Newmarket Era, 21 Jun 1889, p. 1

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Friday Morning AT BIS PRINTING iivioo of we REACHED SUBSCRIBERS LIBERTY TO AND TO TO CONSCIENCE ALL OTHER LIBERTY J ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL BSTfRW J CftA NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 22 Single Copies Ont Friday June Cash In within or at end of year Newmarket Branch Allowed on Deposit MSB DRAFTS ISSUED AT AUfOUtn od AnnrteanDnW promptly auabded to INSURANCE REAL ESTATEAGENCY Money to Loan FOLLOWING FIRST GLASS S REPRESENTED J iitoih3aofr4roiclcMih Moor Cum w M for Real Estate Insurance Agent Main St f AS erricsMato l it Sire A TORONTO if Be Off ICE Block- TO jrOHHTeBTOUEa ARCHITECT STorkConil Fir Bd loan nKRfdfK TO LOAN- irrcrStJoorSooUiof lb A piRBwrKiw e beobiT iwv to WAS ON A BELL nBm1ESalltitOfConTTanrd lowftt la Loudon Co Old Reg I nOTft Of TO Proprietor York from North Kill clv emu Emtrtd or Mart Termi ISO bed Accommodation for W l inuQi Ko- J Prop of to All Domesticated Animal Profile ml I on uortet U B IN DR A J- K awl If Af P Oat Umber BrUUS AtfrnJ Bala Practical Carriage Painter ml moJeimie I BUSINESS Flowers Feathers and Ornaments AT THE- EMP0RItJM0F We hare en band a large of the in and For Lines STRAW TRIMMED HATS BONNETS Test we seal sell lowpricee only A nice of Black Straw for old Isdiee trimmed sod Children a and in style in and in Cream and Black Mourning alwaya on at fly GO TO- PHARMACY Main Newmarket FOR HELLEBORE V Dispensing Department 4 only the purest drugs And great care given to the compounding of AND RECIPES OPEN SUNDAYS FOR DISPENSING A la of E mow In dUtern id oath ilxowiifJl trail jOQEig lifVfl fn Ah cab it bo do wr ft ftlliind its Hid hoar And and o tore O lift thy rftoo txatuiept ft Veil of which w in iir Oar joys with pass lit fiOnr No more iouk ber to bis And her there To her that in joy All store Aid firw d ftlioy lovdieat That w For lay in ftrius that wore glow heart freed a t with bailer They her in her wanton plftcc The sphere of iJcoLcoJ to A form laid ft way though with youth fully bright Eye though A roiod huhod But music id heard the their light bright May in but rather in tight heir th work is home erAuU thy a ho ftad rich- But five years of him better to took top land in township of where there grow and Wo got oar don before the bat no ooper had we got into it than our ran oat and John mutt go On horseback for more to Little York I never forget first night that I stayed with the children Before going to bed 1 carefully covered ashes the coal with which to tire but the night windy and och one m it to put cur firefl I got up very early next to oil coat gone The were sleeping and I often heard John af that down the Indian pith to the North he had often seen a light at ft It was yet dark but people in woods get up very early you know and only chant was to follow that path wit It the hope the light tho light hut ho dare I go it My fail- me for I felt sure it was an In dians camp and then I that the Indians of the Huron tribe and not hostile So I kept my courage up until J got hear enough to it was like our own up to the door and knocked- who do you think met me there but Simon an old of the Elk Linda who come Jo year before but never Heard to what part he Well if hero Was ever on earth we had a bit of it then tot my a pail covered thciuupgood in Ashes back with a light but riot for Si in ox and all family with me The children We knew no fear after that for wo all lived as family White Last Wednesday u Mr mm rr a fat bent a rah for and before it bo got oat Htm It to bold a la hall A lively affected the Reform tod parly to bo Tbe the to ta at Mount Albert ft the Aigcof The wr grind seiner bat attodioa Dot all tht mqU We late htd a abaft ply of Still ouao yotitig or of alt at Ua diojbtexofJohaoBin r of ftero foot eti TLttfttly King City P P ft Ma if and an w llDfllKDi El to their mi Hoopin UftctAn1ti For York Farm Sale At leaded on ana mi JPrten to wmPa leit prompt fttttnlloD to Agent for IheMM on t ttiero Many SPRING SIMM VESTAL ATEitair Oxide Block AMEHIOA JfOfWffintf n Amtrtca lUcifextiuiWcly ioihbuineiionniniftoco ctDilaMldQU for Aurora and vicinity at iht loan luUfance received ifiil patterns in English Scotch Canadian Also assortment of to from in and Stripes Call and see for and bring your with you- All made at Closest Cash Ofjly Your Patronage Solicited W- D MUTCH Next Door to Jewellery Store Merchant Tailor own cloth up neatly and cheaply A J lo cljrl3 J iVM AN MUtltlAUK tlttelocio4loc otter DRY I r and and NOTES DISCOUNTED- VaJuUo0iaCa TO ioas and BEAVER Mills ON THE ENTIRE COCHRANE SYSTEM Fully Years all other Roller Mills 1Mb of ADfUtl Of CANADA LIFE CAPITAL AND FUNDS- DOLLARS AnautllGomeofMllWWJ- fAHtLYFlOlia Chop tit Gristing Chopping done every day I And by idiII and Altended Sbaron ISAV MA J FACTS COtiRCTBD AND DISPUTE Sharon village on third concession of the township of East and is about thirty- two North of Toronto population ia between two and three hundred but it much older than aire denotes rf or when Toronto known aa Little York the axe had felled many a tree where the quaint villagoDow stands of the aettlera that dared to penetrate forest herd came from the state of by way of in drawn by ahead of what cattle they when night overtook them their were their hemes Others that earlier were compelled to take the journey on horse back there being no roads except the Indian trail But in year Governor conceived the of making a road that would connect Lake Ontario with Lake the opening up of road which now called The Aral taken from the Domesday Book in this place are the following Hill I Kite- ley J sonio of them came hero five before they took up land- The moat the wero of Quaker faith and in this place they erected a log church which stood where Meeting stands behind log church was a burying grounda few of graves are to be seen yet lit the year trouble Lift 8 the Hub Mr it fa torn done lit for Uaoi4 list Mr tot bit J a fie let of for ilia if it lint it ft Zephyr Onler of hold Mr b of Ibo A will be Comii from Ml- KtwiaftiktlA CiDuIontoa 2plijr two oclock tail the will be il- of Foffrtiy by tbe well tbe Ma A- of ItetkV ilcur U ltcUJ to iteflt A will Mr IL Utile and agatu Mr- lis front f by Si bit Irfht- toed by Mas a at of J- fliiuli out h to alias with yhMdsrosViWMdhymnb6oV An aoit tic The at- fitr Tfc cttaaiits wilt 1 rtwiing anil ftailoii aod Jwbn for J id aijle a that Joe buys a brick au Tout ills teg to Mackinaw wlft of are si hone for a kolidfty at ftno liflgbv by St J aod soil King Mr na list Mr daochtef ste the Is takes writs of The by Mr up lbs fully the Iter will call anietlog through ait sod tin that May arir Sutton nth bit Brook Ctab aod aatlott King of They pro to score of A W S3 J P WCtuk SI Call JDtU T 9 Ron 84 CO Roger You aani of KtngCity ft dona low Wall help bait sad lira fa it Jij tba of long wo kind of llr4 alllt aje pJ take copaola- from fact that w are do a kind our longer sad no after fa We frill come to frost eld Gfaula that It befor drnjUtht AMI Hall wheilint en lbs May tba Itjf hit retrly eoirL IU i uow to ashng tolly with p Hall J fell fton fall wo biatiltd inueb at alta to Aurora as came HIT BY HUP OUT The Barrio Turf Club intends having some fioe races on Dominion Day Swarms of year old devouring tho crops Loo lalaud Aurora troubled with house- plant and vegetable thief ea also dog poisoners reformers of West imbory bad a meeting Bradford lust M McAfee tha hurt at comers last week died the next evening voted to Dominion Day and to village band J A ttavla pntrbirad a for We it lsa tcifiet King Sabbath will on Salary niorDirig t will kind ex to all in Aaron In lbs happy day one lotg to lip by all thole V DENNE of J Li tutu BOUGHT Cash Value for WOOL MAT Leading Photographer MAIN A LIFE SIZE SPECIMENS a am Work The South Bad The Manufacturers Life Accident Head Tomato ColUt4 Cij to I MLB I I 111 I Ill I daoiruufcofinMo sH J I ij of Big at well aa T8POMIORV at DRUG STORE MAIN STREET Pure Paris Green White and Insect Powder Plant Food Flower Pots etc PATENT CHEMICAI8 Hone Poirdera Suongea Toilet and Powder etc Pop jisirilryParaessDd A NUMEROUS ASSORTMENT OF ARTICLES Won of Port for- and lyonbU of the Quaker which in withdrawal from trjera and in his starting a Society of Ms own which ha designated ThofhiA Ito a man great la stature and rather above tho intelli gence It was bo the first school house Sharon of a wing to Ms nod Mr was Brat to teach school Id It year 1826 Society began to build their tomplo and the year It wan finished la unique fa design and at present tuoo many people visit it out of curiosity In tho year they built their Meeting House Both are still a good state of repair but the doors are closed and founder of the Society died all who hit a of MRS H SIMPSON BIBLE at JJ ttbk on laa fir Infants and Children adscAsa 00 nearly years ago of son is still and hat tho honor to bo white child bora in this township and his a sap trough And now for ft tale of pioneer as ban led dp to from grand- sire the fall of wo were sitting by oar fire our homo among the of whea knock came to door and who should there but ay brother Now James had left us fivo years be- fore for where bo to take up land for himself and after for Long ana awaited his return and now that ho it was in fall John my hus band thought belter go once so to get up a- before winter Oh I but what a that was and what hardships wo had to ensure until after wo got to tbo end of it What dangers thronged on every side as we fol lowed those wind logs paths of the Indians through the Jamos taoo up land in Mr finger Jacob under Bros bars lbs contract Rot cut joint tub on In the at hare made a jet alecs it or ago tod oorr la a team Kf -i-ii- Ho was not with whore large pipe and be tba Aurora r Tho of will bold ft demon- iriHcD of ruu About fcaf w our to rak j fttfMt Jqdo ad fivo l of of UK of Mi litpjaloreTo Win a at lbs awn oclock pawta to a for uvot Hi oat titu Tor tiding by con liable IVcb 1 a tip ad tin Dt for ossitImi lnct la orr forfiftto or ty la ill before w- ino will Thooaybrcf aippHejiolf fii fltit aaHc4 Lloyd ot la v a Tory eel of world la all to IWot bat com pletely tbo of oat lug Mr look otoauir Km for the Wit with fliog wloic ilf do fca of J1U mod- of Chtclua oar ud wo at StitiJiui wbeio hi jewelry tod of our Jog a will la J had la Died for Mr- J nil a t ibU an Cor of away much tho dim bid A fug nlem party wilt tba lOtb Sam of who hid tbolr to tut welt that la not jit flsoda A will tbo to felled to roll billed to do crowd bad collected at with of luibltocj of warn aulgned thi of Oar here by olteged from to On of Co ilia betweea oppoilog toboeoogiitoliUd la heir plucky AwUJttiHdimoulntloa held eta bo tumid a teo of a tothieatbaiLsUtfo who to beer la weak of Eitotea AcU to to any or borrow Viy to tbe gattqral of lomt boor la tho of oradnct at be fnwerd la a lead of of idecb It waoaly a go tbit a lecturer of ben torero otenaptrd by fa Snakes Soma ago ofmaoiAjtwbast credited the Port of Id of oat of woiiiaitttedbyiho xltty to with of Pott of ApQa udukitg few about ea it reply Tost op Titixiiiabi May the with tii to the copied from Port datytohiad tod reply I to the of iLft flow of of coDittbaton of potuaii ft With joa oik the fioJ VoMMlVaTrUIdad pike a a fa the Boa Cooitrictor Jtcm tbo litrer lyiDgkQowalocillf Dr uja t ac jrpcute very of will and trio A killed iu the riwr a It etuiae of cita feet Kite ud rt tbo grt it Of the Con ami near aeteo of Utter hare preyioik ilea A belts la the titer a deer Hatted end rooa approach to ft where bo law alrGggHcg la the ftad it first for IU bat aearer ho that It la fold Doth ulmalawerft kill foood lochia 1 lo liland thin oar tblok limit of Dear Sir Major art delicti by Gro Wcdneaday Lou about Etta Stoddard of Brad ford had narrow escape ft frightened accident A believed to bo a Mrtrldgi- thrown at Mr atopeiu at Lku maasicrfrd All iuoflVnaivo la t fur Picker log acemi to ia of be aNIcliocl found guilty at on charge of with lo four- In Penitentiary Alva lluffl of Weal A Man wan- from botiio found dead Holland The church 8t Oatbarins atrrtt Montreal said to Protestant church in tho was last day l canal at gave way Tuesday wight undermining the foundations Cabot mills man rnmed Alfred has sentenced to for three months for stealing an oa target at the rifle there and rolling it to a foundry of Toronto for at- the tho baud second third J hardware store and Richardson Bros at Norwood were burglarized on Tuesday night and some valuabla Hardware carried off The vacant Collage property with odd adjoin ing offered a House tor J county of Ontario but the county council by a majority of five to maintain one John Chinaman is not ad much of a heat as people give him credit tor being- Thirty thrco wear era of pigtails iq Now York cttj contributed two hundred and ninety six dollars to flood A team of horses belonging to John Doyle ran away other day attached to- a harrow jumped a fence fell on other side with harrow on top Of the animals worth Was terribly mutilated and died from the effects For driDkiog to excess Tiny Aurora has to pay or the Don for thirty The ell has issued a erecting the village of flitdlaod Into town tho name of tbo town of Mid land Juno A explosion of nitroglycerine occurred this morning about oclock com pletely destroying the extensive manufacturing premises on flank of about miles below this town formerly occupied by the Canada Powder Company and re cently ran by Chem ical It was one of largest powder factories In prov ince The premises consisted of one stono structure and three framo buildings The force of the explosion was something awful The earth trembled if with an earth quake articles hanging on walls in rooms to and or fell to the floor with a and sound of breaking glass waa general At works scarcely a vestige of the vari ous buildings remains A huge hole cleaned with human hands was all that marked the site of the mill pro- par In every direction for a quarter of a mile massive blocks of stone and heavy timbers could be seen half buried in tie earth by the terri6o toico with which they struck the ground A horse sheep were killed but no human Kress were lost The residences within half a mile were badly shaken op and some narrow escapes from by flying debris are related Several largo pieces- of stone fell uptown two miles from of explosion The cause of explosion is un known of the shock was felt at Cornwall miles away The windows in a house in Lawrence county ten miles iwaywero broken An aye witness to the ex plosion sirs the sight was appalling beyond description tall chimney and tbe bull legs rose to a great height in the In a dark soiid mass ware 111 so much the debris lews on plant is folly on bdild- Chow a Chinese city of some importance Upper PanTsee was nearly destroyed by in the month April Seven out of the eight gates in city have been destroyed and tho loss of life including thou and to death is estimated at During fog which prevailed at Kingston on Saturday morning the propeller Canada with wheat from for Montreal aground at the Ducks Island and about bushels of her cargo had to be thrown overboard The vessel suffered no damage and after lighten ing her she proceeded to JUontrca A peculiar case wis tried fore Judge Morgan at on May Mr Pearson married a Mi seven years ago and her mother gave some quilts cretonne work which Pearson presents Mrs has died and Mrs now sues her soniutaw tat the value of these articles and also for attendance on daughter during her last illness Judgment was Riven in her for in all This is a moat unique case and result not only shows that plaintiff is a clinker but that it no such thing a pros- in tbo eight of the law The following circumstances which wo to be strictly correct wilt show most conclusively that it does not always pay to go to lav A couple of men who reside in a village in county of Huron got into a dispute a fiO cent whip words followed and re- mark brought on another until mado out that both were biggest rascals under sun of them whom wo will call Jones visited a law- through law The lawyer him could that ho had a perfectly good case and bo to offer The mailer law and after it had wearily dragged along for some time the lawyer who had the case in settlement accepted When the to the ease came to settle their law coats Jones found his J as only and lawyer threw off l0MttcV

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