Newmarket Era, 21 Jun 1889, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA JUNE RAILWAY fid ft a IS Hi R ALufoiNTS in somen tod PACIFIC LATKINSON BlklMK S Lessons Jura ll Golden el All Atiix oa lb crow the iwBJi4liprttitltoa the Thole am- Hi It fitfi iw lee a Mm its ere USA j Art- of r fcr afiiid ibal HI stolen iberefare got Urge lo itt loop UN we sb Roman nd holy oTd Jim And bowtd rt rtwudul by 16a fint to rf lb U fn jilbcfdufy rolTtd ioDA tad iraoua bl la d4 to il tnlb THamclioa of from fatly lb Son of ud of minktod and I of it lb County North York Constables- EAST CbrHQoBrtjlo Albert Albert fitokr Albert- Ego Andrew Virgin Gallon Wert KINO- William Hamilton Terry jr ttetoo ronton Hoary EimHK SomwriUe Win Newmarket Scbomtrg Bebe laIKy WHUub a- William 8Tag i I Brown Ctebtne Moore MrseHaX Fool Sfaxubmount Ballwit Lloyd Auror S JJ A Nowm Law Levi J OBrien June Jobn Draper Sennet UyicBlaOajodforsOjear from klDj back and would which lwboltiareiodialo Ml Lb and itttvfth Uacvla by BvalibaadawMt oeued by M- ft J MOrrmr of and daUUiyand triad many nmedJe avail not one bottle of Burdock as and two mot me a w0 Daj were concerning tie from a will to the fclinlj toiioD Jul on taofl7lo2 wocolkcred JddiaitrUl ml A for wlBIcttil xltb dUtfttM tti warily Jl J la lbs for tb Mid toyjkwbn lb At lb It firtt iftS ill lb portion Wt lb of At iCitptrfYOTkiboalij i fiij4flifti bj sod 1ST fcboliibfrl Agrtti to ftfl vf A Ihiiiaq Uhd tttxtv in J lb iDotloo low of ibt tod flfteflj- It atiiltr of Br ttiunitl40aQil AiuriciJ ilif thu tol of A bo luc4t4M lb du trill or or 111 ill T toll fa or toUbatib U Sic- to Dl fa of tb it ouM foe lit to to York km mtjoritjr He of foe tortltifrerolfwlmcUd to of to tick a Social eoodrr iba fllcMI Railway by and on compuiy to motor to caw sMde of It at- tended adopted Hold ppoUbl by to of lb otitic looMpon- Ihto mitt id Tbardyltemoo nail ltowlU to report by Cum lho remedy Cor byJaaXalraan A Conor to DrB leaoplaialyaUtetbatl loj belter bare nd Oil doe great aood Yon can Will V and to Bold by Was of all of medicine bctUo of unlock Blood relief in Wflayi A JMelfKHeMaltuwB I Can by Cor Bald by Belief I bean wltb for year J to help mo Balaam and Street from Walter Veoloor Dai v afek be Wt aba a CftUfl U far dang to aba Lad a than 2frv laaifefed with and obtained Yellow Oil I found It an remedy all malum aodeorolbnttt la became Cameron I bate if fypo- yAojyAtfrffortbittwoyearand found and bare better from any otbor tbeklpdibve oUby an and A MeatEating Tree- a woffiuarTj If API A The of Botany oho of A in one of riebcet for tut to be found la the world peak of a which ha rondo on one of Mi ftj on of I a dork object on of the outlying of Sierra which excited much that it thrcugh my fiftd Tbit revoked that object was a or of an that I viait tho pot I rodfl to the of which to way Oh to withina fow rods of the Bat here I by alt abrupt rite that reaching it on foot I it aeroml tiroes for way bob jagged beetling rock a afforded not the foot- On Ihe top knob the tree bad aoeo which I now I contd that it io weeping but the long drooping whiplike were of a dark and appear- ante and a ribla lifelike power of coiUojr and the whole tree a writhing ranfrtn inf My to this strange vegetable prodoct ereaaed on each of I made to the and at last I cow a eight one day which raado e I had certainty an A bird tbat had about for time finally on the top of tree whin branches began to it were and upward Thoy and like about the bird began to aid drew it down in their fearful embrace until I loat sight of stricken I seized the nearest rock in an attempt to climb the knob I bad so often tried in vain to do this hat I was not prised when I fell back bat the rock was loosened and fell also It nar rowly mused me hut I sprang dp and I saw that the rock left a considerable cavity I my to it and looked in Something like a cavern the of which hud an upward tendency met my sight and I felt a current of fresh air blowing on me with a dry earthy smell Evidently their was another opening somewhere undoubtedly- at at the Using my trowel always on my enlarged and then pushed my way through the passage When I reached the top out to see if I should emerge within reach of diabolical tree But I found it no where near the aperture so I sprang out I was just in time to see the flattened carcass tho bird fall to ground which was covered with bones and feathers approached closely I dared and examined tree It was low in not than twenty feet in height hut covered considerable area Its trunk was of prodigious thickness knotted and scaly From the top of a few feet from the Its branches curved upward and downward nearly touch- ground with their tapering tips It appearance was that of a gigantic tarantula awaiting its prey On my venturing to lightly touch one of the limba it closed on my with such force that when I tore it loose the skin came with it descended and closing way returned home 1 went back next day carrying half a dozen chickens with which to feed tree moment 1 tossed it the fowls a violent agitation shook its branches which awayed to and a sinuous snaky motion After devouring the fowls these dropped of animation I dared it and take the limbs in my band They were covered with suckers re- the tenacles on an octopus blood of ho had been ab sorbed by these sudors leaving Crimson tho Was no foliage of any kind on the tree next I wrote an ac count of it to world fatuous bot anist Prof of University of Heidelberg His reply states that my tree is Arbor only two specimens of which had ever before been heard of one on a peak of the Himalayas and the other On the Island of Sumatra This is the third known In speaking of it to native next day they inform ed mo that the mountain was charm ed and that whoever stepped within tho charmed circle paid for the deed with his life Three companies of reiralae have left Minneapolis for- Mora of the Chippewa In- dian Smallpox and yellow fever are said to be committing great rav age in Rio and the adjacent country In Brail The citixens of pre sented their band with an address of congratulation and their torn with the 1st prise from the Bowman tournament NORTH END STORE TAKES THE LEAD The Light best Value in- COTTON COTTONADESV SHIRTINGS DENIMS LATEST DESIGNS IN JEHUS I Jobs a4 a dream other tnonght rioanCl PRINTS Always in Good Order Every find Ltttpl fellow tin UP He frj U or of Ufa aft to were too than si for fto Up lie for IhAt iiy every or Way aock out and 01 lKilloTl lwmrtof Pol- OMUJ ilFTkartsUi UtU6 Or SICK GREAT VALUE IN WORSTEDS SCOTCH TWEEDS OF FOR YEARS AGENT FOR THE PIANO AND ORGAN Stock of Select Sheet Books Books Etc FARM FOR t H MILLARD Opposito the Hotel J STEPHENS of bowels Im or ire or as by imraiSjAJiT illX- HARDWARE Ttr Ova KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE of A 3iTDia or bun w w iu- isa I bl slrArA n ilia fcJf Jta I en ujtULLWcrchiee Cure A KENDALLS SPAVIN CURL lot Akiirectijfisorui- 4 A aUAtr Troy KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE fftwoj Cocirrr Dec tar I IhaTe yjsM to I tw SPRING GOODS CONSISTING OF Spades Shovels Forks Rakes Hoes and kinds of Garden Tools Annealed Galvanized And Barbed Fence Wire r Builders Hardware Sheathing Paper Tarred Felt Pitch ASSORTMENT OK CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Steel Carriage Wooden war Trimmings Jacks kept for Hire Agent for Repairs 0iu I it IllffJaW nHb yor lilDlf kit AtlOM trMllce lo bit ktudf ino of a VesttiMi iQ4pr- maotDV cure cure for All Coin- uwr tctltJ iu WrtUVDVOWtnlQ Of It duly to it by Da to all ibUrapsn full by Vim a up lato Monday morning and to bo about as lively a lamp all Monday tbat tbo Sunday night and laugh and and ling and howl KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE for lt6 St You Hungry used icuJ 1 Ma It lite a It JLta art Uflil icliiOiMattsroo lea tend all bo art can ftp QuarunUtd The Best SpHng Medicine J would got up in tbe a tired a ana to I could I felt very Utter It to wiuotw4 a timolol A DOW VL Celery Compound a looic and to in Ha ranMMaiui iMktTtjyQilflff lawtu ltiiuti art tt iAX JAMBS ON- TUESDAY FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK always on hand to exchange for Wheal SEED BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE SONS Sutton lOtU 1889 DYES A atltlcri from staying vo in Uncle territory crop they became dUgui Tbe plnkartoo have suoceexted la the chief of a gang frequenting the Moose rirer in Maine for whose the Government offer- reward An interesting case to school teachers trustees and scholars was de cided at Toronto by J cut ice Ross Last week A boy McOullnm In Brant township county suspended by a teacher until he should put a new top on a desk ho had spoiled with his knife The father appealed to the trustee the action of the teacher and- s trustee the teacher then appealed to the ratepayers and the ratepayers sustained the tees He next appealed to Justice Ross for a mandamus to the trustees and teachers to admit boy ad Justice dlimUaed the motion with cost on the principle reason being that to main tain the discipline of school the action of the be Six persons wero burled In a building by a cyclone Id Brooklyn on Tuesday A boy of years and an wern killed and the others injured James Cathedral was flrcd by lightning and gutted Loss List Tuesday evening about dusk Mr of Lang- underwent a terrible experience with a bull le leading the ani mal by a chain one end of which fastened by a ring In balls nose the other attached to a of wood to Veep at a The beast becoming Infuriated broke the piece of wood end charged Mr wltb his horns He car ried the helpless man across the yard through a gate and endeavored to gore him against a post tets Mr David who was brought to the scene by the angry bellowing managed to get hold of chain fasten around the post and bull away from his victim Mr Was taken the house bruised and bleeding but Is likely to recover without any ser ious result although he was unable to turn himself in bed person dare untie the monster o he was shot whore ha stood Children WOOL WANTED WRIGHTS ATTHB fc wblehitha Highest Market Price Goods Given in Exchange CUSTOM WORK In lie Satisfaction A THIS YEARS MYRTLE SMOKING THAN Ola 13 Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Co LOW HATES to For EACH yAfjKA I HARM OS A COOK BOOK Creamer Cins a ltoiiV Milk Our At I ill Work TO WE Id our air J AalteMlii to public for nruA Juries lbopAtUirMriaUfal to W Id S WRIGHT THE BRIARS FARM flnttoa West SHOUT HORNS jun liow fiom lh tiottM Pit I Wii USreward FOR Brick House on Victoria a 4talxon VU I IWH A RARE CHANCE To v F A a u war wi ll imtiiT V The the of ROBERTSON Trusts at ft rate on dollar and whole will bo cleared out at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE Extraordinary Bargains For the next TWO STOCKS IN ONE choose from Call and see ALLAN CO S it i l Tfili lot l i LlMITliD v r LUMBER LATH SHINGLES AUK NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS SASH AND THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL OP THE PAST AVE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE QP SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK a ACRE FARM m BALE by Win L and f all I IDO Op The 1st of August For or or In Wirt r VAWABL5 REAL ESTATE MR JOHN for Sato TOWN OF I uvj Mr A W 1airpH mOcs LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE SONS MFG CO NEWMARKET ON DOMINION P AND DOMINION ORGANS Ibavo on hand a very largo stock of Fianoa and all JtfM HI Thli The- Willi VI Ml w Occupied ivy rre invwlmoftt ftr Ridiculously Low Prices Will it U i jiiiy IllllJliri A iruKiIi INDiacSTION J ND i A in to aio AND Qrgaus They Sopprior Toue and of Construction For our customers the city we some Wo noil at Lowest Living Prices for Cash or Good Paper When in Toronto rcmomher our Warerooms The is Always a or you Write us at any lime for and in J CO No 68 St West WANTED No i lS A CM a BROS COMPAQ DUNNS BAKING POWDER at his liable Oak INSURANCE aUre to pastor Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED W Oh PIKE l2fw to CWMXANEASONSMAHUFACTUllIHfiC0 tt JEV1SBD at tail WILL CURE OR ERYSIPELAS HEARTBURN HEADACHE DIZZINESS

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