoot- and Shoo Trade Our prices this Season again are producing Sore Hearted Reductions Our Low Price is a terrible blow to Conner high priced suppliers of Foot- Wear These big slaughters and reductions pre a bad give away to any House pretending to do a straight Legitimate Trade the present season our stock will be found more complete than ever OUR PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Our system of business remains the same as first inaugurated All goods ticketed outside are to be found in Stock We give you the ones ticketed as freely as those upon the shelves We give the Boot and Shoe trade our undivided attention and claim to give our patrons tetter Satisfaction and Lower Prices SPOT BOOT SHOE STORE Apply at Inspector Now market The South End LIVERY aloe- the hat oil The Styles of Riga Ad J fitted to flntdaMOnleri well Coo of oollelted OHAUOEij Proprietor VUlk that of Scott KtflKI Ait Cod of We lttajixtiomoo WVbCB JlrtT- m Of KftktMooclLaixl to I that KfacliO for J Klot a pay If TiblrdcOil of to expend like for Mr by Mr- At in moved wtih clerk Tp of audetlL ilit la ibli about Hit- lowu brrr on iiJ ioin alii rcovo aod repair the Appolotlog lo of CM No to laid work Appointing to of Coo- topar ana of k 1 1 al I to Jo com error dew a AppoinilDO anJ dlrtefdUeeiamlQelbebriiooTftrlbitrai loi i tame lao oa ordr on lbo for amount to In tel l ibat Iteeno basil ad July for deputy kiccormack to ex of Cod Hue with a of rfUOTlot- line of Sine If fiJTiiatte contribute to tieeioftoof la for to 0fbuUd- ioi 4tid jqt mar boat- ireaiurer to pay of for drawing WTtofttooo an Wo Ib fATUi bta WRIGHTS NORTH END STORE IN PRINTS J- J COTTON SHIRTINGS DENIMS LATEST DESIGNS IN PRINTS icaproperjy it Mr oeeoiiiled by Mr tafrttd b yract for a tram a eTJjyoaetbfdcot or in beewiib All a lo their detniad tide Corf atloD Lea doot lacoDDtctltPD tbU If hid out of ibo gnat It would Doroofo on put of ComcII to open op rood Jo to pioJaerfo profit of the of the New- at wo look petaliy Ike ore will with ike llo to the Store of Hay Id of to Of fa road wfalck of of Ike Old Bar to the of from tU Town will meet of it to tbe from tbo tow tub Ip and brldjta tbr bo to lull auua of lbo 3rd Coo- Hue it of rivet ood tbat bo aawe auiri of Moo 3rd Coo lint lot JOba bo auto of the Cod lot York bo toeitw loll IS tbo ikft ibkatoo- Coo JLtiO lbf1 of be tooxpead of OIOOq tbo lowo llae to upon lb Wortb to that Moki Kolbt ffilnionerloipeid lUoaauie of ft erect a upon council eqoWaloU tbo to tbe Ma the wheel wrapcfalODalnif lo attOD acVipireVriT member of the councillor of lb bill cover ibat be not lodo private work by loilruotlcf to aealvert to bo built rail alooi tbe atd the reave and to repair bridge o- lo improve aide Do lot 0 bo of Lloyd Joho t A km Ileal J lo and bread Ibai be or for la municipal- iupell to At lb Chamber llallaatrwio oa lbo 3rd Children Cryfor Creamer Cans a Specialty Lined IalUiod We All of EA7ETR0UGHING And all Jobbing Work ATTKNIKI TO GREAT VALUE IN WORSTEDS AND TROUSERINGS SCOTCH CANADIAN TWEEDS GROCERIES FRESH AND OF BEST QUALITY J STEPHENS J A Choice Line Prints in Fast Cobra and at Right Prices our FANCY SHIRTING PRINTS The Beit Patterns and value in the market also Dark Light and Medium Prints AT GENTS A msi We have all the Leading Shades in plain and fancy to mutch showing something very and now in Wo are si GLOVES AND HOSIERY J J Y Successor to CHINA WK par- if raplaiT tf or utlua air wi And i io lblr to done t occeat dorh jil lubiic for r to yeaa to to urn la ib future bopo NEWMARKET BAKERY THE- S WRIGHT Pitchers Jboaum of hint oU Joooabeeom- roit4ioatruvetpcted1haauoo of to a lomahoopjOJlU 1 1 do and Lbal of road Wo at lorapewd of to wake of tbe No- lo tbaiame- fc of to baud a culvert DRUG STORE Stores MAIN STREET loVB that aittr IrtfeKo be too tie lb lot l Cod line to acta of lo A la atl of brwt to sjio-di- t aid that the road to Iba Pure Pads White and Insect Powder Plant Food Flower Pots etc etc PATENT MEDIGINEBDRTTGS CHEMICAL8 Staff end llalr tic tic Mb obtpr Pep A NUMEROUS ASSORTMENT all who we ooDtUoaace tie Stock Fixtures and GoodWill OK THE ABOVE BAKERY FROM MR T wo removed oar stock of GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERS TO Two Formerly occupied by Mm and will be pleased to all of our patron at our PREMISES i OUR ICE PRE AM PARLORS ARE OPEN FOR THE SEASON MAIN STREET AND SOUTH And Stores are lull Cake Groceries and FruiU If you want beet to our lias give at ft call A ROBERTSON NOTED FOR THE- LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK Of China Crockery ami suitablo for New Orange Imon and Citron PURE Oranges and all kinds FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Always in Stocky No Trouble to 8how Goods A SMITH Give us a Call Prompt Attention to Orders MRS H SIMPSON OR THANKS ibUopportoullr of oof many their daring by ora aitentlon A THE BRIAR8 FARM Button SHORT HORNS So by Hard Book a BOW Ibe Dominion Pit- Ontario Life Assurance Co LOW RATES Profits to NEWSPAPERS rot EXCEPTIONALLY tit